// ==UserScript==
// @name Steam Trade Offer Enhancer
// @description Browser script to enhance Steam trade offers.
// @version 2.2.3
// @author Julia
// @namespace http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080179568/
// @updateURL https://github.com/juliarose/steam-trade-offer-enhancer/raw/master/steam.trade.offer.enhancer.meta.js
// @downloadURL https://github.com/juliarose/steam-trade-offer-enhancer/raw/master/steam.trade.offer.enhancer.user.js
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-end
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?backpack\.tf(:\\d+)?\/(stats|classifieds).*/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(.*\.)?backpack\.tf(:\d+)?\/(?:id|profiles)\/.*/
// @include /^https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/market\/listings\/440\/.*/
// @include /^https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/(?:id|profiles)\/.*\/inventory(\/$|\?|$)/
// @include /^https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/(?:id|profiles)\/[^\/]+(\/$|\?|$)/
// @include /^https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/(?:id|profiles)\/.*\/tradeoffers/
// @include /^https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/tradeoffer.*/
// ==/UserScript==
const scripts = [
includes: [
fn: function main({ Utils }) {
const dom = {
listingsElList: document.getElementsByClassName('listing')
Array.from(dom.listingsElList).forEach((listingEl) => {
const itemEl = listingEl.getElementsByClassName('item')[0];
const offerButtonEl = listingEl.getElementsByClassName('listing-buttons')[0].lastElementChild;
const href = offerButtonEl.getAttribute('href');
const {
} = itemEl.dataset;
const currencies = Utils.stringToCurrencies(listing_price);
// no currencies
if (currencies === null) {
// continue
// array of query string parameters
// e.g. ['listing_intent=1', 'listing_currencies_keys=2']
const query = (function getQuery() {
const params = {
listing_intent: listing_intent === 'buy' ? 0 : 1
for (let k in currencies) {
params['listing_currencies_' + k] = currencies[k];
return Object.entries(params).map(([k, v]) => {
return k + '=' + v;
// url with query added
const url = [
offerButtonEl.setAttribute('href', url);
includes: [
fn: function main({ $, Utils, getStored, setStored }) {
const urlParams = Utils.getURLParams();
const stored = {
key_price: 'getInventory.key_price'
const page = {
$document: $(document),
$backpack: $('#backpack'),
$refined: $('.refined-value'),
$inventorySortMenu: $('#inventory-sort-menu ul.dropdown-menu'),
get: {
$selected: () => page.$backpack.find('li.item:visible:not(.unselected)'),
$listedItems: () => page.$backpack.find('li.item:visible:not(.unselected)[data-listing_price]'),
$firstSelectPage: () => page.$backpack.find('span.select-page:first'),
$backpackPage: () => page.$backpack.find('div.backpack-page'),
$itemPricedInKeys: () => page.$backpack.find('li.item[data-p_bptf*="keys"]:first'),
$crateKey: () => page.$backpack.find('.item[data-name="Mann Co. Supply Crate Key"]:first'),
$inventoryCmpFrom: () => $('#inventory-cmp-from'),
$inventoryCmpTo: () => $('#inventory-cmp-to')
// the key value is used for displaying totals in keys
// get key value from cache, if available
let keyValue = getStored(stored.key_price);
// called when backpack is loaded
function onBackpackLoad() {
// get the value of keys in metal
// this should be very approximate, but close enough
function getKeyValue() {
// gets pricing details from item element
function parseItem(itemEl) {
// parse price string e.g. "1-1.2 keys"
function parseString(string) {
const match = string.match(/^([\d\.]*)[\-\u2013]?([\d\.]*)? (\w*)/);
const currencyNames = {
'metal': 'metal',
'ref': 'metal',
'keys': 'keys',
'key': 'keys'
if (match) {
details.value = parseFloat(match[1]);
details.average = details.value;
details.currency = currencyNames[match[3]];
// if there are 3 match groups, there is a range
if (match[2]) {
details.value_high = parseFloat(match[2]);
details.average = (details.value + details.value_high) / 2;
function getRefinedValue(allStr) {
const match = allStr.replace(/\,/g, '').match(/(\d+\.?\d*) ref/);
const value = match && parseFloat(match[1]);
const rawValue = details.raw;
const canUseRawValue = Boolean(
value &&
rawValue &&
value.toFixed(2) === rawValue.toFixed(2)
// the raw value has extra precision but includes the value of paint/strange parts.
// if it is close to the value of the price items,
// we can use the raw value instead which is more precise
if (canUseRawValue) {
return rawValue;
} else {
return value || rawValue;
const data = itemEl.dataset;
const details = {};
if (data.price) {
details.raw = parseFloat(data.price);
if (data.p_bptf) {
details.refined = getRefinedValue(data.p_bptf_all || '');
return details;
// find item priced in keys
const item = page.get.$itemPricedInKeys()[0];
const price = item && parseItem(item);
const useItemPricedInKeys = Boolean(
price &&
price.currency === 'keys' &&
price.average &&
// use an item priced in keys to extract the key value
if (useItemPricedInKeys) {
// to get the value of keys in refined metal...
// take the price in metal divided by the price in keys
return price.refined / price.average;
} else {
// set value using the value of a key, if no items in inventory are priced in keys
const key = page.get.$crateKey()[0];
const price = (
key &&
return (
price &&
function filterItems($filtered) {
// no items to filter
if ($filtered.length === 0) {
const $backpack = page.$backpack;
const $items = $backpack.find('li.item:not(.spacer)');
const $unfiltered = $items.not($filtered);
const $spacers = $backpack.find('li.spacer');
// all hidden items are moved to a temp page
const $tempPage = $('
// sort
// then add the temp page, it will be hidden
// remove spacers
// add the unfiltered items to the temp page
// hide pages that contain no items
page.get.$backpackPage().each((i, el) => {
const $page = $(el);
const $items = $page.find('.item-list .item');
if ($items.length === 0) {
// then update totals
// hackish way of updating totals
// selects items in inventory matching the given ids
function selectItemsById(ids) {
const $backpack = page.$backpack;
const $items = $backpack.find('li.item:not(.spacer)');
const selectors = ids.map(id => `[data-id="${id}"]`);
// select items
const $filtered = $items.filter(selectors.join(','));
function sortBy(key) {
// changes the comparison
// set up to true to go up a day, otherwise go down
function compare(up) {
const $from = page.get.$inventoryCmpFrom();
const $to = page.get.$inventoryCmpTo();
const isAvailable = (
$from.length > 0 &&
// no selections available
if (!isAvailable) {
const from = parseInt($from.val());
const to = parseInt($to.val());
const options = $from.find('option').map((i, el) => {
return parseInt(el.value);
const filtered = options.filter((option) => {
if (option === to || option === from) {
return false;
} else if (up) {
return option > to;
return option < to;
// no items
if (filtered.length === 0) {
const value = up ? Math.min(...filtered) : Math.max(...filtered);
const abs = [from, to].map(a => Math.abs(a - value));
// farthest... closest? I failed math, but it works
const farthest = Math.min(...abs) === Math.abs(from - value) ? from : to;
if (farthest === from) {
} else if (farthest === to) {
// get the id's of all selected items
function getIDs() {
return page.get.$selected().map((i, el) => {
return el.dataset.id;
function copyIDs() {
function keyPressed(e) {
Utils.execHotKey(e, {
// P
112: copyIDs,
// 1
49: () => sortBy('bpslot'),
// 2
50: () => sortBy('price'),
// 3
51: () => sortBy('market'),
// W
119: () => compare(true),
// S
115: () => compare(false)
// disconnect observer since the backpack has been loaded
// then callback
// ids are comma-seperated in select param
const select = Utils.getIDsFromString(urlParams.select);
// get key value using items in inventory
const bpKeyValue = getKeyValue();
if (bpKeyValue) {
// set keyValue to price obtained from inventory
// this should be very approximate. but close enough
keyValue = bpKeyValue;
// then cache it
setStored(stored.key_price, keyValue);
if (select !== null) {
// select items if select param is present
page.$document.on('keypress', (e) => {
// perform actions
// observe changes to refined value
// get pretty value in keys
function refinedToKeys(value) {
return Math.round((value / keyValue) * 10) / 10;
function refinedValueChanged() {
// this will generally always be available other than the first load
// if it isn't there's nothing we can do
if (!keyValue) return;
// get total value of all items in keys by converting from ref value
const text = $refined.text().replace(/,/g, '').trim();
const refined = parseFloat(text);
const keysValue = refinedToKeys(refined);
// disconnect so we can modify the object
// without calling this function again
// update the ref value
// observe changes again
function observeRefChanges() {
// observe changes to ref value
observer.observe(refinedEl, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: false,
characterData: false
// keeping this in a mouseover will speed things up a bit
// especially if there are many items that are listed in the inventory
function updatedListedPrice() {
// this will generally always be available other than the first load
// if it isn't there's nothing we can
if (!keyValue) return;
function getKeysListedValue() {
// get refined value from currencies
const getRefinedValue = (currencies) => {
const keys = currencies.keys || 0;
const metal = currencies.metal || 0;
return (keys * keyValue) + metal;
const $listedItems = page.get.$listedItems();
const prices = $listedItems.map((i, el) => {
const listingPrice = el.dataset.listing_price;
// get refined value of listing price
const currencies = Utils.stringToCurrencies(listingPrice);
const refined = (
currencies &&
) || 0;
return refined;
const sum = (a, b) => a + b;
const refined = prices.reduce(sum, 0);
return refinedToKeys(refined);
const listedKeysValue = getKeysListedValue();
const listedValueStr = `${listedKeysValue} keys listed value`;
'title': listedValueStr,
'data-original-title': listedValueStr
// clear title
$refined.attr('title', '');
const observer = new MutationObserver(refinedValueChanged);
const $refined = page.$refined;
const refinedEl = $refined[0];
// change the text from "refined" to "keys"
$refined.on('mouseover', updatedListedPrice);
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
// if the mutations include a ".item-list" element, items have been added
const hasItemList = mutations.some((mutation) => {
return Boolean(
mutation.addedNodes &&
mutation.target.className === 'item-list'
if (hasItemList) {
// backpack has loaded
const backpackEl = document.getElementById('backpack');
const settings = {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: false,
characterData: false
observer.observe(backpackEl, settings);
includes: [
styles: `
.unusual {
background-position: center !important;
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.uncraft {
border-style: dashed !important;
.strange:before {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
top: 2px;
left: 2px;
right: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
border: 2px solid rgba(207, 106, 50, 0.5);
/* box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 12px 0px #CF6A32; */
.icons img.spell {
width: 14px;
height: 20px;
.lowcraft {
user-select: none;
right: 4%;
bottom: 4%;
text-align: end;
width: 50%;
font-size: 16px;
z-index: 1;
line-height: 1;
position: absolute;
.icons > * {
margin-right: 4%;
.icons {
position: absolute;
bottom: 4%;
left: 4%;
width: 92%;
height: 20px;
fn: function main({ WINDOW, shared }) {
const dom = {
resultsRows: document.getElementById('searchResultsRows')
// gets the appid, contextid and assetid from an element
function getItem(rowEl) {
const buyButtonLinkEl = rowEl.querySelector('div.market_listing_buy_button a');
if (!buyButtonLinkEl) {
return null;
const href = buyButtonLinkEl.getAttribute('href');
const params = href.replace('javascript:BuyMarketListing', '').replace(/[\,\(/) ]/g, '');
const split = params.split(/'(.+?)'/g).filter(a => a);
const [ , , appid, contextid, assetid] = split;
return {
// gets an item's asset
function getAsset({ appid, contextid, assetid }) {
const assets = WINDOW.g_rgAssets;
return (
assets[appid] &&
assets[appid][contextid] &&
function addAttributesToResults() {
const rowsList = dom.resultsRows.getElementsByClassName('market_listing_row');
const {
} = shared.offers.identifiers;
Array.from(rowsList).forEach((rowEl) => {
// extract item data from this row
const item = getItem(rowEl);
// get asset data from that data
const asset = (
item &&
// no asset for whatever reason
if (asset == null) {
// continue
// get the container for the item image
const itemImgContainerEl = rowEl.querySelector('div.market_listing_item_img_container');
// get the image element
const itemImgEl = itemImgContainerEl.querySelector('img.market_listing_item_img');
// we create another element to wrap the image element in for styling purposes
const itemEl = (function() {
const el = document.createElement('div');
const imgSrc = itemImgEl.getAttribute('src');
el.classList.add('market_listing_item_img', 'economy_item_hoverable');
el.setAttribute('style', itemImgEl.getAttribute('style'));
el.style.position = 'relative';
el.style.backgroundImage = `url('${imgSrc}')`;
return el;
// remove attributes from the image element
itemImgEl.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
// add it to our newly created item elment
// then add it to the container - this effectively wraps the image in another element
// now add the attributes to this item
addAttributes(asset, itemEl);
// add the initial elements
// observe changes to rows
const observer = new MutationObserver(addAttributesToResults);
observer.observe(dom.resultsRows, {
childList: true
includes: [
styles: `
.unusual {
background-position: center !important;
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.uncraft {
border-style: dashed !important;
.strange:before {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
top: 2px;
left: 2px;
right: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
border: 2px solid rgba(207, 106, 50, 0.5);
/* box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 12px 0px #CF6A32; */
.icons img.spell {
width: 14px;
height: 20px;
.lowcraft {
user-select: none;
right: 4%;
bottom: 4%;
text-align: end;
width: 50%;
font-size: 16px;
z-index: 1;
line-height: 1;
position: absolute;
.icons > * {
margin-right: 4%;
.icons {
position: absolute;
bottom: 4%;
left: 4%;
width: 92%;
height: 20px;
fn: function main({ WINDOW, shared }) {
const dom = {
inventory: document.getElementById('inventories'),
get: {
tf2Inventory: () => {
const userSteamId = WINDOW.UserYou.strSteamId;
const app440InventoryId = `inventory_${userSteamId}_440_2`;
return document.getElementById(app440InventoryId);
items: () => {
const inventory = dom.get.tf2Inventory();
if (!inventory) {
return [];
return Array.from(inventory.querySelectorAll('.item:not(.pendingItem)'));
// tf2 inventory has changed
function onTF2InventoryChange() {
function getAsset(assets, itemEl) {
const [ , , assetid] = itemEl.id.split('_');
return assets[assetid];
// tf2 assets
const inventory = (
WINDOW.g_rgAppContextData &&
WINDOW.g_rgAppContextData[440] &&
WINDOW.g_rgAppContextData[440].rgContexts &&
WINDOW.g_rgAppContextData[440].rgContexts[2] &&
// no tf2 inventory in contexts
if (!inventory) {
// stop
const {
} = shared.offers.identifiers;
const assets = inventory.m_rgAssets;
const itemsList = dom.get.items();
itemsList.forEach((itemEl) => {
const asset = getAsset(assets, itemEl);
// item is stored in description of asset
const item = asset.description;
// add the attributes to this item
addAttributes(item, itemEl);
// a tf2 inventory was loaded on the page
function onTF2Inventory(tf2Inventory) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(onTF2InventoryChange);
// observe changes to the tf2 inventory
observer.observe(tf2Inventory, {
childList: true
// observe changes to dom
const inventoryEl = dom.inventory;
// wait for the tf2 inventory to be loaded
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const tf2Inventory = dom.get.tf2Inventory();
const tf2InventoryVisible = Boolean(
tf2Inventory &&
tf2Inventory.style.display !== 'none'
const itemsList = dom.get.items();
// make sure the inventory is visible and it contains visible items
if (tf2InventoryVisible && itemsList.length > 0) {
// disconnect the observer
observer.observe(inventoryEl, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
includes: [
styles: `
.unusual {
background-position: center !important;
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.uncraft {
border-style: dashed !important;
.strange:before {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
top: 2px;
left: 2px;
right: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
border: 2px solid rgba(207, 106, 50, 0.5);
/* box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 12px 0px #CF6A32; */
.icons img.spell {
width: 14px;
height: 20px;
.lowcraft {
user-select: none;
right: 4%;
bottom: 4%;
text-align: end;
width: 50%;
font-size: 16px;
z-index: 1;
line-height: 1;
position: absolute;
.icons > * {
margin-right: 4%;
.icons {
position: absolute;
bottom: 4%;
left: 4%;
width: 92%;
height: 20px;
.item_showcase_item {
line-height: inherit !important;
fn: function main({ addAttributesToHoverItems }) {
const itemsList = document.getElementsByClassName('item_showcase_item');
// add attributes to images - so easy!
