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This is a most popular repository list for Ruby sorted by number of stars

45171 9850 187 22 days ago jekyll/1 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
36272 3293 634 6 days ago huginn/2 Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
36240 7750 75 49 minutes ago discourse/3 A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
35690 5283 223 a day ago fastlane/4 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
33144 7962 53 5 hours ago brew/5 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
29820 4653 2332 5 days ago mastodon/6 Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
29439 1988 134 3 days ago devdocs/7 API Documentation Browser
29256 3494 18 5 months ago awesome-awesomeness/8 A curated list of awesome awesomeness
28026 12459 538 15 hours ago metasploit-framework/9 Metasploit Framework
23005 5710 35 an hour ago gitlabhq/10 GitLab CE Mirror
22652 5443 214 a month ago devise/11 Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
22335 2999 3 6 days ago awesome-swift/12 A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
21844 716 66 25 days ago engineering-blogs/13 A curated list of engineering blogs
19484 3468 499 11 hours ago forem/14 For empowering community 🌱
19390 9949 32 4 hours ago homebrew-cask/15 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
13802 2553 383 2 months ago CocoaPods/16 The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
13383 1715 692 20 hours ago chatwoot/17 Open-source customer engagement suite, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud etc. 🔥💬
13109 2945 449 23 days ago diaspora/18 A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network.
13017 3350 1940 6 days ago logstash/19 Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
12333 550 14 2 months ago quine-relay/20 An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages
11985 2179 28 a day ago sidekiq/21 Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
11944 2905 241 15 hours ago rubocop/22 A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.
11930 4870 276 12 days ago spree/23 Open Source multi-language/multi-currency/multi-store eCommerce platform
11927 853 69 6 days ago postal/24 ✉️ A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail
11674 2064 32 15 days ago sinatra/25 Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)
11511 621 108 2 months ago tmuxinator/26 Manage complex tmux sessions easily
11444 1264 117 2 days ago fluentd/27 Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF)
10513 1042 715 2 months ago fpm/28 Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
10317 2951 18 a day ago faker/29 A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
10148 3670 116 10 days ago linguist/30 Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
9759 1467 1 5 months ago Learning-SICP/31 MIT视频公开课《计算机程序的构造和解释》中文化项目及课程学习资料搜集。
9736 1269 282 25 days ago liquid/32 Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.
9646 1408 20 25 days ago capybara/33 Acceptance test framework for web applications
9581 1218 236 12 days ago grape/34 An opinionated framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
9363 2724 252 6 years ago octopress/35 Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
9222 3305 387 a day ago activeadmin/36 The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
9166 1655 67 3 days ago resque/37 Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
9142 1377 1 4 days ago guides/38 A guide for programming in style.
9099 907 6 18 days ago bourbon/39 A Lightweight Sass Tool Set
9055 2407 52 11 months ago paperclip/40 Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
8717 1628 140 a month ago carrierwave/41 Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
8618 719 88 2 years ago whenever/42 Cron jobs in Ruby
8251 1077 61 2 months ago kaminari/43 ⚡ A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Ruby webapps
8000 1312 27 a month ago simple_form/44 Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
7980 758 0 3 days ago remote-working/45 收集整理远程工作相关的资料
7719 594 20 13 days ago pundit/46 Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
7662 2238 179 9 days ago rails_admin/47 RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
7566 978 90 7 days ago omniauth/48 OmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.
7166 404 102 a month ago jazzy/49 Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C
6978 2568 422 a day ago chef/50 Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale
6898 1136 38 a day ago wpscan/51 WPScan WordPress security scanner. Written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites.
6872 856 139 6 months ago github-changelog-generator/52 Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
6870 747 12 a month ago middleman/53 Hand-crafted frontend development
6869 1452 3 1 year, 5 months ago dotfiles/54 YADR - The best vim,git,zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen
6785 444 53 11 months ago better_errors/55 Better error page for Rack apps
6719 484 11 3 months ago scientist/56 🔬 A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
6657 2244 30 5 days ago puppet/57 Server automation framework and application
6610 379 104 6 days ago bullet/58 help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading
6585 1184 9 4 months ago nodejs-learning-guide/59 Nodejs学习笔记以及经验总结,公众号"程序猿小卡"
6523 384 5 2 months ago pghero/60 A performance dashboard for Postgres
6491 598 145 5 days ago pry/61 A runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capabilities.
6473 705 92 3 hours ago brakeman/62 A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications
6346 863 8 8 days ago paper_trail/63 Track changes to your rails models
6145 488 11 27 days ago dotenv/64 A Ruby gem to load environment variables from .env.
6124 507 62 a month ago guard/65 Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.
6080 283 60 6 years ago synx/66 A command-line tool that reorganizes your Xcode project folder to match your Xcode groups
6023 549 6 2 days ago chartkick/67 Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
5990 720 7 3 days ago searchkick/68 Intelligent search made easy
5987 1669 34 34 minutes ago openproject/69 OpenProject is the leading open source project management software.
5968 2468 19 4 years ago progit/70 Pro Git Book Content, 1st Edition - This content is deprecated. See 2nd edition at progit2
5886 592 14 a month ago friendly_id/71 FriendlyId is the “Swiss Army bulldozer” of slugging and permalink plugins for ActiveRecord. It allows you to create pretty URL’s and work with human-friendly strings as if they were numeric ids for ActiveRecord models.
5800 263 12 3 years ago css-only-chat/72 A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend
5750 624 60 10 days ago foreman/73 Manage Procfile-based applications
5733 515 23 7 days ago hanami/74 The web, with simplicity.
5716 536 32 a month ago mailcatcher/75 Catches mail and serves it through a dream.
5658 892 55 6 months ago will_paginate/76 Pagination library for Rails, Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper, and more
5643 993 35 a month ago maximum-awesome/77 Config files for vim and tmux.
5554 959 43 5 days ago httparty/78 🎉 Makes http fun again!
5421 1037 127 15 days ago administrate/79 A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.
5408 493 68 3 months ago vcr/80 Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
5397 427 181 2 years ago t/81 A command-line power tool for Twitter.
5363 389 52 5 months ago concurrent-ruby/82 Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Go, Java, JavaScript, and classic concurrency patterns.
5340 927 38 12 days ago faraday/83 Simple, but flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends.
5303 375 67 11 days ago fast-ruby/84 💨 Writing Fast Ruby 😍 -- Collect Common Ruby idioms.
5302 1484 2 a month ago webpacker/85 Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
5221 1394 188 2 years ago active_model_serializers/86 ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
5212 748 89 2 months ago ransack/87 Object-based searching.
5204 584 44 a month ago cancancan/88 The authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
5198 293 13 5 years ago rails-api/89 Rails for API only applications
5163 956 136 2 years ago rest-client/90 Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.
5153 643 19 a month ago formtastic/91 A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.
5151 334 15 16 days ago rack-attack/92 Rack middleware for blocking & throttling
5126 526 58 8 months ago draper/93 Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
5118 502 81 1 year, 10 months ago slim/94 Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
5116 421 109 1 year, 11 months ago fast_jsonapi/95 No Longer Maintained - A lightning fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects.
5111 1251 62 21 hours ago graphql-ruby/96 Ruby implementation of GraphQL
5110 1129 18 a day ago cucumber-ruby/97 Cucumber for Ruby. It's amazing!
5006 1019 21 21 days ago doorkeeper/98 Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Ruby on Rails / Grape.
4909 453 164 4 months ago danger/99 🚫 Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review (in Ruby)
4885 616 29 3 days ago react_on_rails/100 Integration of React + Webpack + Rails + rails/webpacker including server-side rendering of React, enabling a better developer experience and faster client performance.
5204 584 44 a month ago cancancan/101 The authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
5198 293 13 5 years ago rails-api/102 Rails for API only applications
5163 956 136 2 years ago rest-client/103 Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.
5156 195 21 8 months ago lolcat/104 Rainbows and unicorns!
5153 643 19 a month ago formtastic/105 A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.
5151 334 15 16 days ago rack-attack/106 Rack middleware for blocking & throttling
5126 526 58 8 months ago draper/107 Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
5118 502 81 1 year, 10 months ago slim/108 Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
5116 421 109 1 year, 11 months ago fast_jsonapi/109 No Longer Maintained - A lightning fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects.
5111 1251 62 21 hours ago graphql-ruby/110 Ruby implementation of GraphQL
5110 1129 18 a day ago cucumber-ruby/111 Cucumber for Ruby. It's amazing!
5006 1019 21 21 days ago doorkeeper/112 Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Ruby on Rails / Grape.
4909 453 164 4 months ago danger/113 🚫 Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review (in Ruby)
4885 616 29 3 days ago react_on_rails/114 Integration of React + Webpack + Rails + rails/webpacker including server-side rendering of React, enabling a better developer experience and faster client performance.
4879 1178 293 3 months ago acts-as-taggable-on/115 A tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts.
4873 540 199 13 days ago thor/116 Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
4854 2111 0 2 years ago bundler/117 Manage your Ruby application's gem dependencies
4832 967 44 7 months ago rspec-rails/118 RSpec for Rails 5+
4787 362 126 3 years ago wraith/119 Wraith — A responsive screenshot comparison tool
4721 677 9 1 year, 8 months ago backup/120 Easy full stack backup operations on UNIX-like systems.
4658 518 0 1 year, 2 months ago shenzhen/121 CLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)
4651 1058 1 a day ago sequel/122 Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby
4640 330 109 21 days ago opal/123 Ruby ♥︎ JavaScript
4613 605 139 28 days ago aasm/124 AASM - State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, NoBrainer, Dynamoid)
4512 242 39 12 hours ago lolcommits/125 📷 git-based selfies for software developers
4493 531 87 9 months ago simplecov/126 Code coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
4488 1985 399 4 hours ago canvas-lms/127 The open LMS by Instructure, Inc.
4475 2199 2 11 days ago redmine/128 Mirror of redmine code source - Official Subversion repository is at - contact: @vividtone or maeda (at) farend (dot) jp
4472 430 0 2 years ago neat/129 [no longer maintained]
4445 2506 225 6 days ago active_merchant/130 Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.
4437 1617 12 3 days ago rack/131 A modular Ruby web server interface.
4435 1250 155 2 years ago twitter/132 A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.
4386 1218 207 20 hours ago solidus/133 Solidus, the open-source eCommerce framework for industry trailblazers.
4349 668 113 3 months ago prawn/134 Fast, Nimble PDF Writer for Ruby
4332 358 11 1 year, 8 months ago awesome-svg/135 A curated list of SVG.
4304 1504 4 4 days ago fog/136 The Ruby cloud services library.
4304 634 9 a month ago authlogic/137 A simple ruby authentication solution.
4296 674 147 8 months ago terraforming/138 Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) / No longer actively maintained
4238 471 28 7 months ago mina/139 Blazing fast application deployment tool.
4232 473 4 2 months ago mechanize/140 Mechanize is a ruby library that makes automated web interaction easy.
4230 612 266 a month ago react-native-config/141 Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!
4198 369 37 an hour ago octobox/142 📮Untangle your GitHub Notifications
4197 277 5 5 days ago homebrew-bundle/143 📦 Bundler for non-Ruby dependencies from Homebrew, Homebrew Cask and the Mac App Store.
4196 1003 62 a day ago errbit/144 The open source error catcher that's Airbrake API compliant
4188 325 61 a month ago colorls/145 A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons. 🎉
4182 641 197 5 months ago eventmachine/146 EventMachine: fast, simple event-processing library for Ruby programs
4143 743 818 an hour ago asciidoctor/147 💎 A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain, written in Ruby, for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML 5, DocBook 5, and other formats.
4118 412 48 2 months ago jbuilder/148 Jbuilder: generate JSON objects with a Builder-style DSL
4056 294 36 6 years ago kss/149 A methodology for documenting CSS and generating styleguides.
4037 281 60 2 months ago rails_best_practices/150 a code metric tool for rails projects
4033 762 12 1 year, 28 days ago gemoji/151 Emoji images and names.
