MPI: Message Passing Interface
MPI.init(): Initializes the MPI environment
MPI.COMM_WORLD: the MPI communicator- everything processes need to communicate
MPI.Comm_rank: an integer 0:N-1; each MPI process has a different rank, you can think of it as a process ID
MPI.Comm_size: the number of MPI processes (N)
Barrier: all process wait until everyone reaches this point
Send/Receive: Point-to-point communication: rank i sends a message to rank j and rank j receives a message from rank i
Blocking/Unblocking: Blocked send/receives wait until the message has been sent or received before proceeding; unblocking send/receives continue
Broadcast: one-to-all communication: rank i sends message to rank 0:i-1,i+1:N
Gather: all-to-one communication: rank 0:i-1,i+1:N sends message to rank i
Reduce: all-to-one communication: gather messages onto rank i and perform a reduce operation
Scatter: one-to-all send one piece to each
module load mpi/mpich-x86_64 module load julia-latest
julia: ]add MPI