These are the TAOS-CI configuration files to support the nnstreamer repository.
The section describes two steps to use the configuration files of the nnstreamer repository.
First of all, you must write for passwords carefully as follows. !!!SECURITY!!! NEVER REVEAL THE BELOW PASSWORDS.
$ vi ./config/
TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <---- 1/4: Here!!!
_cov_token="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <---- 2/4: Here!!!
$ vi ./config-webhookk.json
"github": {
"website": "",
"id": "taos-ci",
"email": "[email protected]",
"secret": "xxxxxxx" <---- 3/4: Here!!!
"broken_arrow": {
"id": "admin",
"pass": "xxxxxxx", <---- 4/4: Here!!!
"ip": " "
After adding TAOS-CI submodule in your GitHub project folder, copy and overwrite them.
$ cp -rf ./conf/* {REPO_DIR}/TAOS-CI/ci/taos/conf/
Or you may just link the configuration files with the ln
command to maintain changes effectively.
$ cd {REPO_DIR}
$ ln -s .TAOS-CI/conf/ ./TAOS-CI/ci/taos/conf/
$ ln -s .TAOS-CI/conf/ ./TAOS-CI/ci/taos/conf/
$ ln -s .TAOS-CI/conf/ ./TAOS-CI/ci/taos/conf/
$ ln -s .TAOS-CI/conf/ ./TAOS-CI/ci/taos/conf/
$ ln -s .TAOS-CI/conf/config-webhook.json ./TAOS-CI/ci/taos/conf/config-webhook.json
$ ln -s .TAOS-CI/conf/prohibited_words.txt ./TAOS-CI/ci/taos/conf/prohibited_words.txt