4014 546 97 a month ago annotate_models/152 Annotate Rails classes with schema and routes info
4003 829 39 6 months ago WhatWeb/153 Next generation web scanner
3990 283 27 16 days ago https-portal/154 A fully automated HTTPS server powered by Nginx, Let's Encrypt and Docker.
3983 457 107 1 year, 4 months ago awesome_print/155 Pretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation
3976 540 125 11 months ago wayback-machine-downloader/156 Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine.
3940 442 128 23 days ago typhoeus/157 Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
3899 254 33 4 months ago parallel/158 Ruby: parallel processing made simple and fast
3898 1370 292 5 days ago mongoid/159 Ruby ODM framework for MongoDB
3864 278 10 2 months ago celluloid/160 Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
3841 1272 37 a month ago refinerycms/161 An extendable Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 6.0+
3840 289 4 1 year, 8 months ago dryrun/162 ☁️ Try the demo project of any Android Library
3836 2804 30 16 hours ago rails-i18n/163 Repository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff
3823 984 33 23 hours ago redis-rb/164 A Ruby client library for Redis
3818 520 31 a month ago suspenders/165 A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku.
3796 238 72 1 year, 2 months ago virtus/166 [DISCONTINUED ] Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
3793 267 52 11 days ago reek/167 Code smell detector for Ruby
3774 287 116 4 years ago xcpretty/168 Flexible and fast xcodebuild formatter
3763 217 118 2 years ago xiki/169 A shell console with GUI features
3735 359 78 10 days ago rails-erd/170 Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams for Rails applications
3733 276 73 2 years ago figaro/171 Simple Rails app configuration
3733 355 54 2 months ago gist/172 Potentially the best command line gister.
3733 603 21 25 days ago activerecord-import/173 A library for bulk insertion of data into your database using ActiveRecord.
3726 328 4 24 days ago pagy/174 🏆 The Best Pagination Ruby Gem 🥇
3717 471 91 9 years ago state_machine/175 Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
3701 823 54 10 years ago ruby-warrior/176 Game written in Ruby for learning Ruby and artificial intelligence.
3699 156 35 11 months ago rails_panel/177 Chrome extension for Rails development
3692 530 166 5 days ago webmock/178 Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby.
3681 280 20 3 months ago overcommit/179 A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager
3673 569 6 2 days ago haml/180 HTML Abstraction Markup Language - A Markup Haiku
3659 1236 59 17 hours ago octokit.rb/181 Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API
3652 360 7 a month ago ahoy/182 Simple, powerful, first-party analytics for Rails
3640 348 128 2 days ago rabl/183 General ruby templating with json, bson, xml, plist and msgpack support
3621 905 729 a day ago jruby/184 JRuby, an implementation of Ruby on the JVM
3597 522 7 22 days ago i18n-js/185 It's a small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript. It comes with Rails support.
3589 1209 27 26 days ago homeland/186 🎪 An open source forum/community system based on Rails, developed based on Ruby China.
3567 488 68 a month ago scss-lint/187 Configurable tool for writing clean, consistent SCSS
3550 327 13 6 years ago blog/188 Too young, too simple. Sometimes, naive.
3548 2770 320 4 years ago peatio/189 An open-source assets exchange.
3544 453 25 2 months ago clearance/190 Rails authentication with email & password.
3536 427 0 1 year, 3 months ago awesome-blockchains/191 A collection about awesome blockchains - open distributed public databases w/ crypto hashes incl. git ;-). Blockchains are the new tulips 🌷🌷🌷. Distributed is the new centralized.
3521 470 47 2 months ago koala/192 A lightweight Facebook library supporting the Graph, Marketing, and Atlas APIs, realtime updates, test users, and OAuth.
3493 372 16 a day ago stringer/193 A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader.
3484 737 15 11 months ago ruby/194 Ruby Style Guide
3470 447 77 12 days ago ancestry/195 Organise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure
3454 890 152 4 months ago mail/196 A Really Ruby Mail Library
3444 221 1 4 months ago groupdate/197 The simplest way to group temporal data
3441 377 65 5 months ago rack-mini-profiler/198 Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps.
3436 240 1 5 months ago letter_opener/199 Preview mail in the browser instead of sending.
3405 693 0 22 hours ago plugin-directory/200 Official Sketch Plugin directory
3396 831 3 4 years ago objc-zen-book-cn/201 ObjC Zen Book 中文翻译
3388 1286 72 15 days ago fat_free_crm/202 Ruby on Rails CRM platform
3381 505 51 3 years ago rails-composer/203 Rails Composer. The Rails generator on steroids for starter apps.
3380 1186 21 16 hours ago aws-sdk-ruby/204 The official AWS SDK for Ruby.
3378 215 13 3 months ago docker-sync/205 Run your application at full speed while syncing your code for development, finally empowering you to utilize docker for development under OSX/Windows/*Linux
3366 1767 57 6 years ago jekyll-bootstrap/206 The quickest way to start and publish your Jekyll powered blog. 100% compatible with GitHub pages.
3355 1093 179 2 days ago devise_token_auth/207 Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth.
3348 416 32 20 days ago blazer/208 Business intelligence made simple
3347 610 274 4 days ago wicked_pdf/209 PDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails
3340 362 38 19 days ago ruby-jwt/210 A ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard.
3334 589 1 7 years ago sstoolkit/211 A collection of well-documented iOS classes for making life easier
3328 513 59 6 months ago padrino-framework/212 Padrino is a full-stack ruby framework built upon Sinatra.
3314 727 138 11 days ago lobsters/213 Computing-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion
3300 11059 4 21 hours ago explore/214 Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub
3284 893 51 15 hours ago shoulda-matchers/215 Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality
3269 418 128 5 years ago fontcustom/216 Generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line.
3253 414 518 8 hours ago sorbet/217 A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby
3250 144 38 2 days ago trailblazer/218 The advanced business logic framework for Ruby.
3249 361 1 3 years ago algorithms/219 algorithms playground for common questions
3245 321 86 1 year, 4 months ago byebug/220 Debugging in Ruby 2
3245 198 76 6 years ago volt/221 A Ruby web framework where your Ruby runs on both server and client
3238 156 0 1 year, 6 days ago sha256-animation/222 Animation of the SHA-256 hash function in your terminal.
3193 219 70 5 months ago timecop/223 A gem providing "time travel", "time freezing", and "time acceleration" capabilities, making it simple to test time-dependent code. It provides a unified method to mock,, and in a single call.
3173 1679 48 8 years ago selfstarter/224 Roll your own crowdfunding
3167 369 26 4 years ago dotjs/225 ~/.js
3157 158 15 2 years ago peek/226 Take a peek into your Rails applications.
3143 463 146 4 years ago chronic/227 Chronic is a pure Ruby natural language date parser.
3141 277 53 a month ago lograge/228 An attempt to tame Rails' default policy to log everything.
3119 479 112 a month ago parallel_tests/229 Ruby: 2 CPUs = 2x Testing Speed for RSpec, Test::Unit and Cucumber
3119 1607 274 2 hours ago rubygems/230 Library packaging and distribution for Ruby.
3117 700 125 2 months ago arachni/231 Web Application Security Scanner Framework
3115 139 6 2 days ago strong_migrations/232 Catch unsafe migrations in development
3099 698 182 4 days ago rouge/233 A pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments
3099 220 25 3 years ago psd.rb/234 Parse Photoshop files in Ruby with ease
3095 160 4 1 year, 10 months ago high_voltage/235 Easily include static pages in your Rails app.
3094 605 466 a day ago zammad/236 Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system
3083 138 6 4 months ago fusuma/237 Multitouch gestures with libinput driver on Linux
3082 185 38 6 months ago interactor/238 Interactor provides a common interface for performing complex user interactions.
3077 135 13 2 years ago wisper/239 A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
3063 515 25 7 days ago minitest/240 minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking.
3062 394 30 2 months ago cocoon/241 Dynamic nested forms using jQuery made easy; works with formtastic, simple_form or default forms
3059 595 174 11 months ago audited/242 Audited (formerly acts_as_audited) is an ORM extension that logs all changes to your Rails models.
3054 427 6 6 days ago dalli/243 High performance memcached client for Ruby
3027 405 142 6 months ago rolify/244 Role management library with resource scoping
3023 242 49 2 months ago cells/245 View components for Ruby and Rails.
3015 365 15 4 days ago flipper/246 🐬 Beautiful, performant feature flags for Ruby.
3015 184 43 1 year, 4 months ago gon/247 Your Rails variables in your JS
3003 260 149 15 days ago feedbin/248 A nice place to read on the web.
2998 201 18 6 days ago scenic/249 Versioned database views for Rails
2998 262 29 11 days ago secure_headers/250 Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults
2985 265 16 a month ago shrine/251 File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications
2972 1321 25 a day ago A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
2961 242 0 1 year, 2 months ago houston/253 Apple Push Notifications; No Dirigible Required
2949 487 150 2 years ago Portus/254 Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)
2948 209 39 6 days ago rubycritic/255 A Ruby code quality reporter
2946 760 41 4 months ago elasticsearch-rails/256 Elasticsearch integrations for ActiveModel/Record and Ruby on Rails
2934 155 17 3 years ago csscss/257 A CSS redundancy analyzer that analyzes redundancy.
2928 396 50 2 years ago sensu/258 Monitoring for today's infrastructure.
2870 292 87 2 months ago http/259 HTTP (The Gem! a.k.a. http.rb) - a fast Ruby HTTP client with a chainable API, streaming support, and timeouts
2863 484 0 2 months ago evil-winrm/260 The ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting
2862 359 117 2 years ago fake-s3/261 A lightweight server clone of Amazon S3 that simulates most of the commands supported by S3 with minimal dependencies
2857 276 45 2 years ago mustache/262 Logic-less Ruby templates.
2856 125 3 1 year, 11 months ago lunchy/263 A friendly wrapper for launchctl
2856 214 9 4 months ago vagrant-vbguest/264 A Vagrant plugin to keep your VirtualBox Guest Additions up to date
2852 334 19 a month ago public_activity/265 Easy activity tracking for models - similar to Github's Public Activity
2852 245 5 6 months ago rspec-metagem/266 RSpec meta-gem that depends on the other components
2845 306 32 a month ago hashie/267 Hashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make Ruby hashes more powerful.
2844 664 902 10 hours ago dependabot-core/268 🤖 The core logic behind Dependabot's update PR creation. For product feedback see:
2827 396 0 4 months ago pdfkit/269 A Ruby gem to transform HTML + CSS into PDFs using the command-line utility wkhtmltopdf
2808 212 13 1 year, 6 months ago rollout/270 Feature flippers.
2805 488 24 7 months ago database_cleaner/271 Strategies for cleaning databases in Ruby. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
2784 291 30 4 years ago awesome-rails-gem/272 A collection of awesome Ruby Gems for Rails development.
2773 137 13 7 days ago derailed_benchmarks/273 Go faster, off the Rails - Benchmarks for your whole Rails app
2770 241 0 4 months ago janky/274 Continuous integration server built on top of Jenkins and Hubot
2745 171 163 13 hours ago truffleruby/275 A high performance implementation of the Ruby programming language, built on GraalVM.
2743 208 1 1 year, 5 months ago awesome-xcode-extensions/276 Awesome native Xcode extensions.
2740 514 97 5 months ago paranoia/277 acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6 and 7
2734 328 119 5 months ago spring/278 Rails application preloader
2725 343 16 2 months ago minimagick/279 mini replacement for RMagick
2717 385 31 5 years ago play/280 play ► — your company's dj
2713 120 5 7 years ago JXA-Cookbook/281 Cookbook for JavaScript for Automation in Mac OS X Yosemite
2712 649 54 2 years ago comfortable-mexican-sofa/282 ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Ruby on Rails 5.2+ CMS (Content Management System) Engine
2690 390 9 a month ago inherited_resources/283 None
2686 3330 81 9 hours ago styles/284 Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
2671 491 2 2 years ago Developing_iOS_8_Apps_With_Swift/285 Stanford 公开课,Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift 字幕翻译
2655 197 1 1 year, 2 months ago cupertino/286 CLI for the Apple Dev Center
2648 366 11 6 years ago objc-zen-book/287 Zen and the Art of the Objective-C Craftsmanship
2644 339 38 3 years ago Scumblr/288 Web framework that allows performing periodic syncs of data sources and performing analysis on the identified results
2629 160 39 4 years ago git-up/289 NOT MAINTAINED
2617 582 268 3 years ago vagrant-aws/290 Use Vagrant to manage your EC2 and VPC instances.