includes: [
styles: `
.btn_user_link {
background-position: 14px 0px;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
width: 0;
margin-top: -8px;
margin-left: 6px;
padding-left: 44px;
line-height: 30px;
float: right;
.btn_user_link:hover {
background-position: 14px -30px !important;
background-color: #808285;
.rep_btn {
background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/OD9rRAB.png) !important;
.backpack_btn {
background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/8LvnfuX.png) !important;
.tradeoffer_items_summary {
position: relative;
background-color: #1D1D1D;
border: 1px solid #3D3D3E;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 17px;
margin-top: 8px;
width: 100%;
font-size: 12px;
color: #FFFFFF;
display: flex;
box-sizing: border-box;
.items_summary {
width: 50%;
margin-right: 2.1%;
display: inline-block;
.items_summary:last-child {
margin-right: 0;
.summary_header {
margin-bottom: 12px;
.summary_item {
display: inline-block;
width: 44px;
height: 44px;
padding: 3px;
margin: 0 2px 2px 0;
border: 1px solid;
background-color: #3C352E;
background-position: center;
background-size: 44px 44px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.summary_badge {
position: absolute;
top: 4px;
left: 4px;
padding: 1px 3px;
color: #FFFFFF;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #209DE6;
font-size: 14px;
cursor: default;
font-weight: bold;
.unusual {
background-position: center !important;
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.uncraft {
border-style: dashed !important;
.strange:before {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
top: 2px;
left: 2px;
right: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
border: 2px solid rgba(207, 106, 50, 0.5);
/* box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 12px 0px #CF6A32; */
.icons img.spell {
width: 14px;
height: 20px;
.lowcraft {
user-select: none;
right: 4%;
bottom: 4%;
text-align: end;
width: 50%;
font-size: 16px;
z-index: 1;
line-height: 1;
position: absolute;
.icons > * {
margin-right: 4%;
.icons {
position: absolute;
bottom: 4%;
left: 4%;
width: 92%;
height: 20px;
.decline_active_button {
display: block;
margin-top: 0.6em;
text-align: center;
fn: function main({ WINDOW, addAttributesToHoverItems }) {
const dom = {
offers: document.getElementsByClassName('tradeoffer')
// modify each trade offer
Array.from(dom.offers).forEach((offerEl) => {
// add buttons to the offer
const reportButtonEl = offerEl.getElementsByClassName('btn_report')[0];
// sent offers will not have a report button - we won't add any buttons to them
if (reportButtonEl != null) {
// match steamid, personaname
const pattern = /ReportTradeScam\( ?\'(\d{17})\', ?"(.*)"\ ?\)/;
const match = (reportButtonEl.getAttribute('onclick') || '').match(pattern);
if (match) {
const [ , steamid, personaname] = match;
// generate the html for the buttons
const html = (function getButtons() {
// generate html for button
const getButton = (button) => {
const makeReplacements = (string) => {
// replace personaname and steamid
return string.replace('%personaname%', personaname).replace('%steamid%', steamid);
const href = makeReplacements(button.url);
const title = makeReplacements(button.title);
const classes = [
return ``;
// all the lovely buttons we want to add
const buttons = [
title: 'View %personaname%\'s backpack',
// %steamid% is replaced with user's steamid
url: 'https://backpack.tf/profiles/%steamid%',
// each button has a class name for which image to use
className: 'backpack_btn'
title: 'View %personaname%\'s Rep.tf page',
url: 'https://rep.tf/%steamid%',
className: 'rep_btn'
// reverse to preserve order
const html = buttons.reverse().join('');
return html;
// insert html for buttons
reportButtonEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html);
// we don't really want it
// summarize the offer
const itemsList = offerEl.getElementsByClassName('tradeoffer_item_list');
// summarize each list
Array.from(itemsList).forEach((itemsEl) => {
const itemsArr = Array.from(itemsEl.getElementsByClassName('trade_item'));
const getClassInfo = (itemEl) => {
return itemEl.getAttribute('data-economy-item');
// has multiples of the same item
const hasMultipleSameItems = Boolean(function() {
let infos = [];
return itemsArr.some((itemEl) => {
let classinfo = getClassInfo(itemEl);
if (infos.indexOf(classinfo) !== -1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
const shouldModifyDOM = Boolean(
itemsArr.length > 0 &&
// only modify dom if necessary
if (!shouldModifyDOM) {
// continue
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
const clearEl = document.createElement('div');
// get summarized items and sort elements by properties
// most of this stuff should be fairly optimized
const items = (function() {
const getSort = (key, item) => {
let index, value;
if (key === 'count') {
index = -item.count;
} else {
value = item.props[key];
index = sorts[key].indexOf(value);
if (index === -1) {
index = sorts[key].indexOf(value);
return index;
// some parameters to sort by
const sorts = {
app: [
// team fortress 2
// csgo
color: [
// unusual
'rgb(134, 80, 172)',
// collectors
'rgb(170, 0, 0)',
// strange
'rgb(207, 106, 50)',
// haunted
'rgb(56, 243, 171)',
// genuine
'rgb(77, 116, 85)',
// vintage
'rgb(71, 98, 145)',
// decorated
'rgb(250, 250, 250)',
// unique
'rgb(125, 109, 0)'
// this reduces the items on the page and puts them into
// a group which contains the count for that item
const items = (function() {
const getItem = (classinfo, itemEl) => {
return {
app: classinfo.replace('classinfo/', '').split('/')[0],
color: itemEl.style.borderColor
const items = itemsArr.reduce((result, itemEl) => {
const classinfo = getClassInfo(itemEl);
if (result[classinfo]) {
result[classinfo].count += 1;
} else {
result[classinfo] = {
el: itemEl,
count: 1,
props: getItem(classinfo, itemEl)
return result;
}, {});
return Object.values(items);
const sorted = items.sort((a, b) => {
let index = 0;
// sort by these keys
// break when difference is found
].find((key) => {
// get the sort value for a and b
const [sortA, sortB] = [a, b].map((value) => {
return getSort(key, value);
// these are already sorted in the proper direction
if (sortA > sortB) {
index = 1;
return true;
} else if (sortA < sortB) {
index = -1;
return true;
return index;
return sorted;
items.forEach(({ el, count }) => {
if (count > 1) {
// add badge
const badgeEl = document.createElement('span');
badgeEl.textContent = count;
clearEl.style.clear = 'both';
// add clearfix to end of fragment
// clear html before-hand to reduce dom manipulation
itemsEl.innerHTML = '';
// add attributes to images
const itemsList = document.getElementsByClassName('trade_item');
// add the button to decline all trade offers
const { ShowConfirmDialog, ActOnTradeOffer } = WINDOW;
// gets an array of id's of all active trade offers on page
const getActiveTradeOfferIDs = () => {
const getTradeOfferIDs = (tradeOffersList) => {
const getTradeOfferID = (el) => el.id.replace('tradeofferid_', '');
return tradeOffersList.map(getTradeOfferID);
const isActive = (el) => !el.querySelector('.inactive');
const tradeOffersList = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('tradeoffer'));
const activeTradeOffersList = tradeOffersList.filter(isActive);
return getTradeOfferIDs(activeTradeOffersList);
// declines any number of trades by their id
const declineOffers = (tradeOfferIDs) => {
const declineOffer = (tradeOfferID) => {
ActOnTradeOffer(tradeOfferID, 'decline', 'Trade Declined', 'Decline Trade');
const newTradeOfferBtnEl = document.querySelector('.new_trade_offer_btn');
const canAct = Boolean(
// this should probably always be there...
