This projects tests how well different paralization strategies and libraries (TBB, OpenMP) scale scale and impacts throughput.
The capture node is a rewrite of a previous hybrid implementation (HDK/For each sop ) found on OdForce (see the references)
mkdir -p __build && cd "$_"
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/houdini18.0/
make install
source ~/hfs18.0.416/houdini_setup
run -foreground -n $HOME/PRJ/pgmvc/example.hipnc
env_gcc650 # building with more 7.5.0 gcc leaks while debugging in gdb
gdb bin/hmaster-bin
run -foreground -n $HOME/PRJ/pgmvc/example.hipnc
b SOP_PGMVC_captAtt::cookMySop
10000 points - i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz | outer loop | inner loop |
19.8 | serial | serial |
12.0 | tbb | serial |
8.7 | tbb | serial |
10.5 | openmp | tbb |
8.3 | tbb | tbb |