2615 413 8 15 days ago client_side_validations/291 Client Side Validations made easy for Ruby on Rails
2611 246 0 3 years ago brew/292 🍺🐧 The Homebrew package manager for Linux
2611 485 99 5 months ago roo/293 Roo provides an interface to spreadsheets of several sorts.
2611 326 68 2 months ago command-t/294 ⌨️ Fast file navigation for VIM
2608 216 50 4 years ago betty/295 Friendly English-like interface for your command line. Don't remember a command? Ask Betty.
2608 939 7 4 years ago our-boxen/296 Copy me for your team.
2601 359 16 1 year, 4 months ago algorithms/297 Ruby algorithms and data structures. C extensions
2599 705 221 2 years ago axlsx/298 xlsx generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable styles and full schema validation. Axlsx excels at helping you generate beautiful Office Open XML Spreadsheet documents without having to understand the entire ECMA specification. Check out the README for some examples of how easy it is. Best of all, you can validate your xlsx file before serialization so you know for sure that anything generated is going to load on your client's machine.
2598 318 94 14 hours ago view_component/299 A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
2582 363 23 a month ago split/300 📈 The Rack Based A/B testing framework
2460 399 34 10 years ago web-app-theme/301 A simple theme for web apps
2457 704 27 5 months ago redmine/302 Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. is the official git mirror of the svn repository
2451 378 2 6 months ago serverspec/303 RSpec tests for your servers configured by CFEngine, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Itamae or anything else even by hand
2448 189 38 3 months ago reform/304 Form objects decoupled from models.
2420 218 82 4 months ago squeel/305 Active Record, improved. Live again :)
2399 77 9 1 year, 3 months ago tty/306 Toolkit for developing sleek command line apps.
2375 437 1 8 hours ago homebrew-cask-fonts/307 🖋 Casks of F🅾𝓝𝐓𝚂
2364 129 14 3 years ago homesick/308 Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind.
2360 218 8 4 years ago best-ruby/309 Ruby Tricks, Idiomatic Ruby, Refactoring and Best Practices
2355 162 45 1 year, 3 months ago minicron/310 🕰️ Monitor your cron jobs
2337 260 51 8 days ago codeclimate/311 Code Climate CLI
2336 399 77 5 years ago sorcery/312 Magical authentication for Rails 3 & 4
2334 193 11 8 years ago git-internals-pdf/313 PDF on Git Internals
2328 437 221 a month ago apipie-rails/314 Ruby on Rails API documentation tool
2327 360 16 6 months ago browser/315 Do some browser detection with Ruby. Includes ActionController integration.
2317 643 86 28 days ago engine/316 A platform to create, publish and edit sites
2305 216 33 25 days ago GH Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis.
2304 492 2 2 months ago awesome_nested_set/318 An awesome replacement for acts_as_nested_set and better_nested_set.
2300 173 35 4 years ago iStats/319 Ruby gem for your mac stats
2295 199 7 a month ago rufus-scheduler/320 scheduler for Ruby (at, in, cron and every jobs)
2264 511 234 1 year, 14 days ago jsonapi-resources/321 A resource-focused Rails library for developing JSON:API compliant servers.
2254 203 0 4 days ago PokeAssistant/322 Amazing Free Pokétwo Assistant that identifies Pokémons from Pokétwo spawns, pings a role if a legendary spawns and pins them, pings you if your Shiny Hunt Pokémon spawns and other features like Quest Ping! Every features are automated.
2247 315 0 4 years ago legacy-linuxbrew/323 💀 This repository is defunct, because it has been split into and
2244 196 23 7 years ago request-log-analyzer/324 Create reports based on your log files. Supports Rails, Apache, MySQL, Delayed::Job, and other formats.
2239 1302 2 27 days ago sharetribe/325 Sharetribe Go is a source available marketplace software, also available as a hosted, no-code SaaS product. For a headless, API-first marketplace solution, check out Sharetribe Flex:
2233 947 52 a month ago foreman/326 an application that automates the lifecycle of servers
2219 156 40 2 years ago video_transcoding/327 Tools to transcode, inspect and convert videos.
2219 484 224 10 months ago helpy/328 Helpy is a modern, open source helpdesk customer support application. Features include knowledgebase, community discussions and support tickets integrated with email.
2216 103 21 1 year, 5 months ago teamocil/329 There's no I in Teamocil. At least not where you think. Teamocil is a simple tool used to automatically create windows and panes in tmux with YAML files.
2214 896 4 8 months ago ckeditor/330 Ckeditor 4.x integration gem for rails
2205 414 17 a month ago html-pipeline/331 HTML processing filters and utilities
2197 359 95 3 months ago premailer/332 Preflight for HTML email
2193 343 11 11 months ago thin/333 A very fast & simple Ruby web server
2192 506 120 6 years ago god/334 Ruby process monitor
2171 451 0 19 hours ago WebHackersWeapons/335 ⚔️ Web Hacker's Weapons / A collection of cool tools used by Web hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting
2166 327 59 4 months ago sneakers/336 A fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
2161 526 158 16 hours ago mysql2/337 A modern, simple and very fast Mysql library for Ruby - binding to libmysql
2159 209 42 4 years ago hologram/338 A markdown based documentation system for style guides.
2153 147 85 5 months ago ghi/339 GitHub Issues on the command line. Use your $EDITOR, not your browser.
2151 196 0 2 years ago shoulda/340 Makes tests easy on the fingers and the eyes
2137 626 69 8 days ago rake/341 A make-like build utility for Ruby.
2133 362 22 8 years ago SiriProxy/342 A (tampering) proxy server for Apple's Siri
2131 1255 48 11 years ago delayed_job/343 Database backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify
2123 114 32 3 years ago dinghy/344 faster, friendlier Docker on OS X
2120 449 120 2 months ago Xcodeproj/345 Create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby.
2120 661 150 an hour ago loomio/346 Loomio is a collaborative decision making tool
2118 327 40 6 years ago rspec-rails-examples/347 RSpec cheatsheet & Rails app: Learn how to expertly test Rails apps from a model codebase
2118 324 58 5 months ago ice_cube/348 Ruby Date Recurrence Library - Allows easy creation of recurrence rules and fast querying
2112 247 74 1 year, 2 months ago dragonfly/349 A Ruby gem for on-the-fly processing - suitable for image uploading in Rails, Sinatra and much more!
2111 204 55 7 days ago pact-ruby/350 Enables consumer driven contract testing, providing a mock service and DSL for the consumer project, and interaction playback and verification for the service provider project.
2103 139 18 3 years ago git-deploy/351 git deployment made easy
2100 499 4 a month ago globalize/352 Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.
2095 256 62 1 year, 5 months ago knock/353 Seamless JWT authentication for Rails API
2094 177 79 1 year, 8 months ago prmd/354 JSON Schema tools and doc generation for HTTP APIs
2091 188 38 10 hours ago que/355 A Ruby job queue that uses PostgreSQL's advisory locks for speed and reliability.
2091 289 54 11 months ago staytus/356 💡 An open source solution for publishing the status of your services
2086 94 0 3 years ago ci/357 Open source, self hosted, mobile optimized CI powered by fastlane
2077 309 24 8 days ago rpush/358 The push notification service for Ruby.
2070 231 14 2 months ago redis-objects/359 Map Redis types directly to Ruby objects
2060 476 110 a day ago vagrant-libvirt/360 Vagrant provider for libvirt.
2057 969 87 2 months ago logstash-patterns-core/361 None
2056 261 51 1 year, 9 months ago synapse/362 A transparent service discovery framework for connecting an SOA
2051 82 12 a month ago homebrew-cask-upgrade/363 A command line tool for upgrading every outdated app installed by Homebrew Cask
2041 1469 48 2 hours ago theodinproject/364 Main Website for The Odin Project
2029 390 16 4 months ago feedjira/365 A feed parsing library
2027 169 104 8 months ago ruboto/366 A platform for developing apps using JRuby on Android.
2023 608 22 20 days ago savon/367 Heavy metal SOAP client
2006 330 115 1 year, 4 months ago her/368 Her is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) that maps REST resources to Ruby objects. It is designed to build applications that are powered by a RESTful API instead of a database.
1998 253 13 3 days ago nanoc/369 A powerful web publishing system
1998 158 26 2 months ago rom/370 Data mapping and persistence toolkit for Ruby
1996 351 23 5 years ago redis-stat/371 (UNMAINTAINED) A real-time Redis monitoring tool
1993 290 64 8 months ago nifty-generators/372 A collection of useful Rails generator scripts.
1990 155 36 15 days ago jets/373 Ruby on Jets
1987 156 15 8 days ago standard/374 🌟 Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
1984 442 30 2 years ago capybara-webkit/375 A Capybara driver for headless WebKit to test JavaScript web apps
1984 655 2 a day ago bosh/376 Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services.
1982 176 19 2 years ago fui/377 Find unused Objective-C imports.
1977 83 0 19 days ago the-ultimate-guide-to-ruby-timeouts/378 Timeouts for popular Ruby gems
1969 1212 39 14 hours ago The website. Note that this repository is only for the website; issues with git itself should go to
1964 151 1 4 months ago responders/380 A set of Rails responders to dry up your application
1954 113 37 2 years ago gitsh/381 An interactive shell for git
1954 320 132 2 months ago ffi/382 Ruby FFI
1950 541 28 8 years ago grit/383 Grit is no longer maintained. Check out libgit2/rugged. Grit gives you object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby.
1949 456 0 6 months ago Web-CTF-Cheatsheet/384 Web CTF CheatSheet 🐈
1946 340 140 7 hours ago chromebrew/385 Package manager for Chrome OS
1935 209 10 2 months ago ruby-prof/386 A ruby profiler. See for more information.
1933 212 26 2 months ago config/387 Easiest way to add multi-environment yaml settings to Rails, Sinatra, Pandrino and other Ruby projects.
1931 366 96 2 years ago attr_encrypted/388 Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes
1912 123 36 a day ago stackprof/389 a sampling call-stack profiler for ruby 2.2+
1909 60 0 4 years ago slacktyping/390 i'm typing when you're typing
1909 413 61 9 months ago hound/391 Automated code review for GitHub pull requests.
1891 585 31 a day ago elasticsearch-ruby/392 Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch
1888 164 5 2 years ago deployinator/393 Deployinate!
1884 638 13 12 days ago countries/394 All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as convenient little country objects. It includes data from ISO 3166 (countries and states/subdivisions ), ISO 4217 (currency), and E.164 (phone numbers).
1883 238 9 18 days ago tilt/395 Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
1880 541 96 8 years ago retire/396 A rich Ruby API and DSL for the Elasticsearch search engine
1880 136 35 a day ago pry-byebug/397 Step-by-step debugging and stack navigation in Pry
1874 422 15 9 years ago teambox/398 This is the legacy version of Teambox - the award-winning collaboration solution, inspired by Basecamp, Yammer and Twitter.
1869 369 31 1 year, 1 month ago app-host/399 应用内网发布
1869 586 29 4 days ago illacceptanything/400 The project where literally anything* goes.
1993 290 64 8 months ago nifty-generators/401 A collection of useful Rails generator scripts.
1990 155 36 15 days ago jets/402 Ruby on Jets
1987 156 15 8 days ago standard/403 🌟 Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
1984 442 30 2 years ago capybara-webkit/404 A Capybara driver for headless WebKit to test JavaScript web apps
1984 655 2 a day ago bosh/405 Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services.
1982 176 19 2 years ago fui/406 Find unused Objective-C imports.
