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Binary names

This repository contains the following components:

Binary name Description
containerd-shim-kata-v2 The shimv2 runtime
kata-runtime utility program
kata-monitor metrics collector daemon

For details of the other Kata Containers repositories, see the repository summary.


The containerd-shim-kata-v2 binary is the Kata Containers shimv2 runtime. It leverages the virtcontainers package to provide a high-performance standards-compliant runtime that creates hardware-virtualized Linux containers running on Linux hosts.

The runtime is OCI-compatible, CRI-O-compatible, and Containerd-compatible, allowing it to work seamlessly with both Docker and Kubernetes respectively.

Download and install

Get it from the Snap Store

See the installation guides available for various operating systems.

Architecture overview

See the architecture overview for details on the Kata Containers design.


The runtime uses a TOML format configuration file called configuration.toml. The file is divided into sections for settings related to various parts of the system including the runtime itself, the agent and the hypervisor.

Each option has a comment explaining its use.


The initial values in the configuration file provide a good default configuration. You may need to modify this file to optimise or tailor your system, or if you have specific requirements.

Configuration file location

Runtime configuration file location

The shimv2 runtime looks for its configuration in the following places (in order):

  • The containers.config.config_path annotation specified in the OCI configuration file (config.json file) used to create the pod sandbox.

  • The containerd shimv2 options passed to the runtime.

  • The value of the KATA_CONF_FILE environment variable.

  • The default configuration paths.

Utility program configuration file location

The kata-runtime utility program looks for its configuration in the following locations (in order):

  • The path specified by the --config command-line option.

  • The value of the KATA_CONF_FILE environment variable.

  • The default configuration paths.

Note: For both binaries, the first path that exists will be used.

Drop-in configuration file fragments

To enable changing configuration without changing the configuration file itself, drop-in configuration file fragments are supported. Once a configuration file is parsed, if there is a subdirectory called config.d in the same directory as the configuration file its contents will be loaded in alphabetical order and each item will be parsed as a config file. Settings loaded from these configuration file fragments override settings loaded from the main configuration file and earlier fragments. Users are encouraged to use familiar naming conventions to order the fragments (e.g. config.d/10-this, config.d/20-that etc.).

Non-existent or empty config.d directory is not an error (in other words, not using configuration file fragments is fine). On the other hand, if fragments are used, they must be valid - any errors while parsing fragments (unreadable fragment files, contents not valid TOML) are treated the same as errors while parsing the main configuration file. A config.d subdirectory affects only the configuration.toml in the same directory. For fragments in config.d to be parsed, there has to be a valid main configuration file in that location (it can be empty though).

Hypervisor specific configuration

Kata Containers supports multiple hypervisors so your configuration.toml configuration file may be a symbolic link to a hypervisor-specific configuration file. See the hypervisors document for further details.

Stateless systems

Since the runtime supports a stateless system, it checks for this configuration file in multiple locations, two of which are built in to the runtime. The default location is /usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml for a standard system. However, if /etc/kata-containers/configuration.toml exists, this takes priority.

The below command lists the full paths to the configuration files that the runtime attempts to load. The first path that exists will be used:

$ kata-runtime --show-default-config-paths

The runtime will log the full path to the configuration file it is using. See the logging section for further details.

To see details of your systems runtime environment (including the location of the configuration file being used), run:

$ kata-runtime env


For detailed information and analysis on obtaining logs for other system components, see the documentation for the kata-log-parser tool.

Kata containerd shimv2

The Kata containerd shimv2 runtime logs through containerd, and its logs will be sent to wherever the containerd logs are directed. However, the shimv2 runtime also always logs to the system log (syslog or journald) using the kata identifier.

Note: Kata logging requires containerd debug to be enabled.

To view the shimv2 runtime logs:

$ sudo journalctl -t kata


See the debugging section of the developer guide.


See the limitations file for further details.


See the community repository.


See how to reach the community.

Further information

See the project table of contents and the documentation repository.

Additional packages

For details of the other packages contained in this repository, see the package documentation.