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Block Header Binary Encoding

Lars Kuhtz edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 30 revisions

BlockHeader Binary Format For 20 Chain Graph

defined in Chainweb.BlockHeader

Size Bytes Value
8 0-7 nonce
8 8-15 time
32 16-47 parent
110 48-157 adjacents
32 158-189 target
32 190-221 payload
4 222-225 chain
32 226-257 weight
8 258-265 height
4 266-269 version
12 270-281 miner
32 282-313 hash

total: 314 bytes

Adjacent Parents Record (length 20):

Bytes Value
0-1 length
2-107 adjacents

total: 110 bytes

Adjacent Parent:

Bytes Value
0-3 chain
4-35 hash

total: 36 bytes


POW related values:

Arithmetic operations and comparisons on parent, target, weight, and hash interpret the value as unsigned 256 bit integral numbers in little endian encoding.

Time Stamps:

time is a little endian twoth complement encoded integral number that counts SI microseconds since POSIX epoch. This number can be expected to always always positive (highest bit is 0).


  • height is a little endian encoded unsigned integral 64 bit number.
  • length is a little endian encoded unsigned integral 16 bit number.


version identifies the chainweb version. It is a 32 bit value in little endian encoding. Values up to 0x0000FFFF are reserved for production versions (which includes Development and testnets).

value version
0x00000001 Development
0x00000004 Testnet02


  • nonce is any sequence of 8 bytes that is only compared for equality.
  • chain is any sequence of 4 bytes that identifies a chain and can be compared for equality.
  • payload is any sequence of 32 bytes that is a cryptographic hash of the payload associated with the block and can be compared for equality.