1977 83 0 19 days ago the-ultimate-guide-to-ruby-timeouts/407 Timeouts for popular Ruby gems
1969 1212 39 14 hours ago The website. Note that this repository is only for the website; issues with git itself should go to
1964 151 1 4 months ago responders/409 A set of Rails responders to dry up your application
1954 113 37 2 years ago gitsh/410 An interactive shell for git
1954 320 132 2 months ago ffi/411 Ruby FFI
1950 541 28 8 years ago grit/412 Grit is no longer maintained. Check out libgit2/rugged. Grit gives you object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby.
1949 456 0 6 months ago Web-CTF-Cheatsheet/413 Web CTF CheatSheet 🐈
1946 340 140 7 hours ago chromebrew/414 Package manager for Chrome OS
1935 209 10 2 months ago ruby-prof/415 A ruby profiler. See for more information.
1933 212 26 2 months ago config/416 Easiest way to add multi-environment yaml settings to Rails, Sinatra, Pandrino and other Ruby projects.
1931 366 96 2 years ago attr_encrypted/417 Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes
1912 123 36 a day ago stackprof/418 a sampling call-stack profiler for ruby 2.2+
1911 1436 0 3 years ago github-services/419 Legacy GitHub Services Integration
1909 60 0 4 years ago slacktyping/420 i'm typing when you're typing
1909 413 61 9 months ago hound/421 Automated code review for GitHub pull requests.
1907 262 2 a month ago shoryuken/422 A super efficient Amazon SQS thread based message processor for Ruby
1891 585 31 a day ago elasticsearch-ruby/423 Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch
1888 164 5 2 years ago deployinator/424 Deployinate!
1884 638 13 12 days ago countries/425 All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as convenient little country objects. It includes data from ISO 3166 (countries and states/subdivisions ), ISO 4217 (currency), and E.164 (phone numbers).
1883 238 9 18 days ago tilt/426 Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
1880 541 96 8 years ago retire/427 A rich Ruby API and DSL for the Elasticsearch search engine
1880 136 35 a day ago pry-byebug/428 Step-by-step debugging and stack navigation in Pry
1874 422 15 9 years ago teambox/429 This is the legacy version of Teambox - the award-winning collaboration solution, inspired by Basecamp, Yammer and Twitter.
1869 369 31 1 year, 1 month ago app-host/430 应用内网发布
1869 586 29 4 days ago illacceptanything/431 The project where literally anything* goes.
1867 342 24 2 months ago acts_as_list/432 An ActiveRecord plugin for managing lists.
1858 415 43 2 months ago recaptcha/433 ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps
1853 150 123 16 days ago mutant/434 Automated code reviews via mutation testing - semantic code coverage.
1849 347 62 2 months ago asset_sync/435 Synchronises Assets between Rails and S3
1845 83 16 8 months ago hamster/436 Efficient, Immutable, Thread-Safe Collection classes for Ruby
1842 242 17 4 months ago listen/437 The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.
1829 101 7 1 year, 7 days ago homebrew-openjdk/438 AdoptOpenJDK HomeBrew Tap
1829 113 10 3 months ago did_you_mean/439 The gem that has been saving people from typos since 2014
1828 140 22 9 months ago roar/440 Parse and render REST API documents using representers.
1821 169 19 4 months ago wordmove/441 Multi-stage command line deploy/mirroring and task runner for Wordpress
1817 224 49 2 months ago i18n-tasks/442 Manage translation and localization with static analysis, for Ruby i18n
1815 595 132 2 hours ago test-kitchen/443 Test Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and software on isolated target platforms
1814 120 14 4 years ago homoiconic/444 An experiment in publishing code and words about code on a small scale.
1809 200 87 7 years ago MacRuby/445 MacRuby is an implementation of Ruby 1.9 directly on top of Mac OS X core technologies such as the Objective-C runtime and garbage collector, the LLVM compiler infrastructure and the Foundation and ICU frameworks.
1808 119 10 27 days ago active_interaction/446 💼 Manage application specific business logic.
1805 343 26 2 months ago chewy/447 High-level Elasticsearch Ruby framework based on the official elasticsearch-ruby client
1804 513 84 8 months ago nested_form/448 Rails plugin to conveniently handle multiple models in a single form.
1802 376 120 10 months ago calabash-ios/449 Calabash for iOS
1796 157 4 1 year, 5 months ago machine-learning-with-ruby/450 Curated list: Resources for machine learning in Ruby
1793 332 236 20 days ago api-umbrella/451 Open source API management platform
1793 171 29 8 days ago identity_cache/452 IdentityCache is a blob level caching solution to plug into Active Record. Don't #find, #fetch!
1788 149 1 2 years ago zen-rails-security-checklist/453 Checklist of security precautions for Ruby on Rails applications.
1784 177 35 3 years ago Generamba/454 This codegenerator is too brilliant to be real!
1784 3788 80 7 days ago publify/455 A self hosted Web publishing platform on Rails.
1783 394 120 2 months ago yard/456 YARD is a Ruby Documentation tool. The Y stands for "Yay!"
1780 43 6 2 years ago um/457 Create and maintain your own man pages so you can remember how to do stuff
1765 180 35 4 years ago lhm/458 Online MySQL schema migrations
1764 110 8 1 year, 7 months ago decent_exposure/459 A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers
1757 69 34 3 years ago htty/460 htty is the HTTP TTY, a console application for interacting with web servers.
1753 151 91 21 days ago trestle/461 A modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails
1749 204 2 5 days ago homebrew-services/462 🚀 Manage background services using the daemon manager launchctl on macOS or systemctl on Linux.
1743 182 16 7 years ago rspec/463 Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby
1737 180 51 6 years ago octopress/464 Octopress 3.0 – Jekyll's Ferrari
1729 185 38 2 years ago vagrant-digitalocean/465 💧 A Vagrant provider plugin that manages DigitalOcean droplets.
1728 288 203 6 years ago websocket-rails/466 Plug and play websocket support for ruby on rails.
1726 472 67 18 days ago resque-scheduler/467 A light-weight job scheduling system built on top of Resque
1724 503 18 18 hours ago stripe-ruby/468 Ruby library for the Stripe API.
1720 113 9 2 years ago centurion/469 A mass deployment tool for Docker fleets
1718 383 88 a month ago pages-gem/470 A simple Ruby Gem to bootstrap dependencies for setting up and maintaining a local Jekyll environment in sync with GitHub Pages
1710 429 58 1 year, 4 months ago google-drive-ruby/471 A Ruby library to read/write files/spreadsheets in Google Drive/Docs.
1707 321 19 4 months ago twurl/472 OAuth-enabled curl for the Twitter API
1704 231 81 11 days ago closure_tree/473 Easily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord models support hierarchies
1704 105 30 2 years ago duckrails/474 Development tool to mock API endpoints quickly and easily (docker image available)
1702 84 53 1 year, 1 month ago maid/475 Be lazy. Let Maid clean up after you, based on rules you define. Think of it as "Hazel for hackers".
1699 2961 10 a month ago ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes/476 ISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use JSON, XML, CSV data sets
1697 209 30 3 years ago slanger/477 Open Pusher implementation compatible with Pusher libraries
1683 195 23 9 months ago em-websocket/478 EventMachine based WebSocket server
1682 102 42 8 days ago noticed/479 Notifications for Ruby on Rails applications
1679 378 18 5 months ago react-webpack-rails-tutorial/480 Example of integration of Rails, react, redux, using the react_on_rails gem, webpack, enabling the es7 and jsx transpilers, and node integration. And React Native! Live Demo:
1679 352 69 1 year, 4 months ago radiant/481 Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams.
1678 206 6 2 months ago workflow/482 Ruby finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling workflow
1673 167 16 1 year, 22 days ago lita/483 ChatOps for Ruby.
1671 80 0 13 days ago anycable/484 Polyglot replacement for Ruby WebSocket servers with Action Cable protocol
1669 82 0 7 months ago kiba/485 Data processing & ETL framework for Ruby
1667 625 95 a month ago calabash-android/486 Automated Functional testing for Android using cucumber
1667 180 4 a month ago enumerize/487 Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid support
1665 625 273 3 years ago xerosploit/488 Efficient and advanced man in the middle framework
1661 266 29 8 years ago ioctocat/489 iOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
1657 148 21 10 years ago recommendify/490 Generate recommendations using collaborative filtering
1653 508 38 4 days ago ruby-git/491 Ruby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary.
1652 491 12 2 hours ago tesla-api/492 🚘 A Ruby gem and unofficial documentation of Tesla's JSON API for the Model S, 3, X, and Y.
1648 74 35 25 days ago rails-assets/493 The solution to assets management in Rails
1648 65 21 2 years ago rbtrace/494 like strace, but for ruby code
1647 189 26 5 months ago counter_culture/495 Turbo-charged counter caches for your Rails app.
1640 460 152 3 years ago mailboxer/496 A Rails gem to send messages inside a web application
1635 230 0 28 days ago rqrcode/497 A Ruby library that encodes QR Codes
1633 63 23 a month ago async/498 An awesome asynchronous event-driven reactor for Ruby.
1632 125 3 11 days ago one_gadget/499 The best tool for finding one gadget RCE in
1630 267 49 6 years ago backbone-rails/500 Easily use backbone.js with rails 3.1
1628 236 59 5 years ago mosql/501 MongoDB → PostgreSQL streaming replication
1625 68 17 7 years ago hirb/502 A mini view framework for console/irb that's easy to use, even while under its influence. Console goodies include a no-wrap table, auto-pager, tree and menu.
1624 112 31 3 years ago liftoff/503 CLI for creating and configuring new Xcode projects
1619 251 51 a month ago pdf-reader/504 The PDF::Reader library implements a PDF parser conforming as much as possible to the PDF specification from Adobe.
1616 225 0 1 year, 1 month ago awesome-geek-podcasts/505 A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to.
1615 336 55 10 years ago anemone/506 Anemone web-spider framework
1615 69 4 2 months ago discard/507 🃏🗑 Soft deletes for ActiveRecord done right
1613 94 1 2 months ago zeitwerk/508 Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby
1611 389 66 15 hours ago mongomapper/509 A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo
1611 482 9 a month ago thinking-sphinx/510 Sphinx/Manticore plugin for ActiveRecord/Rails
1610 99 8 1 year, 1 month ago rxswift-to-combine-cheatsheet/511 RxSwift to Apple’s Combine Cheat Sheet
1609 139 6 1 year, 4 days ago marginalia/512 Attach comments to ActiveRecord's SQL queries
1609 251 9 15 days ago sidekiq-cron/513 Scheduler / Cron for Sidekiq jobs
1594 257 30 3 months ago kramdown/514 kramdown is a fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions.
1594 49 1 a month ago einhorn/515 Einhorn: the language-independent shared socket manager
1592 865 71 1 year, 11 months ago catarse/516 The first open source crowdfunding platform for creative projects in the world
1589 373 21 7 months ago money-rails/517 Integration of RubyMoney - Money with Rails
1582 116 90 a day ago solargraph/518 A Ruby language server.
1581 67 12 3 months ago fasterer/519 ⚡ Don't make your Rubies go fast. Make them go fasterer ™. ⚡
1581 145 16 4 years ago boxen/520 Manage Mac development boxes with love (and Puppet).
1579 360 29 10 months ago geokit/521 Official Geokit Gem. Geokit gem provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations. Pair with the geokit-rails plugin for full-fledged location-based app functionality.
1577 570 2 22 days ago insoshi/522 An open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails
1575 85 5 6 months ago benchmark-ips/523 Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby
1575 464 202 2 months ago travis.rb/524 Travis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library)
1573 399 65 3 years ago streamio-ffmpeg/525 Simple yet powerful ruby ffmpeg wrapper for reading metadata and transcoding movies
1573 280 27 12 years ago restful-authentication/526 inactive project
1569 93 2 5 months ago has_scope/527 Map incoming controller parameters to named scopes in your resources
1568 128 98 4 years ago github-awards/528 Discover your ranking on github :
1566 359 45 9 days ago bootstrap_form/529 Official repository of the bootstrap_form gem, a Rails form builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful-looking forms using Bootstrap 5.
