dynamical systems show up everywhere
scalar system:
what is the global behavior?
if we know
The Geometric Theory of Dynamical Systems is the investigation of their long-term properties and the geometry of the phase space which they occupy. Let’s start looking at this in practical terms: how do nonlinear update equations act as time goes to infinity?
$d(x,y) ≥ 0$ ,$d(x,x) = 0$ $d(x,y) = d(y,x)$ $d(x,z) \leq d(x,y) + d(y,z)$
(in this case:
how do we prove this? we only have metric space properties. third one seems interesting; we can use it to bound distances.
have map: $xn+1 = f(x_n)$
so $d(x_m, x_n) \leq d(x_m, xm-1) + \ellipsis + d(xn+1, x_n)$ for
note: $d(xn+1, x_n) = d(f(x_n), x_n) = d(f(x_n), f(xn-1))$
… lecturer got lost, look up in notes
but, intuition: distance between future points is always shrinking by at least a factor of
proof via geometric sequence + cauchy convergence
(if you have a complete metric space! incomplete metric space, like rationals, may have convergence point outside space.)
$xn+1 = f(x_n)$
assume that
if this wasn’t a math class, we could discretize… but this is a math class
if f is continuous, there must be a neighborhood where
now note:
which is to say,
but therefore, in this neighborhood, this function is locally a contraction map!
by banach fixed point theorem, there must be a unique point that sequences converge to.
this is stability
stability of a fixed point: if nearby, then you go to the fixed point!
multidimensional version:
if you have a map $xn+1 = f(x_n)$ and you find a value
if $xn+1 = f(x_n)$, then near a point
that is, near a fixed point, system will behave as a linear system with the derivative of the fixed point.
example: if $xn+1 = x_n + f(x_n)$, redefine $xn+1 = g(x_n)$.
what’s the analytical solution?
plug in diagonalization: $\pmb{x}n+1 = P-1DP\pmb{x}_n = P-1D^nPx_0$
so it’s just 3 independent variables moving around, warped by some transformation
do we know if it’s going to a fixed point? well, must have all systems going to fixed point, i.e. eigenvalues
note: it’s not the norm that’s less than one! it’s that each of the eigenvalues should be in the unit circle.
$xn+1 = α_0 x_n + … + α_m xn-m$
write as $[x^1n+1 … xm+1_{+1]^T$
can convert to a matrix:
if there’s a perturbation at time 0, …?
comes down to whether characteristic polynomial of time system has roots in unit circle in
can use linearity of expectation, look at how system acts in mean
jhgilles: what if system escapes area around fixed point?
jhgilles: parseval networks are sorta like this; if you think of each layer as a function, lipschitz means vector doesn’t escape no matter how many layers you have
don’t necessarily converge to a point though?
periodic behavior $un+1 = -u_n$ that has period 1; can extend period, when you get to infinity period that’s chaos
function solve_system(f, u0, p, n)
u = u0
for i in 1:n-1
u = f(u, p)
for this to be efficient, julia needs to know about type of function in julia, all functions have a unique type; this forces system to auto-specialization mechanism to always specialize higher-order function (this is slightly inside baseball, could get this behavior other ways…) can also force system to work with function pointers (FunctionReprs.jl); but make sure function pointer has sensible return types. also, cost of functionthis system should approach 0:
f(x, p) = x^2 -p*x
solve_system(f, 1., .25, 10)
-> approaches 0!
region w/ lipschitz derivative is
solve_system(f, 1.251, .25, 100)
how does all of this perform?
pretty well! it’s also generic.
you can also cache results as you go: TODO look up in notes
don’t worry too much about cost of appending to array, grows by doubling; but can still pre-allocate for slightly better performance if u feel like it
save points as rows: sensible save points as columns: better in memory
important: slices in julia allocate!!?!?! have to use `@view` also, permutation copies by default as well, need to use PermutedDimsArray
pushing is more efficient than rebuilding matrix every time, dumbass