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1078 lines (771 loc) · 23.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1078 lines (771 loc) · 23.3 KB



Before starting the technical planning for this project we came together and worked out some guidelines to help ensure we would be taking care of our health and communicate effectively while balancing a high workload. We wanted to make sure we could stay as efficient as possible under stress and avoid any splits in the team that could affect both our wellbeing and the product.


To avoid burnout we first set out a work schedule of 9am-5pm with the expectation that we would likely be doing work in the evenings as well. In order to ensure we were able to plan our workload we made a planner where we plotted out all the important commitments we would have to take into account during the project and agreed to discuss what work was to be done afterhours during our afternoon meeting. This would be achieved either as a team effort or in pairs where the pair would commit to a time slot in the afternoon/evening where they would be online and working on the agreed upon feature/s.

To facilitate efficiency and avoid fatigue we also decided to limit our coding to 1 hour the evening of our final day of planning as the planning phase for a complete product can be draining and in our experience it certainly was. This allowed us to start more fresh the following day with new energy reserves.


In stressful environments ankin to a project like this, people can be more in edge and conflict can arise more easily. This can have a negative impact on both team morale and efficiency; both being essential for projects with a deadline. To address this we set down a few poiints around how we would communicate with eachother when friction arose in an endeavour to nip it in the bud, so to speak, before escalation occurred.

Our first point was to be honest about how we felt during our regular checkins and stand-ups. This was to create a safe space based on trust and genuinity where noone would feel like they had to hold back their feelings.

The previous point leads into our second agreed point which was to speak up early rather than waiting and letting anything sit and fester.

Our third agreed point was to have regular checkins to facilitate these conversations and ensure everyone was being heard and everyone was up to date with their colleagues work and mindspace.

The final, and one of the most important points, was some guidelines around how we would initiate a difficult conversation with a colleague. The points discussed was as follows:

  • Take the main goal of the team into account before you start the conversation
  • ask the recipient of your conversation, without judgement, about their own reasoning and thoughts behind their actions that led to the conversation
  • listen actively and acknowledge their viewpoint and relate this to the issue at hand
  • remind them of the overarching goal of the team and how their actions are affecting this.
  • as required ask them what they need to resolve their own conflict if that is what led to the undesired behaviour in the first place.

Backend Information

API Routes

Goals database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns
GET /api/v1/goals/getGoalById requires goalId returns goal by goal_id
GET /api/v1/goals/getUserGoals requires userId returns array of a users goals
POST /api/v1/goals/addNewGoal requires goal data object that includes user_id adds new goal to goals table and returns new id
PATCH /api/v1/goals/editGoal requires goal data object that includes a goal_id edits goal by id
DELETE /api/v1/users/deleteGoalById requires goalId returns confirmation

Data structures

GET /api/v1/goals/getGoalById Request:

    "goalId": "1"


    "goalId": 1,
    "userId": 1,
    "goalName": "learn guitar",
    "why": "impress my partner",
    "weeklyHours": 20000,
    "dateCreated": 778686947,
    "completed": 0,
    "researched": 0

GET /api/v1/goals/getUserGoals


    "userId": "1"


    "userId": "1"
        "goalId": 1,
        "userId": 1,
        "goalName": "learn guitar",
        "why": "impress my partner",
        "weeklyHours": 20000,
        "dateCreated": 778686947,
        "completed": 0,
        "researched": 0
        "goalId": 2,
        "userId": 1,
        "goalName": "learn to swim",
        "why": "impress my friends",
        "weeklyHours": 20,
        "dateCreated": 778686947,
        "completed": 0,
        "researched": null
        "goalId": 3,
        "userId": 1,
        "goalName": "learn to swim",
        "why": "impress my friends",
        "weeklyHours": 20,
        "dateCreated": 778686947,
        "completed": 0,
        "researched": null

POST /api/v1/goals/addNewGoal Request:

      "userId": "1",
      "goalName": "learn to swim",
      "why": "impress my friends",
      "weeklyHours": "20",
      "dateCreated": 778686947,
      "completed": false


    "newId": [

PATCH /api/v1/goals/editGoal


      "goalId": "1",
      "userId": "1",
      "goalName": "learn guitar",
      "why": "impress my partner",
      "weeklyHours": "20000",
      "dateCreated": 778686947,
      "completed": false