1564 133 25 5 years ago redmon/530 A web interface for managing redis: cli, admin, and live monitoring
1557 142 0 20 hours ago js-routes/531 Brings Rails named routes to javascript
1552 789 541 15 hours ago openstreetmap-website/532 The Rails application that powers OpenStreetMap
1552 612 170 a day ago shopify_app/533 A Rails Engine for building Shopify Apps
1550 130 20 22 hours ago homebrew-emacs-plus/534 Emacs Plus formulae for the Homebrew package manager
1550 436 49 6 years ago forem/535 The best Rails 3 and Rails 4 forum engine. Ever.
1544 121 6 11 days ago test-prof/536 Ruby Tests Profiling Toolbox
1537 297 16 8 years ago webrat/537 Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
1535 83 16 a month ago ciao/538 HTTP checks & tests (private & public) monitoring - check the status of your URL
1532 150 22 6 years ago artoo/539 Ruby framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
1532 127 16 a month ago message_bus/540 A reliable and robust messaging bus for Ruby and Rack
1531 81 11 4 months ago memory_profiler/541 memory_profiler for ruby
1530 247 40 1 year, 6 months ago geokit-rails/542 Official Geokit plugin for Rails/ActiveRecord. Provides location-based goodness for your Rails app. Requires the Geokit gem.
1527 191 96 3 years ago shoes4/543 Shoes 4 : the next version of Shoes
1524 284 32 27 days ago vanity/544 Experiment Driven Development for Ruby
1524 249 16 1 year, 8 months ago premailer-rails/545 CSS styled emails without the hassle.
1523 170 14 4 years ago guides/546 Guides for Ruby and Elixir and whatever else I feel like
1522 149 82 3 hours ago rbs/547 Type Signature for Ruby
1520 294 87 a month ago onetimesecret/548 Keep sensitive info out of your email & chat logs.
1516 93 48 a month ago cocoapods-keys/549 A key value store for storing per-developer environment and application keys
1516 293 16 18 hours ago data-setup/550 Setup instructions for Le Wagon's students on their first day of Data Science Bootcamp
1515 121 38 1 year, 20 days ago real-world-rails/551 Real World Rails applications and their open source codebases for developers to learn from
1513 805 13 2 months ago ansible-elasticsearch/552 Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch
1508 212 18 29 days ago sidekiq-scheduler/553 Lightweight job scheduler extension for Sidekiq
1505 243 92 3 years ago jsduck/554 Simple JavaScript Duckumentation generator.
1504 217 3 9 months ago ch340g-ch34g-ch34x-mac-os-x-driver/555 CH340G CH34G CH34X Mac OS X driver
1499 65 14 5 months ago gitreflow/556 Reflow automatically creates pull requests, ensures the code review is approved, and squash merges finished branches to master with a great commit message template.
1499 220 12 18 days ago acts_as_votable/557 Votable ActiveRecord for Rails
1495 199 0 4 months ago merit/558 Reputation engine for Rails apps
1494 228 89 1 year, 7 months ago simple_token_authentication/559 Simple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.
1493 170 20 3 years ago jeweler/560 Opinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects
1490 40 1 3 years ago rb/561 Turns Ruby into a versatile command line utility
1486 305 76 21 days ago impressionist/562 Rails Plugin that tracks impressions and page views
1485 148 31 3 months ago statesman/563 A statesmanlike state machine library.
1484 214 31 2 months ago thredded/564 The best Rails forums engine ever.
1483 129 435 3 years ago kontena/565 The developer friendly container and micro services platform. Works on any cloud, easy to setup, simple to use.
1483 549 15 2 months ago ffaker/566 Faker refactored.
1482 357 272 3 hours ago danbooru/567 A taggable image board written in Rails.
1481 84 24 3 days ago good_job/568 Multithreaded, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails.
1476 255 108 3 years ago rubber/569 A capistrano/rails plugin that makes it easy to deploy/manage/scale to various service providers, including EC2, DigitalOcean, vSphere, and bare metal servers.
1474 500 47 5 hours ago 24pullrequests/570 🎄 Giving back to open source for the holidays
1473 116 42 3 years ago snibox/571 Self-hosted snippet manager
1473 306 95 20 hours ago LicenseFinder/572 Find licenses for your project's dependencies.
1471 134 36 5 years ago bower-rails/573 Bundler-like DSL + rake tasks for Bower on Rails
1471 161 21 10 months ago rails-footnotes/574 Every Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links back to your editor
1469 343 89 3 months ago rswag/575 Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Rails-based API's
1468 130 7 1 year, 7 months ago ruby-progressbar/576 Ruby/ProgressBar is a text progress bar library for Ruby.
1467 331 2 6 months ago redis-store/577 Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks
1467 128 17 a day ago karafka/578 Ruby and Rails efficient Kafka processing framework
1466 98 12 4 years ago tugboat/579 A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets.
1464 644 65 4 years ago instagram-ruby-gem/580 The official gem for the Instagram API
1464 206 28 6 months ago validates_timeliness/581 Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel and Rails. Supports multiple ORMs and allows custom date/time formats.
1463 226 143 5 months ago slather/582 Generate test coverage reports for Xcode projects & hook it into CI.
1462 31 5 9 years ago gitdown/583 Don't commit when you're drunk
1459 171 77 8 years ago genghis/584 The single-file MongoDB admin app
1458 63 10 9 days ago lol_dba/585 lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays a list of columns that probably should be indexed. Also, it can generate .sql migration scripts.
1457 249 61 9 years ago toto/586 the 10 second blog-engine for hackers
1457 236 5 8 years ago rustboot/587 A tiny 32 bit kernel written in Rust
1456 124 5 2 days ago awesome-space/588 🛰️🚀A list of awesome space-related packages and resources maintained by The Orbital Index
1455 161 20 1 year, 3 months ago slack-notifier/589 A simple wrapper for posting to slack channels
1454 327 70 6 years ago gitlab-ci/590 DEPRECATED - Please use the issue tracker
1451 124 20 8 years ago monocle/591 Link and news sharing
1450 158 20 3 years ago dashing-rails/592 The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework for Rails.
1450 239 10 29 days ago watir/593 Watir Powered By Selenium
1445 196 10 4 days ago html-proofer/594 Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.
1443 153 77 4 years ago vagrant-hostmanager/595 📝 A Vagrant plugin that manages hosts files within a multi-machine environment.
1442 106 38 12 days ago image_optim/596 Optimize images using multiple utilities
1441 402 3 22 days ago rotp/597 Ruby One Time Password library
1438 328 17 15 days ago geminabox/598 Really simple rubygem hosting
1437 240 84 20 days ago samson/599 Web interface for deployments, with plugin architecture and kubernetes support
1436 272 21 a month ago jekyll-seo-tag/600 A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site's content.
1433 127 3 2 months ago connection_pool/601 Generic connection pooling for Ruby
1433 124 15 a month ago terminal-table/602 Ruby ASCII Table Generator, simple and feature rich.
1432 314 53 3 years ago rails_apps_composer/603 A gem with recipes to create Rails application templates for Rails starter apps.
1431 146 187 7 years ago barkeep/604 The friendly code review system.
1428 267 37 5 days ago addressable/605 Addressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It is flexible, offers heuristic parsing, and additionally provides extensive support for IRIs and URI templates.
1427 91 0 1 year, 1 month ago quiet_assets/606 DEPRECATED: As of sprockets-rails version 3.1.0, used in current versions of rails, this gem is deprecated
1426 52 4 8 years ago clearskies/607 Open source btsync clone
1422 527 8 4 days ago mongo-ruby-driver/608 Ruby driver for MongoDB
1420 109 70 3 months ago homebrew-emacsmacport/609 Emacs mac port formulae for the Homebrew package manager
1415 101 7 1 year, 7 months ago terraform-landscape/610 Improve Terraform's plan output to be easier to read and understand
1414 343 95 1 year, 10 months ago rspec_api_documentation/611 Automatically generate API documentation from RSpec
1407 298 12 1 year, 6 months ago onebody/612 private member portal for churches, built with Ruby on Rails
1407 86 53 6 months ago contracts.ruby/613 Contracts for Ruby.
1406 246 3 2 years ago cuba/614 Rum based microframework for web development.
1406 142 7 1 year, 5 months ago clean-code-ruby/615 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for Ruby
1404 112 39 6 years ago render_sync/616 Real-time Rails Partials
1402 193 112 7 years ago spork/617 A DRb server for testing frameworks (RSpec / Cucumber currently) that forks before each run to ensure a clean testing state.
1400 270 20 9 years ago obtvse/618 Deprecated: See natew/obtvse2
1397 138 115 7 years ago searchlogic/619 Searchlogic provides object based searching, common named scopes, and other useful tools.
1395 313 0 3 years ago brimir/620 Email helpdesk built using Ruby on Rails and Zurb Foundation
1395 60 11 1 year, 9 months ago vimdeck/621 VIM as a presentation tool
1389 168 13 3 months ago ohm/622 Object-Hash Mapping for Redis
1389 154 44 8 years ago settingslogic/623 A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern.
1389 264 4 7 days ago unicorn/624 Unofficial Unicorn Mirror.
1387 11 17 4 years ago bodyapps-web/625 Web service and web application components of #bodyapps project
1377 83 27 6 years ago soundcloud2000/626 A terminal client for
1389 30 11 1 year, 3 months ago suture/627 🏥 A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code
1376 262 18 4 years ago ember-rails/628 Ember for Rails 3.1+
1375 218 49 4 years ago seed_dump/629 Rails 4/5 task to dump your data to db/seeds.rb
1368 400 315 6 months ago legacy-cli/630 Heroku CLI
1367 200 26 11 months ago griddler/631 Simplify receiving email in Rails
1367 376 1 9 months ago examples/632 📝 A collection of example fastlane setups
1365 98 32 5 months ago mutations/633 Compose your business logic into commands that sanitize and validate input.
1362 205 47 6 years ago lamernews/634 Lamer News -- an HN style social news site written in Ruby/Sinatra/Redis/JQuery
1360 208 126 3 months ago markdownlint/635 Markdown lint tool
1359 269 237 12 days ago activegraph/636 An active model wrapper for the Neo4j Graph Database for Ruby.
1359 209 20 5 days ago pay/637 Payments for Ruby on Rails apps
1356 119 34 2 months ago timetrap/638 Simple command line timetracker
1354 131 36 5 years ago treat/639 Natural language processing framework for Ruby.
1349 236 102 3 months ago json-schema/640 Ruby JSON Schema Validator
1349 116 9 4 years ago json_resume/641 Generates pretty HTML, LaTeX, markdown, with biodata feeded as input in JSON
1349 60 7 7 years ago wbench/642 It benchmarks websites, YO!
1348 136 10 3 years ago decisiontree/643 ID3-based implementation of the ML Decision Tree algorithm
1347 131 15 1 year, 4 months ago tty-prompt/644 A beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt
1346 129 11 7 years ago mail_view/645 Visual email testing
1344 75 10 6 years ago abba/646 A/B testing framework
1343 118 17 4 years ago recommendable/647 👍👎 A recommendation engine using Likes and Dislikes for your Ruby app
1342 63 0 10 days ago motor-admin/648 Deploy a no-code admin panel for any application in less than a minute. Search, create, update, and delete data entries, create custom actions, and build reports.
1341 397 8 a month ago omniauth-google-oauth2/649 Oauth2 strategy for Google
1341 125 4 5 years ago foreigner/650 Adds foreign key helpers to migrations and correctly dumps foreign keys to schema.rb
1340 79 13 6 months ago request_store/651 Per-request global storage for Rack.
1340 297 0 3 years ago SIMP/652 A system automation and configuration management stack targeted toward operational flexibility and policy compliance.
