All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- relax connection version
- fix warnings on elixir 1.13
- relax telemetry version [#26]
- add connect_timeout option [#24]
- add telemetry support [#23]
- fix dialyzer spec [#20]
- child_spec
- fix warnings and format code
- add support for dynamic namespace [#6]
- update poison version [#9]
- bug fix
- Uses a separate process to read response from the server. This would lead to increased throughput if same connection was accessed from different process concurrently.
- Removed Memcache.connection_pid. It was a mistake to expose the underlying connection id, as it creates problems for future additions like pool and cluster.
- add support for multi set & get
- changed the returned type of stat from HashDict to map
- dropped support for 1.1
- coder
- Plain auth.
- namespace and default ttl
- pid can't be used interchangeably between Memcache and Memcache.Connection
- Removed Memcache.execute. Get connection pid using Memcache.connection_pid and interact with the Memcache.Connection directly.