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LeoUfimtsev edited this page Apr 12, 2015 · 8 revisions

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Naming intermediate prefix menus

Sometimes you have a deeper menu structure, but the name of a group of keys appears as a generic “Prefix Command”. But you would like to name the intermediate ‘command groups’. This can be done via `define-prefix-command`.

For example:

(define-prefix-command ‘message-menu) (bind-key (kbd “<f2> t”) ‘message-menu) (bind-key (kbd “<f2> t 1”) (defun my/message1 () (interactive) (message “Messag1”))) (bind-key (kbd “<f2> t 2”) (defun my/message2 () (interactive) (message “Messag2”)))

Now when you press f2, you will see [t] message-menu


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