All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Merged changes from 3.x branch.
- Upgrade formio.js to 4.x branch to enable templating.
- Refactor of modules and new components.
- Allow override of FormEdit
- Auth actions and reducers to make requests more efficient.
- selectIsActive selector.
- console.log statements left in.
- Title from FormEdit
- saveForm action was not saving.
- Errors component
- selectError selector
- Sorting of SubmissionGrid and FormGrid
- Pagination to SubmissionGrid and FormGrid
- Specify query for submissions and forms reducers and remove tag.
- Url to reducers
- isFetching becomes isActive
- FormEdit will autogenerate name and path for new forms.
- Options parameter to actions.
- New reset actions for resetting state
- FormGrid component
- FormEdit component
- Add action callback
- Refactor SubmissionGrid component
- Refactor Grid component
- Option to override the renderer and builder if they have custom components.
- Refactor module code to remove unneeded complexity
- Update Formio verison
- Event emitter cross polinating between forms.
- Proptypes of formprovider
- Integration tests fixed.
- react/react-dom dependencies updated to version 16.
- Formio component renamed to Form.
- url property for when using form instead of src.
- Change formio.js version to 3.0.0 now that it is released.
- Destroy event on form builder component.
- Form Builder component
- Prop type for i18n.
- Upgrade core renderer from 2.10.1 to 2.20.4
- Rebuild for failed build.
- Allow adjusting submission while form is being created
- Renderer now based on formio.js Core Renderer.
- All helper libraries.
- Fire edit grid open event on componentDidMount instead of componentWillMount.
- HTML output of editgrid header
- Footer for editgrid
- Time component
- EditGrid component
- Fix default formatting of empty custom error validation.
- Disable datagrid buttons when form is read only.
- Don't fire change events for readOnly forms.
- Events that fire when select lists open or close.
- Event that fires on add/remove from datagrid.
- Event that fires on loadMore for selects.
- Reverted revert of change to datagrids delete value.
- Calculated Select values could return something other than an array which caused an error.
- Reverted change to setting values that attempted to fix deleting rows in datagrids issue that had a lot of side effects.
- Fix MinLength calculation for datagrids.
- Fixed error about setState in select component.
- Scenario where updating a form doesn't always set the values.
- Replace full lodash with individual functions.
- Datagrids with select components dependent on external data weren't updating when the data updated.
- Datagrid headers won't render if there are no labels.
- Deleting rows in datagrids didn't clear components properly.
- Fix performance of datagrids with large data.
- Onchange event will fire for input fields after 500ms of no typing instead of only on blur.
- Expose mixins as exports to ease creation of custom components.
- Text inputs will fire change events on blur now instead of on change. Change events were too slow in redux.
- Fixed tests dealing with input mask change and missing onChange events.
- Removing tests that don't work with current libraries.
- Swapped react-input-mask for react-text-mask for input masks.
- Improved performance of input masks.