doing <Paragraph ff={'$heading'} .. does work to make native use the font in the face prop (what's this prop for?) in $heading, but it still uses the size for $body, not $header, while web does use the correct respective sizing
add just early return hooks eslint check
Sheet.Close, Sheet imperative close
high level:
- automate sponsors a bit better (link discord on tamagui site)
- private canary packages on github
- tiered line system for studio
- improve tests and docs
- make themes and sizing easier, simpler, better documented, more controllable
- headless
- studio
- takeout
- income:
- font packages + font package builder ui
- merch
- outlined theme
- other theme drops (gumroad cheap)
- auth/account/profile drop
- better monorepo pro drop
- feed
- more work on profile
- cropper on web, potentially
- checkout
- page for showing all purchased products / subscriptions
- discord integration
templates working
Button.studio.tsx + run locally
- give it your app port and it launches electron or just gives you a new url?
figma export components
figma import tokens
we could somehow generate separate native and web potentially?
- basically we generate esbuild two different versions: .native.js and .web.js
- can flatten all TAMAGUI_TARGET then in each and maybe avoid that setup step
- can automatically map react-native to react-native-web (then only have to alias for -lite)
- should be 0-config setup
size/space/button docs
slow press on buttons
somehow configurable by users -
in createPropMapper in configuration -
document how
should work together to help create a cohesive design system that works with tamagui
Ali todos:
- colors:
- when you modify the popup in the bottom left should have a "save" option
- save will make it actually update the themes with the right values
- when you modify the popup in the bottom left should have a "save" option
- animations:
- profiling its super slow, because for some reason animation.start() taking forever: for now just make it debounce / not animation on drag
- colors:
- make it remember dark/light choice (localStorage)
- Themes tab
- if just "light" or just "dark" is selected and you toggle light/dark on the top right, make the themeId also switch (themeId = whats selected in sidebar)
select: https://discord.com/channels/@me/1071157561757274193/1097795811703791646 - did some investigations on the issue, it's a safari-only issue it seems. todo: perf/virtualization of select items
if you change webpack config to alias RN to RNW (not lite) one animation test fails
cli needs a start update command just runs diff against your
sheet native ios snapPoints
- pre release 2.0 version of library
- https://github.com/dominicstop/react-native-ios-modal/blob/wip/example/src/examples/Test09.tsx
sheet native android - https://github.com/intergalacticspacehighway/react-native-android-bottomsheet
sorry to keep pulling on the same thread here haha, I've got it close now but I think I must still be doing something wrong, the theme works on the button text if I pass it down to CustomButtonText manually like theme={props.theme} and use extractable, but when I update it to styleable, all the text goes white—second screenshot (probably inheriting from one of the parent themes I guess?)
eventually all of getThemeCSSRules could be done at build-time
CI not failing on type errors in apps/site a package.json etc etc + zip file
export * from lucide icons in your ui package causes build error
Uniswap Button - https://discord.com/channels/909986013848412191/974145843919716412/1100156660296724482
@alt Sheet inside Popover breaks css animation:
@ali https://discord.com/channels/909986013848412191/974145843919716412/1100115005451538503
@ali Modal doesn't re-enable pointer events until the animation fully completes (popover too?)
sheet overlay variant https://discord.com/channels/909986013848412191/1103391377615749211/1103391377615749211
Studio: drag and drop a font and you can configure the subset
- automatically converts to the right output formats
- auto generates CSS
- bundles it into
bring back static-tests webpack.test.tsx (rename to web.tsx to run) "disabled for now but we really need to bring this back" showing "unknown test" for some reason
double render on new button - waiting for fernando's opinion (fernando may do low prio)
supabase local -> staging -> prod and migrations setup
tama doctor
- probably use @manypky internally
- scan all package.json in monorepo
- make sure all tamagui versions match
- watch for non @tamagui stuff like loader
- auto run this whenever compiler is run as well on startup
- output nice message
$web / $native make them work as media queries
theme based "media queries" automatically:
- $dark / $light but could be any theme?
