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fix: Make NewBlock take a parent header as a parameter
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Change-Id: Ia9a721c1bbc09ca5612676c6fd16c88750f6de78
  • Loading branch information
edmundnoble committed May 31, 2024
1 parent 12146fe commit 668a579
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Showing 13 changed files with 124 additions and 108 deletions.
21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions bench/Chainweb/Pact/Backend/ForkingBench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,10 +173,11 @@ bench rdb = C.bgroup "PactService" $
oneBlock :: BenchConfig -> Int -> C.Benchmark
oneBlock cfg txCount = withResources rdb cfg.numPriorBlocks Error cfg.compact cfg.persistIntraBlockWrites go
go _mainLineBlocks _pdb _bhdb _nonceCounter pactQueue txsPerBlock = do
go mainLineBlocks _pdb _bhdb _nonceCounter pactQueue txsPerBlock = do
C.bench name $ C.whnfIO $ do
writeIORef txsPerBlock txCount
createBlock cfg.validate (Nonce 1234) pactQueue
let (T3 _ join1 _) = last mainLineBlocks
createBlock cfg.validate (ParentHeader join1) (Nonce 1234) pactQueue
name = "block-new ["
++ List.intercalate ","
[ "txCount=" ++ show txCount
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,36 +210,38 @@ playLine pdb bhdb trunkLength startingBlock pactQueue counter = do
startHeight = fromIntegral $ _blockHeight start
go = do
r <- ask
pblock <- gets ParentHeader
n <- liftIO $ Nonce <$> readIORef ncounter
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock n pdb bhdb r
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock pblock n pdb bhdb r
liftIO $ modifyIORef' ncounter succ
put newblock
return ret

:: Nonce
:: ParentHeader
-> Nonce
-> PayloadDb HashMapTable
-> BlockHeaderDb
-> PactQueue
-> IO (T3 ParentHeader BlockHeader PayloadWithOutputs)
mineBlock nonce pdb bhdb pact = do
r@(T3 parent newHeader payload) <- createBlock DoValidate nonce pact
mineBlock parent nonce pdb bhdb pact = do
r@(T3 _ newHeader payload) <- createBlock DoValidate parent nonce pact
addNewPayload pdb (succ (_blockHeight (_parentHeader parent))) payload
-- NOTE: this doesn't validate the block header, which is fine in this test case
unsafeInsertBlockHeaderDb bhdb newHeader
return r

:: Validate
-> ParentHeader
-> Nonce
-> PactQueue
-> IO (T3 ParentHeader BlockHeader PayloadWithOutputs)
createBlock validate nonce pact = do
createBlock validate parent nonce pact = do

-- assemble block without nonce and timestamp

bip <- newBlock noMiner True pact
let parent = _blockInProgressParentHeader bip
!bip <- fromJuste <$> newBlock noMiner True parent pact
let payload = blockInProgressToPayloadWithOutputs bip

let creationTime = add second $ _blockCreationTime $ _parentHeader parent
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36 changes: 13 additions & 23 deletions src/Chainweb/Chainweb/MinerResources.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,7 +63,6 @@ import Chainweb.Miner.Coordinator
import Chainweb.Miner.Miners
import Chainweb.Miner.Pact (Miner(..), minerId)
import Chainweb.Pact.Service.Types(BlockInProgress(..), Transactions(..))
import Chainweb.Pact.Utils
import Chainweb.Payload
import Chainweb.Payload.PayloadStore
import Chainweb.Sync.WebBlockHeaderStore
Expand All @@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ import Data.LogMessage (JsonLog(..), LogFunction)

import Numeric.AffineSpace

import Utils.Logging.Trace (trace)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Miner

Expand All @@ -98,7 +96,8 @@ withMiningCoordination logger conf cdb inner
in fmap ((mid,) . HM.fromList) $
forM cids $ \cid -> do
let bh = fromMaybe (genesisBlockHeader v cid) (HM.lookup cid (_cutMap cut))
newBlock <- getPayload cid miner (ParentHeader bh)
maybeNewBlock <- _pactNewBlock pact cid miner True (ParentHeader bh)
newBlock <- evaluate $ fromJuste maybeNewBlock
return (cid, Just newBlock)

m <- newTVarIO initialPw
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,25 +188,16 @@ withMiningCoordination logger conf cdb inner
atomically $ modifyTVar' tpw (ourMiner .~ Nothing)

