This README aims to explain the testing and debugging that has went to build this shell.
- args.cpp
./args 1 2 3 4
Expected output -
You entered 6 arguments>./args< >1< >2< >3< >4< >< /
in.c, - generates a random number of array length, and populate that array by random numbers. [ Check output
]./inc ./inc > in.txt
double.c - Enter a number and those number of ints, ouputs double of them . [ Meant for testing piping] -
./d ./d < in.txt > double.txt ./inc | ./d
- tertiary.c - Enter a number and an array of that length. Outputs 10x array [ Meant for testing 3 pipes]
./inc | ./t ./inc | ./d | ./t
- notif.c - Displays hello world messages for some time. [For background execution]
./notif ./notif &
- netcheck - Check your ping, again for background execution checking
python netcheck python netcheck &
Running in background returns the process of pid , which can be stopped by kill -9 PID