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The sample includes a basic scenario of using a host builder to configure a durable task host, and register some basic orchestrations and activities.

Bonus Samples

The sample includes some bonus scenarios I have found useful when working with DurableTask Framework.

1. Orchestration Session Data

Use Case

Say you want some non-orchestration or activity specific data that is carried through the whole execution of a single orchestration. The orchestration or activities have no use to directly interact with this data, but it is there for some other purpose such as a logging correlation id.


DurableTask offers no official session data. However, the framework does make use of data contracts and ExtensionData. Using this functionality, we can store our session data in the OrchestrationInstance.ExtensionData and be able to access it for the whole life of the orchestration. See OrchestrationInstanceEx.cs.


DurableTask now supports propagating orchestration tags to activities. This means they can now be used for metadata propagation instead of the workaround above.