-- Get a payload for the new block
newBlock <- getPayload cid miner newParent

atomically $ modifyTVar' tpw (ourMiner .~ Just newBlock)

getPayload :: ChainId -> Miner -> ParentHeader -> IO NewBlock
getPayload cid m ph =
if v ^. versionCheats . disablePact
-- if pact is disabled, we must keep track of the latest header
-- ourselves. otherwise we use the header we get from newBlock as the
-- real parent. newBlock may return a header in the past due to a race
-- with rocksdb though that shouldn't cause a problem, just wasted work,
-- see docs for
-- Chainweb.Pact.PactService.Checkpointer.findLatestValidBlockHeader'
then return $
NewBlockPayload ph emptyPayload
else trace (logFunction (chainLogger cid logger))
() 1 (_pactNewBlock pact cid m True)
maybeNewBlock <- _pactNewBlock pact cid miner True newParent

case maybeNewBlock of
Nothing -> do
logFunctionText (chainLogger cid logger) Warn
"current block is not in the checkpointer; halting primed work loop temporarily"
approximateThreadDelay 1_000_000
atomically $ modifyTVar' tpw (ourMiner .~ Just outdatedPayload)
Just newBlock ->
atomically $ modifyTVar' tpw (ourMiner .~ Just newBlock)

pact :: PactExecutionService
pact = _webPactExecutionService $ view cutDbPactService cdb
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ serviceRequests memPoolAccess reqQ = go
trace logFn "Chainweb.Pact.PactService.execNewBlock"
() 1 $
tryOne "execNewBlock" statusRef $
execNewBlock memPoolAccess _newBlockMiner _newBlockFill
execNewBlock memPoolAccess _newBlockMiner _newBlockFill _newBlockParent
ContinueBlockMsg (ContinueBlockReq bip) -> do
trace logFn "Chainweb.Pact.PactService.execContinueBlock"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,10 +448,10 @@ execNewBlock
=> MemPoolAccess
-> Miner
-> Bool
-> PactServiceM logger tbl BlockInProgress
execNewBlock mpAccess miner fill = pactLabel "execNewBlock" $ do
readFromLatest $ do
newBlockParent <- view psParentHeader
-> ParentHeader
-> PactServiceM logger tbl (Maybe BlockInProgress)
execNewBlock mpAccess miner fill newBlockParent = pactLabel "execNewBlock" $ do
readFrom (Just newBlockParent) $ do
blockDbEnv <- view psBlockDbEnv
let pHeight = _blockHeight $ _parentHeader newBlockParent
let pHash = _blockHash $ _parentHeader newBlockParent
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Chainweb/Pact/PactService/Checkpointer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ readFromNthParent n doRead = do
Just r -> return r

-- read-only rewind to a target block.
-- if that target block is missing, return Nothing.
:: Logger logger
=> Maybe ParentHeader -> PactBlockM logger tbl a -> PactServiceM logger tbl (Maybe a)
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Chainweb/Pact/Service/BlockValidation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,11 +45,12 @@ import Chainweb.Transaction
import Chainweb.Utils

newBlock :: Miner -> Bool -> PactQueue -> IO BlockInProgress
newBlock mi fill reqQ = do
newBlock :: Miner -> Bool -> ParentHeader -> PactQueue -> IO (Maybe BlockInProgress)
newBlock mi fill parent reqQ = do
let !msg = NewBlockMsg NewBlockReq
{ _newBlockMiner = mi
, _newBlockFill = fill
, _newBlockParent = parent
submitRequestAndWait reqQ msg

Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Chainweb/Pact/Service/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ instance Show SubmittedRequestMsg where
show (SubmittedRequestMsg msg _) = show msg

data RequestMsg r where
NewBlockMsg :: !NewBlockReq -> RequestMsg BlockInProgress
NewBlockMsg :: !NewBlockReq -> RequestMsg (Maybe BlockInProgress)
ContinueBlockMsg :: !ContinueBlockReq -> RequestMsg (Maybe BlockInProgress)
ValidateBlockMsg :: !ValidateBlockReq -> RequestMsg PayloadWithOutputs
LocalMsg :: !LocalReq -> RequestMsg LocalResult
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,6 +412,8 @@ data NewBlockReq
, _newBlockFill :: !Bool
-- ^ whether to fill this block with transactions; if false, the block
-- will be empty.
, _newBlockParent :: !ParentHeader
-- ^ the parent to use for the new block
} deriving stock Show