// but maybe not always
newTradeOfferBtnEl &&
// page must have active trade offers
getActiveTradeOfferIDs().length > 0
if (!canAct) {
// stop right there
const declineAllButtonEl = (function() {
const el = document.createElement('div');
const textEl = document.createElement('span');
el.classList.add('btn_darkred_white_innerfade', 'btn_medium', 'decline_active_button');
textEl.textContent = 'Decline All Active...';
return el;
// add the button... after the "New Trade Offer" button
newTradeOfferBtnEl.parentNode.insertBefore(declineAllButtonEl, newTradeOfferBtnEl.nextSibling);
// add the handler to show the dialog on click
declineAllButtonEl.addEventListener('click', () => {
'Decline Active',
'Are you sure you want to decline all active trade offers?',
'Decline Trade Offers',
).done((str) => {
// yes
const responseIsYes = str === 'OK';
if (responseIsYes) {
const tradeOfferIDs = getActiveTradeOfferIDs();
includes: [
styles: `
#tradeoffer_items_summary {
font-size: 12px;
color: #FFFFFF;
#add_btns .btn_small > span {
padding: 0 12px;
.btn_green {
background-color: #709D3C;
.btn_silver {
background-color: #676767;
.btn_blue {
background-color: #2E4766;
.btn_small {
user-select: none;
.summary_item {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
padding: 3px;
margin: 0 2px 2px 0;
border: 1px solid;
background-color: #3C352E;
background-position: center;
background-size: 48px 48px, 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.summary_badge {
padding: 1px 3px;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #209DE6;
font-size: 12px;
.items_summary {
margin-top: 8px
.summary_header {
margin-bottom: 4px;
.filter_full {
width: 200px;
.filter_number {
width: 110px;
.control_fields {
margin-top: 8px
.warning {
color: #FF4422;
.trade_area .item.unusual.hover {
background-position: center;
background-color: #474747 !important;
.unusual {
background-position: center !important;
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.uncraft {
border-style: dashed !important;
.strange:before {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
top: 2px;
left: 2px;
right: 2px;
bottom: 2px;
border: 2px solid rgba(207, 106, 50, 0.5);
/* box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 12px 0px #CF6A32; */
.icons img.spell {
width: 14px;
height: 20px;
.lowcraft {
user-select: none;
right: 4%;
bottom: 4%;
text-align: end;
width: 50%;
font-size: 16px;
z-index: 1;
line-height: 1;
position: absolute;
.icons > * {
margin-right: 4%;
.icons {
position: absolute;
bottom: 4%;
left: 4%;
width: 92%;
height: 20px;
fn: function main({ WINDOW, $, Utils, shared, getStored, setStored }) {
const urlParams = Utils.getURLParams();
// these are never re-assigned in steam's source code
// only updated
const { UserYou, UserThem } = WINDOW;
const STEAMID = UserYou.strSteamId;
const PARTNER_STEAMID = UserThem.strSteamId;
const INVENTORY = WINDOW.g_rgAppContextData;
const PARTNER_INVENTORY = WINDOW.g_rgPartnerAppContextData;
const TRADE_STATUS = WINDOW.g_rgCurrentTradeStatus;
const page = {
$document: $(document),
$body: $('body'),
$yourSlots: $('#your_slots'),
$theirSlots: $('#their_slots'),
$inventories: $('#inventories'),
$inventoryBox: $('#inventory_box'),
$inventoryDisplayControls: $('#inventory_displaycontrols'),
$inventorySelectYour: $('#inventory_select_your_inventory'),
$inventorySelectTheir: $('#inventory_select_their_inventory'),
$tradeBoxContents: $('#inventory_box div.trade_box_contents'),
$appSelectOption: $('.appselect_options .option'),
// get jquery elements which are constantly changing based on page state
get: {
$inventory: () => $('.inventory_ctn:visible'),
$activeInventoryTab: () => $('.inventory_user_tab.active'),
$modifyTradeOffer: () => $('div.modify_trade_offer:visible'),
$appSelectImg: () => $('#appselect_activeapp img'),
$deadItem: () => $('a[href$="_undefined"]'),
$changeOfferButton: () => $('#modify_trade_offer_opts div.content')
// keys for stored values
const stored = {
id_visible: 'getTradeOfferWindow.id_visible'
* Interact with trade offer.
const tradeOfferWindow = (function() {
* Get summary HTML.
* @param {string} type - Name of user e.g. "Your" or "Their".
* @param {NodeList} itemsList - List of item elements.
* @param {boolean} isYou - Are these your items?
* @param {Object} User - User object from Steam's JS that the items belong to.
* @returns {string} Summary HTML.
function dumpSummary(type, itemsList, isYou, User) {
* Summary of items in trade offer.
* @typedef {Object} Summary
* @property {number} total - Total number of items in summary.
* @property {Object} apps - Asset IDs by app ID.
* @property {Object} items - Number of each item. The key is a serialized string of item properties.
* Get summary of items.
* @param {NodeList} itemsList - List of item elements.
* @param {boolean} isYou - Are these your items?
* @returns {(Summary|null)} Summary of items, null if inventory is not properly loaded.
function evaluateItems(itemsList, isYou) {
const inventory = isYou ? INVENTORY : PARTNER_INVENTORY;
const apps = {};
const items = {};
const total = itemsList.length;
for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
const itemEl = itemsList[i];
// array containing item identifiers e.g. ['440', '2', '123']
const split = itemEl.getAttribute('id').replace(/^item/, '').split('_');
const [appid, contextid, assetid] = split;
// get the icon image
const img = itemEl.querySelector('img').getAttribute('src');
const borderColor = itemEl.style.borderColor;
const effect = itemEl.getAttribute('data-effect');
const uncraft = itemEl.classList.contains('uncraft');
const strange = itemEl.classList.contains('strange');
const item = (
inventory[appid] &&
if (!item) {
// not properly loaded
return null;
// create the key from the item properties
const key = attributesToString({
items[key] = (items[key] || 0) + 1;
if (apps[appid] === undefined) {
apps[appid] = [];
return {
* Attributes.
* @typedef {Object} Attributes
* @property {(string|undefined)} img - Image URL.
* @property {(string|undefined)} borderColor - Border color.
* @property {(string|undefined)} effect - Effect.
* @property {boolean} uncraft - Is uncraftable?
* @property {boolean} strange - Is strange?
* Serialize attributes to string.
* @param {Attributes} attributes - Attributes.
* @returns {string} Serialized attributes.
function attributesToString({
}) {
return `${img || ''}\n${borderColor || ''}\n${effect || ''}\n${uncraft ? '1' : ''}\n${strange ? '1' : ''}`;
* Deserialize attributes from string.
* @param {string} str - Serialized attributes.
* @returns {Attributes} Deserialized attributes.
function attributesFromString(str) {
const parts = str.split('\n');
return {
img: parts[0] || undefined,
borderColor: parts[1] || undefined,
effect: parts[2] || undefined,
uncraft: parts[3] === '1',
strange: parts[4] === '1'
* Gets the summary of items.
* @param {Object} items - Number of each item. The key is a serialized string of item properties.
* @param {Object} apps - Asset IDs by app ID.
* @param {string} steamid - SteamID of user.
* @returns {string} HTML string.
function getSummary(items, apps, steamid) {
// helper for getting effect url
const { getEffectURL } = shared.offers.unusual;
const ids = apps['440'];
let html = '';
if (ids) {
// if tf2 items are in offer
// return summary items with backpack.tf link wrapped around
const url = `https://backpack.tf/profiles/${steamid}?select=${ids.join(',')}`;
html += ``;
for (let key in items) {
// generate the html for this item
const {
} = attributesFromString(key);
const count = items[key];
let backgroundImages = `url(${img})`;
let classes = 'summary_item';
if (effect !== undefined && effect !== 'none') {
backgroundImages += `, url('${getEffectURL(effect)}')`;
if (uncraft) {
classes += ' uncraft';
if (strange) {
classes += ' strange';
const styles = `background-image: ${backgroundImages}; border-color: ${borderColor};`;
const badge = count > 1 ? `${count}` : ' ';
// add the html for this item
html += `${badge}`;
if (ids) {
// close the link
html += '';
return html;
* Get header for summary.
* @param {string} type - The name of trader e.g. "My" or "Them".
* @param {number} total - Total number of items in offer.
* @returns {string} HTML string.
function getHeader(type, total) {
const itemsStr = total === 1 ? 'item' : 'items';
return `
${type} summary (${total} ${itemsStr}):
const summary = evaluateItems(itemsList, isYou);
// no summary or no items
if (summary === null || summary.total === 0) {
return '';
// unpack summary...
const { total, apps, items } = summary;
const steamid = User.strSteamId;
// return the header and summary
const html = getHeader(type, total) + getSummary(items, apps, steamid);
return html;
* Summarize a user's items in trade offer.
* @param {boolean} isYou - Is this your summary?
function summarize(isYou) {
const name = isYou ? 'My' : 'Their';
const user = isYou ? UserYou : UserThem;
const $slots = isYou ? page.$yourSlots : page.$theirSlots;
const $container = isYou ? page.$yourSummary : page.$theirSummary;
const itemsList = $slots.get(0).querySelectorAll('div.item');
const html = dumpSummary(name, itemsList, isYou, user);
* Clears items that were added to the offer.
function clearItemsInOffer($addedItems) {
const items = $addedItems.find('div.item').get();
// remove all at once
* Add items to trade.
* @param {HTMLElement[]} itemsList - List of items to add.
function addItemsByElements(itemsList) {
if (WINDOW.Economy_UseResponsiveLayout() && WINDOW.ResponsiveTrade_SwitchMode) {
const slotsCache = {};
for (let i = 0; i < itemsList.length; i++) {
const elItem = itemsList[i];
if (WINDOW.BIsInTradeSlot(elItem)) {
// already in trade
const item = elItem.rgItem;
// we don't want to touch it
if (item.is_stackable) {
const xferAmount = 1;
const is_currency = false;
const { g_rgCurrentTradeStatus } = WINDOW;
const userslots = item.is_their_item ? g_rgCurrentTradeStatus.them : g_rgCurrentTradeStatus.me;
const slots = is_currency ? userslots.currency : userslots.assets;
let bChanged = false;
const slotsCacheKey = item.is_their_item ? 'them' : 'me';
const slotsCacheCurrencyKey = is_currency ? 'currency' : 'asset';
if (!slotsCache[slotsCacheKey]) {
slotsCache[slotsCacheKey] = {};
if (!slotsCache[slotsCacheKey][slotsCacheCurrencyKey]) {
// caching existing slots for faster lookup
slotsCache[slotsCacheKey][slotsCacheCurrencyKey] = slots
.reduce((accum, slot, i) => {
accum[slot.appid + '_' + slot.contextid + '_' + slot.id] = i;
return accum;
}, {});
// find existing element
const key = item.appid + '_' + item.contextid + '_' + item.id;
const iExistingElement = slotsCache[slotsCacheKey][slotsCacheCurrencyKey][key];
if (iExistingElement !== undefined) {
if (slots[iExistingElement].amount !== xferAmount) {
slots[iExistingElement].amount = xferAmount;
bChanged = true;
} else {
const oSlot = {
appid: item.appid,
contextid: item.contextid,
amount: xferAmount
if (is_currency) {
oSlot.currencyid = item.id;
} else {
oSlot.assetid = item.id;
// update the cache
// maybe not entirely necessary
slotsCache[slotsCacheKey][slotsCacheCurrencyKey][key] = slots.length - 1;
bChanged = true;
if (!bChanged) {
WINDOW.GTradeStateManager.m_bChangesMade = true;
// update the trade status
* Clear items in offer.
* @param {Object} $addedItems - JQuery object of items to remove.
function clear($addedItems) {
* Update display of buttons.
* @param {boolean} isYou - Is your inventory selected?
* @param {(string|number)} appid - App ID of inventory selected.
function updateDisplay(isYou, appid) {
// update the state of the button
const updateState = ($btn, show) => {
if (show) {
} else {
const isTF2 = appid == 440;
const isCSGO = appid == 730;
const listingIntent = urlParams.listing_intent;
// show keys button for tf2 and csgo
const showKeys = isTF2 || isCSGO;
const showMetal = isTF2;
// 0 = buy order
// 1 = sell order
// we are buying, add items from our inventory
const isBuying = Boolean(
isYou &&
listingIntent == 1
const isSelling = Boolean(
!isYou &&
listingIntent == 0
const showListingButton = Boolean(
isTF2 &&
isBuying ||
updateState(page.btns.$items, true);
updateState(page.btns.$keys, showKeys);
updateState(page.btns.$metal, showMetal);
updateState(page.btns.$listing, showListingButton);
* Call when a different user's inventory is selected.
* @param {Object} $inventoryTab - JQuery element of inventory tab selected.
function userChanged($inventoryTab) {
// fallback option for getting appid
function appIdFallback() {
// fallback to appid from image
const src = page.get.$appSelectImg().attr('src') || '';
const match = src.match(/public\/images\/apps\/(\d+)/);
return match && match[1];
const $inventory = page.get.$inventory();
const isYou = $inventoryTab.attr('id') === 'inventory_select_your_inventory';
const match = $inventory.attr('id').match(/(\d+)_(\d+)$/);
const appid = (match && match[1]) || appIdFallback();
// now update the dispaly
updateDisplay(isYou, appid);
return {
* Manage inventory load events.
* @namespace inventoryManager
const inventoryManager = (function() {
const inventories = {};
const users = {};
users[STEAMID] = [];
users[PARTNER_STEAMID] = [];
inventories[STEAMID] = {};
inventories[PARTNER_STEAMID] = {};
* An inventory has loaded, call all events according to parameters.
* @param {string} steamid - Steamid of user.
* @param {string} appid - Appid of inventory loaded.
* @param {string} contextid - Contextid of inventory loaded.
function call(steamid, appid, contextid) {
const actions = [
...((inventories[steamid][appid] && inventories[steamid][appid][contextid]) || [])
// clear
users[steamid] = [];
inventories[steamid][appid] = [];
// call all functions
actions.forEach(fn => fn(steamid, appid, contextid));
* Registers an event.
* @param {string} steamid - Steamid for user.
* @param {string)} appid - Appid of event, or app-agnostic function to be called.
* @param {string)} [contextid] - Contextid of app.
* @param {function} [fn] - Function to call when inventory is loaded.
function register(steamid, appid, contextid, fn) {
if (!fn) {
fn = appid;
} else {
if (!inventories[steamid][appid]) {
inventories[steamid][appid] = {};
if (!inventories[steamid][appid][contextid]) {
inventories[steamid][appid][contextid] = [];
* Registers an event.
* @param {string} steamid - Steamid for user.
* @param {function} [fn] - Function to call when inventory is loaded.
function registerForUser(steamid, fn) {
return {
* Result of getItems.
* @typedef {Object} GetItemsResult
* @property {HTMLElement[]} items - Items found.
* @property {boolean} satisfied - Was the amount satisfied?
* Collect items based on conditions.