DELETE /api/v1/users/deleteGoalById


    "goalId": "1"


    "message": "goal deleted successfully"

Sub Goals database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns
GET api/v1/subGoals/getSubGoals requires goalId returns an array of subgoals by goal_id
GET api/v1/subGoals/getSubGoalById requires subgoalId returns subgoal by subgoal_id
POST api/v1/subGoals/addNewSubgoal (see request) edits existing subgoal and returns newSubgoal Id
PATCH api/v1/subGoals/upateSubgoalById (see request) confirmation
DELETE api/v1/subGoals/deleteSubgoalById requires subgoalId confirmation

Data structures:

GET api/v1/subGoals/getSubGoals


    "goalId": "1"


        "subgoalId": 1,
        "goalId": 1,
        "subgoalName": "learn C major scale",
        "rewardId": 1,
        "completed": 0,
        "current": 1
        "subgoalId": 2,
        "goalId": 1,
        "subgoalName": "learn major chords",
        "rewardId": 2,
        "completed": 0,
        "current": 1
        "subgoalId": 3,
        "goalId": 1,
        "subgoalName": "Learn correct fingering",
        "rewardId": 3,
        "completed": "false",
        "current": "true"

GET api/v1/subGoals/getSubGoalById


    "subgoalId": "2"


    "subgoalId": 2,
    "goalId": 1,
    "subgoalName": "learn major chords",
    "rewardId": 2,
    "completed": 0,
    "current": 1

POST api/v1/subGoals/addNewSubGoal


    "goalId": "1",
    "subgoalName": "Learn correct fingering",
    "rewardId": "3",
    "completed": "false",
    "current": "true"


    "newSubgoalId": [

PATCH api/v1/subGoals/upateSubgoalById


    "subgoalId": "1",
    "goalId": "1",
    "subgoalName": "New Subgoal Name",
    "rewardId": "1",
    "completed": true,
    "current": false


    "message": "your subgoal was successfully updated"

DELETE api/v1/subGoals/deleteSubgoalById


    "subgoalId": "1"


    "message": "subgoal deleted successfully"

resources database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns
GET api/v1/resources/getResourcesByGoalId requires goalId returns an array of resources by goalId
GET api/v1/resources/getResourcesBySubgoalId requires subgoalId returns an array of resources by subgoalId
POST api/v1/resources/addNewResource (see request) returns newResourceId
PATCH api/v1/resources/editResource/ (see request) confirmation
DELETE api/v1/resources/deleteResourceById requires resourceId confirmation

Data structures:

GET api/v1/resources/getResourcesByGoalId Request:

    "goalId": "1"


        "resourceId": 1,
        "goalId": 1,
        "subgoalId": 1,
        "resourceName": "youtube",
        "url": ""
        "resourceId": 2,
        "goalId": 1,
        "subgoalId": 2,
        "resourceName": "",
        "url": ""

GET api/v1/resources/getResourcesBySubgoalId


    "subgoalId": "2"


        "resourceId": 2,
        "goalId": 1,
        "subgoalId": 2,
        "resourceName": "",
        "url": ""

POST api/v1/resources/addNewResource


    "goalId": "1",
    "subgoalId": "1",
    "resourceName": "piano lessons website",
    "url": ""


    "newResourceId": [

PATCH api/v1/resources/editResource/





DELETE api/v1/resources/deleteResourceById


"resourceId": "1"


"message": "resource deleted successfully"

user profiles database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns
GET api/v1/users/getAllUsers requires nothing returns an array of all users
POST api/v1/users/addNewUser (see request) returns newUserId
GET api/v1/users/getCurrentTaskByUserId requires userId returns current task by userId
PATCH api/v1/users/updateCurrentTaskByUserId requires userId and CurrentTask returns 'your update was successful'
DELETE api/v1/users/deleteUserById requires userId returns confirmation

Data structures:

GET /api/v1/users/getAllUsers


"userId": 1,
"auth0Id": "auth0_id currently null",
"userName": "Timmy Piano",
"email": "[email protected]",
"currentTask": 1
"userId": 2,
"auth0Id": null,
"userName": "Johnny Gat",
"email": "[email protected]",
"currentTask": 1
"userId": 3,
"auth0Id": "currently null",
"userName": "Reggie Sax",
"email": "[email protected]",
"currentTask": 1

