This document will be updated as new tests are written.
Integration testing is performed by Test Kitchen. Tests should be designed to ensure that a recipe has accomplished its goal.
By default, we use the Dokken driver (Docker) due to the ease of passing in environment variables to the containers. In order to use Test Kitchen with this cookbook, you will need to export the following environment variables:
export FALCON_CLIENT_ID=<Your API Client ID>
export FALCON_CLIENT_SECRET=<Your API Client Secret>
export FALCON_CLOUD=<Your API Cloud URL (ie>
export FALCON_CID=<Your Falcon CID>
Refer to the kitchen.yml for more details
Run the following command to do a full test of all platforms:
kitchen test # optionally pass -c for parallel runs
To run only against Ubuntu and CentOS:
kitchen test ubuntu|centos
Refer to the kitchen.vagrant.yml for more details.
❗ Until we figure out a clean way to pass ENV variables, this will be under construction ❗