In this lesson, we are going to talk about "routing".
It's focussed around the MVC pattern.
-----> Model <----> DB
| |
response request | |
Browser <-------- router -------> controller <--
POST -----> view <----> html/images/css/js
When a user makes a request to the browser, the web-application needs to know what content to show them.
Let's compare with code that we have previously written.
[i] This is from the recipes_controller.rb file from the cookbook homework.
In Sinatra we defined the routes within our controller action:
get '/recipes' do
@recipes = Recipe.all
erb :'recipes/index'
get '/recipes/new' do
@recipe = Recipe.new
@categories = Category.all
erb :'recipes/new'
A "route" is a combination of the path that was requested, and the HTTP verb that was used to request that path.
##We do : Link a route to a controller
rails new routing_app
cd routing_app
Rails has a "routing engine" that separates this from the controller. The configuration for the routing engine is held in the file config/routes.rb
Let's create a controller.
touch app/controllers/home_controller.rb
Add the method about_us in the controller home:
class HomeController < ApplicationController
## This is a controller action called about_us
def about_us
render text: "hello from Rails! This is all about us..."
At the moment, this action can not be accessed via an http route, we need to add a route handler.
In config/routes.rb
delete all the comments and replace with:
get '/about_us', to: 'home#about_us'
is the http verb to use for this request/about_us
is theuri
to call to access this resourceto: 'home#about_us'
is a key defining which method and controller will be use dby Let's have a look at this then:
rails s
And visit http://localhost:3000/about_us
in the browser.
##We do: Let's add some more!
Add some more:
get '/faqs', to: 'home#faqs'
get '/terms_and_conditions', to: 'home#terms'
# controllers/home_controller.rb:
def faqs
render text: "Question, questions questions..."
def terms
render text: "Terms..."
Just like in Sinatra, we have a directory for views, and everything for the user goes in there.
mkdir app/views/home
touch app/views/home/about_us.html.erb
# move the "render" text into here...
touch app/views/home/faqs.html.erb
touch app/views/home/terms.html.erb
In Sinatra we had to create the layout. But in Rails, we get a default there already - app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
Add some navigation links to it:
<li><a href='/about_us'>About Us</a></li>
<li><a href='/faqs'>Faqs</a></li>
<li><a href='/terms_and_conditions'>Terms & Conditions</a></li>
We call the "landing page" of our web app the "Root route", and we need to define it in the routes file.
root to: 'home#about_us'
##I do: Rake Routes
We can see all of the routes defined in our application by running:
rake routes