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k3b edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 28 revisions

The Filter-View is used to find a set of photos by search criteria.

You can reach the Filter-View via

You can search by zero, one ore more criteria:

  • Path name: a combination of folders and photo file name
    • you can pick a folder with the "..." button.
    • you can enter a search pattern using the % wildcard.
    • Example: searching for path "%kreta%" include these files
      • /mnt/extsd/media/photos/Urlaub/0709Kreta/Ausfluee/AgiosNicolaus/07Kr043.jpg
      • /mnt/extsd/media/photos/Maps/Kreta.jpg
  • Date when the photo was taken. The first field is from-date the second field is to-date
    • you can pick a date range through the Date picker with the "..." button.
    • you can enter a start-date and/or a end-date in the format yyyy-mm-dd .
    • Example:
      • searching for date "2007-01-01" and "" will show photos taken since 2007.
      • searching for date "" and "2008-01-01" will show photos taken before jan 1st 2008.
      • searching for date "2007-01-01" and "2008-01-01" will show photos taken in 2007.
  • With no geo info: When checked
    • only photos without geo-infos are visible
    • input fields for latitude/longitude are hidden.
  • Geo Area where the photo was taken as Lat(itude north) and Lon(gitude east). The first field is from the second field is to .
    • you can pick a geo area through the Geographic-Map with the "..." button.
    • you can enter a start and/or a end valus in decimal degrees format.
    • negagive values indicate latitude south or longitude "west".
  • The "Ok" button takes the current filter and updates the caller:
  • The "Cancel" button or the back button closes the picker without affecting Gallery-View.
  • The "Clear Filter" sets all filter fields to empty which means "no filter".

Each field in the Filter-View corresponds to a field of EXTRA de.k3b.extra.FILTER of the Intent API.

Menu commands

  • If you press the "Save Bookmark as ..." menu you will be asked for the name of a Bookmark file where the Current criteria will be saved to.
  • If you press the "Load Bookmark from ..." menu you can choose which Bookmark file should be loaded into the filter fields.
    • If you long-press on a Bookmark-file you get a contextmenu
      • Edit to load the selected Bookmark-file into a text editor
      • Rename to change the name of the selected Bookmark-file
      • Delete to delete the selected Bookmark-file
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