'> Child' descendent queries
- only with css driver it can extract to css
- without it uses context
- - https://github.com/dominicstop/react-native-ios-modal - we'd want expo module + snap points
prop https://reactnative.dev/docs/actionsheetios -
add test that builds site for prod + checks for header text / no errors
yarn release --canary
Popover trigger="hover"
Switch unstyled - make it so it doesn't do any theme stuff
font-family is being output to DOM on text element
font weights in css are generating extra variables with "undefined" value if not filled in
add defaultSize and defaultFontFamily to createTamagui
- all instances of $true can become getConfig().defaultSize
- all instances of $body can become getConfig().defaultFontFamily
- remove the validation in createTamagui that enforces the keys
relative sizing first class (and relative color)
- add
, anddefaultColor
- add
- add
bug android
- I've been working on integrating our component library to mobile and ran into a snag with the android build. IOS builds seamlessly and Android throws this error when trying to use Select component:
- https://discord.com/channels/909986013848412191/1072289484755976312/1093994167601999912
bug: android styling is different, repro:
bug: inputs rendering twice due to focusableInputHOC, if you remove that it doesnt, this is due to styled() + how it determines ComponentIn and grabs the component
prop for components -
docs for
getVariableValue(props.fontFamily) doesn't look right
slider track - light theme blends in with bg i think
Button and other similar ones - make the hover/press/focusStyle zIndex 2, 3, 4 (or all 2) by default
createInterFont the default weight/letterSpacing should use
rather than4
key (small change just need to test make sure it doens't break) -
tamagui doctor
command to check for version mismatch
support new RN props: https://reactnative.dev/blog/2023/01/12/version-071#web-inspired-props-for-accessibility-styles-and-events
- moti driver
- Studio
- Host on vercel
- plugins automatically watch and build
- babel-plugin, webpack-loader, vite all share @tamagui/static
- @tamagui/static just needs to add a call to the watch that studio.ts uses
- if weird or hard:
tama studio
comment out and instead-
tama studio --serve
add flag and hide vite stuff behind there -
tama studio
just builds once -
tama studio --watch
- babel-plugin, webpack-loader, vite all share @tamagui/static
- skipProps on getSplitStyle working with width={} but not styled()'s width:
- https://discord.com/channels/909986013848412191/1095303038786342983/1095303038786342983
- document keyboard avoiding view in
- input bug
- @tamagui/change-animation-driver document
- Disable warning ENV + configuration.md docs
- (nate) make focusStyle border darker
- WARN Sending onAnimatedValueUpdate with no listeners registered
- bezier on css animations
- disablePassBorderRadius feels like a weird thing to need by default
- change Group's disablePassBorderRadius to something else - perhaps the negation, passBorderRadius? i'm not sure. what do you think about this @natew alternatively we could have disablePassBorderRadius default to true only on Tabs.List. but then overriding it would feel awkward (having to pass disablePassBorderRadius={false})
- and document on styled() page
- disablePassBorderRadius feels like a weird thing to need by default
- native component modes
native (web) -
native (mobile)
release hoverglow
release use-store
tabs demo
animated colors demo
studio preview video
plus studio landing page with invite system
theme inverse shows off generic themes
refactor getSplitStyles to share getSubStyle / logic with main style logic
- "When I place style: backgroundGradient outside of variants, it works"
site polish:
- make the text selection match the theme
- make the link underline match the theme
website toggle for css/spring doesn't animate? we can keep it outside of the provider ideally so its always spring
in card :
if (isTamaguiElement(child) && !child.props.size) {
lets convert to context?-
can we come up with a nicer pattern to avoid having to rewrite from styled() to component here? like some sort of standard way to provide context between components?... thinking out loud:
- we could have a generic ComponentContext internally in createComponent
- we can export a createStyledContext()
const CardVariants = createStyledContext<{ size: number }>()
- then in Card or any parent you can do
<CardVariants size={} />
- finally, in
styled({ provider: CardVariants })
<CardVariants.Provider size="$10"> </CardVariants.Provider>
.for_Card.size_10 .is_Card { ... }
variants: { skeleton: { true: { beforeStyle: [ { background: 'grey', } ] } } }
themes: outlined, contrast
light/dark theme buttons bad colors (contrast + pressStyle borders)
slider track - light theme blends in with bg i think
add JSDoc help with links to docs for components
- also can we somehow make intellisense sort the props in a way we want by default? itd be ncie to have style props after the others
add codesandbox for most components
instead of proxying we could just merge all themes on creation with their parents?
