This is a simple mod that allows you to control a prop follower. It's still in early development, so except bugs!
To get it working you need to download and install the requirements bellow, and then you need to spawn a compatible
prop. If you search for NMF
or NavMeshFollower
in CVR you might find some public ones.
- NavMeshTools
- RequestLib
- BTKUILib - You need to get it with Melon Assistant or CVR Modding Group Discord
You can create your own custom followers, but it requires a decent amount of unity knowledge!
@NovaVoidHowl made an awesome editor script/app that helps with the custom follower setup. I heavily recommend it as it turns something rather complex into a fairly simple process!
If you rather just get the CCK for the custom follower manual setup you can head to NavMeshFollower CCK Readme keep in mind the readme is not thorough and requires knowing unity pretty well.