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466 lines (396 loc) · 17.8 KB

File metadata and controls

466 lines (396 loc) · 17.8 KB
<style> h2 { color: white; font-style: bold; text-align: center; background-color: rgb(55,39,102); padding: 5px; border: 5px ridge rgba(108, 77, 201, .8); border-radius: 10px; } h3 { text-align: center; background-color: rgb(108,77,201); border-radius: 10px; } </style>


I. JavaScript in 100 Seconds - Fireship - 28.09.2022

Keywords: High level, Single threaded, Garbage colected, Interpreted and JIT-compiled (converted to machine code at runtime), Prototyped based, Multi-paradigm, Dynamic language, Non-blocking event loop (excellent at handling IO-intensive jobs)

Created in 1995 in one week by Brendan Eich to the Netscape Browser. Originally named Mocha, but changed to the then hyped name Javascript.

JavaScript evolution:
Mocha > ES3 > ES5 > ES6 > TypeScript

JS works on a single thread, the Event Loop. Asynchronous requests are listened by the Event Loop and are registered in the Callback Stack. When the task is completed in the background, the callback returns to the Event Loop. This prevents the main thread of being blocked, permiting IO intensive tasks to run and the webpages still be responsive to the user.

Most well known for building front-end web applications because it's the only (bar WebAssembly) natively supported language in browsers. Nevertheless, the popular Atwood's Law mockingly states: "if something can be built with JS, it sooner or later will". JS is also used in server-side applications (node.js), mobile applications (react native, ionic), desktop applications (electron).

On a Website, JS is often used to grab an element from the DOM (the html document):

// var     original flavour, avoid
// let     can be reassigned
// const   cannot be reassigned
const btn = document.querySelector('button');

// Make the btn interactive by adding an Event Listener
// The Event Loop will execute it always when someone clicks on it.
btn.onclick = function() {
  alert('you clicked me 😄!')

// (...) arrow syntax
btn.onclick = () => {
  alert('you clicked me 😄!')

Functions are first-class objects and support FP. Nevertheless, JS also supports OOP:

class Hummanoid {
  constructor()  {
    this.dna = '🧬'

  walk() {
    console.log('going for a walk...')

Even though it is single-threaded, it can do work asynchronously with the Promise API, which also supports the async way syntax

const  wait = new Promise ((resolve, reject)) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    resolve('thank you for waiting ⏰');
  }, 1000);


// async syntax
async function pausableFun() {
  await longRunningJob();

JavaScript can also run in the server thanks to the node.js runtime. Instead of the buttons on a webpage, it can

import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';


II. How I would learn to code (If I could start over) - Jason Goodison


He suggests to learn how to code useful but not hard things right off the bat. These are languages and respective frameworks he finds worth learning Python - Django/Flask JavaScript - express.js (simplified node.js for backend); react.js (front end) Database - mongodb

III. Curso em vídeo - Gustavo Guanabara

Module A - Getting to know JavaScript

[04/33] What is JavaScript?

Client vs Server
The Client (computer browser or mobile) requests the Server via the internet infrastructure (Cloud). The Server looks for the HTML and sents a copy of it back.

The three agents
• HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Markup language, as a journalist who maintains the content
• CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Style language, as a designer who maintains the art/style
• JS (JavaScript): Programming language, as a programmer who maintains the logic, interaction and integration

node.JS (RTE and library for running applications outside the client's browser)
Why was node JS created?
To provide devs w the power to use JS for server-side scripiting and unifying web application development around a single programming language

[05/33] The evolution of JavaScript

Abridged History of JavaScript

Year Description
1970 Arpanet by Darpa, Dwight Eisenhower (precessor of the internet -- USA fearing getting their military bases destroyed by the Russian Satellite Sputnik, and consequentely losing all military data)
1993 WWW by Tim Berners-Lee (CERN) and, consequently, also HTML and the protocol HTTP; Mosaic (1st browser) by Mark Anderson
1994 Mozilla by Netscape (Mark Anderson & Jim Clark)
1995 Mocha? Livescript? No! JavaScript by Netscape (Brandon Nike)
1997 ECMAScript (Netscape decides to standardize their JavaScript because Microsoft was trying to release their version of the language, called JScript)
2002 Netscape vs Microsoft battle ends with Microsoft incorporating Internet Explorer to Windows, which leads Netscape to bankrupcy. Netscape closes and opens the Mozilla Foundation
2008 Google Chrome by Google.
2009 V8 by Google, a JavaScript open engine that comes with the Chrome and generate JIT-code
2010 node.js by some developers who derived it from V8

Abridged History of ECMA

Year ECMA version Description
1997 1.0
1998 2.0
1999 3.0 Regular expression, try-catch block (that Java and C already had)
??? 4.0 Promised too much, but never saw/came to light
2009 5.0 compatible with almost any current browser, works with JSON, methods to deal with arrays
2015 6.0 let, const, template strings
2016 ES2016 some funcitonalities like the power operator
2017 ES2017 some funcitonalities like compatibility with asynchronous functions
2018 ES2018 some functionalities like regex and promises

On some common, related technologies

Technology Description
JQuery called framework, but it is a set of libraries, famous for many years but recently lost a bit of ground, created by people from Mozilla, made it easier to use interactive in JavaScript
Angular by Google, facilitate creating web apps, less imperative but more declarative, there's a beef between vanilla version users and more contemporary ones
React by Facebook, like Angular but more flexible
Vue 2014, ex-employee from Google made a better version
Electron maintained by GitHub, made for building GUI (eg VS code, WhatsApp desktop, Discord, Slack)
Ionic sdk to make mobile apps
Cordova other to make mobile apps

[06/33] First Steps

Google Chrome to run our code;
VS Code to write code and has great integration;
nodejs facilitates learning. When installing nodejs, add it to PATH and add the package manager (NPM).