1335 195 38 23 days ago acts_as_paranoid/653 ActiveRecord plugin allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
1334 255 13 10 months ago simple_calendar/654 A wonderfully simple calendar gem for Rails
1333 126 28 7 years ago activerecord-reputation-system/655 An Active Record Reputation System for Rails
1327 361 0 8 years ago vcap/656 Cloud Foundry - the open platform as a service project
1326 182 1 7 years ago YosemiteSanFranciscoFont/657 Replace Helvetica Neue on your 10.10 Yosemite Mac with San Francisco – the Watch font.
1326 78 7 4 years ago cane/658 Code quality threshold checking as part of your build
1319 87 6 1 year, 2 months ago selecta/659 A fuzzy text selector for files and anything else you need to select. Use it from vim, from the command line, or anywhere you can run a shell command.
1315 61 17 2 years ago screengif/660 Create animated gif screencasts.
1313 81 5 3 months ago roadie/661 Making HTML emails comfortable for the Ruby rockstars
1313 95 65 a month ago rails-security-checklist/662 🔑 Community-driven Rails Security Checklist (see our GitHub Issues for the newest checks that aren't yet in the README)
1312 104 16 5 months ago graphql-batch/663 A query batching executor for the graphql gem
1311 447 11 12 days ago twilio-ruby/664 A Ruby gem for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML
1309 48 5 3 years ago squasher/665 Squasher - squash your old migrations in a single command
1307 137 63 13 days ago shipit-engine/666 Deployment coordination
1306 109 1 8 months ago fastimage/667 FastImage finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed
1305 1318 0 5 years ago GitHub Developer site
1303 67 16 4 years ago powder/669 Makes Pow even easier. I mean really, really, ridiculously easy
1303 157 3 8 days ago word-to-markdown/670 A ruby gem to liberate content from Microsoft Word documents
1302 291 9 2 months ago bunny/671 Bunny is a popular, easy to use, mature Ruby client for RabbitMQ
1300 40 17 3 years ago cocoapods-playgrounds/672 🃏 Generate Swift Playgrounds for any library.
1298 84 50 9 years ago ronn/673 the opposite of roff
1297 72 0 16 hours ago rodauth/674 Ruby's Most Advanced Authentication Framework
1297 589 224 2 years ago classroom/675 GitHub Classroom automates repository creation and access control, making it easy for teachers to distribute starter code and collect assignments on GitHub.
1297 89 23 11 months ago pry-rails/676 Rails >= 3 pry initializer
1296 58 4 a month ago logidze/677 Database changes log for Rails
1293 802 38 4 days ago docker/678 Development repository for the docker cookbook
1293 258 5 11 days ago innodb_ruby/679 A parser for InnoDB file formats, in Ruby
1290 694 26 15 days ago ifme/680 Free, open source mental health communication web app to share experiences with loved ones
1289 94 0 57 minutes ago homebrew-php/681 🍺 Homebrew tap for PHP 5.6 to 8.2. PHP 8.2 is a nightly build.
1289 237 47 5 years ago guard-rspec/682 Guard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest)
1281 74 34 11 years ago watchr/683 Modern continuous testing (flexible alternative to Autotest)
1280 290 35 8 days ago rubyzip/684 Official Rubyzip repository
1280 153 33 a month ago vim-elixir/685 Vim configuration files for Elixir
1279 372 12 a month ago wechat/686 API, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails
1279 170 66 5 years ago strong_parameters/687 Taint and required checking for Action Pack and enforcement in Active Model
1276 360 119 2 months ago CodeTriage/688 Discover the best way to get started contributing to Open Source projects
1274 82 24 2 months ago ferrum/689 Headless Chrome Ruby API
1273 95 0 1 year, 11 months ago ruby-processing/690 Code as Art, Art as Code. Processing and Ruby are meant for each other.
1270 150 25 2 years ago ProMotion/691 ProMotion is a RubyMotion gem that makes iPhone development less like Objective-C and more like Ruby.
1265 109 57 21 days ago krane/692 A command-line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understand the result
1265 130 23 21 hours ago wombat/693 Lightweight Ruby web crawler/scraper with an elegant DSL which extracts structured data from pages.
1264 240 19 3 days ago gruff/694 Gruff graphing library for Ruby
1259 390 57 7 days ago dpl/695 Dpl (dee-pee-ell) is a deploy tool made for continuous deployment.
1258 50 29 1 year, 2 months ago seeing_is_believing/696 Displays the results of every line of code in your file
1257 38 2 27 days ago dexter/697 The automatic indexer for Postgres
1254 393 1 6 months ago omniauth-facebook/698 Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
1252 1009 191 21 hours ago consul/699 Consul - Open Government and E-Participation Web Software
1252 230 64 8 years ago declarative_authorization/700 An unmaintained authorization plugin for Rails. Please fork to support current versions of Rails
1250 69 1 6 years ago heroku-accounts/701 Multiple account management for Heroku
1243 178 17 16 days ago smarter_csv/702 Ruby Gem for smarter importing of CSV Files as Array(s) of Hashes, with optional features for processing large files in parallel, embedded comments, unusual field- and record-separators, flexible mapping of CSV-headers to Hash-keys
1231 48 2 a month ago goldiloader/703 Just the right amount of Rails eager loading
1231 204 86 29 days ago review/704 Re:VIEW is flexible document format/conversion system
1230 243 35 25 days ago sidekiq-unique-jobs/705 Prevents duplicate Sidekiq jobs
1230 294 50 7 days ago omnibus/706 Easily create full-stack installers for your project across a variety of platforms.
1229 136 20 5 months ago highline/707 A higher level command-line oriented interface.
1228 210 49 3 months ago sorcery/708 Magical Authentication
1226 195 94 1 year, 10 months ago cocoapods-binary/709 integrate pods in form of prebuilt frameworks conveniently, reducing compile time
1223 228 27 14 days ago acts_as_tenant/710 Easy multi-tenancy for Rails in a shared database setup.
1223 70 0 2 years ago authority/711 CURRENTLY UNMAINTAINED. Authority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very little fancy syntax; just group your models under one or more Authorizer classes and write plain Ruby methods on them.
1221 122 6 5 years ago boom/712 Motherfucking TEXT SNIPPETS! On the COMMAND LINE!
1219 76 29 3 months ago xray-rails/713 ☠️ A development tool that reveals your UI's bones
1219 40 2 5 months ago spreadsheet_architect/714 Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsheets super easily from ActiveRecord relations, plain Ruby objects, or tabular data.
1215 91 1 1 year, 2 months ago geo_pattern/715 Create beautiful generative geometric background images from a string.
1213 171 15 2 months ago dry-validation/716 Validation library with type-safe schemas and rules
1212 839 322 12 hours ago manageiq/717 ManageIQ Open-Source Management Platform
1212 300 0 1 year, 11 months ago XXEinjector/718 Tool for automatic exploitation of XXE vulnerability using direct and different out of band methods.
1210 222 18 1 year, 6 months ago em-http-request/719 Asynchronous HTTP Client (EventMachine + Ruby)
1208 350 13 5 years ago RubyMotionSamples/720 A collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples.
1207 151 137 2 months ago cuttlefish/721 Transactional email server with a lovely web interface
1207 188 68 1 year, 7 months ago vagrant-lxc/722 LXC provider for Vagrant
1207 48 15 a month ago active_record_doctor/723 Identify database issues before they hit production.
1207 103 15 6 months ago gli/724 Make awesome command-line applications the easy way
1206 379 24 2 years ago ror_ecommerce/725 Ruby on Rails Ecommerce platform, perfect for your small business solution.
1204 350 4 5 months ago activeresource/726 Connects business objects and REST web services
1202 113 11 3 months ago autoprefixer-rails/727 Autoprefixer for Ruby and Ruby on Rails
1202 59 16 6 years ago deadweight/728 NOT MAINTAINED
1202 148 71 10 years ago taps/729 simple database import/export app
1201 86 11 4 years ago update_xcode_plugins/730 No more messing with plugin UUIDs; Plugins on Xcode 8+!
1201 226 1 1 year, 9 months ago rack-contrib/731 Contributed Rack Middleware and Utilities
1200 258 1 5 months ago intrigue-core/732 Discover Your Attack Surface!
1199 155 55 4 years ago seed-fu/733 Advanced seed data handling for Rails, combining the best practices of several methods together.
1197 55 4 a month ago lockbox/734 Modern encryption for Ruby and Rails
1196 506 107 5 hours ago google-cloud-ruby/735 Google Cloud Client Library for Ruby
1194 340 29 2 months ago ruby-kafka/736 A Ruby client library for Apache Kafka
1190 40 17 4 months ago jb/737 A simple and fast JSON API template engine for Ruby on Rails
1187 381 51 2 months ago rspec-expectations/738 Provides a readable API to express expected outcomes of a code example
1185 216 32 2 years ago BubbleWrap/739 Cocoa wrappers and helpers for RubyMotion (Ruby for iOS and OS X) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby like, one API at a time. Fork away and send your pull requests
1184 102 39 2 months ago diffy/740 Easy Diffing in Ruby
1184 158 10 3 months ago queue_classic/741 Simple, efficient worker queue for Ruby & PostgreSQL.
1184 332 27 5 years ago rubyinstaller/742 RubyInstaller for Windows - Build recipes
1182 110 55 28 days ago jsonapi-serializer/743 A fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby (fork of Netflix/fast_jsonapi)
1182 74 23 6 years ago oink/744 Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size
1181 51 6 4 years ago Xaddress/745 Xaddress - Give 7 billion people an instant physical address
1179 88 20 9 months ago eye/746 Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God.
1177 1179 322 5 years ago browsercms/747 BrowserCMS: Humane Content Management for Rails
1178 84 50 8 months ago active_attr/748 What ActiveModel left out
1176 89 2 7 years ago fucking_shell_scripts/749 The easiest, most common sense configuration management tool... because you just use fucking shell scripts.
1176 184 86 7 days ago telegram-bot-ruby/750 Ruby wrapper for Telegram's Bot API
1173 204 43 5 years ago jammit/751 Industrial Strength Asset Packaging for Rails
1167 75 42 1 year, 4 months ago pleaserun/752 An attempt to abstract this "init" script madness.
1165 215 1 a month ago usbarmory/753 USB armory - open source flash-drive-sized computer
1159 193 73 4 years ago koudoku/754 Robust subscription support for Rails with Stripe.
1158 527 0 10 months ago linuxbrew-core/755 💀Formerly the core formulae for the Homebrew package manager on Linux
1158 281 18 1 year, 7 months ago carmen/756 A repository of geographic regions for Ruby
1157 175 37 2 years ago email-spec/757 Collection of RSpec/MiniTest matchers and Cucumber steps for testing email in a ruby app using ActionMailer or Pony
1159 52 1 6 years ago cryptosphere/758 Encrypted peer-to-peer web application platform for decentralized, privacy-preserving applications
1157 140 12 4 years ago colorize/759 Ruby string class extension. It add some methods to set color, background color and text effect on console easier using ANSI escape sequences.
1157 179 49 5 years ago sidetiq/760 NO LONGER MAINTAINED Recurring jobs for Sidekiq
1156 133 37 1 year, 4 months ago vagrant-hostsupdater/761 None
1152 575 103 10 hours ago newrelic-ruby-agent/762 New Relic RPM Ruby Agent
1151 149 20 4 years ago sprinkle/763 Sprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with. eg. to install a Rails, or Sinatra stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created
1150 38 1 2 years ago oga/764 Read-only mirror of
1149 169 0 3 years ago net-http-cheat-sheet/765 A collection of Ruby Net::HTTP examples.
1147 337 0 6 years ago communityengine/766 Adds basic social networking capabilities to your existing application, including users, blogs, photos, clippings, favorites, and more.
1145 96 14 a month ago appraisal/767 A Ruby library for testing your library against different versions of dependencies.
1144 197 37 3 days ago awspec/768 RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
1142 72 40 a day ago semian/769 🐒 Resiliency toolkit for Ruby for failing fast
1141 238 22 6 years ago rails-stripe-membership-saas/770 An example Rails 4.2 app with Stripe and the Payola gem for a membership or subscription site.