* @param {string} mode - Mode e.g. 'ITEMS' to add items, 'KEYS' to add keys.
* @param {number} amount - Amount of items to add.
* @param {number} index - Index to start adding at.
* @param {boolean} isYou - Are we adding from your inventory?
* @returns {GetItemsResult} The items and whether the amount was satisfied.
const collectItems = (function() {
// used for identifying items
const identifiers = {
// item is key
isKey(item) {
switch (parseInt(item.appid)) {
case 440:
return item.market_hash_name === 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key';
case 730:
return identifiers.hasTag(item, 'Type', 'Key');
return null;
// item has tag
hasTag(item, tagName, tagValue) {
if (!item.tags) return null;
const tags = item.tags;
for (let i = 0, n = tags.length; i < n; i++) {
const tag = tags[i];
const hasTag = Boolean(
tag.category === tagName &&
tagValue === tag.name
if (hasTag) {
return true;
return null;
// used for finding items
const finders = {
metal(isYou, amount, index, name) {
return pickItems(isYou, amount, index, (item) => {
return Boolean(
// the item is from tf2
item.appid == 440 &&
// the market hash name is the same as the name
item.market_hash_name === name
// return items by array of id's
id(ids) {
const filter = (item) => {
return ids.indexOf(item.id) !== -1;
const items = pickItems(null, ids.length, 0, filter).sort((a, b) => {
return ids.indexOf(a.id) - ids.indexOf(b.id);
return items;
* Pick items from inventory.
* @param {(boolean|null)} isYou - Pick items from your inventory? null for both.
* @param {number} amount - Amount of items to pick.
* @param {number} index - Index to start picking items at.
* @param {function(Object): boolean} filter - Filter method. Returns true to pick the item.
* @returns {Object[]} Array of picked items from inventory. These are *not* elements.
function pickItems(isYou, amount, index, filter) {
function getItems(isYou) {
const $items = (isYou ? page.$yourSlots : page.$theirSlots).find('.item');
const inventory = getInventory(appid, contextid, isYou);
// get ids of items in trade offer matching app
const addedIDs = $items.toArray().reduce((arr, el) => {
const item = el.rgItem;
const assetid = item.id;
// appids could be string or number
if (item.appid == appid) {
return arr;
}, []);
const ids = Object.keys(inventory);
const total = [];
let items = [];
let currentIndex = 0;
if (index < 0) {
// select in reverse
// since -1 is the starting position we add 1 to it before inverting it
index = (index + 1) * -1;
// items will always be sorted from front-to-back by default
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
const id = ids[i];
const item = inventory[id];
if (addedIDs.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
// id of item is already in trade offer
if (index !== 0 && filter(item)) {
currentIndex++; // increment if item matches
} else if (items.length >= amount) {
// break when amount has been reached
} else if (filter(item)) {
if (currentIndex >= index) {
// add items to total in case amount is not met
if (items < amount) {
items = total.splice(offsetIndex(index, amount, total.length), amount);
return items;
const { appid, contextid } = getInventoryContext();
// inventory must be present
if (!appid) {
if (isYou === null) {
// get items for both users
return Utils.flatten([
// get items for user based on whether 'isYou' is truthy or falsy
return getItems(isYou);
* Offset index to pick items at based on amount and number of items available.
* @param {number} index - Index.
* @param {number} amount - Amount of items to pick.
* @param {number} length - The total number of items available.
* @returns {number} Modified index.
function offsetIndex(index, amount, length) {
if (index < 0) {
// pick from back if index is negative
return Math.max(0, length - (amount + index + 1));
if (index + amount >= length) {
// offset if index + amount is greater than the number of items we can pick
return Math.max(0, length - amount);
// no offset needed
return index;
* Asset object.
* @typedef {Object} Item
* @property {string} appid - AppID of item.
* @property {string} contextid - ContextID of item.
* @property {string} id - ID of item.
* Get elements for items.
* @param {Item[]} items - Items to get elements for.
* @returns {HTMLElement[]} Elements for items.
function getElementsForItems(items) {
return items
.map((item) => {
// get element id for each item
const id = `item${item.appid}_${item.contextid}_${item.id}`;
return document.getElementById(id);
.filter(el => el !== null);
* Pick metal from items based on value in refined metal.
* @param {(boolean|null)} isYou - Pick items from your inventory? null for both.
* @param {number} amount - Value to make in metal (e.g. 13.33).
* @param {number} index - Index to add at.
* @returns {GetItemsResult} The items and whether the amount was satisfied.
function getItemsForMetal(isYou, amount, index) {
// converts a metal value to the equivalent number of scrap emtals
// values are rounded
function toScrap(num) {
return Math.round(num / (1 / 9));
// value was met
function valueMet() {
return total === amount;
function getMetal(arr, type) {
if (valueMet()) {
// empty array
return arr;
// get number of metal to add based on how much more we need to add
// as well as the value of the metal we are adding
const curValue = values[type];
const valueNeeded = amount - total;
const amountToAdd = Math.floor(valueNeeded / curValue);
// get array of metal
const items = finder(isYou, amountToAdd, index, type);
const amountAdded = Math.min(
// there isn't quite enough there...
// add it to the total
total = total + (amountAdded * curValue);
// add the new items to the array
return arr.concat(items);
// convert the amount to the number of scrap metal
amount = toScrap(amount);
// total to be added to
let total = 0;
const finder = finders.metal;
// the value in scrap metal of each type of metal
const values = {
'Refined Metal': 9,
'Reclaimed Metal': 3,
'Scrap Metal': 1
const metal = Object.keys(values).reduce(getMetal, []);
const items = getElementsForItems(metal);
const satisfied = valueMet();
return {
* Collect items based on conditions.
* @param {string} mode - Mode e.g. 'ITEMS' to add items, 'KEYS' to add keys.
* @param {number} amount - Amount of items to add.
* @param {number} index - Index to start adding at.
* @param {(boolean|null)} isYou - Pick items from your inventory? null for both.
* @returns {GetItemsResult} The items and whether the amount was satisfied.
* @throws {Error} Unknown mode.
function getItems(mode, amount, index, isYou) {
switch (mode) {
// get keys
case 'KEYS': {
const found = pickItems(isYou, amount, index, identifiers.isKey);
const items = getElementsForItems(found);
const satisfied = amount === items.length;
return {
// get amount of metal (keys, ref, scrap);
case 'METAL': {
const {
} = getItemsForMetal(isYou, amount, index);
return {
// get items by id
case 'ID': {
// list of id's is passed through index
const ids = index;
const found = finders.id(ids);
const items = getElementsForItems(found);
const satisfied = ids.length === items.length;
return {
// get items by whether they were recently obtained
case 'RECENT': {
// gets nearest numbers to a given number within range of gap
const getNearNumbers = (nums, near, gap) => {
if (nums.length === 0) {
return [];
const getDistance = (num) => Math.abs(num - near);
const sorted = nums
// add distance from "near" for each num
.map((num) => {
return {
distance: getDistance(num)
.sort((a, b) => {
return a.distance - b.distance;
// check if the nearest value is within the gap value
if (sorted[0].distance > gap) {
return [];
// add the initial
const values = [sorted[0].num];
// loop through sorted values
for (let i = 1; i < sorted.length; i++) {
const current = sorted[i];
const prev = sorted[i - 1];
const difference = Math.abs(prev.distance - current.distance);
// gap is too big
if (difference > gap) {
// stop bleeding
return values;
return values;
// check if an items is visible on page
// the item iteself will not contain the display property, but its parent does
const isVisible = (i, el) => {
return el.parentNode.style.display !== 'none';
// select all visible items from active inventory
let found = page.get.$inventory().find('div.item').filter(isVisible).toArray();
// select in reverse
if (index < 0) {
index = (index + 1) * -1;
found = found.reverse();
const $items = (isYou ? page.$yourSlots : page.$theirSlots).find('.item');
const getItemIdFromElement = (el) => el.id.split('_')[2];
// creates filter for whether the id is the given list
// setting "mustInclude" to true will filter so that "ids" must include the id
// setting "mustInclude" to false will filter so that "ids" must not include the id
const filterIds = (mustInclude, ids, processor) => {
const map = ids
.reduce((map, id) => {
map[id] = true;
return map;
}, {});
return function(value) {
// if a processor was provided it will process the value to convert it into an id
// e.g. getting the id from an html element
const id = processor ? processor(value) : value;
const hasId = Boolean(map[id]);
// check whether this has or does not have the id
return mustInclude === hasId;
const { appid } = getInventoryContext(isYou);
// get ids of items in trade offer matching app
const addedIDs = $items.toArray()
.reduce((arr, el) => {
const rgItem = el.rgItem;
const assetid = rgItem.id;
// appids could be string or number
if (rgItem.appid == appid) {
return arr;
}, []);
const ids = found
// get ids as integers
.map((el) => parseInt(getItemIdFromElement(el)))
// filter out ids that are already added in the offer
.filter(filterIds(false, addedIDs));
const highestId = Math.max(0, ...ids);
const nearIds = getNearNumbers(ids, highestId, 100)
.map(id => id.toString());
const items = found
// filter elements to only this set of ids
.filter(filterIds(true, nearIds, getItemIdFromElement));
const satisfied = nearIds.length === items.length;
return {
// get items displayed in the inventory
case 'ITEMS': {
// check if an items is visible on page
// the item iteself will not contain the display property, but its parent does
function isVisible(_i, el) {
return el.parentNode.style.display !== 'none';
// select all visible items from active inventory
let found = page.get.$inventory().find('div.item').filter(isVisible).toArray();
// select in reverse
if (index < 0) {
index = (index + 1) * -1;
found = found.reverse();
const offset = offsetIndex(index, amount, found.length);
const items = found.splice(offset, amount);
const satisfied = amount === items.length;
return {
throw new Error(`Unknown mode: ${mode}`);
return getItems;
* Gets the inventory for selected app and context of user.
* @param {string} appid - AppID of inventory.
* @param {string} contextid - ContextID of inventory.
* @param {(boolean|null)} isYou - Is this your inventory?
* @returns {Object} Inventory object.
function getInventory(appid, contextid, isYou) {
const user = isYou ? UserYou : UserThem;
return (
user.rgAppInfo[appid] &&
user.rgAppInfo[appid].rgContexts[contextid].inventory &&
) || {};
* An inventory context.
* @typedef {Object} InventoryContext
* @property {string} [appid] - AppID of inventory.
* @property {string} [contextid] - ContextID of inventory.
* Gets the app of the currently visible inventory.
* @returns {InventoryContext} AppID and ContextID of inventory.
function getInventoryContext() {
const $inventory = page.get.$inventory();
const match = ($inventory.attr('id') || '').match(/(\d+)_(\d+)$/);
const [ , appid, contextid] = (match || []);
return {
* Adds display attributes (particles, strange border, etc.) to items.
function customizeItems(inventory) {
const { addAttributes } = shared.offers.identifiers;
for (let assetid in inventory) {
const item = inventory[assetid];
if (item.element) {
// add the attributes to this element
addAttributes(item, item.element);
// perform actions
// add elements to page
const $tradeBox = page.$tradeBoxContents;
// clearfix to add after inventories to fix height bug in firefox
const $clear = $('');
// add summary and control HTML to the trade box
Add multiple items:
Add Keys
Add Metal
Add Recent
Add Listing
Clear my items
Clear their items
// add the clear after inventories
// add newly created elements to page object
page.$offerSummary = $('#tradeoffer_items_summary');
page.$yourSummary = $('#your_summary');
page.$theirSummary = $('#their_summary');
page.$controls = $('#controls');
page.controls = {
$amount: $('#amount_control'),
$index: $('#index_control'),
$ids: $('#ids_control')
page.fields = {
$ids: $('#id_fields'),
$controls: $('#controls')
page.btns = {
$clearMy: $('#btn_clearmyitems'),
$clearTheir: $('#btn_cleartheiritems'),
$items: $('#btn_additems'),
$keys: $('#btn_addkeys'),
$metal: $('#btn_addmetal'),
$recent: $('#btn_addrecent'),
$listing: $('#btn_addlisting'),
$addIDs: $('#btn_addids'),
$getIDs: $('#btn_getids')
// binds events to elements
* The user changed from one app to another
* @param {HTMLElement} appEl - App element.
function appChanged(appEl) {
const id = appEl.getAttribute('id');
const match = id.match(/appselect_option_(you|them)_(\d+)_(\d+)/);
if (!match) {
const isYou = match[1] === 'you';
const [ , , appid, _contextid] = match;
tradeOfferWindow.updateDisplay(isYou, appid);
// add the listing price
async function addListingPrice() {
* Add currencies to the trade.
* @param {(boolean|null)} isYou - Pick items from your inventory? null for both.
* @param {Object} currencies - Object containing currencies.