Recommended Bibliography:

  • Books
    JS o guia definitivo - David Flanegam, O'Riley El
    JS: guia do programador - Mario Jor, Mauricio Sami Silva

  • Online Documentation
    Mozilla (developer mozilla org) -> referência de JS, html, CSS
    ECMA (Standard) ecma international org [ECMA-262] < Referência (no curso trabalharemos com ECMA5 e ECMA6)

Use a docker container with node.js

# node.js via Docker Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04, WSL2
docker pull node:lts
sudo docker run -it --rm -v /home/julianofinck/javascript:/workspace --name nodejs_env node:lts

[07/33] First Script

In VS Code, create a HTML file, type "html". At the IDE's Intelisense suggestion prompt "html:5", hit enter and a basic html code generates.

Opening this HTML in a Browser, I can watch that changes by refreshing the page. JS is usually kept at the end of <body>, after the base code got generated.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width-device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie-edge">
      <title>My first program... </title>
        <h1>Hello World!</h1>

Module B

  • How to store data
  • How to process data

[09/33] Processing Data 13/10/2022

Variable is got by typeof variable;
Single-line comment use //;
Block comment uses /* block-comment */.

Variables are declared with let (mutable), const (constant), or var (either and does not limit scope).

// setTimeout schedules a callback function after a delay.
// if var (global) is used, all the callback will get 3 bc the for-loop is long through.
// if let (local) is used, the callback will get the i at the moment it was triggered.
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 100);

The main primitive variables types in JS are number, string, boolean, null, undefined, object, function.

Numbers can be converted into stylized strings:

var n = 1545.5
n1.toFixed(2).replace('.', ',')
n1.toLocaleString('pt-BR', {style: 'currency', currency: 'BRL'})

Strings are declared with ", ', or `. String templates in JS is declared with crasis and ${variable}:

const name = window.prompt('what is your name?')
console.log(`Hi, ${name}.`)

Attributes for string (length), methods (toUpperCase, toLowerCase).
Strings can be parsed to number by number.parseFloat(a_string)

Write something in html: document.write('some text') (discouraged, use DOM methods instead).

[11/33] Operators pt.1 31/05/2023

JS has several operator families: arithmetic, attributive, relational, logical, ternary and others. The arithmetic operatores are the same as in Python: +, -, *, /, %, **.
The attributive operator is =. Moreover, JS also accepts the incremental attributive operators:

var n = 10
n++ //post-increment; oder, bzw ++n post-decrement
n-- //post-decrement; oder, bzw --n pre-decrement

[12/33] Operators pt.2 31/05/2023

The relational operators are the same as in Python: >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=.
Moreover, JS also has the strict equality operator ===

5 == '5'  // true  (dont test types)
5 === '5' // false (test on types)

Logical operators are unary: ! (negation); and binary: && (conjunction), || (disjunction).

Last but not least, JS has the ternary operator:

// Wenn der Durchschnitt mehr als 7 ist, dann wurde es bestanden; wenn nicht, durchgefallen.
durchschnitt >= 7.0 ? 'bestanden' : 'durchgefallen'

Module C

  • What is Document Object Model?
  • DOM Tree
  • Manipulate DOM

[14/33] Understanding DOM

The Document Object Model (DOM) is the main object used in the web to handle visual components. We will learn how to create and manipulate a DOM from whichever website we are dealing with.

In this class, the extension o VS Code called "Watch in Chrome" is suggested to automatically update the HTML file under development. The extension does not long exit. The current alternative is "Live Server". Once installed, restart VS Code, go to any HTML file, and click on "Go Live" on the bottom right of VS Code window. The whole project will be exposed at localhost:5500. If WSL is used, one can edit the JSON of the extension settings and add "liveServer.settings.AdvanceCustomBrowserCmdLine": "/mnt/c/Program Files/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Application/brave.exe",

The DOM Hierarchical Tree start from the root, which in JS is an object called window. Inside window, there are several objects like location (what is the URL, current page, previous page), document (current document), history (facilitates the navigation inside the website). Moreover, document has html, that has head and body.

Elements can be selected via: Tag, Id, Name, Class, Selector.