Card has a good use case for size being passed through context/css vars
linear-gradient next.js issue
I'm currently using the Selector on Native, and the animation for pulling up the modal is kind of lagging and I get spammed this error when it happens.
add Themes page in docs under Theme, change Theme => Design System
move packages to have unstyled
move packages from /core to /web
// TODO move into getSplitStyles inital
if (process.env.TAMAGUI_TARGET === 'web')
check why styled() of a HOC is failing:
Separator orientation="vertical" deprecate boolean
const SheetOverlay = styled(Sheet.Overlay, { backgroundColor: '$bgoverlay', })
sheet background animation regression
default light mode theme + not changing
hoverTheme={false} works, make hoverStyle={false} to unset
test keyboardavoidingview > scrollView - collapsing tamagui
check into shadow/elevation not showing
survey https://tripetto.app or gforms
unset: useful for unstyled to usnet the defaultVariatn size
Select id="" + Label focus
web forms events bubble
theme shouldn't change context ever on web, redo notify()
- instead of passing ThemeManager in context just pass a UID
- useChangeTheme can then do listen(UID)
- instead of passing ThemeManager in context just pass a UID
vertical slider native can be janky
react native action sheet hooks/logic adapt
testing native - https://maestro.mobile.dev
tooltip auto pass down accessibilityLabel
accessibility keyboard navigation (Menu component potentially)
createTamagui({ webOnly: true }) - avoids console warning on Text
- goes hand in hand with
separate from core
- goes hand in hand with
test: useMedia, reanimated, re-renders (mount, on hover, etc), render time ms
CD on github
home page sponsors with sizing and better logos
algolia not indexing some new content
keyboard search select bug
variants intellisense autocomplete not suggesting, but types are right
improve native integration test
kitchen-sink in Snack demo link
cli basic version -
VisuallyHidden + mediaquery + space
re-render tests:
- useMedia, component w/ media + style, media + css-style, media + space
- useTheme, component with theme used in style
createThemes accepts array not object
site _app has t_unmounted helper, move that into tamagui proper
SimpleTooltip no sub theme looks bad on dark mode
- replace all RN stuff left in tamagui: Image, Input, Spinner, etc
- Accessibility + RTL
- tag="a" should get the typed props of a link
- much better non-monorepo non-expo general setup experience
- app dir support (discussions/409)
- contrastColor (accent color) in themes (discussions/449)
- all: unset
react native pressable in pressable
docs search build inline
- add shorthands to docs
- make search a nice demo
tama sync
- make it easy to have a template repo that people sync to
- includes the git sync stuff from cli now
- copies/diffs/merges every file there just based on heuristics
- somehow choose "merge/overwrite/diff"
- smart defaults
- package.json etc
- binary assets overwrite (if not changed, else prompt)
setup script can power
tama sync
to sync the repo to its parent repo -
dynamic eval bundle of smallish fixes:
- hash file contents cache
- dont write it as a file, use node vm
- just use a few find and replace type things for forcing exports, fail if not possible
site web fonts (can also be a feature of font bundles)
drag on switch
prebuild option
- de-dupes css
- fixes next.js next load css
- simplifies initial setup and need for plugins
site snack + demo embed on all pages floating that scales up on hover on large screen
maybe regression in closing popover
export popover and others internal handles for imperative use
grid on homepage linking to various nice components maybe replace features grid or augment
instead of validStyleProps use validNONStyleProps
- that way for web all style props pass through automatically
- also likely smaller bundle size (smart detect
lighthouse score ci
move much logic from withTamgui into TamaguiPlugin
TestFontTokensInVariants types not autocompleting in variants... but showing properly on hover/type property
pass Size down context (see Group) is this just Themes but for individual props (css variable direct support <Theme set={{ size: '$4' }}> ?)?