POST api/v1/users/addNewUser Request:

"auth0Id": "currently null",
"userName": "Reggie Sax",
"email": "[email protected]",
"currentTask": "1"


"newId": [

GET api/v1/users/getCurrentTaskByUserId


"userId": "1"


"currentTask": 1

PATCH api/v1/users/updateCurrentTaskByUserId


"userId": "1",
"currentTask": "1"


"message": "your update was successful"

DELETE api/v1/users/deleteUserById


"userId": "1"


"message": "user deleted successfully"

tasks database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns
GET api/v1/tasks/getTaskById requires taskId returns a task by taskId
GET api/v1/tasks/getTasksBySubGoalId requires subgoalId returns tasks by subgoalId
GET api/v1/tasks/getTasksByGoalId requires goalId returns an array of tasks by goalId
PATCH api/v1/tasks/updateTaskById (see request) confirmation
DELETE api/v1/tasks/deleteTaskById requires taskId confirmation

Data structures:

GET api/v1/tasks/getTaskById


"taskId": "2"


"taskId": 2,
"goalId": 1,
"subgoalId": 2,
"taskName": "place holder name 2 from tasks database",
"timeSpent": "null",
"completed": 0,
"current": 1

GET api/v1/tasks/getTasksBySubGoalId


"subgoalId": "2"


"taskId": 2,
"goalId": 1,
"subgoalId": 2,
"taskName": "place holder name 2 from tasks database",
"timeSpent": "null",
"completed": 0,
"current": 1

GET api/v1/tasks/getTasksByGoalId


"goalId": "1"


"taskId": 1,
"goalId": 1,
"subgoalId": 1,
"taskName": "place holder name from tasks database",
"timeSpent": "null",
"completed": 0,
"current": 1
"taskId": 2,
"goalId": 1,
"subgoalId": 2,
"taskName": "place holder name 2 from tasks database",
"timeSpent": "null",
"completed": 0,
"current": 1

PATCH api/v1/tasks/updateTaskById Request:

"taskId": "2",
"goalId": "1",
"subgoalId": "3",
"taskName": "This is the new name",
"timeSpent": "this is the new time spent",
"completed": true,
"current": false


"message": "your task was successfully updated"

DELETE api/v1/tasks/deleteTaskById


"taskId": "1"


"message": "task deleted successfully"

Reflections database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns
GET api/v1/reflections/getReflectionById requires reflectionId returns reflection by reflectionId
GET api/v1/reflections/getReflectionsByTaskId requires taskId returns an array of reflections by taskId
POST api/v1/reflections/addNewReflection (see request) returns newReflectionId
PATCH api/v1/reflections/editReflectionById (see request) returns confirmation
DELETE api/v1/reflections/deleteReflectionById requires reflectionId deletes reflection by ID

Data structures:

GET api/v1/reflections/getReflectionById



    "reflectionId": "2"



"reflectionId": 2,
"goalId": 1,
"taskId": 2,
"reflection": "reflection for reflection_id 2"

GET api/v1/reflections/getReflectionsByTaskId


"taskId": "2"


"reflectionId": 2,
"goalId": 1,
"taskId": 2,
"reflection": "reflection for reflection_id 2"

POST api/v1/reflections/addNewReflection


"goalId": "1",
"taskId": "3",
"reflection": "reflecting is hard"


"newReflectionId": [

PATCH api/v1/reflections/editReflectionById


    "reflectionId": "1",
    "goalId": "1",
    "taskId": "1",
    "reflection": "updated reflection blah blah"


    "message": "reflection edited successfully"

DELETE api/v1/reflections/deleteReflectionById


"reflectionId": "1"


"message": "reflection deleted successfully"

Plan database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns
DELETE api/v1/plans/deletePlanByGoalId requires goalId (warning) deletes all infortmation relating to a plan (warning)

Data structures:

DELETE api/v1/plans/deletePlanByGoalId

"goalId": "1"
"message": "plan deleted successfully"

Quotes database

Method Endpoint Send Body Returns

Data structures:






Fullstack boilerplate

Getting Started

From the GitHub UI

See the instructions here to use GitHub's feature to create a new repo from a template.

