- SSL Terminator #178
- Content Outline Icons Not Uniform Size on Mobile Device #184
- Active/Sync this Now Button #186
- Link to specific course section. #192
- Icons in ToC appear when they shouldn't #197
- More icons #198
- Missing icons #214
- Outline designer -- Book title override conflict #223
- Figure Label design component #308
- Side by Side critique interface #317
- create a flow chart of system hierarchy #347
- account / role granting needs a recipe #365
- Notifications #367
- Clean up current edit form #378
- Network fly out overrides #407
- MOOC Navigation "block" / callout #408
- rewrites to take someone to the right place if a service doesn't exist #419
- section name displays centered if really long #430
- Vagrant Installation Error - PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] #435
- Opening document links in new window (Media Shortcodes) #450
- Support debugging on roster syncs #461
- Re-export cis_sample_content #466
- Course Outline Button not Accessible in Profile Edit Tab #467
- Update Behat bash Script Settings #469
- On updating, instructional significance icons missing in ToC [Courses] #476
- Mobile clean up #483
- Notifications for editing a book not in their section #512
- Innovate tool coming back with Access Denied #518
- Submit shortcode doesn't display pop up properly #521
- language for innovate #535
- Document Setting up ELMSLN in vagrant up to making a course network #541
- Document Innovate #542
- Odd formatting on bulleted lists (in A&A 121) #544
- randomly select student to critique #548
- H5Ps in Media - support for tagging and associating with a course #549
- shift location of admin/config/system/course-settings #551
- Centos7 clean up #556
- Sanitize course name / title #557
- Hide Dont have access to message #559
- Clipboardjs not enabled by default in media system. #565
- entityCacheLoad warning on MOOC admin pages #566
- Add path to feeds_node_helper_export/% some where #570
- META: Move big picture stuff to roadmap in docs #572
- Support for adding external applications to course network #573
- How to create a new course (breif video) #574
- add support for vagrant-cachier #579
- Image style warning in people distro #583
- imagefield_focus included twice #584
- node_export throws warnings in travis #585
- Kill off passwords printing on drush SI calls #586
- Assessment engine info file clean up #592
- Generate an ELMSLN icon font #593
- AWS handsfree php-fpm #599
- entity iframe codes scraped into shortcode area #603
- ICOR JMOL conflict #604
- Comply / ECD and Inbox need permissions set #605
- Shortcode Collapsed fieldsets #607
- Allow custom groupings in Course network structure #609
- Sync Custom tools across course network #610
- pull-down.sh needs to clean up permissions #615
- tooltip #623
- Review Angular Foundation #624
- ICOR permissions #625
- Media Add menu doesn't show options #627
- Document how to install H5P libraries #628
- Book nav auto labeling settings not working. #635
- Course Outline Renaming Issue - Not all Changes Saving #637
- How to highlight text in WYSIWYG editor #638
- banners that are cross system set don't validate on save #641
- enable outline_child_pages in all mooc sites #646
- Outline Child pages permission #651
- media display tabs notice #653
- Scaling issue for images via shortcodes #655
- Copy to clipboard shortcodes not working #656
- Unable to see image attribution #659
- materialize / adminimal admin menu #660
- support for letsencrypt #661
- convert domains to use individual conf files #662
- CIS status page to report git version #664
- Icon in FA icon alter doesn't reflect til second save #672
- jQuery 1.11 regression in accessibility module #673
- upgrade to drupal core 7.43 #674
- Visability settings for online.elmsln.local type urls #676
- Document how to install H5P #677
- Render 2nd/3rd level Navigation menu hierarchies in Local sub-header #678
- cis_tokens not on by default #679
- PDO #686
- OG admin page complains about LTI consumer not being labeled #687
- CLE feedback #688
- Courses/CIS Sync if Course Section has special characters #689
- Page delivery optimizations #690
- git php integration into CIS #692
- elmsln api missing in studio #696
- document how to install via 1-liners #699
- questions: general infrastructure & deploying contrib modules #700
- If not in same outline the breadcrumb nav still loads #703
- Accessibility test dropdown will cause empty menus on non-node paths #704
- Missing icons #708
- need initial state support for discuss #709
- need initial state for studio #710
- need initial state for blog #711
- add markdown filter support if gitbook method used #712
- when creating new items focus cursor on title field #714
- commit epiceditor integration changes back to wysiwyg API #716
- add shortcut under network flyout #717
- Update cis lmsless permission label #718
- Add ELMSLN core permission for admin area #719
- Studio assignment type should be select or other field #721
- MOOC page type should accept any input format #722
- All new assignments should default to master section #723
- Move Assignment add to Add+ menu #724
- change submit widget (after submission) to provide more links: #725
- scroll / resize window on save in Submit widget #727
- Markdown format selected for everything if git_book_markdown enabled #728
- add support for iframes NOT resizing #729
- Editorial: Automatically associate exercises to master #731
- Editorial form UX clean up #730
- Package Poll support into ICOR #540