* @returns {Promise} Array of reasons if value was not met for each currency.
async function addCurrencies(isYou, currencies) {
const names = Object.keys(currencies).filter((currency) => {
return currencies[currency] > 0;
const index = parseInt(page.controls.$index.val()) || 0;
const reasons = [];
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
const currency = names[i];
const amount = currencies[currency];
const satisfied = addItems(currency, amount, index, isYou);
if (satisfied === false) {
reasons.push(`not enough ${currency.toLowerCase()}`);
return reasons;
// 0 = buy order
// 1 = sell order
const listingIntent = urlParams.listing_intent;
// we are buying, add items from our inventory
// listingIntent could be a string or number so == is used here
const isYou = listingIntent == 1;
const reasons = await addCurrencies(isYou, {
KEYS: parseInt(urlParams.listing_currencies_keys) || 0,
METAL: parseFloat(urlParams.listing_currencies_metal) || 0
if (reasons.length > 0) {
// display message if any currencies were not met
alert(`Listing value could not be met: ${reasons.join(' and ')}`);
* Add items by list of IDs.
* @param {string} idsStr - Comma-seperated list of IDs.
function addIDs(idsStr) {
const ids = Utils.getIDsFromString(idsStr);
if (ids === null) {
addItems('ID', 0, ids, null);
* Gets default values for adding items.
* @returns {[number, number, boolean]} Default values for adding items.
function getDefaultsForAddItems() {
return [
// amount
parseFloat(page.controls.$amount.val()) || 1,
// index
parseInt(page.controls.$index.val()) || 0,
// your inventory is selected
* Toggles the visibility of the ID fields.
function toggleIDFields() {
const $controls = page.fields.$ids.toggle();
const isVisible = $controls.is(':visible') ? 1 : 0;
setStored(stored.id_visible, isVisible);
* Gets list of ids of items in trade offer.
* @returns {string[]} List of IDs.
function getIDs() {
const $inventoryTab = page.get.$activeInventoryTab();
const isYou = $inventoryTab.attr('id') === 'inventory_select_your_inventory';
const $slots = isYou ? page.$yourSlots : page.$theirSlots;
const $items = $slots.find('div.item');
return $items.toArray().map((el) => {
const rgItem = el.rgItem;
const assetid = rgItem.id;
return assetid;
* Handles key press events.
* @param {Event} e - Key press event.
function keyPressed(e) {
Utils.execHotKey(e, {
// P
112: toggleIDFields
* Adds items to the trade offer.
* @param {string} mode - Mode e.g. 'ITEMS' to add items, 'KEYS' to add keys.
* @param {number} amount - Amount of items to add.
* @param {number} index - Index to start adding at.
* @param {boolean} isYou - Are we adding from your inventory?
* @returns {(boolean|null)} Whether the amount was satisfied. Null if the offer cannot be modified.
function addItems(
mode = 'ITEMS',
amount = 1,
index = 0,
isYou = true
) {
const canModify = Boolean(
// an inventory is not selected
(/(\d+)_(\d+)$/.test(page.get.$inventory().attr('id'))) ||
// the offer cannot be modified
page.get.$modifyTradeOffer().length === 0
) &&
// the "Change offer" button is not visible
// we can modify the items in the offer based on the current window state
if (canModify) {
const {
} = collectItems(
// add items: 691.0009765625 ms
// add items: 202.3779296875 ms
// add items: 178.66015625 ms
return satisfied;
return null;
// app was changed
page.$appSelectOption.on('click', (e) => {
// user inventory was changed to your inventory
page.$inventorySelectYour.on('click', () => {
// user inventory was changed to their inventory
page.$inventorySelectTheir.on('click', () => {
page.btns.$clearMy.on('click', () => {
page.btns.$clearTheir.on('click', () => {
page.btns.$items.on('click', () => {
addItems('ITEMS', ...getDefaultsForAddItems());
page.btns.$keys.on('click', () => {
addItems('KEYS', ...getDefaultsForAddItems());
page.btns.$metal.on('click', () => {
addItems('METAL', ...getDefaultsForAddItems());
page.btns.$recent.on('click', () => {
addItems('RECENT', ...getDefaultsForAddItems());
page.btns.$listing.on('click', () => {
page.btns.$addIDs.on('click', () => {
page.btns.$getIDs.on('click', () => {
page.$document.on('keypress', (e) => {
// register inventory events
// this will force an inventory to load
function forceInventory(appid, contextid) {
appid: appid,
contextid: contextid,
assetid: '0',
amount: 1
try {
WINDOW.RefreshTradeStatus(TRADE_STATUS, true);
} catch (e) {
// ignore the error
TRADE_STATUS.them.assets = [];
try {
WINDOW.RefreshTradeStatus(TRADE_STATUS, true);
} catch (e) {
// ignore the error
// customizes the elements in the inventory
function customizeElements(steamid, appid, contextid) {
const isYou = steamid === STEAMID;
const inventory = isYou ? INVENTORY : PARTNER_INVENTORY;
const contextInventory = inventory[appid].rgContexts[contextid].inventory.rgInventory;
if (!isYou) {
// force the items in their inventory to be displayed so we can add images
// if their inventory has not been displayed
// re-summarize
* Force visibility of other user's inventory.
* @returns {undefined}
function forceVisibility() {
const $activeTab = page.get.$activeInventoryTab();
const $theirs = page.$inventorySelectTheir;
inventoryManager.registerForUser(STEAMID, () => {
// something to do when your inventory is loaded...
if (urlParams.listing_intent !== undefined) {
// we are buying, add items from our inventory
const isSelling = urlParams.listing_intent == 0;
page.btns.$listing.addClass(isSelling ? 'selling' : 'buying');
// force their inventory to load if we are selling
if (isSelling) {
forceInventory('440', '2');
if (urlParams.for_item !== undefined) {
const [appid, contextid, assetid] = urlParams.for_item.split('_');
const item = {
amount: 1
WINDOW.RefreshTradeStatus(TRADE_STATUS, true);
// check for a dead item when this inventory is loaded
inventoryManager.register(PARTNER_STEAMID, appid, contextid, () => {
if (page.get.$deadItem().length === 0) {
TRADE_STATUS.them.assets = [];
WINDOW.RefreshTradeStatus(TRADE_STATUS, true);
`Seems like the item you are looking to buy (ID: ${assetid}) is no longer available. ` +
'You should check other user\'s backpack and see if it\'s still there.'
[STEAMID, PARTNER_STEAMID].forEach((steamid) => {
inventoryManager.register(steamid, '440', '2', customizeElements);
// observe changes to dom
// observe changes to trade slots
* Observe changes to slots.
* @param {HTMLElement} slotsEl - Slots element.
* @param {boolean} isYou - Is this your inventory?
function observeSlots(slotsEl, isYou) {
// summarizes the trade offer
function summarize() {
lastSummarized = new Date(); // add date
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const canInstantSummarize = Boolean(
!lastSummarized ||
// compare with date when last summarized
new Date() - lastSummarized > 200 ||
// large summaries take longer to build and can hurt performance
slotsEl.children.length <= 204
const interval = canInstantSummarize ? 10 : 200;
// we use a timer so that if multiple dom insertions occur at the same time this will only run once
timer = setTimeout(summarize, interval);
let lastSummarized = new Date();
let timer;
observer.observe(slotsEl, {
childList: true,
characterData: false,
subtree: true
observeSlots(page.$yourSlots[0], true);
observeSlots(page.$theirSlots[0], false);
// observe inventory changes
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
if (!mutations[0].addedNodes) return;
const mutation = mutations[0];
const inventory = mutation.addedNodes[0];
const split = inventory.id.replace('inventory_', '').split('_');
const [steamid, appid, contextid] = split;
inventoryManager.call(steamid, appid, contextid);
observer.observe(page.$inventories[0], {
childList: true,
characterData: false,
subtree: false
// configure state
if (getStored(stored.id_visible) == 1) {
if (urlParams.listing_intent !== undefined) {
const isSelling = urlParams.listing_intent == 0;
page.btns.$listing.addClass(isSelling ? 'selling' : 'buying');
// override page functions
// hides an element
function hideElement(el) {
el.style.display = 'none';
// shows an element
function showElement(el) {
el.style.display = '';
// This is a very slow function when many items are involved, most of the function isn't changed.
// Performance of this function was improved by around 2x
WINDOW.UpdateSlots = function( rgSlotItems, rgCurrency, bYourSlots, user, version ) {
const { $ } = WINDOW;
// const elSlotContainer = bYourSlots ? $('your_slots') : $('their_slots');
const slotContainerEl = bYourSlots ? document.getElementById('your_slots') : document.getElementById('their_slots');
const elCurrencySlotContainer = bYourSlots ? $('your_slots_currency') : $('their_slots_currency');
// see what the last slot with an item is
let cMaxSlotId = 0;
if ( rgSlotItems instanceof Array ) {
cMaxSlotId = rgSlotItems.length;
} else {
for ( let slotid in rgSlotItems ) {
let iSlot = parseInt( slotid );
if ( iSlot && !isNaN( iSlot ) ) {
cMaxSlotId = Math.max( iSlot, cMaxSlotId );
let cCurrenciesInTrade = 0;
for ( let iCurrency = 0; iCurrency < rgCurrency.length; iCurrency++ ) {
const currencyUpdate = rgCurrency[iCurrency];
// just skip pending inventories, the currency will be drawn after the inventory arrival
const inventory = user.getInventory( currencyUpdate.appid, currencyUpdate.contextid );
if ( !inventory || inventory.BIsPendingInventory() ) {
const currency = user.FindCurrency( currencyUpdate.appid, currencyUpdate.contextid, currencyUpdate.currencyid );
const stack = WINDOW.GetTradeItemStack( user, currency );
if ( ( parseInt( stack.amount ) + parseInt( stack.fee ) ) != currencyUpdate.amount ) {
WINDOW.UpdateTradeItemStackDisplay( currency, stack, currencyUpdate.amount );
if ( !bYourSlots && !WINDOW.g_bTradeOffer ) {
WINDOW.HighlightNewlyAddedItem( stack.element );
stack.version = version;
const rgCurrencySlots = elCurrencySlotContainer.children;
if ( cCurrenciesInTrade < rgCurrencySlots.length ) {
// there's an extra slot in the trade, remove it
for ( let iCurrencySlot = 0; iCurrencySlot < rgCurrencySlots.length; iCurrencySlot++ ) {
const elSlot = rgCurrencySlots[iCurrencySlot];
const stack = elSlot.stack;
if ( stack.version < version ) {
const origCurrency = user.FindCurrency( stack.appid, stack.contextid, stack.id );
origCurrency.amount = origCurrency.original_amount;
origCurrency.trade_stack = null;
if ( bYourSlots ) {
WINDOW.UpdateCurrencyDisplay( origCurrency );
WINDOW.EnsureSufficientTradeSlots( bYourSlots, cMaxSlotId, cCurrenciesInTrade );
let nNumBadItems = 0;
let firstBadItem = null;
let nNumExpiringItems = 0;
let firstExpiringItem = null;
let nFullInventoryAppId = false;
const slotsList = slotContainerEl.children;
// this is where the majority of the time is spent
// 348.0029296875 ms
// 251.383056640625 ms
// 178.10400390625 ms
for ( let slot = 0; slot < slotsList.length; slot++ ) {
// simply taking from an array rather than querying each slot cuts the time by about 1/3
const elSlot = slotsList[slot];
// elCurItem.rgItem is available using querySelector
const elCurItem = elSlot.querySelector('.item');
let elNewItem = null;
let bRemoveCurItem = elCurItem != null;
// lets us know if we need to indicate this item was added
let bItemIsNewToTrade = false;
// if a stackable item's amount has changed, we also treat that like new
let bStackAmountChanged = false;
if ( rgSlotItems[slot] ) {
const {
} = rgSlotItems[slot];
// check that we are allowed to receive this item
if ( !bYourSlots ) {
if ( !UserYou.BAllowedToRecieveItems( appid, contextid ) ) {
if ( !nFullInventoryAppId && UserYou.BInventoryIsFull( appid, contextid ) ) {
nFullInventoryAppId = appid;
if ( nNumBadItems == 0 ) {
firstBadItem = rgSlotItems[slot];
// this doesn't do any DOM querying
const elItem = user.findAssetElement( appid, contextid, assetid );
if (
g_dateEscrowEnd != null &&
elItem.rgItem &&
typeof elItem.rgItem.item_expiration == 'string'
) {
const dateExpiration = new Date( elItem.rgItem.item_expiration );
if ( g_dateEscrowEnd >= dateExpiration ) {
if ( nNumExpiringItems == 0 ) {
firstExpiringItem = rgSlotItems[slot];
if (
elCurItem &&
elCurItem.rgItem &&
elCurItem.rgItem.appid == appid &&
elCurItem.rgItem.contextid == contextid &&
elCurItem.rgItem.id == assetid &&
) {
// it's already there
bRemoveCurItem = false;
if ( elCurItem.rgItem.is_stackable ) {
const stack = elCurItem.rgItem;
bStackAmountChanged = ( amount != stack.amount );
WINDOW.UpdateTradeItemStackDisplay( stack.parent_item, stack, amount );
} else {
// it's new to the trade
elNewItem = elItem;
const item = elNewItem.rgItem;
if ( !item.unknown ) {
bItemIsNewToTrade = true;
if ( item.is_stackable ) {
const stack = WINDOW.GetTradeItemStack( user, item );
bStackAmountChanged = ( amount != stack.amount );
WINDOW.UpdateTradeItemStackDisplay( item, stack, amount );
elNewItem = stack.element;
if ( elNewItem && elNewItem.parentNode ) {
const slotActionMenuButtonEl = elNewItem.parentNode.querySelector('.slot_actionmenu_button');
if ( slotActionMenuButtonEl ) {
// hide the button
// on steam's end this would normally be called with .hide()
// but that's not available with vanilla methods
if ( WINDOW.BIsInTradeSlot( elNewItem ) ) {
// this is called when a slot is cleared
// all subsequent slots are also cleared to move items up
WINDOW.CleanupSlot( elNewItem.parentNode.parentNode );
bItemIsNewToTrade = false;
// remove element from its current location
if ( elCurItem && bRemoveCurItem ) {
// this block isn't usually reached from my experience
if ( elCurItem.rgItem && elCurItem.rgItem.is_stackable ) {
const stack = elCurItem.rgItem;
WINDOW.UpdateTradeItemStackDisplay( stack.parent_item, stack, 0 );
} else if ( elCurItem.rgItem && elCurItem.rgItem.homeElement ) {
elCurItem.rgItem.homeElement.appendChild( elCurItem.remove() );
} else {
WINDOW.CleanupSlot( elSlot );
if ( elNewItem ) {
// this is called when an item is added to a slot
WINDOW.PutItemInSlot( elNewItem, elSlot );
if ( bItemIsNewToTrade && !bYourSlots && !WINDOW.g_bTradeOffer ) {
WINDOW.HighlightNewlyAddedItem( elNewItem );
} else if ( bStackAmountChanged && !bYourSlots && !WINDOW.g_bTradeOffer ) {
WINDOW.HighlightNewlyAddedItem( elCurItem );
if (
!bYourSlots &&
nNumBadItems != g_nItemsFromContextWithNoPermissionToReceive &&
) {
g_nItemsFromContextWithNoPermissionToReceive = nNumBadItems;
if ( nNumBadItems > 0 ) {
let strEvent = "";
const item = user.findAsset( firstBadItem.appid, firstBadItem.contextid, firstBadItem.assetid );
if ( item ) {
// escapeHTML isn't a native method and I'm unsure if this will be pulled in from the scope
// so we check if it exists before calling it
const name = item.name.escapeHTML ? item.name.escapeHTML() : item.name;
if ( nNumBadItems == 1 ) {
strEvent = 'You are not allowed to receive the item "%1$s."'
