- Important: this is a live Kaggle competition with a deadline to join it - You must join by April 4th. Submission deadline is April 11. Note that deadlines are in UTC time.
- Read the instructions on the competition website https://www.kaggle.com/c/career-con-2019
- This competition is part of Kaggle CareerCon 2019
- You can make up to 5 submissions per day (count resets at midnight UTC), therefore in order to iterate on your solution efficiently you must set up your own validation procedure.
- Note that in this competition the test data distribution differs significantly from the training data. Your Leaderboard scores are likely to be 10-20 percent points below your own validation scores, but the correlation is still good.
- The score is classification accuracy 0.6 means 60% of series classified correctly.
- To get a passing grade, you must have a submission on the Leaderboard with a score of 0.3 or above (which can be done by throwing all the data into a simple dense network).
- Higher score will get you a better grade
- 100 if you make it into the top 100 on the Leaderboard
- 96 for 0.5 or better
- 60 for 0.3
- Scaled linearly between 0.3 and 0.5
- 10 for a valid submission with score below 0.3
- Some starting points:
- Notebook exploring the competition data robots_EDA.ipynb
- Optional: RNNs - notebook 6.3 and Conv1D - notebook 6.4
- Submit your work by email to [email protected] , make sure to include the following
- Student ID
- The link to your Kaggle profile, looks like this: https://www.kaggle.com/kamrik
- Attachment with the code or notebook you used to generate the predictions
- Due date:
- Note that competition deadlines are at 11:59 PM UTC which translates to 7:59 PM Toronto time.
- Kaggle submission deadline is April 11, email your results by April 13.