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KT edited this page Dec 12, 2018 · 18 revisions


  • Guest users can follow and unfolow other guest users.

Guest User views all the Guest users

  1. Click Login
  2. Login as alice (username : alice, password : alice)
  3. Click Movie Buffs tab in nav-bar

Guest User views all the Guest users that he is following

  1. Click Login
  2. Login as alice (username : alice, password : alice)
  3. Click Dashboard tab in nav-bar
  4. In the My Buddies section, list of all guest users followed by this guest appears.

Guest User follows a new Guest users

  1. Click Login
  2. Login as alice (username : alice, password : alice)
  3. Click Movie Buffs tab in nav-bar
  4. Click follow to start following a guest user
  5. Click Dashboard tab in nav-bar
  6. In the My Buddies section, click on Find and follow new users button on the right
  7. Click follow to start following a guest user

Guest User unfollows a User

  1. Click Login
  2. Login as alice (username : alice, password : alice)
  3. Click Dashboard tab in nav-bar
  4. In the My Buddies section, list of all guest users followed by this guest appears.
  5. Click unfollow to unfollow a guest user


Guest user requests a movie

  1. Click Login
  2. Login as alice (username : alice, password : alice)
  3. Click Movies tab in nav-bar
  4. A List of all movies is displayed, search for movies if needed
  5. Click on a movie in the list to see its details
  6. On the movie details page click Request Movie button to request that movie.
  7. Click on book event.


Add requested movie to event

Premium Host adds a requested movie to the Event

  1. Click Login
  2. Login as charlie (username : charlie, password : charlie)
  3. Click Dashboard tab in nav-bar
  4. Click on create event button
  5. All requested movies are listed under "Add Movies (From the list of - Most requested movies by all guests)"
  6. Directly add or delete requested movie from list to event
  7. Newly added movie shows up in the movies textbox for the event
  8. Click on Create Event button.



Add many movies to an Event & add one movie to many events

Premium Host adds a requested movie to the Event

  1. Click Login
  2. Login as charlie (username : charlie, password : charlie)
  3. Click Dashboard tab in nav-bar
  4. Click on create event button
  5. All requested movies are listed under "Add Movies (From the list of - Most requested movies by all guests)"
  6. Add movie named Aquaman from requested movie list to event
  7. Newly added movie (Aquaman) shows up in the movies textbox for the event
  8. Click on Create Event button.
  9. Create multiple events with Aquaman movie in this way.


  • User can be a Host or Guest.
  • While registering we differentiate the user based on role by selecting a role during registration.

Register Guest or Host user

On homepage, click Register, and select the appropriate role

  • Only Guest user can see the Movie Buff tab on nav bar, Movie Buff tab is unavailable for Host user.