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45 lines (45 loc) · 2.54 KB
Metric MQTT topic suffix Unit Modbus address (dec) Modbus address (hex) Modbus data type Scale factor
Production today day_energy kWh 60 3c U_WORD 0.1
Production Total total_energy kWh 63,64 3f,40 U_DWORD (LW,HW) 0.1
Grid L1 Voltage ac/l1/voltage V 73 49 U_WORD 0.1
Grid L1 Current ac/l1/current A 76 4c U_WORD 0.1
Grid L1 Power ac/l1/power W computed computed n/a 1
Grid L2 Voltage ac/l2/voltage V 74 4a U_WORD 0.1
Grid L2 Current ac/l2/current A 77 4d U_WORD 0.1
Grid L2 Power ac/l2/power W computed computed n/a 1
Grid L3 Voltage ac/l3/voltage V 75 4b U_WORD 0.1
Grid L3 Current ac/l3/current A 78 4e U_WORD 0.1
Grid L3 Power ac/l3/power W computed computed n/a 1
Grid L12 Voltage ac/l12/voltage V 70 46 U_WORD 0.1
Grid L23 Voltage ac/l23/voltage V 71 47 U_WORD 0.1
Grid L31 Voltage ac/l31/voltage V 72 48 U_WORD 0.1
Grid Power ac/grid/power W 203,204 cb,cc U_DWORD (LW,HW) 1.0
Load Power ac/ups/power W 198,199 c6,c7 U_DWORD (LW,HW) 1.0
AC Freq ac/freq Hz 79 4f U_WORD 0.01
Uptime uptime minutes 62 3e U_WORD 1
Daily Load Consumption ac/ups/daily_energy kWh 200 c8 U_WORD 0.01
Total Load Consumption ac/ups/total_energy kWh 201,202 c9,ca U_DWORD (LW,HW) 0.1
Daily Energy Sold ac/daily_energy_sold kWh 205 cd U_WORD 0.01
Total Energy Sold ac/total_energy_sold kWh 206,207 ce,cf U_DWORD (LW,HW) 0.1
Daily Energy Bought ac/daily_energy_bought kWh 208 d0 U_WORD 0.01
Total Energy Bought ac/total_energy_bought kWh 209,210 d1,d2 U_DWORD (LW,HW) 0.1
PV1 Voltage dc/pv1/voltage V 109 6d U_WORD 0.1
PV1 Current dc/pv1/current A 110 6e U_WORD 0.1
PV1 Power dc/pv1/power W computed computed n/a 1
PV2 Voltage dc/pv2/voltage V 111 6f U_WORD 0.1
PV2 Current dc/pv2/current A 112 70 U_WORD 0.1
PV2 Power dc/pv2/power W computed computed n/a 1
PV3 Voltage dc/pv3/voltage V 113 71 U_WORD 0.1
PV3 Current dc/pv3/current A 114 72 U_WORD 0.1
PV3 Power dc/pv3/power W computed computed n/a 1
PV4 Voltage dc/pv4/voltage V 115 73 U_WORD 0.1
PV4 Current dc/pv4/current A 116 74 U_WORD 0.1
PV4 Power dc/pv4/power W computed computed n/a 1
DC Total Power dc/total_power W 82 52 U_WORD 0.1
Operating Power operating_power W 80 50 U_WORD 0.1
AC Apparent Power ac/apparent_power W 84 54 U_WORD 0.1
AC Active Power ac/active_power W 86,87 56,57 U_DWORD (LW,HW) 0.1
AC Reactive Power ac/reactive_power W 88 58 U_WORD 0.1
Radiator temperature radiator_temp °C 90 5a U_WORD 0.1
IGBT temperature igbt_temp °C 91 5b U_WORD 0.1