.replace( '%1$s', name );
} else {
strEvent = 'You are not allowed to receive %1$s of the items being offered including "%2$s."'
.replace( '%1$s', nNumBadItems )
.replace( '%2$s', name );
} else {
if ( nNumBadItems == 1 ) {
strEvent = 'You are not allowed to receive one of the items being offered.';
} else {
strEvent = 'You are not allowed to receive %1$s of the items being offered.'
.replace( '%1$s', nNumBadItems );
if ( nFullInventoryAppId ) {
const name = rgAppData.name.escapeHTML ? rgAppData.name.escapeHTML() : rgAppData.name;
const rgAppData = g_rgAppContextData[nFullInventoryAppId];
const strEventAppend = 'Your inventory for %1$s is full.'
.replace( '%1$s', name );
strEvent = strEvent + ' ' + strEventAppend;
const elEvent = new WINDOW.Element( 'div', {'class': 'logevent' } );
elEvent.update( strEvent );
$('log').appendChild( elEvent );
if ( nNumExpiringItems != WINDOW.g_rgnItemsExpiringBeforeEscrow[bYourSlots ? 0 : 1] ) {
WINDOW.g_rgnItemsExpiringBeforeEscrow[bYourSlots ? 0 : 1] = nNumExpiringItems;
if ( nNumExpiringItems > 0 ) {
let strEvent = "";
const item = user.findAsset( firstExpiringItem.appid, firstExpiringItem.contextid, firstExpiringItem.assetid );
if ( item ) {
const name = item.name.escapeHTML ? item.name.escapeHTML() : item.name;
if ( nNumExpiringItems == 1 ) {
strEvent = 'The item "%1$s" cannot be included in this trade because it will expire before the trade hold period is over.'
.replace( '%1$s', name );
} else {
strEvent = 'Some items, including "%1$s," cannot be included in this trade because they will expire before the trade hold period is over.'
.replace( '%1$s', name );
} else {
if ( nNumExpiringItems == 1 ) {
strEvent = 'One item cannot be included in this trade because it will expire before the trade hold period is over.';
} else {
strEvent = 'Some items cannot be included in this trade because they will expire before the trade hold period is over.';
const elEvent = new WINDOW.Element( 'div', {'class': 'logevent' } );
elEvent.update( strEvent );
$('log').appendChild( elEvent );
// This is one of the hottest functions in UpdateSlots
// There were some inefficient queries in the original function
WINDOW.PutItemInSlot = function( elItem, elSlot ) {
const item = elItem.rgItem;
if (
elItem.parentNode &&
elItem.parentNode.nodeType != Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE /* IE cruft */
) {
elSlot.querySelector('.slot_inner').appendChild( elItem );
if ( item && item.appid && WINDOW.g_rgAppContextData[item.appid] ) {
const rgAppData = WINDOW.g_rgAppContextData[item.appid];
const slotAppLogo = elSlot.querySelector('.slot_applogo');
slotAppLogo.querySelector('img').src = rgAppData.icon;
if (
typeof(WINDOW.g_rgPlayedApps) != 'undefined' &&
WINDOW.g_rgPlayedApps !== false &&
) {
const strWarning = 'You\'ve never played the game this item is from.';
if ( !item.fraudwarnings ) {
item.fraudwarnings = [ strWarning ];
} else {
// Don't push the NoPlaytime warning over and over.
if ( item.fraudwarnings.indexOf( strWarning ) == -1 ) {
item.fraudwarnings.push( strWarning );
if ( item.id && item.fraudwarnings ) {
} else {
} else {
const elActionMenuButton = elSlot.querySelector('.slot_actionmenu_button');
// WINDOW.jQuery('#' + elActionMenuButton.id).click(() => {
// HandleTradeActionMenu( elActionMenuButton, item, item.is_their_item ? UserThem : UserYou )
// } );
elActionMenuButton.addEventListener('click', (_e) => {
HandleTradeActionMenu( elActionMenuButton, item, item.is_their_item ? UserThem : UserYou )
// WINDOW.jQuery(elSlot).addClass('has_item');
elSlot.hasItem = true;
// basically removes animation due to bugginess
// also it's a bit faster
WINDOW.EnsureSufficientTradeSlots = function(bYourSlots, cSlotsInUse, cCurrencySlotsInUse) {
// stand-alone function to create a slot element
function createTradeSlotElement(bIsYourSlot, iSlot) {
const id = bIsYourSlot ? 'your_slot_' + iSlot : 'their_slot_' + iSlot;
const elSlot = WINDOW.CreateSlotElement( id );
elSlot.iSlot = iSlot;
return elSlot;
const getDesiredSlots = () => {
const useResponsiveLayout = WINDOW.Economy_UseResponsiveLayout();
const cTotalSlotsInUse = cSlotsInUse + cCurrencySlotsInUse;
if (useResponsiveLayout) {
return cTotalSlotsInUse + 1;
return Math.max(Math.floor((cTotalSlotsInUse + 5) / 4) * 4, 8);
const $slots = bYourSlots ? page.$yourSlots : page.$theirSlots;
// const $slots = bYourSlots ? $('#your_slots') : $('#their_slots');
const elSlotContainer = $slots[0];
const cDesiredSlots = getDesiredSlots();
const cDesiredItemSlots = cDesiredSlots - cCurrencySlotsInUse;
const cCurrentItemSlots = elSlotContainer.childElementCount;
const cCurrentSlots = cCurrentItemSlots + cCurrencySlotsInUse;
const bElementsChanged = cDesiredSlots !== cCurrentSlots;
const rgElementsToRemove = [];
if (cDesiredSlots > cCurrentSlots) {
// Adding the elements to a fragment before appending to the DOM is much faster
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (let i = cCurrentItemSlots; i < cDesiredItemSlots; i++) {
fragment.appendChild(createTradeSlotElement(bYourSlots, i));
} else if (cDesiredSlots < cCurrentSlots) {
// going to compact
const prefix = bYourSlots ? 'your_slot_' : 'their_slot_';
const $parent = $slots.parent();
for (let i = cDesiredItemSlots; i < cCurrentItemSlots; i++) {
const element = $slots.find('#' + prefix + i)[0];
element.id = '';
if (bElementsChanged && rgElementsToRemove.length > 0) {
// remove multiple items from a trade offer at once
// pretty much removes all items INSTANTLY
WINDOW.GTradeStateManager.RemoveItemsFromTrade = function(items) {
function checkItems(items, isYou) {
if (items.length === 0) {
return false;
function getGroups(rgItems) {
const groupBy = Utils.groupBy;
const grouped = groupBy(rgItems, 'appid');
for (let appid in grouped) {
grouped[appid] = groupBy(grouped[appid], 'contextid');
for (let contextid in grouped[appid]) {
grouped[appid][contextid] = groupBy(grouped[appid][contextid], 'id');
return grouped;
// iterate over dom elements and collect rgItems from items
function iterItems(items) {
let rgItems = [];
const revertItem = WINDOW.RevertItem;
const isInTradeSlot = WINDOW.BIsInTradeSlot;
const cleanSlot = WINDOW.CleanupSlot;
const setStackItemInTrade = WINDOW.SetStackableItemInTrade;
// this is done in reverse
for (let i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const elItem = items[i];
const item = elItem.rgItem;
if (isInTradeSlot(elItem)) {
if (item.is_stackable) {
// stackable items are fully removed by this call
setStackItemInTrade(item, 0);
return rgItems;
// iterate assets in slots
function iterAssets(rgItems) {
if (rgItems.length === 0) {
return false;
const getItem = ({ appid, contextid, assetid }) => {
return (
groups[appid] &&
groups[appid][contextid] &&
const slots = isYou ? TRADE_STATUS.me : TRADE_STATUS.them;
const groups = getGroups(rgItems);
let assets = slots.assets;
let bChanged;
for (let i = assets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const asset = assets[i];
const item = getItem(asset);
if (item) {
bChanged = true;
assets.splice(i, 1);
return bChanged;
// return true if any assets were removed from trade
return iterAssets(iterItems(items));
const manager = WINDOW.GTradeStateManager;
const [yours, theirs] = Utils.partition(items, (elItem) => {
return !elItem.rgItem.is_their_item;
const hasChanged = [
checkItems(yours, true),
checkItems(theirs, false)
if (hasChanged) {
manager.m_bChangesMade = true;
// These are shared between page scripts.
const DEPS = (function() {
// current version number of script
const VERSION = '2.2.3';
// our window object for accessing globals
const WINDOW = unsafeWindow;
// dependencies to provide to each page script
const $ = WINDOW.jQuery;
* Currencies.
* @typedef {Object} Currencies
* @property {number} [keys] - Number of keys.
* @property {number} [metal] - Amount of metal.
* Utility functions
* @namespace Utils
const Utils = {
* Get URL parameters
* @returns {Object} Object containing url parameters e.g. {'item': 'Fruit Shoot'}
getURLParams() {
const params = {};
const pattern = /[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi;
window.location.search.replace(pattern, (str, key, value) => {
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(value);
return params;
* Omits keys with values that are empty from object.
* @param {Object} obj - Object to omit values from.
* @returns {Object} Object with null, undefined, or empty string values omitted.
omitEmpty(obj) {
const result = {};
for (let k in obj) {
if (obj[k] != null && obj[k] !== '') {
result[k] = obj[k];
return result;
* Gets a list of IDs from a comma-seperated string.
* @param {string} str - Comma-seperated string.
* @returns {(string[]|null)} Array of id's if string is valid, null if not.
getIDsFromString(str) {
if (/(\d+)(,\s*\d+)*/.test(str)) {
return str.split(',');
return null;
* Executes hot key command
* @param {Event} e - Event.
* @param {Object} hotKeys - Hot keys mapped to functions.
execHotKey(e, hotKeys) {
const isTextField = (
/textarea|select/i.test(e.target.nodeName) ||
['number', 'text'].indexOf(e.target.type) !== -1
const code = e.keyCode || e.which;
const method = hotKeys[code];
if (!isTextField && method) {
* Flattens an array.
* @param {(*[] | *)[]} arr - Array to flatten.
* @returns {*[]} Flattened array.
flatten(arrays) {
return [].concat(...arrays);
* Partitions array based on conditions.
* @template T
* @param {T[]} arr - Array.
* @param {function(T): boolean} method - Function to satisfy.
* @returns {[T[], T[]]} Partitioned array.
partition(arr, fn) {
let result = [[], []];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
result[fn(arr[i]) ? 0 : 1].push(arr[i]);
return result;
* Groups an array by value from key.