- Odd formatting on bulleted lists (in A&A 121) #544
- H5Ps in Media - support for tagging and associating with a course #549
- shift location of admin/config/system/course-settings #551
- drop user progress from icor #555
- Centos7 clean up #556
- Sanitize course name / title #557
- some browsers block document.domain setting in iframes #558
- Hide Dont have access to message #559
- Our VM min spec is 2 gigs #563
- field_cis_active WD exception #564
- entityCacheLoad warning on MOOC admin pages #566
- Support for adding external applications to course network #573
- Cent7 #577
- add support for vagrant-cachier #579
- travis mad at hub #580
- Image style warning in people distro #583
- imagefield_focus included twice #584
- node_export throws warnings in travis #585
- Kill off passwords printing on drush SI calls #586
- upgrade drupal core to 7.42 #590
- Assessment engine info file clean up #592
- Document steps after one-line installers #594
- ICOR JMOL conflict #604
- Comply / ECD and Inbox need permissions set #605
- pull-down.sh needs to clean up permissions #615
- Review and enhance Roadmap in docs #618
- ICOR permissions #625
- Media Add menu doesn't show options #627
- Default permissions for Blog / Journal #630
- Auto generated aliases need to verify directories exist #633
- Theme breaks if not course outline is present #634
- Book nav auto labeling settings not working. #635
- Course Outline Renaming Issue - Not all Changes Saving #637
- banners that are cross system set don't validate on save #641
- Enable image upload from settings page #642
- MOOC extra options UX tweaking #645
- enable outline_child_pages in all mooc sites #646
- Discussion Board Text Entry #647
- elmsln api theme settings #538
- System sync opt out #537
- Innovate/Idea Success Label #534
- Service Instance Auto-Reload #533
- Idea vs Innovate Labeling #532
- make sure httprl is installed prior to nonblocking bootstrap #531
- When cis_devel is in place disable non-blocking calls #530
- allow for httprl non-blocking elmsln api calls #528
- Let's look at icon solutions #525
- Instructor View #121
- Need clipboard icon #509
- Tool Selection and Strategy #514
- Clean up menus across network #404
- rewrites to take someone to the right place if a service doesn't exist #419
- Editing course names after creation? #501
- Rerun 0.0.7 / 0.0.8 correctly this time
- "Share" button not appearing on shareable content #524
- Core permissions #471
- No ability to create new blogs, journal entry, etc. #516
- Remove drupal_hash_base64 in drupal_static function #515
- Instructors should be able to hide content in outline designer #487
- Comply should auto add people to master #494
- No text editor in discussion threads/replies #517
- Auto add certain roles to master section #513
- Innovate tool coming back with Access Denied #518
- Document how H5P works / is installed #520
- Different Colors for H1 and H2 titles #488
- Auto add certain roles to master section #513
- Drop multi-core option on Vagrant install #493
- elmsln.php #506
- Drupal book-specific search and replace #507
- Add a course #505
- document leafy commandline processor #504
- AJAX CORS Issue #499
- Outline Designer: increase readability of 'hidden' items text #498
- CIS links from cleaned up UX not what they should be #497
- new systems build inconsistently after 0.0.4 cron switch #491
- foundation access iframe throws notices #490
- roster not pulling on cron sync #489
- Simple Canvas frame embed support #486
- refactor cis_service_connection mooc elements into mooc_helper #452
- Refactor view lmsless cis link permission #473
- Course/MOOC - creating custom pages for top menus #481
- "Locked" permissions / ELMSLN Core features to build / export #229
- CLE redirects webservice calls against it if sections et to master to NO_SECTION #455
- Support debugging on roster syncs #461
- Section hidden on profile page unless they have section switch access #463
- Only cache responses when told to do so #462
- Section switcher needs to remove groups instructor/tas aren't in #448
- cis service connection transactional pages handling on master #445
- Additional performance changes to test #213
- add webservice role grouping #453
- CLE profile require applies to webservices, and shouldn't #454
- Issue Importing Book Outline (XML) #451
- Drush aliases for -all don't work on authorities #447
- EC2 installer doesn't need to pull from RHEL repo #432
- Ensure resource icon doesn't show up on authority systems #433
- Steps to Install php-fpm #436
- breadcrumb levels need to do a menu tree check #434
- "Vagrant" should be Varnish in performance docs #438
- course-help CIS generated page is empty #443
- Test Coverage Discussion #289
- ECD keeps adding cis_system types #439
- Breadcrumb items not sorted correctly #442
- Vagrant Installation Error - PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] #435
- fix bulleted list #422
- Add support for Resources button across top #424
- Permissions exported don't match in CIS #425
- Help and resource pages throw notices when nothing there #426
- page nav scroll on large screens #427
- Don't disable scroll for remixables #428
- Hide chevron, keep Outline text on mobile #429
- Added CHANGELOG.md (this file)
- notice; we are on minor versions! #417
- Years of hardwork, sleepless nights, and driving desire to change the world. This isn't the end, it's the begining of something new. https://github.com/elmsln/elmsln/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed