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{"name":"Raspberry Pi 2 - GPIO, UART TX and RX Web Controller Without Using SSH Access","tagline":"Raspberry Pi 2 Web Controller Without Need of SSH Access","body":"Welcome to the page, here you can get the source code to control all the 15 GPIO Pins and UART TX and UART RX pin of Raspberry Pi version 2. \r\n\r\nUnlike other projects, you don't need to SSH login to Raspberry PI to control your PI GPIO pins.\r\n\r\n\r\nRemember to get this project working, do the following \r\n\r\n\r\n##################################STEP1###########################################\r\n Login to your Pi terminal\r\n\r\n\r\n######################STEP2######################################################\r\n#2 Install wiringPi v2.24 or above. Remember wiringPi for Raspberry Pi V2 need to be installed from https://git.drogon.net/?p=wiringPi;a=summary \r\n\r\n Click on commit of the \"master\" package, then click on \"snapshot\" of first package\r\n\r\ngit clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi\r\ncd wiringPi\r\ngit pull origin\r\ncd wiringPi ./build\r\n\r\nNow test wiringPi installation with\r\ncd wiringPi\r\n./build\r\n\r\n\r\n######################STEP3##################################################################\r\n Follow the terminal commands below to install apache server and php compiler on raspberry pi\r\nsudo apt-get update\r\nsudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils\r\nsudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php-pear php5-xcache\r\n\r\nafter installing\r\ncd /var/www/\r\nsudo nano switch.php\r\n\r\nNow copy paste the code of this project named switch.php\r\n\r\nyou can access your raspberrypi server with your hostname which is \"raspberrypi\" by default or your raspberrypi ip address.\r\nFind it by terminal command, ifconfig\r\n\r\n\r\n###############STEP4#############################\r\n\r\nUSAGE OF THIS PROJECT\r\n\r\nTO GET THE REST API WORKING ON YOUR BROWSER, SWITCH.PHP\r\naccess http://raspberrypi/switch.php\r\n\r\nPASS GET Parameters to get GPIO ON, OFF\r\n\r\nhttp://raspberrypi/switch.php?pin=0&switch=1\r\n\r\nwhere \"pin\" number represents the pin number of wiringPi starting from 0 to 16\r\n\"switch\" represents ON OFF state of the GPIO, for\r\n\r\n################## \r\n\r\nOFF, PIN=0\r\nON, PIN=1\r\n\r\n#######\r\nGPIO 18 ON\r\nhttp://raspberrypi/switch.php?pin=1&switch=1\r\n\r\n\r\nGPIO 18 OFF\r\nhttp://raspberrypi/switch.php?pin=1&switch=0\r\n\r\n\r\n###########PIN NUMBERS OF ALL GPIO and RX TX UART######################\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPORT Name pin number\r\nGPIO2 8\r\nGPIO3 9\r\nGPIO4 7\r\nGPIO7 11\r\nGPIO8 10\r\nGPIO9 13\r\nGPIO10 12\r\nGPIO11 14\r\nGPIO17 0\r\nGPIO18 1\r\nGPIO22 3\r\nGPIO23 4\r\nGPIO24 5\r\nGPIO25 6\r\nGPIO27 2\r\nUART TX 15 \r\nUART RX 16\r\n\r\n\r\n###Follow the pin numbers we have tested all pins with wiringPi#########\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nFeel Free to ask me any questions, bugs or problems you face. I will be extremely happy to assist you about this.","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}