Category | Difficulty |
HW | 9 |
Exams | 9 |
This class is the next big step for computer security courses, and is
arguably very time consuming. The course cover both various aspect of computer security. You will get exposed to content from research papers, and hand on experience from homework. I have to emphasize that the homework is an epic homework, so you probably need to be familiar with C
to do well on this homework.
- HW: There are three homework assignments. Homework 2 has 3 parts, and homework 3 has two parts. It is going to feel like you have 6 homeworks. However, it can be fun, and worthwhile experience.
- Exams: There is three exam. It is very difficult. THe exam is going to be alway more advance from context in the lecture so it is better to prepare for it and ask lots of questions in the lecture. Most of the question in practice exams are not going to be in the final so do not trust the practice exam.
- Start the homework as soon as you can
- Do not spend too much time on homework 2 by competing with other students too much. It is fun, but spending preparing for exam is a better use of time since that is where real competition will happen.
- Ask lots of question on Piazza, the instruction team is very responsive so you should leverage that.
- Save your late days for the homework two, since I think it is the most epic one.
- Do not take other hard courses. You will probably need to about 15-20 hours a week to be excellent in this course.
- Be careful with teammates on homework 2. Ask the instruction team to switch your team right away if your teammate is not responsive.
- Congratulations, this is probably the most advanced course in software system security.