update logo and title, new playlist refresh
update logo and title, new playlist refresh
register route live and register action works
register route live and register action works
add playlist works, delete also works
add playlist works, delete also works
hook up playlist button to functionality, needs more work on backend …
hook up playlist button to functionality, needs more work on backend …
add tube adds tube to playlist and refreshs so user can see, css styl…
add tube adds tube to playlist and refreshs so user can see, css styl…
xfade with curve value and individual gain sliders are working
xfade with curve value and individual gain sliders are working
xfade works, youtube iframe can be controlled
xfade works, youtube iframe can be controlled
youtube component plays video, volume change starting to be possible
youtube component plays video, volume change starting to be possible
volume sliders styled and working
volume sliders styled and working
add styling on playlist and root view
add styling on playlist and root view
add addtube route, and component, tubes render as imgs, render as ifr…
add addtube route, and component, tubes render as imgs, render as ifr…