* @template T
* @param {T[]} arr - Array.
* @param {(string | function(T): (number | string))} key - Key to take value from.
* @returns {Object} Object of groups.
groupBy(arr, key) {
return arr.reduce((a, b) => {
(a[b[key]] = a[b[key]] || []).push(b);
return a;
}, {});
* Copies a value to clipboard.
* @param {string} str - String to copy.
copyToClipboard(str) {
const el = document.createElement('textarea');
el.value = str;
* Converts a currency string to a currency object.
* @param {string} string - String to parse.
* @returns {(Currencies|null)} Object of currencies if string is valid.
stringToCurrencies(string) {
// mptf cross listing has no listing_price
if (!string) {
return null;
const prices = string.split(',');
const currencies = {};
for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
// match currencies - the first value is the amount
// the second value is the currency name
const match = prices[i].trim().match(/^([\d\.]*) (\w*)$/i);
const value = parseFloat(match[1]);
const currency = match[2].toLowerCase();
if (isNaN(value)) {
return null;
switch (currency) {
case 'keys':
case 'key':
currencies.keys = value;
case 'metal':
case 'ref':
currencies.metal = value;
if (Object.keys(currencies).length === 0) {
return null;
return currencies;
// these are shared between page scripts
const shared = {
// offers shared between offers pages
offers: {
// helpers for identifying items
identifiers: {
// checks if the item is a rare tf2 key
isRareTF2Key(item) {
const { appdata } = item;
// array of rare TF2 keys (defindexes)
const rare440Keys = [
const defindex = (
appdata &&
return Boolean(
typeof defindex === 'string' &&
rare440Keys.indexOf(defindex) !== -1
// detects certain attributes from an item
// this is used heavily and should be as optimized as possible
getItemAttributes(item) {
const hasDescriptions = typeof item.descriptions === 'object';
const attributes = {
color: (item.name_color || '').toUpperCase()
const isUnique = attributes.color === '7D6D00';
const { getEffectValue } = shared.offers.unusual;
// is a strange quality item
// thse are not marked as strange
const isStrangeQuality = (attributes.color || '').toUpperCase() === 'CF6A32';
const hasStrangeItemType = Boolean(
// the name must begin with strange
/^Strange /.test(item.market_hash_name) &&
// the item has a type
item.type &&
// the type matches a pattern similar to (Strange Hat - Points Scored: 0)
/^Strange ([0-9\w\s\\(\)'\-]+) \- ([0-9\w\s\(\)'-]+): (\d+)\n?$/.test(item.type)
const hasStatClock = (description) => {
return Boolean(
// has an orange color
description.color &&
description.color.toUpperCase() === 'CF6A32'
) &&
// and matches this text
'Strange Stat Clock Attached' === description.value.trim()
const matchesLowcraft = (
item.name &&
item.name.match(/.* #(\d+)$/)
// checks for a craft number that displays in game (<100) with regex and extracts it
if (matchesLowcraft) {
attributes.lowcraft = parseInt(matchesLowcraft[1]);
// whether the item is strange or not (strange unusuals, strange genuine, etc.)
// NOT strange quality items
if (!isStrangeQuality && hasStrangeItemType) {
attributes.strange = true;
// no descriptions, so don't go any further
if (!hasDescriptions) {
return attributes;
for (let i = 0; i < item.descriptions.length; i++) {
const description = item.descriptions[i];
const matchesEffect = (
attributes.effectName === undefined &&
// this will exclude cases with "Unusual Effect" descriptions
!isUnique &&
description.color === 'ffd700' &&
description.value.match(/^\u2605 Unusual Effect: (.+)$/)
const isSpelled = Boolean(
attributes.spelled === undefined &&
description.color === '7ea9d1' &&
description.value.indexOf('(spell only active during event)') !== -1
const isUncraftable = Boolean(
!description.color &&
/^\( Not.* Usable in Crafting/.test(description.value)
if (matchesEffect) {
const effectName = matchesEffect[1];
const value = getEffectValue(effectName);
if (value) {
attributes.effect = value;
if (isSpelled) {
attributes.spelled = true;
if (isUncraftable) {
attributes.uncraft = true;
// whether the item is strange or not (strange unusuals, strange genuine, etc.)
// NOT strange quality items
// this item is an item with a stat clock attached
if (!isStrangeQuality && hasStatClock(description)) {
attributes.strange = true;
return attributes;
// adds attributes to item element
addAttributes(item, itemEl) {
const {
} = shared.offers.identifiers;
const attributes = getItemAttributes(item);
addAttributesToElement(itemEl, attributes);
// adds attributes to item element
addAttributesToElement(itemEl, attributes) {
// already checked
if (itemEl.hasAttribute('data-checked')) {
const {
} = shared.offers.unusual;
const iconsEl = document.createElement('div');
let craftNumberEl = null;
const classes = [];
if (attributes.effect) {
const url = getEffectURL(attributes.effect);
itemEl.setAttribute('data-effect', attributes.effect);
itemEl.style.backgroundImage = `url('${url}')`;
if (attributes.strange) {
if (attributes.uncraft) {
if (attributes.lowcraft) {
// construct icon for lowcraft
const craftNumberEl = document.createElement('div');
craftNumberEl.textContent = `#${attributes.lowcraft}`;
craftNumberEl.style.color = `#${attributes.color}`;
// add it to the icons element
if (attributes.spelled) {
// construct icon for spells
const spellEl = document.createElement('img');
spellEl.setAttribute('src', 'https://scrap.tf/img/spell.png');
// add it to the icons element
// check if we added any icons to the element holding icons
if (iconsEl.children.length > 0) {
// then insert the element containing icons
if (classes.length > 0) {
itemEl.setAttribute('data-checked', 1);
// unusual helper functions
unusual: {
effectsMap: {
'Green Confetti': 6,
'Purple Confetti': 7,
'Haunted Ghosts': 8,
'Green Energy': 9,
'Purple Energy': 10,
'Circling TF Logo': 11,
'Massed Flies': 12,
'Burning Flames': 13,
'Scorching Flames': 14,
'Searing Plasma': 15,
'Vivid Plasma': 16,
'Sunbeams': 17,
'Circling Peace Sign': 18,
'Circling Heart': 19,
'Stormy Storm': 29,
'Blizzardy Storm': 30,
'Nuts n\' Bolts': 31,
'Orbiting Planets': 32,
'Orbiting Fire': 33,
'Bubbling': 34,
'Smoking': 35,
'Steaming': 36,
'Flaming Lantern': 37,
'Cloudy Moon': 38,
'Cauldron Bubbles': 39,
'Eerie Orbiting Fire': 40,
'Knifestorm': 43,
'Misty Skull': 44,
'Harvest Moon': 45,
'It\'s A Secret To Everybody': 46,
'Stormy 13th Hour': 47,
'Kill-a-Watt': 56,
'Terror-Watt': 57,
'Cloud 9': 58,
'Aces High': 59,
'Dead Presidents': 60,
'Miami Nights': 61,
'Disco Beat Down': 62,
'Phosphorous': 63,
'Sulphurous': 64,
'Memory Leak': 65,
'Overclocked': 66,
'Electrostatic': 67,
'Power Surge': 68,
'Anti-Freeze': 69,
'Time Warp': 70,
'Green Black Hole': 71,
'Roboactive': 72,
'Arcana': 73,
'Spellbound': 74,
'Chiroptera Venenata': 75,
'Poisoned Shadows': 76,
'Something Burning This Way Comes': 77,
'Hellfire': 78,
'Darkblaze': 79,
'Demonflame': 80,
'Showstopper': 3001,
'Holy Grail': 3003,
'\'72': 3004,
'Fountain of Delight': 3005,
'Screaming Tiger': 3006,
'Skill Gotten Gains': 3007,
'Midnight Whirlwind': 3008,
'Silver Cyclone': 3009,
'Mega Strike': 3010,
'Bonzo The All-Gnawing': 81,
'Amaranthine': 82,
'Stare From Beyond': 83,
'The Ooze': 84,
'Ghastly Ghosts Jr': 85,
'Haunted Phantasm Jr': 86,
'Haunted Phantasm': 3011,
'Ghastly Ghosts': 3012,
'Frostbite': 87,
'Molten Mallard': 88,
'Morning Glory': 89,
'Death at Dusk': 90,
'Hot': 701,
'Isotope': 702,
'Cool': 703,
'Energy Orb': 704,
'Abduction': 91,
'Atomic': 92,
'Subatomic': 93,
'Electric Hat Protector': 94,
'Magnetic Hat Protector': 95,
'Voltaic Hat Protector': 96,
'Galactic Codex': 97,
'Ancient Codex': 98,
'Nebula': 99,
'Death by Disco': 100,
'It\'s a mystery to everyone': 101,
'It\'s a puzzle to me': 102,
'Ether Trail': 103,
'Nether Trail': 104,
'Ancient Eldritch': 105,
'Eldritch Flame': 106,
'Neutron Star': 107,
'Tesla Coil': 108,
'Starstorm Insomnia': 109,
'Starstorm Slumber': 110,
'Hellish Inferno': 3013,
'Spectral Swirl': 3014,
'Infernal Flames': 3015,
'Infernal Smoke': 3016,
'Brain Drain': 111,
'Open Mind': 112,
'Head of Steam': 113,
'Galactic Gateway': 114,
'The Eldritch Opening': 115,
'The Dark Doorway': 116,
'Ring of Fire': 117,
'Vicious Circle': 118,
'White Lightning': 119,
'Omniscient Orb': 120,
'Clairvoyance': 121,
'Acidic Bubbles of Envy': 3017,
'Flammable Bubbles of Attraction': 3018,
'Poisonous Bubbles of Regret': 3019,
'Roaring Rockets': 3020,
'Spooky Night': 3021,
'Ominous Night': 3022,
'Fifth Dimension': 122,
'Vicious Vortex': 123,
'Menacing Miasma': 124,
'Abyssal Aura': 125,
'Wicked Wood': 126,
'Ghastly Grove': 127,
'Mystical Medley': 128,
'Ethereal Essence': 129,
'Twisted Radiance': 130,
'Violet Vortex': 131,
'Verdant Vortex': 132,
'Valiant Vortex': 133,
'Bewitched': 3023,
'Accursed': 3024,
'Enchanted': 3025,
'Static Mist': 3026,
'Eerie Lightning': 3027,
'Terrifying Thunder': 3028,
'Jarate Shock': 3029,
'Nether Void': 3030,
'Sparkling Lights': 134,
'Frozen Icefall': 135,
'Fragmented Gluons': 136,
'Fragmented Quarks': 137,
'Fragmented Photons': 138,
'Defragmenting Reality': 139,
'Fragmenting Reality': 141,
'Refragmenting Reality': 142,
'Snowfallen': 143,
'Snowblinded': 144,
'Pyroland Daydream': 145,
'Good-Hearted Goodies': 3031,
'Wintery Wisp': 3032,
'Arctic Aurora': 3033,
'Winter Spirit': 3034,
'Festive Spirit': 3035,
'Magical Spirit': 3036,
'Verdatica': 147,
'Aromatica': 148,
'Chromatica': 149,
'Prismatica': 150,
'Bee Swarm': 151,
'Frisky Fireflies': 152,
'Smoldering Spirits': 153,
'Wandering Wisps': 154,
'Kaleidoscope': 155,
'Green Giggler': 156,
'Laugh-O-Lantern': 157,
'Plum Prankster': 158,
'Pyroland Nightmare': 159,
'Gravelly Ghoul': 160,
'Vexed Volcanics': 161,
'Gourdian Angel': 162,
'Pumpkin Party': 163,
'Spectral Escort': 3037,
'Astral Presence': 3038,
'Arcane Assistance': 3039,
'Emerald Allurement': 3041,
'Pyrophoric Personality': 3042,
'Spellbound Aspect': 3043,
'Static Shock': 3044,
'Veno Shock': 3045,
'Toxic Terrors': 3046,
'Arachnid Assault': 3047,
'Creepy Crawlies': 3048,
'Frozen Fractals': 164,
'Lavender Landfall': 165,
'Special Snowfall': 166,
'Divine Desire': 167,
'Distant Dream': 168,
'Violent Wintertide': 169,
'Blighted Snowstorm': 170,
'Pale Nimbus': 171,
'Genus Plasmos': 172,
'Serenus Lumen': 173,
'Ventum Maris': 174,
'Mirthful Mistletoe': 175,
'Delightful Star': 3049,
'Frosted Star': 3050,
'Apotheosis': 3051,
'Ascension': 3052,
'Reindoonicorn Rancher': 3053,
'Twinkling Lights': 3055,
'Shimmering Lights': 3056,
'Resonation': 177,
'Aggradation': 178,
'Lucidation': 179,
'Stunning': 180,
'Ardentum Saturnalis': 181,
