This example demonstrates the ways you can use Stackdriver to gain insights into and debug microservices deployments running on GKE with Istio's telemetry support.
We'll deploy the Hipstershop sample application along with an updated service that introduces a 3-second latency into all requests. Then we'll create Stackdriver Monitoring dashboards to dig into key metrics like cluster and service health. Next, we'll use Stackdriver Trace to identify high latency requests. Finally, we'll dig into service output using Stackdriver Logging.
- Clone the repo and change into the demo directory.
git clone
cd istio-samples/common
- From Cloud Shell, enable the Kubernetes Engine API.
gcloud services enable
- Create a GKE cluster using Istio on GKE. This add-on will provision your GKE cluster with Istio.
gcloud beta container clusters create istio-stackdriver-demo \
--zone=us-central1-f \
--machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
- Install Istio on the cluster.
- Wait for all Istio pods to be
kubectl get pods -n istio-system
Note: This Istio installation uses the default PERMISSIVE
mesh-wide security
This means that all services in the cluster will send unencrypted traffic by default.
- Apply the sample app manifests to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl patch deployments/productcatalogservice -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"labels":{"version":"v1"}}}}}'
- Run
kubectl get pods -n default
to ensure that all pods areRunning
adservice-76b5c7bd6b-zsqb8 2/2 Running 0 1m
checkoutservice-86f5c7679c-8ghs8 2/2 Running 0 1m
currencyservice-5749fd7c6d-lv6hj 2/2 Running 0 1m
emailservice-6674bf75c5-qtnd8 2/2 Running 0 1m
frontend-56fdfb866c-tvdm6 2/2 Running 0 1m
loadgenerator-b64fcb8bc-m6nd2 2/2 Running 0 1m
paymentservice-67c6696c54-tgnc5 2/2 Running 0 1m
productcatalogservice-76c6454c57-9zj2v 2/2 Running 0 1m
recommendationservice-78c7676bfb-xqtp6 2/2 Running 0 1m
shippingservice-7bc4bc75bb-kzfrb 2/2 Running 0 1m
Note: Each pod has 2 containers, because each pod now has the injected Istio sidecar proxy.
- Create an Istio DestinationRule for
cd ../istio-canary-gke/
kubectl apply -f canary/destinationrule.yaml
- Deploy
v2 which introduces a 3-second latency into all server requests.
kubectl apply -f canary/productcatalog-v2.yaml
- Using
kubectl get pods
, verify that thev2
pod is Running.
productcatalogservice-v2-79459dfdff-6qdh4 2/2 Running 0 1m
- Create an Istio VirtualService to split incoming
traffic between v1 (75%) and v2 (25%).
kubectl apply -f canary/vs-split-traffic.yaml
Now that we've deployed Hipstershop, along with an updated service that introduces higher latency to server requests, let's dig into how we can surface that latency via monitoring. Hipstershop includes a built-in load generator that issues requests across a number of services so after a few minutes you should start to see traffic hitting the deplyoment. The following steps will show you how to create a basic dashboard that let's you monitor some metrics for service and cluster health.
Head over to Stackdriver Monitoring and create a Stackdriver Workspace.
Navigate to Dashboards > Create Dashboard in the left sidebar.
In the new Dashboard, click Add Chart and the following metric:
- Metric: Server Response Latencies (
) - Group By:
- Aligner: 50th percentile
- Reducer: mean
- Alignment Period: 1 minute
- Type: Line
- Click Save Chart in the upper right corner and repeat the process by adding new charts for each of the following metrics:
Client Roundtrip Latencies
- Metric: Client Roundtrip Latencies (
) - Group By:
- Aligner: 50th percentile
- Reducer: mean
- Alignment Period: 1 minute
- Type: Line
CPU Utilization
- Metric: CPU Utilization (
) - Resource Type: GCE VM Instance
- Filter:
= "" - Aligner: mean
- Reducer: none
- Alignment Period: 1 minute
- Type: Line
Memory Usage
- Metric: Memory Usage (
) - Group By:
- Aligner: mean
- Reducer: mean
- Alignment Period: 1 minute
- Type: Line
- After the metrics have been added, you will have a Dashboard that looks similar to the following:
- Now that you have a functioning Dashboard and some load has been generated, take a look at Server Response Latencies and Client Roundtrip Latencies charts. You will see there are some clear outliers, specifically the
service. You will also see other related services (such asfrontend
) also have latency spikes. This is because the frontend relies on ProductCatalog, for which 25% of requests are routing through the slowerv2
Also take a look at the CPU Utilization and Memory Usage charts and you'll notice that there are no significant outliers there. As expected, the issue isn't with the GKE cluster itself, it's due to the fact that we specifically deployed a service that introduced a 3-second per request latency.
Now that the high latency service (productcatalogservice
) has been identified, we can use Stackdriver Trace to dig in and examine the latency impact it's having across the entire deployment.
- Open Stackdriver Trace and you will see the tracing overview.
The left side of the Overview contains
- Recent traces captured
- Most frequent URIs requested
- Most frequent RPCs called
And on the right you'll see automated analysis reports. These reports are generated by the system and correspond to some of the recent and/or high frequency requests/calls.
- From the left navigation, head over to the Trace List and you'll see a chart of all requests plotted against latency along with a table of the most recent 1000 traces.
- From the Trace List chat, select a high latency outlier and you'll see a Timeline and Summary appear below.
- The timeline shows an initial request and the subsequent requests it generated. In the example below, you can see that requesting the URL
took about 12.1s, primarily due to the subsequent requests to theproductcatalogservice
(which has an extra 3s of latency added to each request).
- The Summary table to the right aggregates all of the outbound RPC requests and their total duration, along with additional metadata about the initial request itself.
At this point, we've been able to
- Identify a high latency service
using Stackdriver Monitoring - Examine the impact that service is having by digging through request traces using Stackdriver Trace
The final step is to look at the logs generated by our services to see if there's any additional debug information we can capture. Using Stackdriver Logging we can examine individual service logs from our deployment.
- Open Stackdriver Logging and you'll see the logs viewer.
- Using the Filter field and controls, you can select which logs you want to view. In the example below we used the following filter:
- Resource: Kubernetes Container
- Cluster Name: istio-stackdriver-demo
- Namespace: default
- Container Name: server
Note: In our example, we manually injected the latency into productcatalogservice-v2
so these example logs won't be of much help.
Once you're all done, delete the GKE cluster:
gcloud container clusters delete istio-stackdriver-demo