- Writing this as a quick review/knowledge dump right before upcoming technical screens to review common patterns, hopefully this can help you too.
- use can use Counter() if you need char as key and count as value, otherwise just use dict()
from collections import Counter a = [1,2,2,3] c = Counter(a) """ evaluates to c = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 1} """
- If a cumulative sum is necessary, think about storing the prefix/suffix sums in the array:
# prefix for i in range(1, len(n)): prefix[i] = prefix[i-1] + prefix[i] # suffix for i in range(len(n)-2,-1,-1): suffix[i] = suffix[i+1] + suffix[i]
- two pointers starting from opposite sides of the array and moving inwards towards each other
stop when
l > r
, such as three sum, container with most water - longest palindromic subsequences, starts both indices from middle and goes outwards
- merge two sorted arrays, you keep one pointer still while moving the other. And once meeting a specific condition, move the other pointer
- You can avoid repeated work like double for loops by shifting items out of a sliding window, allowing you to solve a problem in one pass. (i.e find all anagrams in string)
- You may need to use a hashmap as a way of keeping track whether to remove items from a sliding window based on character count (i.e min window substring)
- usually want to sort the list of intervals first
- remember that an interval is considered overlapping if the
previous end > current start
prev: ----- cur: ------
- Review Insert Interval, Merge Interval
- Use a stack if you need to remember a previous result of something (i.e valid parenthesis)
- always remember to check if the stack is empty or not before accessing the top
- you can push an item, as well as it's index within a tuple on the stack if it's appropriate for the problem. (i.e min remove to make valid parenthesis)
from collections import deque
- Level Order Traversal of a Tree
- In a simulation type problem (i.e push dominoes) where the state of a given input like an array affects the next state, see if you can push the given state onto a queue
import heapq
- You can heapify an array of tuples like so in k closest points to origin
[(distance, coords), (distance, coords)]
- Remember:
- reverse linked list
prev = None while (head != None): curr = head head = head.next curr.next = prev prev = curr return prev
- finding the middle of a linked list, use fast and slow pointer:
""" If the fast pointer reaches the end of the list, that means it is an even number of nodes. If it is none, that means it's odd number. """ slow = head fast = head.next while (fast != None and fast.next != None): slow = slow.next fast = fast.next.next """ make sure to return the "second" middle node, so in the case of even numbered nodes, return slow.next, and for odd numbered, return slow """ return slow
- see if you can use a dummy node, such as
and then return dummy.next to avoid edge cases where you need to modify the head of a linked list
- Remember if the input array is sorted, see if you can use binary search
- Mid point is
left + (right - left)//2
to avoid integer overflow - Can use recursion or
while (l < r)
- if value is less than mid, search left by setting the boundaries
left to mid - 1
- if value is greater than mid, search right by setting the boundaries
mid + 1 to right
- Binary Search Tree
- If value is less than root, search left
- If value is greater than root, search right
- Remember that the inorder traversal of a BST is it's sorted array
- Invert a Binary Tree
root.left, root.right = root.right, root.left
- Max depth of the Tree
1 + max(height(root.left), height(root.right))
- Same Tree
# if both roots don't exist if (not p and not q): return True # if one root is null but the other exists if (not p or not q): return False # if both roots exist and the values are the same if (p and q): return p.val === q.val and sameTree(p.left, q.left) and sameTree(p.right, q.right)
- Inorder
- preorder
- postorder
- recursive
for n in neighbors: if n not in visited: visited.add(n) dfs(n)
while (queue):
n = queue.popleft()
for edge in n:
if edge not in visited:
- create an adjacency list first, for example in course schedule
numCourses = 3, prerequisites = [[0,1], [1,2]]
adjList = dict()
for i in range(len(numCourses)):
adjList[i] = []
for i in range(len(prerequisites)):
course, prereq = prerequisites[i]
evaluates to:
adjList = {
0: [1],
1: [2],
2: []
so 2 does not have any prereqs, but 2 is a prereq of 1
and 1 is a prereq of course 0
- Remember to identify the subproblem and how we can decrease the input space for each subproblem
- Draw a decision tree and figure out the result at each branch
- 0, 1 knapsack relation (i.e house robber). Do we rob house at
, or do we skip it and rob house ati+2
instead? What's the max we can make if we can't rob adjacent houses?# base case houses = [...] def rob(i): if (i >= len(houses)): return 0 # if you rob i by adding houses[i] to the total, you can only i+2 and not i+1 # since i and i+2 are not adjacent robCurrent = houses[i] + rob(i+2) robNext = rob(i+1) return max(robCurrent, robNext)
- Memoize using
and store the result as a value and the key as that particular index to avoid going down repeated subpaths. If we already know what the best solution for that subpath is, just recall that in the dict. Usually this cuts time complexities from exponential to O(N) or O(N^2) depending on the problemcache = dict() def rob(i): if (i in self.memo): return self.memo[i] if (i >= len(houses)): self.memo[i] = 0 return 0 robCurrent = houses[i] + rob(i+2) robNext = rob(i+1) self.memo[i] = max(robCurrent, robNext) return self.memo[i]
- Think about if you may need to loop through a set of constants within the recursion, if that happens, you'll need to store the result outside of the loop (i.e coin change)
- In 2D DP problems such as edit distance, you may need to store a tuple as the key within the
- If you need to create a hashmap with a tuple as a key like in Python, in JS, there's no tuples so
you need to convert it into a string key. For example, if storing coordinates 4, 9
let board = [[...], [...]] let c = {} let i = 4 let j = 9 let value = "Test" c[`${i},${j}`] = value console.log(c["4,9"]) // evaluates to "Test"
- If you need to pull the coordinates out and use them as indices, you'll need to call parseInt()
for (key of Object.keys(c)){ let stringKey = key.split(",") // evaluates from "4,9" to ["4","9"] let [stringI, stringJ] = stringKey i = parseInt(stringI) j = parseInt(stringJ) }