An experiment in hierarchical domain logic for Clojure & ClojureScript.
(ns com.kardans.taxa.example
[com.kardans.taxa :as taxa]
#?(:clj [com.kardans.taxa.flow.clj :refer [while->]]
:cljs [com.kardans.taxa.flow.cljs :refer-macros [while->]])))
(def db (atom {:person/id {1 {:person/id 1
:person/name "Daniel"
:person/birth 1981
:person/sex "M"}
2 {:person/id 2
:person/name "Lisa"
:person/birth 1982
:person/sex "F"}
3 {:person/id 3
:person/name "Vera"
:person/birth 2012
:person/sex "F"}
4 {:person/id 4
:person/name "Kaj"
:person/birth 1995
:person/sex "M"}
5 {:person/id 5
:person/name "Stina"
:person/birth 2014
:person/sex "F"}
6 {:person/id 6
:person/name "Vesper"
:person/birth 2019
:person/sex "F"}
7 {:person/id 7
:person/name "Karl"
:person/birth 2019
:person/sex "M"}}
:family/id {1 {:family/id 1
:family/name "Sunnerek"
:family/members [[:person/id 1]
[:person/id 2]
[:person/id 3]
[:person/id 5]
[:person/id 7]]}
7 {:family/id 7
:family/name "Bond"
:family/members []}}}))
(defn validate-input
(let [{:keys [family/id] :as in} (taxa/thing in)]
(if (and (contains? in :family/id)
(number? id))
(taxa/taxon in)
(taxa/taxon {:reason "family/id not a number"
:input in} ::taxa/err))))
(defn get-family
(let [{:keys [family/id]} (taxa/thing in)]
(if-some [family (get-in @db [:family/id id])]
(taxa/taxon family)
(taxa/taxon {:reason (str "Could not find family with id " id)}
(defn get-members
(let [family (taxa/thing in)
members (map #(get-in @db %)
(-> family :family/members))]
(if (empty? members)
(taxa/taxon {::reason "No family members"} :taxa/err)
(taxa/taxon members))))
(defn filter-kids
(let [members (taxa/thing in)
current-year (.getValue (java.time.Year/now))
children (filter #(< (- current-year (:person/birth %))
(if (empty? children)
(taxa/taxon {:reason "No children"} :taxa/err)
(taxa/taxon children))))
;;; Example
(defn api
(while-> in
(api {:family/id ""})
;; #:com.kardans.taxa{:tag :com.kardans.taxa/err,
;; :thing {:reason "family/id not a number",
;; :input #:family{:id ""}}}
(api {:family/id 0})
;; #:com.kardans.taxa{:tag :com.kardans.taxa/err,
;; :thing {:reason "Could not find family with id 0"}}
(api {:family/id 7})
;; #:com.kardans.taxa{:tag :taxa/err,
;; :thing #:com.kardans.example{:reason "No family members"}}
(api {:family/id 1})
;; #:com.kardans.taxa{:tag :com.kardans.taxa/ok,
;; :thing (#:person{:id 3, :name "Vera", :birth 2012, :sex "F"}
;; #:person{:id 5, :name "Stina", :birth 2014, :sex "F"}
;; #:person{:id 7, :name "Karl", :birth 2019, :sex "M"})}
./bin/kaocha clj
./bin/kaocha cljs
Copyright © 2019 - present Daniel Sunnerek
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 2.0