kitchen sink snack on site
what works for compilation / examples
pass Size down context (see Group) but really this is just Themes but for individual props (css variable direct support <Theme set={{ size: '$4' }}> ?)
native props on more components
space => gap
check deps are matching in compiler startup
can optimize useMedia / many hooks:
dual direction scrollview shouldn't need two nested see CodeDemoPreParsed
container queries
variantsOnly: true
on styled(), removes types for anything but variants (and className/theme etc) -
way to use tamagui with custom design system tokens
- basically map any tokens you choose to internal tamagui ones
input like button
allow string values alongside numbers (nativebase port)
for overrides -
built in jsx => css converter
(keep fallback around as deprecated)as={['a', { ...props }]}
breaking change notifier cli
VSCode => "turn JSX into styled()"
pass in SharedValue to any prop for animations
try using react-native-web $css object support for classnames
animation accept useAnimatedStyle
Switch gesture
loadFont, loadAnimations
<...> turns on debugging for all in tree and shows them nested
- - use theme values and size values - can swap for other icon packs (use createTamagui({ icons }))
<Select.SearchInput />
hoverStyle={{ [XStack]: {} }}
<List.Section /> see (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/list Section)
can work native with
react-native-skia / svg image support
beforeStyle, afterStyle could work ...
- only if we can do with pseudos:
- focusStyle={{ after: { fullscreen: true, border... } }}
- allows for proper focused borders that don't require super hacks
- see Switch
- only if we can do with pseudos:
- - radio may be List.Radio just combines List, Label, Drawer - can use Switch or check or custom
accessibility upgrades (focus rings etc)
skeleton just using Theme / variables
- https://www.radix-ui.com/docs/primitives/components/dropdown-menu
- basically a popover + mouse helpers + built in item element
- don't need sub-menu for first iteration but... could if it's easier to at once
- floating-ui has helpers for this too
prop to do ContextMenu in iOS- ios:
- Zeego uses react-native-ios-context-menu
- https://github.com/nandorojo/zeego/blob/master/packages/zeego/src/menu/create-ios-menu/index.ios.tsx
- android:
- Zeego uses
- @react-native-menu/menu
- https://github.com/nandorojo/zeego/blob/master/packages/zeego/src/menu/create-android-menu/index.android.tsx
- ios:
const Child = styled(Stack, { $Parent: [ { backgroundColor: 'green' }, { when: 'small', backgroundColor: 'red', }, ], })
styled(Stack, { $sm$dark$Parent: { ... } })
const Child = styled(Stack, { $sm: { ... }, $dark: { ... }, $Parent: { ... }, compounds: [ { media: '$sm', theme: 'dark', parent: 'Parent', styles: { // ... } } ] });
const ButtonFrame = styled(Stack, { ButtonText: { color: 'red', }, hoverStyle: { ButtonText: { color: 'green' } }, $small: { hoverStyle: { ButtonText: { color: 'blue' } } } }) const ButtonText = styled(Stack, { name: 'ButtonText', })
const ButtonFrame = styled(Stack, {}) const ButtonText = styled(Stack, { name: 'ButtonText', in_ButtonFrame: { color: 'red', hoverStyle: { color: 'green', }, $small: { hoverStyle: { color: 'blue' } } }, })
const Skeleton = styled(Stack, { animation: { name: 'quick', loop: true }, enterStyle: { x: '100%', }, exitStyle: { x: '-100%', }, linearGradient: { to: 'left', colors: ['$color2', '$color3', '$color2'] } })
export default () => ( <MySquare.Variant skeleton> <MySquare /> </MySquare.Variant> ) const MySquare = styled(Square, { variants: { skeleton: { true: { backgroundColor: 'grey', } } } })
and if you want multiple:
const SkeletonVariants = composeVariantProviders(MySquare)
- beforeStyles + afterStyles array
- display: flex
- only accepts style props
Component themes could force set the actual properties even if they aren't set by the component themselves....
themes.dark_Button = { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'red', // is this doable? beforeStyle: {}, }
Themes can completely transform the look and feel, a button could have multiple shadows/reflections in one theme, but be totally flat in another.