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File metadata and controls

110 lines (87 loc) · 4.8 KB


Pass.Port is a scripted tool that comes to the rescue when you need to import a bunch of renderpasses (or just one) into Adobe After Effects, it also saves your time on compositing


What it does:

  • After clicking the Browse button Pass.Port analyzes the files in the folder you selected to find their shared name (everything before the _AOV_ tag, or before the framenumber if the tag is not present), let's name it Basename. The one detected will be shown in the Basename field.
  • You can manually change the path and the basename fields as required.
  • The Parse button will rescan the last useful folder for the basename again.
  • AutoComp option will sort the footage into separate compositions corresponding to the detected lightgroups (if any).
  • Straight Alpha will switch all footage with alpha to Straight interpretation.
  • As a result you will have all the sequences imported and one or a few new comps. It will disable all utility AOVS and move them to the top of the compostition. The assets will be placed into the project folder Pass.Port - Basename created inside the folder slected prior the import.
  • The script saves all your settings between the sessions.
  • Pass.Port creates a log file named pass.port_log.txt next to your AE project file, or on your desktop if your project is not saved. It contains a log of operations for you and for possible debugging.
  • Pass.Port Creates 2 undo steps, for the Footage Import and one for AutoComp stage, so you can undo by one.
  • Tested on Windows only.
  • Pass.Port supports multiple passes of the same type (PuzzleA, PuzzleB, PuzzleNew, etc).

Limitations (by now):

  • It doesn't rebuild your composition by the book yet, but its 100% next feature.
  • Doesn't support multi-layered EXRs and do not unfold Cryptomasks into compositions by now.
  • Doesn't change any of your files and doesn't access the internet
  • Framenumbers must be at least 4 digits long. It will be much more flexible very soon!
  • It has bugs, and I guess a lot of them :)

Naming the AOVs:

The default Redshift for Cinema 4D AOVs naming system was taken for the reference, so it must work effortlessly for the case. Alternative AOV names (see below) are taken from RS Houdini. Other Rule sets are on the list.

An example of Pass.Port compatible naming:


The Basename for these sequences is shot1 (all symbols before AOV tag or before the framenumber) After the AOV tag the _ symbol separates the renderpass type and the lightgroup name

Built-in renderpass name variations:

For each Rule Set you will have one alternative renderpass name. Since there's just one Rule Set yet, you have these options by now:

Default (C4D RS) Alternative
Beauty Beauty
Main Main
DiffuseLighting Diff*
SpecularLighting Spec*
Reflections Refl*
Refractions Refr*
SSS Subsurf*
Caustics Caust*
Emission Emissive*
GI Global*
VolumeLighting VolLight*
VolumeFogEmission VolFogEm*
VolumeFogTint VolFogTint*
Background BG*
DiffuseFilter DiffFlt*
DiffuseLightingRaw DiffRaw*
ReflectionsFilter ReflFlt*
ReflectionsRaw ReflRaw*
RefractionsFilter RefrFlt*
ReflectionsRaw RefrRaw*
SubsurfaceRaw SSSRaw*
GIRaw GlobalRaw*
CausticsRaw CaustRaw*
TransTint TransFlt*
TotalTransLightingRaw TransRaw*
TranslucencyGIRaw TransGIRaw*
TotalDiffuseLightingRaw TotalRaw*
P Pos*
ObjectPosition ObjPos*
N Norm*
BumpNormals BumpNorm*
ObjectBumpNormals ObjNorm*
ObjectPosition ObjPos*
ObjectID ID*
Z Depth*
Shadows Shad*
MotionVectors MV*
PuzzleMatte Puzzle*
AO Occlusion*
Custom Cust*
Cryptomatte Crypto*
IDsAndCoverage Coverage*

A tip for consistent basename with C4D:

Use tokens for main output: .../$take/$take, and for RS AOVs: $take_AOV

Or, main: .../$camera/$camera, AOVs: $camera_AOV

Pass.port will recognise this naming very gladly


You can run Pass.Port as usual using Run Script menu, or place it into ...Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels to be able to dock it into your AE interface

Contributors ♥


Development Roadmap

This is the way

I appreciate your contribution to the development

here on GitHub in Issues or Dicussions

or by donating on Gumroad

or giving feedback on Pass.Port's Discord channel