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Access to computing resources: via qlogin and SLURM script

Overview: requesting computing resources

Please read this: Introduction to the queuing system.

A little summary:

SLURM is the queue system and scheduler daemon (program/process which always runs in the background on Abel). It allows optimizing computing resources and schedule when jobs should run.

There are 2 ways to request for computing resources:

SLURM script

  1. By submitting a jobscript using sbatch script_file.slurm command.

The script is a list of commands (bash) that will be interpreted one after another and are necessary for your analyses to be performed. The scripts will be scheduled to run on a computing node when resources are availables.

A script contains:

  • a description of the computing resources you ask for (time, memory..) and which project (nn9305k) should be charged for those computing resources

  • define transferred files (in/out) of the temporary folder created in the computing node when resources are allocated

  • what programs are run, which parameters are used, in which succession ...

  • using slurm script is particularly appropriate when you have heavy jobs that need to run for a long time AND/OR

  • want to run a serie of analyses one after the other (automatizing) without having to wait that one finishes before launching the next one.


  1. By requesting resources to the queue system with the qlogin command.

Doing so will provide you with an interactive way of using computing resources.

  • arguments in qlogin specify the description of computing resources you ask for (similar as done via slurm script) BUT:

When resources are attributed:

  • you actually are logged on a computing node(*) that now executes at once commands you type directly from the shell (Unless you misspelled the syntax!)
  • This is perfect for running small tests
  • It can also be used to run longer jobs.

    in this case use screen before asking resources with qlogin. If you do not know what screen is, read this section

What you should do when you use qlogin

  • use hostname to check which node you are on (be sure you are on a computing node and not a login node)

ex: check before and after asking for resources

  • look at the job_id when you ask for resources (and find out how to do it when you forgot to look - see commands under)

  • you need to move files you want to use (not databases) TO $USERWORK = work/users/<username> and FROM after your analyses are completed.


Whether you use a SLURM script or use resources via qlogin you will need to load required modules: module load module_name

Relevant commands: + viewing status, canceling jobs

NB: you can view status: PD Pending, R Running, CD Completed ... See Abel Queue system for other statuses.

See commands below.

command relevant arguments does example
qlogin <account, time, ntasks, mem > ask for interactive computing resources qlogin --account=nn9305k --time=00:30:00 --ntasks=4 --mem-per-cpu=4G
sbatch <script_name> submit a script to slurm sbatch sample_slurm.slurm
squeue -u <your_user_name> checks your current queue status - provide jobID
scancel cancel job with the provided id
hostname checks where your are on abel: login node or computing node

Examples: exercises

1. Login to Abel

2. qlogin

qlogin --account=nn9305k --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=8
squeue -u your_user_name
scancel job_id
  • How can you see if you are in a login node or a computing node? (2 ways)

Answers to questions can be found here (but you need to try answering yourself first)

3. Prepare SLURM Script

mkdir QSystem_Test
cp /work/projects/nn9305k/samplefiles/SLURM_Script_BioinfoCourse.slurm QSystem_Test/

Add Trimmomatic commands to SLURM script

# For Trimmomataic
module load java




/work/projects/nn9305k/bin/trimmomatic-0.36.jar PE -threads 1 -trimlog vibrio_trimlog.log $input_file1 $input_file2 $output_file1 $output_file2 $output_file3 $output_file4 ILLUMINACLIP:$adapter_file:2:30:10 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:20:15 MINLEN:60

Submit SLURM Job


squeue -u your_user_name


scancel <jobid>

scancel -u jeevka 

Going further:

Abel Queue system in Abel User guide