1140 59 10 a month ago kredis/771 Higher-level data structures built on Redis
1139 104 79 7 days ago rails_event_store/772 A Ruby implementation of an Event Store based on Active Record
1136 339 327 6 days ago decidim/773 The participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails
1133 80 3 5 years ago jetpants/774 MySQL toolkit for managing billions of rows and hundreds of database machines
1133 310 50 8 years ago social_stream/775 A framework for building distributed social network websites
1130 219 13 5 years ago jquery-ui-rails/776 jQuery UI for the Rails asset pipeline
1127 742 61 2 months ago rspec-core/777 RSpec runner and formatters
1125 144 32 9 years ago machinist/778 Fixtures aren't fun. Machinist is.
1123 209 19 a month ago business_time/779 Support for doing time math in business hours and days
1122 124 44 1 year, 2 months ago airborne/780 RSpec driven API testing framework
1118 150 87 17 hours ago mocha/781 Mocha is a mocking and stubbing library for Ruby
1116 157 121 4 days ago joss/782 The Journal of Open Source Software
1115 167 30 2 years ago tweetstream/783 A simple EventMachine-based library for consuming Twitter's Streaming API.
1112 213 65 10 years ago github-gem/784 github command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
1109 326 26 2 years ago github/785 Ruby interface to GitHub API
1107 87 17 3 years ago seedbank/786 Seedbank gives your seed data a little structure. Create seeds for each environment, share seeds between environments and specify dependencies to load your seeds in order. All nicely integrated with simple rake tasks.
1107 270 17 a month ago excon/787 Usable, fast, simple HTTP 1.1 for Ruby
1106 198 37 1 year, 8 months ago slack-ruby-bot/788 The easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.
1106 92 44 11 months ago fresh/789 Keep your dotfiles fresh.
1105 164 50 2 years ago jekyll-assets/790 🎨 Asset pipelines for Jekyll.
1101 160 28 21 days ago data-migrate/791 Migrate and update data alongside your database structure.
1099 191 7 a month ago CeWL/792 CeWL is a Custom Word List Generator
1098 188 50 7 years ago dstk/793 A collection of the best open data sets and open-source tools for data science
1098 68 0 7 years ago commander/794 The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
1096 70 7 4 months ago slop/795 Simple Lightweight Option Parsing - ✨ new contributors welcome ✨
1095 240 11 10 months ago spreadsheet/796 The Ruby Spreadsheet by ywesee GmbH
1093 916 36 6 hours ago fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset/797 Fluentd daemonset for Kubernetes and it Docker image
1093 549 236 8 days ago tracks/798 Tracks is a GTD™ web application, built with Ruby on Rails
1091 112 17 10 years ago rack-bug/799 Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware
1089 35 0 7 days ago bashly/800 Bash command line framework and CLI generator
1021 320 36 13 years ago attachment_fu/801 Treat an ActiveRecord model as a file attachment, storing its patch, size, content type, etc.
1020 53 5 a month ago imap-backup/802 Backup GMail (or other IMAP) accounts to disk
1023 254 45 3 months ago sshkit/803 A toolkit for deploying code and assets to servers in a repeatable, testable, reliable way.
1015 393 8 a month ago gitlab/804 Ruby wrapper and CLI for the GitLab REST API
1015 179 33 3 years ago cinch/805 The IRC Bot Building Framework
1014 1033 0 6 hours ago homebrew-cask-versions/806 🔢 Alternate versions of Casks
1013 130 39 2 months ago ranked-model/807 An acts_as_sortable/acts_as_list replacement built for Rails 4, 5 and 6
1013 31 4 9 days ago ActiveRecordExtended/808 Adds additional postgres functionality to an ActiveRecord / Rails application
1011 114 0 4 years ago treetop/809 A Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars.
1011 100 6 1 year, 5 months ago fabrication/810 This project has moved to GitLab! Please check there for the latest updates.
1011 97 11 1 year, 2 months ago chunky_png/811 Read/write access to PNG images in pure Ruby.
1010 73 0 4 days ago awesome-style-guide/812 A list of awesome:star:style guide.
1008 211 181 15 hours ago 📚 The Open Source Discovery Service
1008 128 23 5 years ago grocer/814 Pushing your Apple notifications since 2012.
1008 50 5 12 days ago hexapdf/815 Versatile PDF creation and manipulation for Ruby
1007 189 36 a month ago fakefs/816 A fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.
1005 458 13 5 hours ago asciidoctor-pdf/817 📃 Asciidoctor PDF: A native PDF converter for AsciiDoc based on Asciidoctor and Prawn, written entirely in Ruby.
1005 169 24 4 months ago haml-rails/818 let your Gemfile do the talking
1008 48 9 6 months ago transpec/819 The RSpec syntax converter
1002 157 1 12 hours ago docker-rails/820 Dockerize Rails 7 with ActionCable, Webpacker, Stimulus, Elasticsearch, Sidekiq
1000 127 0 a month ago ahoy_email/821 First-party email analytics for Rails
1000 543 84 1 year, 4 months ago Eternalblue-Doublepulsar-Metasploit/822 Module of Metasploit to exploit the vulnerability Eternalblue-Doublepulsar.
998 72 7 7 days ago action_policy/823 Authorization framework for Ruby/Rails applications
995 109 3 6 years ago ruby-patterns/824 Examples of Patterns in Ruby
997 147 23 9 years ago redcar/825 A cross-platform programmer's editor written in Ruby.
996 336 7 a month ago cucumber-rails/826 Rails Generators for Cucumber with special support for Capybara and DatabaseCleaner
995 167 57 8 months ago capybara-screenshot/827 Automatically save screen shots when a Capybara scenario fails
994 165 36 a day ago active_hash/828 A readonly ActiveRecord-esque base class that lets you use a hash, a Yaml file or a custom file as the datasource
993 315 35 7 years ago thingspeak/829 ThingSpeak is an open source “Internet of Things” application and API to store and retrieve data from things using HTTP over the Internet or via a Local Area Network. With ThingSpeak, you can create sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates.
993 109 9 2 months ago active_decorator/830 ORM agnostic truly Object-Oriented view helper for Rails 4, 5, and 6
992 115 22 13 years ago cache-money/831 A Write-Through Cacheing Library for ActiveRecord
989 71 1 a month ago active_type/832 Make any Ruby object quack like ActiveRecord
984 134 36 6 years ago rocket_pants/833 API building tools on top of ActionController. Also, an awesome name.
984 129 20 1 year, 1 month ago sidekiq-status/834 an extension to the sidekiq message processing to track your jobs
976 77 41 7 years ago turbo-sprockets-rails3/835 Speeds up your Rails 3 assets:precompile by only recompiling changed files, and only compiling once to generate all assets
976 97 6 1 year, 2 months ago faye-websocket-ruby/836 Standards-compliant WebSocket client and server
975 149 38 4 years ago twitter_ebooks/837 Better twitterbots for all your friends~
974 152 15 8 months ago stringex/838 Some [hopefully] useful extensions to Ruby’s String class. It is made up of three libraries: ActsAsUrl [permalink solution with better character translation], Unidecoder [Unicode to Ascii transliteration], and StringExtensions [miscellaneous helper methods for the String class].
972 67 45 4 months ago cuprite/839 Headless Chrome/Chromium driver for Capybara
967 80 0 6 years ago sciruby/840 Tools for scientific computation in Ruby
967 131 53 1 year, 8 months ago charlock_holmes/841 Character encoding detection, brought to you by ICU
967 145 19 5 months ago standalone-migrations/842 A gem to use Rails Database Migrations in non Rails projects
963 46 1 7 months ago pretender/843 Log in as another user in Rails
964 139 43 6 years ago web/844 Squash’s front-end and API host.
962 75 0 3 years ago styleguide-git-commit-message/845 /sBin/StyleGuide/Git/CommitMessage
962 64 0 4 days ago hamlit/846 High Performance Haml Implementation
961 169 19 a day ago metainspector/847 Ruby gem for web scraping purposes. It scrapes a given URL, and returns you its title, meta description, meta keywords, links, images...
961 233 21 1 year, 5 months ago rotating-proxy/848 Rotating TOR proxy with Docker
961 371 8 2 years ago select2-rails/849 Integrate Select2 javascript library with Rails asset pipeline
960 224 82 11 months ago cocoapods-imy-bin/850 None
960 53 8 1 year, 6 months ago versionist/851 A plugin for versioning Rails based RESTful APIs.
959 20 1 2 years ago stamp/852 Date and time formatting for humans.
957 118 15 1 year, 3 months ago turnip/853 Gherkin extension for RSpec
957 105 9 18 days ago globalid/854 Identify app models with a URI
955 71 2 15 days ago rbnacl/855 Ruby FFI binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library (a.k.a. libsodium)
955 63 5 1 year, 4 months ago nlp-with-ruby/856 Curated List: Practical Natural Language Processing done in Ruby
954 57 7 6 months ago awesome-vapor/857 A curated list of Vapor-related awesome projects.
953 213 52 11 years ago event_calendar/858 Show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows. Rails plugin.
952 101 16 5 months ago gush/859 Fast and distributed workflow runner using ActiveJob and Redis
952 255 0 4 years ago whitewidow/860 SQL Vulnerability Scanner
951 319 2 8 years ago writings/861 [Closed] Source code of
951 87 17 5 months ago vagrant-parallels/862 Vagrant Parallels Provider
950 120 0 7 months ago redis-rails/863 Redis stores for Ruby on Rails
950 73 20 5 years ago RxRuby/864 Reactive Extensions for Ruby
948 220 31 12 years ago facebooker/865 The facebooker Rails plugin
948 219 3 9 days ago phony/866 E164 international phone number normalizing, splitting, formatting.
947 135 90 2 years ago daru/867 Data Analysis in RUby
945 57 5 11 months ago invisible_captcha/868 🍯 Unobtrusive and flexible spam protection for Rails apps
943 176 120 3 hours ago shopify-cli/869 Shopify CLI helps you build against the Shopify platform faster.
942 266 1 2 years ago wordpress-exploit-framework/870 A Ruby framework designed to aid in the penetration testing of WordPress systems.
941 109 5 27 days ago datagrid/871 Gem to create tables grids with sortable columns and filters
940 156 39 11 days ago rgeo/872 Geospatial data library for Ruby
939 556 41 an hour ago activerecord-sqlserver-adapter/873 SQL Server Adapter For Rails
936 341 4 2 months ago composite_primary_keys/874 Composite Primary Keys support for Active Record
934 409 12 3 months ago jquery-rails/875 A gem to automate using jQuery with Rails
934 229 60 8 years ago vestal_versions/876 Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
932 1847 25 6 days ago heroku-buildpack-python/877 The official Heroku buildpack for Python apps.
932 152 13 2 years ago nerve/878 A service registration daemon that performs health checks; companion to airbnb/synapse
932 121 11 2 years ago rack-throttle/879 Rack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
932 43 7 21 days ago batch-loader/880 ⚡ Powerful tool for avoiding N+1 DB or HTTP queries
932 396 1 19 days ago airbrake/881 The official Airbrake library for Ruby applications
932 106 2 2 months ago ridgepole/882 Ridgepole is a tool to manage DB schema. It defines DB schema using Rails DSL, and updates DB schema according to DSL. (like Chef/Puppet)
929 379 70 7 years ago rails3-jquery-autocomplete/883 An easy and unobtrusive way to use jQuery's autocomplete with Rails 3
930 568 71 6 months ago charting-library-examples/884 Examples of Charting Library integrations with other libraries, frameworks and data transports
927 165 45 29 days ago aruba/885 Test command-line applications with Cucumber-Ruby, RSpec or Minitest.