// These methods return an object HTMLCollection with each HTML object
// HTML objects comprise attributes such as innerText and innerHTML
window.document.querySelector() // >=ECMAScript5 - accesses via CSS elements

The style of selected elements can be changed. Example of selector ():

// while "#" represents ids, "." represents classes
var d = window.document.querySelector('div.class_name') // Available in recent ECMAs = 'black'

[15/33] DOM Events

Aula10 - ex006, ex007

Event is everything that could happen to an element (MDN (Mozilla) Web Docs). A common type of event is mouse events: mouseenter, mousemove, mousedown, mouseup, click, mouseout.

Events can be declared either in HTML or in JavaScript (ex006). Better to declare in JavaScript, to keep HTML clean and maintainable:

  • on JavaScript
// Get element reference
const triggerButton = window.document.getElementById('trigger_button')

// Add Listener
triggerButton.addEventListener('click', clicar)

// Declare  function
function clicar() {
    a.innerText = 'Clicou!' = "rgb(0, 200, 0)";

The addEventListener accepts a long list o events. Here is the documentation for the mouse events for instance.

  • on HTML (not recommended)

There are several types of input elements to add to a html page. I used <input type:number></input>

Module D - Conditions in JS

  • Simple conditions (if)
  • Compound conditions (if-else)
  • Nested conditions (elseif)
  • Multiple conditions (Switch-Case)

[17-18/33] Conditions in JavaScript

Instead of getting the extension "node exec", use a docker container with node.
Press CTRL+P (windows), type ">shortcuts json", hit enter. Insert:

// Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults
    "key": "f8",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
    "args": {
      "text": "docker exec -i 238f0c4069ce node - < ${file}\u000D"
    "when": "editorFocus"

How to get information on Datetime

var now = new Date()
var day = now.getDay()

Module E - Repetitions (Laces) in JS

Control structures

  • while (check beforewards)
  • do-while (check afterwards)
  • for (with control)

[23/33] Repetiions in JS pt 1

// while - check first, then do it
var count = 1
while (count <=3) {
  console.log(`count ${count}`)
// do while - do first, then check it
do {
  console.log(`count ${count}`)
} while (count <= 3)

[24/33] Repetiions in JS pt 2

Wiederholungsstruktur mit Kontrollvariabel werden mit einem Hexagon representiert.

// for
for (var c=1; c <= 10; c++) {

VS Code's Debugging-Modus (F5 - depuração).

Breakpoints can be added, and F10 steps over. One can also set variables to Watch.

Module F - Avançando estudos em JS

Structures of control are discussed here:

  • compound variables (arrays)
  • funcao, metodo, evento
  • passagem de parametros
  • exercicios
  • proximos passos

[29/33] Compound variables in JS

In allen anderen Klassen wurden lediglich einfache Variabeln berücksichtigt. Nun kommen die zusammengesetzten Variabeln voran. So deklariert man Arrays (in JS sind sie heterogeneous):

let num = [5, 8, 4]
num[1] = 21 // wie in Python
num.push(6) // appends 6
num.indexOf(4) // .index in Python

[30/33] Functions in JS

JavaScript ist nach dem funktionellen Paradigm orientiert.

function func1(param_formal=0) {
  return res

[33/33] Next steps in JS

JavaScript ist nach dem funktionellen Paradigm orientiert.

  • Der Kurs von HTML5 & CSS
  • Functions - arrow functions, callback, anonymous functions, iife
  • Objects -
  • Modularização - codigos separados em arquivos separados, reutilizar códigos
  • RegEx - expressões regulares
  • JSON -
  • AJAX
  • NodeJS

Objects: they are useful when we want to name our variables in a compost variable. With arrays, we are restricted to use sequential numbers as keys. In objects, we can set attributes.

let amigo = {
  nome: 'José',
  idade: '31',

  • Participar e colaborar com os Squads Ágeis em seus rituais;


  • Grande proficiência com JavaScript;
  • Conhecimento intermediário de HTML5 e CSS3;
  • Conhecimento em banco de dados Postgres, SQL ou Oracle;
  • Compreender a natureza da programação assíncrona e suas peculiaridades e soluções alternativas (JQuery);
  • Conhecimento em ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, ArcObjects, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Desktop, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS API JS
  • Boa vivência com ferramentas ESRI
  • Integração de múltiplas fontes de dados e bancos de dados em um sistema;
  • Compreender os princípios fundamentais de design por trás de um aplicativo escalonável; (Arquitetura de Projeto, Design Pattern);
  • Conhecimento em JWT e sua integração com API’s.
  • Grande proficiência em Phyton,
  • Conhecimento em C#, .Net Core e/ou .Net 5.0;
  • Conhecimento em TypeScript e React
  • Compreensão proficiente de ferramentas de controle de versão de código como Git;

We are surprised if you have...

  • Conhecimento em mapas e tecnologias de geoprocessamento (ArcGis, OpenLayers, MapBox, Leaflet)
  • Conhecimento básico em cartografia
  • Experiência com processo de ETL
  • Implementação de plataformas de testes automatizadas e teste de unidade (TDD – AnyTest, Any Unit, JUnity)
  • Certificações de Developer ESRI
  • Autenticação e autorização do usuário entre vários sistemas, servidores e ambientes (OAuth2.0)