From the command line

git clone [email protected]:dev-academy-challenges/boilerplate-full-stack-auth0.git [your-project-name]
cd [your-project-name]
cp client/auth_config.json.example client/auth_config.json
cp server/.env.example server/.env
npm install # to install dependencies
npm run knex migrate:latest
npm run knex seed:run
npm run dev # to start the dev server

You can find the server running on http://localhost:3000.


This repo includes:

  • React Components:
    • App
    • Nav is used for login, logout, registration
    • Authenticated is used for show/hide components if the user is logged in
    • PingRoutes is used for testing the routes
    • Users are used to display the registered users
    • Registration is used to save the users' info after they are registered with Auth0
  • an example database module (server/db/users.js)
  • an API client module (client/apis/users.js)


  1. Navigate to, and sign-up if you don't already have a tenant.
  2. Go to Applications, and click on Create Application button
  3. Give your application a meaningful name, then select Single Page Web Applications and click the Create button.
  4. In, set the Allowed Callback Url with http://localhost:3000/
  5. In, set the Allowed Logout Url with http://localhost:3000/
  6. In, set the Allowed Web Origins with http://localhost:3000/


  1. In, create a new API and give it a name and an identifier, for example: Default and https://myapp/api. This identifier will be used as the audience. Click Create.
  2. On your new API page, click Settings and scroll down and to RBAC Settings and activate Enable RBAC and Add Permission in the Access Token.
  3. Go to Permissions, add the custom permissions that reflects your needs. For the purpose of this demo, create a permission called read:my_private_route.

Users who are assigned roles with these permissions will be able to access your back-end endpoints.

  • If you have a REST API endpoint that you want it to be accessible only by users with a specific permission(s), you can add [create|read|update|delete|use]:entityname permission in Auth0.

Here are a few examples that may help you with modelling your routes with permissions:

Permission (Scope) Description
read:employee Allows a user to view employees
read:account_balance Allows a user to view account balances
create:appointment Allows a user to create appointments
update:reminder Allows a user to update reminders
delete:song Allows a user to delete songs
use:app Allows using an app

Suppose you have an endpoint that returns the salary amount given the employee id. You don't want that to public or protected. Only users with whom have the read:account_balance permission are allowed to consume this endpoint.


  1. Copy the Domain of your application in and paste it in the domain into client/auth_config.json
  2. Copy the Client ID of your application in and paste it in the client into client/auth_config.json
  3. Copy the API Audience URL from you created in the server setup and paste it in the audience into client/auth_config.json

Creating & assigning Roles

In large companies and enterprises, assigning individual permissions to each user can be tedious. Instead, we use Roles. Roles are just a collection/container of permissions.

  1. In Auth0, and under User Management, click on Roles and click on create Role button.
  2. Give it a name and description, say Admin.
  3. Click on Permissions tab and click on add Permissions button.
  4. Select the API and the permissions you want to use for the role.
  5. Now the role is ready to be assigned for users.
  6. In Auth0 and under User Management, click on Users.
  7. Find the user you want to assign the Admin role to and click on it.
  8. Click on the Role tab, click on Assign Roles button and select the role from the drop-drown list.

Creating a new Machine to Machine Application

Let's create a new application in Auth0, this application will be linked and connected to an out-of-the-box API that can retrieve metadata about users. This metadata will be the user's role.

  1. Go to Applications, and click Create Application button.
  2. Give it a name, for example, Metadata Application.
  3. Select Machine to Machine Applications and click Create.
  4. Select the Auth0 Management API from the drop-down list.
  5. Open APIs tab and make sure that Auth0 Management API is enabled.
  6. Expand it and select the following permissions:
    1. read:roles
    2. read:users
    3. read:role_members
  7. Open the Settings.
  8. Copy the Client ID and paste it in AUTH0_MACHINE_2_MACHINE_CLIENT_ID in the .env file.
  9. Copy the Secret and paste it in AUTH0_MACHINE_2_MACHINE_SECRET.
  10. Set the AUTH0_DOMAIN to be your domain. It should look like
  11. Set the AUTH0_SSO_AUDIENCE to be the same audience in the client/auth_config.json.

Now the server will be able to get a new access token and retrieve the user's roles. If the logged-in user has a Role(s), it will be displayed next to the name. (see Nav.jsx)

🎉 Congratulations! Your application is now Authenticated with Auth0 🎉