Field | Type | Value | Description |
Threshold | Decimal | Default is 0.8 (ie 80%) |
The used as a percentage of the capacity to work out the alarm thresholds. Will be used as threshold of all tables listed in an AlertingGroup unless overridden for a table. |
MonitorThrottling | bool | Default is false | Enables monitoring on throttled reads or writes. |
MonitorCapacity | bool | Default is true | Enables monitoring of usage against provisioned capacity. |
ThrottlingThreshold | int | Optional | Set the throttling threshold - the number of throttled reads or writes in a minute that causes an alarm. |
Tables | Array of Table |
** | Array of dynamo tables to add the alerts to. See below for more info on Tables |
ExcludeTablesPrefixedWith | Array of strings | Don't add read or write alerts for any tables with these name prefixes. Exclude overrides Tables settings. |
ExcludeReadsForTablesPrefixedWith | Array of strings | Don't add read alerts for any tables with these name prefixes. Exclude overrides Tables settings. |
ExcludeWritesForTablesPrefixedWith | Array of strings | Don't add write alerts for any tables with these name prefixes. Exclude overrides Tables settings. |
Tables can either be added as strings or Table objects. If added as simple strings, the default options will used.
Field | Type | Value | Description |
Name | String | One of Name or Pattern must be specified |
Name of the dynamo table |
Pattern | String | One of Name or Pattern must be specified |
Regex to match multiple dynamo tables |
Threshold | Decimal | Default from the Threshold value of containing alerting group. |
Used as a fraction of the capacity to work out the alarm threshold for this table *** |
MonitorWrites | Boolean | Default is true |
If false , no alerts are generated for writes to the table or its indexes |
MonitorThrottling | bool | Default from the MonitorThrottling value of containing alerting group. |
Enables or disables monitoring on throttled reads or writes. |
MonitorCapacity | bool | Default from the MonitorCapacity value of containing alerting group. |
Enables monitoring of usage against provisioned capacity. |
ThrottlingThreshold | int | Default from the ThrottlingThreshold value of containing alerting group. |
Set the throttling threshold - the number of throttled reads or writes in a minute that causes an alarm. |
The alerting Threshold is a value from 0.0 to 1.0 that specifies the fraction of the table's read or write capacity being used that triggers the cloudwatch alarm. The threshold for a table uses these fallbacks:
- if a threshold is specified for the table, that is used. If not,
- if a threshold is specified for the containing alerting group, that is used. If not,
- a global default of 0.8 (i.e. 80% utilisation) is used.
All global secondary indexes on the table will also be monitored at the same threshold.
Field | Type | Value | Description |
LengthThreshold | int, count of messages | Optional | Value for alert on queue length |
OldestMessageThreshold | int, number of seconds | Optional | Value for alert on old messages |
Errors | error queue data | Optional | Default configuration of error queues |
Queues | Array of queue |
Field | Type | Value | Description |
Name | String | One of Name or Pattern must be specified |
Name of the queue |
Pattern | String | One of Name or Pattern must be specified |
Regex to match multiple queues |
LengthThreshold | int, count of messages | Optional | Value for alert on queue length |
OldestMessageThreshold | int, number of seconds | Optional | Value for alert on age of messages in a queue |
Errors | error queue data | Optional | Values for alerts on error queues |
Can be attached to Queue or alerting group or both. Values are defaulted - if a value is not specified in a queue, the default from the alerting group is used. If that is not specified, then a global default is used.
Field | Type | Value | Description |
Monitored | bool | Optional, default true | Should this error queue be monitored at all. If False, none of the other values in the Errors object are used |
Suffix | string | Optional, default is "_error" | Text at the end of queue name to determine if this is an error queue |
LengthThreshold | int, count of messages | Optional | Value for alert on error queue length |
OldestMessageThreshold | int, number of seconds | Optional | Value for alert on age of messages in an error queue |
This looks complex, but the defaults are overrides are aimed at producing readable and sensible markup, while dealing with the way that queues are set up in a variety of ways: in some cases the team needs to know about even 1 message arriving on an error queue, while in others the error queue is ignored, or does not exist.