926 381 67 3 days ago otwarchive/886 The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) - Archive Of Our Own (AO3) Project
924 88 9 15 days ago doing/887 None
924 335 130 23 days ago pg_search/888 pg_search builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL’s full text search
923 254 17 2 years ago Mars/889 Mars(战神)——资产发现、子域名枚举、C段扫描、资产变更监测、端口变更监测、域名解析变更监测、Awvs扫描、POC检测、web指纹探测、端口指纹探测、CDN探测、操作系统指纹探测、泛解析探测、WAF探测、敏感信息检测等等
922 424 1 46 minutes ago 🏎 An online formulae browser for Homebrew
921 187 16 10 months ago gauntlt/891 a ruggedization framework that embodies the principle "be mean to your code"
920 45 8 4 months ago md2key/892 Convert markdown to keynote
919 392 45 a month ago i18n/893 Internationalization (i18n) library for Ruby
918 114 22 5 years ago json_spec/894 Easily handle JSON in RSpec and Cucumber
917 72 31 1 year, 8 months ago rerun/895 Restarts an app when the filesystem changes. Uses growl and FSEventStream if on OS X.
912 141 29 3 years ago mailman/896 An incoming mail processing microframework in Ruby
911 88 8 6 months ago badge/897 Add a badge to your app icon
911 188 3 19 days ago breadcrumbs_on_rails/898 A simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcrumb navigation.
911 244 62 1 year, 6 months ago homebrew-virt-manager/899 A set of homebrew formulae to install virt-manager and virt-viewer on MAC OSX
911 404 69 a month ago net-ssh/900 Pure Ruby implementation of an SSH (protocol 2) client
908 119 2 a month ago zsteg/901 detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP
908 118 36 2 years ago kimuraframework/902 Kimurai is a modern web scraping framework written in Ruby which works out of box with Headless Chromium/Firefox, PhantomJS, or simple HTTP requests and allows to scrape and interact with JavaScript rendered websites
906 140 49 4 months ago meta_search/903 Object-based searching (and more) for simply creating search forms. Not currently maintained.
904 392 155 a day ago shopify-api-ruby/904 ShopifyAPI is a lightweight gem for accessing the Shopify admin REST and GraphQL web services.
904 300 36 2 years ago bitcoin-ruby/905 bitcoin utils and protocol in ruby.
902 121 23 22 days ago phonelib/906 Ruby gem for phone validation and formatting using google libphonenumber library data
898 170 32 4 years ago idb/907 idb is a tool to simplify some common tasks for iOS pentesting and research
897 650 200 2 months ago stripe-ruby-mock/908 A mocking library for testing stripe ruby
897 166 28 11 years ago ruby-on-rails-tmbundle/909 Ruby on Rails TextMate bundle [Learn it with PeepCode -]
897 78 0 4 years ago WWDC-Downloader/910 Script to download the sample code for all WWDC 2018 sessions.
896 197 31 3 days ago ruby-advisory-db/911 A database of vulnerable Ruby Gems
896 88 5 a month ago jsonb_accessor/912 Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.
896 535 47 5 years ago origin-server/913 OpenShift 2 (deprecated)
896 124 20 2 months ago nesta/914 A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra.
895 215 0 3 days ago rails-template/915 App template for Rails 7 projects; best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity. Now with optional Vite integration! ⚡️
895 324 24 5 months ago rails-settings/916 Manage settings with Ruby on Rails
892 111 16 3 years ago gretel/917 Flexible Ruby on Rails breadcrumbs plugin.
893 260 49 29 days ago font-awesome-sass/918 Font-Awesome Sass gem for use in Ruby/Rails projects
892 542 18 3 years ago prelaunchr/919 A small and simple Rails 4 project that is ready to be used as a prelaunch site. It includes all the necessary requirements like prize groups, open/closed states, and simple social sharing.
889 209 127 1 year, 4 days ago OpenFarm/920 A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge. You can grow anything!
889 581 13 2 years ago dockerbook-code/921 The code and configuration examples from The Docker Book (
888 92 28 7 years ago DocumentUp/922 Pretty documentation generator for Github projects with proper Readme.
888 45 5 11 days ago down/923 Streaming downloads using net/http, http.rb or wget
887 69 1 1 year, 7 months ago fuubar/924 The instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
887 623 61 10 months ago cookbook-elasticsearch/925 Chef cookbook for Elasticsearch
885 261 38 11 years ago webistrano/926 Webistrano is a Web UI for managing Capistrano deployments
884 95 33 4 years ago celluloid-io/927 UNMAINTAINED: See celluloid/celluloid#779 - Evented sockets for Celluloid actors
884 26 10 a month ago prosopite/928 🔍 Rails N+1 queries auto-detection with zero false positives / false negatives
884 118 91 5 months ago filterrific/929 Filterrific is a Rails Engine plugin that makes it easy to filter, search, and sort your ActiveRecord lists.
883 46 0 8 days ago truemail/930 🚀 Configurable framework agnostic plain Ruby 📨 email validator/verifier. Verify email via Regex, DNS, SMTP and even more. Be sure that email address valid and exists.
883 116 68 a month ago graphiti/931 Stylish Graph APIs
883 237 9 1 year, 4 months ago oxml_xxe/932 A tool for embedding XXE/XML exploits into different filetypes
882 87 22 1 year, 4 months ago unicorn-worker-killer/933 Automatically restart Unicorn workers based on 1) max number of requests and 2) max memory
881 79 71 1 year, 8 months ago loghouse/934 Ready to use log management solution for Kubernetes storing data in ClickHouse and providing web UI.
880 28 1 1 year, 2 months ago irbtools/935 Improvements for Ruby's IRB console 💎︎
877 220 1 2 years ago CurveBall/936 PoC for CVE-2020-0601- Windows CryptoAPI (Crypt32.dll)
876 82 51 1 year, 1 month ago blueprinter/937 Simple, Fast, and Declarative Serialization Library for Ruby
875 1792 561 2 days ago plots2/938 a collaborative knowledge-exchange platform in Rails; we welcome first-time contributors! 🎈
875 91 29 1 year, 8 months ago memoist/939 ActiveSupport::Memoizable with a few enhancements
875 83 10 7 months ago textacular/940 Textacular exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, and allows you to declare full text indexes. Textacular will extend ActiveRecord with named_scope methods making searching easy and fun!
874 88 46 3 years ago livingstyleguide/941 Easily create front-end style guides with Markdown and Sass/SCSS.
874 89 16 2 hours ago black_candy/942 A self hosted music streaming server
874 56 3 1 year, 6 months ago midori.rb/943 Lightweight, Flexible and Fast Ruby Web Framework
872 139 11 3 months ago simple-navigation/944 A ruby gem for creating navigations (with multiple levels) for your Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications. Render your navigation as html list, link list or breadcrumbs.
872 233 73 8 months ago private_pub/945 Handle pub/sub messaging through private channels in Rails using Faye.
871 248 0 3 days ago rack-test/946 Rack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps.
871 73 21 4 days ago packwerk/947 Good things come in small packages.
868 61 7 1 year, 7 months ago http-2/948 Pure Ruby implementation of HTTP/2 protocol
868 203 51 1 year, 5 months ago boarding/949 Instantly create a simple signup page for TestFlight beta testers
864 332 6 6 years ago coderwall-legacy/950 Professional network for software engineers
863 193 55 5 years ago acts_as_follower/951 A Gem to add Follow functionality for models
866 57 9 5 months ago parity/952 Shell commands for development, staging, and production parity for Heroku apps
862 132 3 2 months ago nats.rb/953 Ruby client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
861 73 1 5 months ago mail_form/954 Send e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and request information.
861 586 647 4 hours ago openfoodnetwork/955 Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce. We're recruiting paid contributors, link below.
861 66 1 1 year, 6 months ago active-record-query-trace/956 Rails plugin that logs/displays a backtrace of all SQL queries executed by Active Record
860 74 31 2 months ago git-fame-rb/957 A command-line tool that helps you summarize and pretty-print collaborators based on contributions
860 131 6 9 months ago jekyll-sitemap/958 Jekyll plugin to silently generate a compliant sitemap for your Jekyll site
860 146 27 8 years ago team_dashboard/959 Visualize your team's metrics all in one place.
859 65 42 9 months ago squib/960 A Ruby DSL for prototyping card games.
858 89 11 6 months ago rails_param/961 Parameter Validation & Type Coercion for Rails
856 92 21 3 years ago cloud-crowd/962 Parallel Processing for the Rest of Us
856 778 79 13 days ago sprockets/963 Rack-based asset packaging system
856 114 7 1 year, 6 months ago acl9/964 Yet another role-based authorization system for Rails
855 128 12 3 months ago loofah/965 HTML/XML manipulation and sanitization based on Nokogiri
854 601 10 12 years ago exception_notification/966 NOTICE: official repository moved to
854 46 0 6 months ago rails_12factor/967 None
851 197 76 7 months ago jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin/968 I18n support for Jekyll and Octopress
850 110 17 2 years ago activerecord-postgres-hstore/969 Goodbye serialize, hello hstore. Speed up hashes in the database.
849 286 0 3 years ago Summit_PPT/970 各种安全大会PPT PDF
847 25 0 1 year, 4 months ago BooJS/971 Unix swiss army knife for headless browser javascript
848 345 8 2 years ago sass-rails/972 Ruby on Rails stylesheet engine for Sass
847 101 87 3 months ago sup/973 A curses threads-with-tags style email client (mailing list: [email protected])
847 664 354 10 years ago railscasts-episodes/974 NOT MAINTAINED. See README.
843 45 25 2 years ago table_print/975 The best data slicer! Watch a 3 minute screencast at
843 93 29 7 years ago serve/976 Serve is a small Rack-based web server and rapid prototyping framework for Web applications (specifically Rails apps). Serve is meant to be a lightweight version of the Views part of the Rails MVC. This makes Serve an ideal framework for prototyping Rails applications or creating simple websites. Serve has full support for Rails-style partials and layouts.
842 187 20 1 year, 2 months ago carrierwave_direct/977 Process your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3
840 34 14 a month ago traceroute/978 A Rake task gem that helps you find the unused routes and controller actions for your Rails 3+ app
840 433 38 5 days ago sentry-ruby/979 Sentry SDK for Ruby
838 297 69 2 months ago fluent-plugin-elasticsearch/980 None
838 70 1 1 year, 2 months ago pakyow/981 Design-First Web Framework
837 193 17 1 year, 6 months ago XSpear/982 Powerfull XSS Scanning and Parameter analysis tool&gem
836 20 34 1 year, 8 months ago ruby_jard/983 Just Another Ruby Debugger. Provide a rich Terminal UI that visualizes everything your need, navigates your program with pleasure, stops at matter places only, reduces manual and mental efforts. You can now focus on real debugging.
833 78 29 4 years ago bh/984 Bootstrap Helpers for Ruby
833 122 5 4 years ago bugspots/985 Implementation of simple bug prediction hotspot heuristic
833 150 24 7 years ago acts_as_commentable/986 The ActiveRecord acts_as_commentable plugin
832 588 101 6 years ago Zabbix/987 A great collection of Zabbix scripts and templates
832 59 21 2 months ago FxLifeSheet/988 Tracking the key metrics of my life
831 100 27 6 years ago docverter/989 Docverter Server
830 119 1 4 days ago jekyll-auth/990 A simple way to use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected Jekyll site to your GitHub organization
829 115 128 1 year, 5 months ago coderay/991 Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages, written in Ruby.
828 574 72 17 days ago Source of the website.
830 51 17 1 year, 1 month ago webmachine-ruby/993 Webmachine, the HTTP toolkit (in Ruby)
827 344 34 5 months ago chefspec/994 Write RSpec examples and generate coverage reports for Chef recipes!
827 123 45 7 years ago pik/995 Ruby version manager for Windows
827 61 26 12 days ago mobility/996 Pluggable Ruby translation framework
832 82 29 6 years ago rack-rewrite/997 A web server agnostic rack middleware for defining and applying rewrite rules. In many cases you can get away with Rack::Rewrite instead of writing Apache mod_rewrite rules.
823 68 14 7 months ago tensorflow.rb/998 tensorflow for ruby
825 127 20 a month ago hutch/999 A system for processing messages from RabbitMQ.
824 61 100 1 year, 11 months ago bud/1000 Prototype Bud runtime (Bloom Under Development)