newtype ContinueBlockReq
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/Chainweb/WebPactExecutionService.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ data PactExecutionService = PactExecutionService
ChainId ->
Miner ->
Bool ->
IO NewBlock
ParentHeader ->
IO (Maybe NewBlock)
, _pactContinueBlock :: !(
ChainId ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +143,8 @@ _webPactNewBlock
-> ChainId
-> Miner
-> Bool
-> IO NewBlock
-> ParentHeader
-> IO (Maybe NewBlock)
_webPactNewBlock = _pactNewBlock . _webPactExecutionService
{-# INLINE _webPactNewBlock #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ mkWebPactExecutionService
-> WebPactExecutionService
mkWebPactExecutionService hm = WebPactExecutionService $ PactExecutionService
{ _pactValidateBlock = \h pd -> withChainService (_chainId h) $ \p -> _pactValidateBlock p h pd
, _pactNewBlock = \cid m fill -> withChainService cid $ \p -> _pactNewBlock p cid m fill
, _pactNewBlock = \cid m fill parent -> withChainService cid $ \p -> _pactNewBlock p cid m fill parent
, _pactContinueBlock = \cid bip -> withChainService cid $ \p -> _pactContinueBlock p cid bip
, _pactLocal = \_pf _sv _rd _ct -> throwM $ userError "Chainweb.WebPactExecutionService.mkPactExecutionService: No web-level local execution supported"
, _pactLookup = \cid cd txs -> withChainService cid $ \p -> _pactLookup p cid cd txs
Expand All @@ -197,8 +199,8 @@ mkPactExecutionService
mkPactExecutionService q = PactExecutionService
{ _pactValidateBlock = \h pd -> do
validateBlock h pd q
, _pactNewBlock = \_ m fill -> do
NewBlockInProgress <$> newBlock m fill q
, _pactNewBlock = \_ m fill parent -> do
fmap NewBlockInProgress <$> newBlock m fill parent q
, _pactContinueBlock = \_ bip -> do
continueBlock bip q
, _pactLocal = \pf sv rd ct ->
Expand All @@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ mkPactExecutionService q = PactExecutionService
emptyPactExecutionService :: HasCallStack => PactExecutionService
emptyPactExecutionService = PactExecutionService
{ _pactValidateBlock = \_ _ -> pure emptyPayload
, _pactNewBlock = \_ _ _ -> throwM (userError "emptyPactExecutionService: attempted `newBlock` call")
, _pactNewBlock = \_ _ _ _ -> throwM (userError "emptyPactExecutionService: attempted `newBlock` call")
, _pactContinueBlock = \_ _ -> throwM (userError "emptyPactExecutionService: attempted `continueBlock` call")
, _pactLocal = \_ _ _ _ -> throwM (userError "emptyPactExecutionService: attempted `local` call")
, _pactLookup = \_ _ _ -> return $! HM.empty
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions test/Chainweb/Test/CutDB.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ tryMineForChain
-> ChainId
-> IO (Either MineFailure (Cut, ChainId, PayloadWithOutputs))
tryMineForChain miner webPact cutDb c cid = do
newBlock <- _webPactNewBlock webPact cid miner True
!newBlock <- fromJuste <$> _webPactNewBlock webPact cid miner True parent
let outputs = newBlockToPayloadWithOutputs newBlock
let payloadHash = _payloadWithOutputsPayloadHash outputs
t <- getCurrentTimeIntegral
Expand All @@ -417,6 +418,7 @@ tryMineForChain miner webPact cutDb c cid = do
return $ Right (c', cid, outputs)
Left e -> return $ Left e
parent = ParentHeader $ c ^?! ixg cid -- parent to mine on
wdb = view cutDbWebBlockHeaderDb cutDb

-- | picks a random block header from a web chain. The result header is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,10 +490,9 @@ fakePact = WebPactExecutionService $ PactExecutionService
$ payloadWithOutputs d coinbase
$ getFakeOutput <$> _payloadDataTransactions d
, _pactNewBlock = \_ _ _ -> do
, _pactNewBlock = \_ _ _ ph -> do
payloadDat <- generate $ V.fromList . getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary
ph <- ParentHeader <$> generate arbitrary
return $ Just
$ NewBlockPayload ph
$ newPayloadWithOutputs fakeMiner coinbase
$ (\x -> (x, getFakeOutput x)) <$> payloadDat
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions test/Chainweb/Test/Pact/ModuleCacheOnRestart.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ testCoinbase iobdb = (initPayloadState >> doCoinbase,snapshotCache)
genHeight = genesisHeight testVer testChainId
doCoinbase = do
bdb <- liftIO iobdb
bip <- execNewBlock mempty noMiner True
!bip <- fromJuste <$> execNewBlock mempty noMiner True
(ParentHeader (genesisBlockHeader testVer testChainId))
let pwo = blockInProgressToPayloadWithOutputs bip
void $ liftIO $ addTestBlockDb bdb (succ genHeight) (Nonce 0) (offsetBlockTime second) testChainId pwo
nextH <- liftIO $ getParentTestBlockDb bdb testChainId
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ doNextCoinbase iobdb = do
pwo' <- liftIO $ getPWOByHeader prevH bdb
_ <- execValidateBlock mempty prevH (CheckablePayloadWithOutputs pwo')

