Go (https://go.dev/)
Statically typed compiled language. Popular choice for high performance server-side application.
Created at Google in 2007, released v1.0 as opensource in 2012.
Design Motto: Simplicity & Efficiency
Standard libraries: https://pkg.go.dev/std
(like math
, net
and fmt
Tutorial: https://go.dev/tour/list
1. Install Go (https://go.dev/doc/install)
export GOLANG_VERSION=go1.22.5
wget https://go.dev/dl/$GOLANG_VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf $GOLANG_VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm $GOLANG_VERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz
# Add to bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
source ~/.profile
In VS Code, get Go
extension by Google and update all via > Go install/update tools
Additionally, get Error Lens
for a better dev experience.
# Initialize Go module
go mod init github.com/rocketseat-education/semana-tech-go-react-server
action | Description |
go mod tidy | auto-add/remove modules |
go generate ./... | run all the go:generate directives in *.go files in the current and subdirectories |
go get <github.repo> | install the package |
go build | compiles the pkg or the binary if run in a dir with a main pck, it produces an exec |
go test | |
go run <file.go> | compiles and runs the specified Go file. |
go fmt | formats Go source code according to the Go standard style |
dir | Description |
cmd/ | binaries internal to your package. Functionalities you cannot use outside your module. Typically each subdir is an executable |
internal/ | Contains code that can only be imported by the parent dir or sibling dir, enforcing encapsulation. |
vendor/ | go mod vendor copies all the project's dependencies into this directory When sharing with others, everything is contained within the project directory |
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
// Variables can be explicitly defined or type will be inferred at compile time.
var name string = "John"
other_name := "Other john"
// Array
myArray = [3]string
myArray[0] = "Uno"
myArray[1] = "Dos"
myArray[2] = "Tres"
// Map
myMap = map[string]string
myMap["robot"] = "⭐"
myMap["fire"] = "🔥"️
myMap["heart"] = "❤️"
// Control flow
for x := 0; x < 10; x++ {
animal := "dog"
if animal == "dog" {
fmt.println("I like it!")
} else {
fmt.println("I don't like it!")
// Pointer
var year int = 2021;
var p *int = &year;
Go also supports concurrency via Goroutines with the go
-keyword which allows defining functions that can run at the same time of other functions by utilizing multiple threads in a CPU.