Configuration and customization files to personalize Linux, Windows, and macOS.
This repository contains my personal dotfiles like configurations for software described below.
List of folders and dotfiles in them:
configuration files for the below mentioned programsalacritty
- alacritty terminal emulatorbroot
- Broot file and directory navigatorCode/User/
- Visual Studio Code editorcool-retro-term/
- Cool Retro Term Terminal Emulatorcopyq/
- copyq Clipboard Managerdoom/
- Doom Emacs Frameworkdunst/
- dunst Notification daemon, for use with i3emacs/
- Emacs editorfish/
- Fish shellfontconfig/conf.d/
- Fonts managed by Nix package managerghostty
- ghostty terminal emulatorhelix
- Helix editorhome-manager
- Home Manager using nix for software packagesi3/
- i3 Window Manager (WM)i3status/
- i3status Status bar for use with i3input-remapper/
- input-remapper to change input behaviour like key remappinglazyvim
- Lazyvim Neovim setupmprocs/
- mprocs to manage parallel and commonly executed processesmpv/
- mpv media playernavi/
- navi command line cheatsheet toolnushell/
- nushell cross platform shellnvim/
- neovim editorrofi/
- rofi Application launcher, Window switcher for use with i3 and in GNOMEtmux
- tmux Terminal Multiplexertodotxt-cli/
- todotxt Task manager on command linetopgrade/
- topgrade Updater for things like operating systems, software, packages, and othersvlc/
- vlc media playerwezterm/
- WezTerm Cross platform terminal emulator and multiplexeryazi/
- Yazi file managerdolphinrc
- Dolphin File Manager settingskdeglobals
- KDE KDE Desktop Environment appearance settingsgfold.toml
- gfold Track git repositoriesstarship.toml
- Starship Cross-shell prompt
- Open source fonts.local/share/applications/
- Desktop entriesTemplates/
- New file templates for GNOME File manager also known as Nautilususr/bin/
- Linux scriptsusr/bin-windows/
- Windows scriptsother/
- Other configuration files not normally stored in user home directoryPowerShell/
- PowerShell shellWindowsPowerShell/
- Windows PowerShell 5.1 shell
- Bash shell.gitconfig
- Git distributed version control configuration file.inputrc
- GNU Readline for command line editing.Xresources
- X Window System configuration files
- Operating systems/distributions:
- Desktop environment: GNOME
- Window manager (WM): i3 tiling WM
- Status bar: i3status
- Shell:
- Bash
- GNU Readline library
- Fish
- Nushell cross platform shell
- PowerShell
- Prompt: Starship
- Bash
Version control:
Window switcher/application launcher: rofi
Clipboard manager: copyq
Notification daemon: dunst
Personal Task management: todotxt
Parallel commands manager: mprocs
Updates for software: topgrade
Keyboard mapper: input-remapper
Package Management: Home Manager using nix
File Explorer, Directory Navigator: Broot, Dolphin File Manager, Yazi
- Most software listed above runs cross-platform on Linux, Windows, and macOS and can use the same configuration files (dotfiles). The dotfiles are regularly tested on Linux and Windows using latest stable versions of software.
- For Linux / Unix only software, it can be run on Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Cygwin, and/or MSYS on Windows (examples: GNOME, i3, rofi, fish, tmux, dunst, home manager).
There are many ways to manage your dotfiles. I use an Ansible playbook inspired by geerlingguy/mac-dev-playbook and dotfiles Ansible role which installs and configures machines I use from base installation using package managers like apt, dnf, nix, chocolately, and scoop.