bip <- execNewBlock mempty noMiner True
!bip <- fromJuste <$> execNewBlock mempty noMiner True (ParentHeader prevH)
let prevH' = _blockInProgressParentHeader bip
let pwo = blockInProgressToPayloadWithOutputs bip
liftIO $ ParentHeader prevH @?= prevH'
Expand Down
28 changes: 16 additions & 12 deletions test/Chainweb/Test/Pact/PactReplay.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ tests rdb =
, withPactTestBlockDb testVer cid rdb mp (forkLimit $ RewindLimit 100_000)
(testCaseSteps "on-restart" . onRestart mpio)
, withPactTestBlockDb testVer cid rdb mp (forkLimit $ RewindLimit 100_000)
(testCase "reject-dupes" . testDupes mpio)
(testCase "reject-dupes" . testDupes mpio genblock)
, let deepForkLimit = RewindLimit 4
in withPactTestBlockDb testVer cid rdb mp (forkLimit deepForkLimit)
(testCaseSteps "deep-fork-limit" . testDeepForkLimit mpio deepForkLimit)
Expand All @@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ onRestart mpio iop step = do
step $ "max block has height " <> sshow (_blockHeight block)
let nonce = Nonce $ fromIntegral $ _blockHeight block
step "mine block on top of max block"
T3 _ b _ <- mineBlock nonce iop
T3 _ b _ <- mineBlock (ParentHeader block) nonce iop
assertEqual "Invalid BlockHeight" 1 (_blockHeight b)

testMemPoolAccess :: MemPoolAccess
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,8 +184,9 @@ serviceInitializationAfterFork mpio genesisBlock iop = do
startHeight = fromIntegral $ _blockHeight start
go = do
pblock <- gets ParentHeader
n <- liftIO $ Nonce <$> readIORef ncounter
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock n iop
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock pblock n iop
liftIO $ modifyIORef' ncounter succ
put newblock
return ret
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,21 +233,23 @@ firstPlayThrough mpio genesisBlock iop = do
startHeight = fromIntegral $ _blockHeight start
go = do
pblock <- gets ParentHeader
n <- liftIO $ Nonce <$> readIORef ncounter
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock n iop
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock pblock n iop
liftIO $ modifyIORef' ncounter succ
put newblock
return ret

:: IO (IORef MemPoolAccess)
-> BlockHeader
-> IO (SQLiteEnv, PactQueue, TestBlockDb)
-> Assertion
testDupes mpio iop = do
testDupes mpio genesisBlock iop = do
setMempool mpio =<< dupegenMemPoolAccess
(T3 _ newblock payload) <- liftIO $ mineBlock (Nonce 1) iop
(T3 _ newblock payload) <- liftIO $ mineBlock (ParentHeader genesisBlock) (Nonce 1) iop
expectException newblock payload $ liftIO $
mineBlock (Nonce 3) iop
mineBlock (ParentHeader newblock) (Nonce 3) iop
expectException newblock payload act = do
m <- wrap `catchAllSynchronous` h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,26 +310,26 @@ testDeepForkLimit mpio (RewindLimit deepForkLimit) iop step = do
pblock <- gets ParentHeader
n <- liftIO $ Nonce <$> readIORef ncounter
liftIO $ step $ "mine block on top of height " <> sshow (_blockHeight $ _parentHeader pblock)
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock n iop
ret@(T3 _ newblock _) <- liftIO $ mineBlock pblock n iop
liftIO $ modifyIORef' ncounter succ
put newblock
return ret

:: Nonce
:: ParentHeader
-> Nonce
-> IO (SQLiteEnv, PactQueue, TestBlockDb)
-> IO (T3 ParentHeader BlockHeader PayloadWithOutputs)
mineBlock nonce iop = timeout 5000000 go >>= \case
mineBlock ph nonce iop = timeout 5000000 go >>= \case
Nothing -> error "PactReplay.mineBlock: Test timeout. Most likely a test case caused a pact service failure that wasn't caught, and the test was blocked while waiting for the result"
Just x -> return x
go = do

-- assemble block without nonce and timestamp
(_, q, bdb) <- iop
bip <- newBlock noMiner True q
let ph = _blockInProgressParentHeader bip
!bip <- fromJuste <$> newBlock noMiner True ph q
let payload = blockInProgressToPayloadWithOutputs bip

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