'Fragrancium Elementalis': 182,
'Reverium Irregularis': 183,
'Perennial Petals': 185,
'Flavorsome Sunset': 186,
'Raspberry Bloom': 187,
'Iridescence': 188,
'Tempered Thorns': 189,
'Devilish Diablo': 190,
'Severed Serration': 191,
'Shrieking Shades': 192,
'Restless Wraiths': 194,
'Infernal Wraith': 195,
'Phantom Crown': 196,
'Ancient Specter': 197,
'Viridescent Peeper': 198,
'Eyes of Molten': 199,
'Ominous Stare': 200,
'Pumpkin Moon': 201,
'Frantic Spooker': 202,
'Frightened Poltergeist': 203,
'Energetic Haunter': 204,
'Spectral Shackles': 3059,
'Cursed Confinement': 3060,
'Cavalier de Carte': 3062,
'Hollow Flourish': 3063,
'Magic Shuffle': 3064,
'Vigorous Pulse': 3065,
'Thundering Spirit': 3066,
'Galvanic Defiance': 3067,
'Wispy Halos': 3068,
'Nether Wisps': 3069,
'Aurora Borealis': 3070,
'Aurora Australis': 3071,
'Aurora Polaris': 3072,
'Smissmas Tree': 205,
'Hospitable Festivity': 206,
'Condescending Embrace': 207,
'Sparkling Spruce': 209,
'Glittering Juniper': 210,
'Prismatic Pine': 211,
'Spiraling Lights': 212,
'Twisting Lights': 213,
'Stardust Pathway': 214,
'Flurry Rush': 215,
'Spark of Smissmas': 216,
'Polar Forecast': 218,
'Shining Stag': 219,
'Holiday Horns': 220,
'Ardent Antlers': 221,
'Festive Lights': 223,
'Amethyst Winds': 3073,
'Golden Gusts': 3074,
'Smissmas Swirls': 3075,
'Minty Cypress': 3077,
'Pristine Pine': 3078,
'Sparkly Spruce': 3079,
'Festive Fever': 3081,
'Golden Glimmer': 3083,
'Frosty Silver': 3084,
'Glamorous Dazzle': 3085,
'Sublime Snowstorm': 3087,
'Haunted Kraken': 257,
'Eerie Kraken': 258,
'Soulful Slice': 259,
'Horsemann\'s Hack': 260,
'Haunted Forever!': 261,
'Forever And Forever!': 263,
'Cursed Forever!': 264,
'Moth Plague': 265,
'Malevolent Monoculi': 266,
'Haunted Wick': 267,
'Wicked Wick': 269,
'Spectral Wick': 270,
'Marigold Ritual': 3088,
'Pungent Poison': 3090,
'Blazed Brew': 3091,
'Mysterious Mixture': 3092,
'Linguistic Deviation': 3093,
'Aurelian Seal': 3094,
'Runic Imprisonment': 3095,
'Prismatic Haze': 3097,
'Rising Ritual': 3098,
'Bloody Grip': 3100,
'Toxic Grip': 3102,
'Infernal Grip': 3103,
'Death Grip': 3104,
'Sublime Snowstorm': 3087,
'Crustacean Sensation': 224,
'Frosted Decadence': 226,
'Sprinkled Delights': 228,
'Terrestrial Favor': 229,
'Tropical Thrill': 230,
'Flourishing Passion': 231,
'Dazzling Fireworks': 232,
'Blazing Fireworks': 233,
'Shimmering Fireworks': 234,
'Twinkling Fireworks': 235,
'Sparkling Fireworks': 236,
'Glowing Fireworks': 237,
'Glimmering Fireworks': 238,
'Flying Lights': 239,
'Limelight': 241,
'Shining Star': 242,
'Cold Cosmos': 243,
'Refracting Fractals': 244,
'Startrance': 245,
'Starlush': 247,
'Starfire': 248,
'Stardust': 249,
'Contagious Eruption': 250,
'Daydream Eruption': 251,
'Volcanic Eruption': 252,
'Divine Sunlight': 253,
'Audiophile': 254,
'Soundwave': 255,
'Synesthesia': 256,
'Haunted Kraken': 257,
'Eerie Kraken': 258,
'Soulful Slice': 259,
'Horsemann\'s Hack': 260,
'Haunted Forever!': 261,
'Forever And Forever!': 263,
'Cursed Forever!': 264,
'Moth Plague': 265,
'Malevolent Monoculi': 266,
'Haunted Wick': 267,
'Wicked Wick': 269,
'Spectral Wick': 270,
'Marigold Ritual': 3088,
'Pungent Poison': 3090,
'Blazed Brew': 3091,
'Mysterious Mixture': 3092,
'Linguistic Deviation': 3093,
'Aurelian Seal': 3094,
'Runic Imprisonment': 3095,
'Prismatic Haze': 3097,
'Rising Ritual': 3098,
'Bloody Grip': 3100,
'Toxic Grip': 3102,
'Infernal Grip': 3103,
'Death Grip': 3104,
'Musical Maelstrom': 271,
'Verdant Virtuoso': 272,
'Silver Serenade': 273,
'Cosmic Constellations': 274,
'Dazzling Constellations': 276,
'Tainted Frost': 277,
'Starlight Haze': 278,
'Charged Arcane': 3105,
'Thunderous Rage': 3106,
'Convulsive Fiery': 3107,
'Festivized Formation': 3108,
'Twirling Spirits': 3110,
'Squash n\' Twist ': 3111,
'Midnight Sparklers': 3112,
'Boundless Blizzard': 3113,
'Hard Carry': 279,
'Jellyfish Field': 281,
'Jellyfish Hunter': 283,
'Jellyfish Jam': 284,
'Global Clusters': 285,
'Celestial Starburst': 286,
'Sylicone Succiduous': 287,
'Sakura Smoke Bomb': 288,
'Treasure Trove': 289,
'Bubble Breeze': 290,
'Fireflies': 291,
'Mountain Halo': 292,
'Solar Scorched': 3114,
'Deepsea Rave': 3115,
'Blooming Beacon': 3117,
'Beaming Beacon': 3118,
'Blazing Beacon': 3119,
'Floppin\' Frenzy': 3120,
'Pastel Trance': 3121,
'Wildflower Meadows': 3123,
'Celestial Summit': 293,
'Hellspawned Horns': 297,
'Sapped': 295,
'Revenant\'s Rack': 300,
'Sixth Sense': 301,
'Amygdala': 303,
'Arachne\'s Web': 305,
'Acidic Climate': 306,
'Nightmarish Storm': 308,
'The Bone Zone': 304,
'Icestruck': 309,
'Demonic Impaler': 299,
'Radiant Rivalry': 313,
'Goldstruck': 311,
'Frosty Flavours': 315,
'Radiant Legacy': 314,
'Mint Frost': 317,
'Stellar Ascent': 294,
'North Star': 318,
'Prettiest Star': 320,
'Festive Falling Star': 321,
'Lunar Lights': 322,
'Fairy Lights': 324,
'Natural Lights': 325,
'Deep-sea Devourer': 3124,
'Eldritch Horror': 3125,
'Autumn Leaves': 3126,
'Dead Man\'s Party': 3127,
'Potion Explosion': 3128,
'Haunted Cremation': 3129,
'Cremation': 3130,
'Snowfall': 3131,
'Galactic Connection': 3132,
'Dark Twilight': 3134,
'Eldritch Rift': 3135,
'Selfless Sensation': 3136,
'Distant Desire': 3137,
'Glamorous Glance': 3138,
'Permafrost Essence': 3139,
'Otherworldly Weather': 307,
'Arctic Delight': 3141,
'Winning Spirit': 3142,
'Petal Prance': 3143,
'Violent Viridian': 333,
'Magenta Monstrum': 334,
'Rainbow Reverie': 335,
'Cuban Smoke': 336,
'Melting Mohawk': 337,
'Scorched Scalp': 339,
'Ignited Crest': 340,
'Rare Shine': 341,
'Distant Drift': 342,
'Warp Drive': 344,
'Overdrive': 345,
'Butterfly Season': 346,
'Psycho-delic': 348,
'Bewitching Bugs': 349,
'Dragonflies Nature Nature': 3147,
'Dragonflies Lucent Lucent': 3148,
'Electrocution': 3149,
'Distress Signal': 3151,
'Cariocas Calls Call': 3153,
'Fiesta Royale': 3154,
'Grand Jubilee': 3156,
'Elemental': 3157,
'Godlike': 3159,
'Teamwork Valorance': 3160,
'Legacy Logo': 3162,
'Lure of the Deep': 331,
'Loyalists Coronets Coronet': 327,
'Knights Prideful Spirits Prideful Spirit': 329,
'Barons Cherished Chaplets Cherished Chaplet': 330,
'Dragonflies Embrace Embrace': 3145,
'Desert Wind': 3163,
'Monsoon Season': 3164,
'Bountiful Riches': 3165,
'Luxurious Lover': 3167,
'Amatory': 3168,
'Electrum': 3170,
'Sakura Blessings': 3171,
'Violent Violets': 3173,
* Includes effect image in element.
* @param {HTMLElement} itemEl - DOM element.
* @param {Object} value - Value for Unusual effect.
modifyElement(itemEl, value) {
const url = shared.offers.unusual.getEffectURL(value);
itemEl.style.backgroundImage = `url('${url}')`;
* Gets the effect value from an effect name.
* @param {string} effectName - Effect name.
* @returns {string|undefined} Effect value, if available.
getEffectValue(effectName) {
return shared.offers.unusual.effectsMap[effectName];
* Gets URL of image for effect.
* @param {number} value - Value of effect.
* @returns {string} URL string
getEffectURL(value) {
return `https://backpack.tf/images/440/particles/${value}_94x94.png`;
* Adds attribute display properties to a list of hoverable items (e.g. in trade offers or steam profiles).
* @param {NodeList|HTMLElement[]} itemsList - List of items to add attributes to.
function addAttributesToHoverItems(itemsList) {
if (itemsList.length === 0) {
// nothing to do
const {
} = shared.offers.identifiers;
// cache for classinfo data
const attributeCache = (function() {
// the key to set/get values from
const CACHE_INDEX = VERSION + '.getTradeOffers.cache';
// this will hold our cached values
let values = {};
function save() {
let value = JSON.stringify(values);
if (value.length >= 50000) {
// clear cache when it becomes too big
values = {};
value = '{}';
setStored(CACHE_INDEX, value);
// value is a hash of attributes
// at the MOST, this will appear as:
// {
// spelled: true,
// uncraft: true,
// strange: true,
// effect: 9
// }
function store(key, attributes) {
values[key] = attributes;
function get() {
values = JSON.parse(getStored(CACHE_INDEX) || '{}');
function key(itemEl) {
const classinfo = itemEl.getAttribute('data-economy-item');
const [ , , classid, instanceid] = classinfo.split('/');
return [classid, instanceid].join(':');
function getValue(key) {
return values[key];
return {
let itemsChecked = 0;
let cacheSaveTimer;
// first load from cache
// process unusual items first
.sort((a, b) => {
const getValue = (itemEl) => {
const unusualBorderColor = 'rgb(134, 80, 172)';
if (itemEl.style.borderColor === unusualBorderColor) {
return 1;
return -1;
return getValue(b) - getValue(a);
.forEach((itemEl) => {
// get hover for item to get item information
// this requires an ajax request
// classinfo format - "classinfo/440/192234515/3041550843"
const classinfo = itemEl.getAttribute('data-economy-item');
const [ , appid, classid, instanceid] = classinfo.split('/');
// only check tf2 items
if (appid !== '440') {
// continue
const cacheKey = attributeCache.key(itemEl);
const cachedValue = attributeCache.getValue(cacheKey);
if (cachedValue) {
// use cached attributes
addAttributesToElement(itemEl, cachedValue);
} else {
const itemStr = [appid, classid, instanceid].join('/');
const uri = `economy/itemclasshover/${itemStr}?content_only=1&l=english`;
const req = new WINDOW.CDelayedAJAXData(uri, 0);
// this will space requests
const delay = 5000 * Math.floor(itemsChecked / 50);
setTimeout(() => {
// we use this to get class info (names, descriptions) for each item
// it would be much more efficient to use GetAssetClassInfo/v0001 but it requires an API key
// this may be considered later
req.RunWhenAJAXReady(() => {
// 3rd element is a script tag containing item data
const html = req.m_$Data[2].innerHTML;
// extract the json for item with pattern...
const match = html.match(/BuildHover\(\s*?\'economy_item_[A-z0-9]+\',\s*?(.*)\s\);/);
try {
// then parse it
const item = JSON.parse(match[1]);
const attributes = getItemAttributes(item);
// then add the attributes to the element
addAttributesToElement(itemEl, attributes);
// store the attributes in cache
attributeCache.store(cacheKey, attributes);
// then save it n ms after the last completed request
cacheSaveTimer = setTimeout(attributeCache.save, 1000);
} catch (e) {
}, delay);
// set a stored value
function setStored(name, value) {
GM_setValue(name, value);
// get a stored value
function getStored(name) {
return GM_getValue(name);
return {
const script = scripts.find(({includes}) => {
return includes.some((pattern) => {
return Boolean(window.location.href.match(pattern));
if (script) {
if (script.styles) {
// add the styles
if (script.fn) {
// run the script