diff --git a/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphEdf.tsx b/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphEdf.tsx
index e5c3a083..234b2e6f 100644
--- a/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphEdf.tsx
+++ b/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphEdf.tsx
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
-import {
- GraphContainer,
- PlotEdf,
- getPlotDomId,
- useGraphComponentState,
-} from "@optuna/react"
+import { GraphContainer, PlotEdf, useGraphComponentState } from "@optuna/react"
import * as plotly from "plotly.js-dist-min"
import React, { FC, useEffect } from "react"
import { StudyDetail } from "ts/types/optuna"
@@ -22,6 +17,8 @@ export const GraphEdf: FC<{
+const domId = "graph-edf"
const GraphEdfBackend: FC<{
studies: StudyDetail[]
}> = ({ studies }) => {
@@ -29,7 +26,6 @@ const GraphEdfBackend: FC<{
const { graphComponentState, notifyGraphDidRender } = useGraphComponentState()
const studyIds = studies.map((s) => s.id)
- const domId = getPlotDomId(-1)
const numCompletedTrials = studies.reduce(
(acc, study) =>
acc + study?.trials.filter((t) => t.state === "Complete").length,
diff --git a/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphSlice.tsx b/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphSlice.tsx
index d404c2cf..d758c661 100644
--- a/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphSlice.tsx
+++ b/optuna_dashboard/ts/components/GraphSlice.tsx
@@ -1,41 +1,14 @@
-import {
- FormControl,
- FormLabel,
- Grid,
- MenuItem,
- Select,
- SelectChangeEvent,
- Switch,
- Typography,
- useTheme,
-} from "@mui/material"
import {
+ PlotSlice,
- useMergedUnionSearchSpace,
-} from "@optuna/react"
-import {
- Target,
- useFilteredTrials,
- useObjectiveAndUserAttrTargets,
- useParamTargets,
} from "@optuna/react"
-import * as Optuna from "@optuna/types"
import * as plotly from "plotly.js-dist-min"
-import React, { FC, useEffect, useState } from "react"
-import { SearchSpaceItem, StudyDetail } from "ts/types/optuna"
+import React, { FC, useEffect } from "react"
+import { StudyDetail } from "ts/types/optuna"
import { PlotType } from "../apiClient"
import { usePlot } from "../hooks/usePlot"
-import { useBackendRender, usePlotlyColorTheme } from "../state"
-const plotDomId = "graph-slice"
-const isLogScale = (s: SearchSpaceItem): boolean => {
- if (s.distribution.type === "CategoricalDistribution") {
- return false
- }
- return s.distribution.log
+import { useBackendRender } from "../state"
export const GraphSlice: FC<{
study: StudyDetail | null
@@ -43,10 +16,12 @@ export const GraphSlice: FC<{
if (useBackendRender()) {
} else {
- return
+ return
+const domId = "graph-slice"
const GraphSliceBackend: FC<{
study: StudyDetail | null
}> = ({ study = null }) => {
@@ -64,7 +39,7 @@ const GraphSliceBackend: FC<{
useEffect(() => {
if (data && layout && graphComponentState !== "componentWillMount") {
- plotly.react(plotDomId, data, layout).then(notifyGraphDidRender)
+ plotly.react(domId, data, layout).then(notifyGraphDidRender)
}, [data, layout, graphComponentState])
useEffect(() => {
@@ -75,253 +50,8 @@ const GraphSliceBackend: FC<{
return (
-const GraphSliceFrontend: FC<{
- study: StudyDetail | null
-}> = ({ study = null }) => {
- const { graphComponentState, notifyGraphDidRender } = useGraphComponentState()
- const theme = useTheme()
- const colorTheme = usePlotlyColorTheme(theme.palette.mode)
- const [objectiveTargets, selectedObjective, setObjectiveTarget] =
- useObjectiveAndUserAttrTargets(study)
- const searchSpace = useMergedUnionSearchSpace(study?.union_search_space)
- const [paramTargets, selectedParamTarget, setParamTarget] =
- useParamTargets(searchSpace)
- const [logYScale, setLogYScale] = useState(false)
- const trials = useFilteredTrials(
- study,
- selectedParamTarget !== null
- ? [selectedObjective, selectedParamTarget]
- : [selectedObjective],
- false
- )
- useEffect(() => {
- if (graphComponentState !== "componentWillMount") {
- plotSlice(
- trials,
- selectedObjective,
- selectedParamTarget,
- searchSpace.find((s) => s.name === selectedParamTarget?.key) || null,
- logYScale,
- colorTheme
- )?.then(notifyGraphDidRender)
- }
- }, [
- trials,
- selectedObjective,
- searchSpace,
- selectedParamTarget,
- logYScale,
- colorTheme,
- graphComponentState,
- ])
- const handleObjectiveChange = (event: SelectChangeEvent) => {
- setObjectiveTarget(event.target.value)
- }
- const handleSelectedParam = (e: SelectChangeEvent) => {
- setParamTarget(e.target.value)
- }
- const handleLogYScaleChange = () => {
- setLogYScale(!logYScale)
- }
- return (
- Slice
- {objectiveTargets.length !== 1 && (
- Objective:
- )}
- {paramTargets.length !== 0 && selectedParamTarget !== null && (
- Parameter:
- )}
- Log y scale:
- )
-const plotSlice = (
- trials: Optuna.Trial[],
- objectiveTarget: Target,
- selectedParamTarget: Target | null,
- selectedParamSpace: SearchSpaceItem | null,
- logYScale: boolean,
- colorTheme: Partial
-) => {
- if (document.getElementById(plotDomId) === null) {
- return
- }
- const layout: Partial = {
- margin: {
- l: 50,
- t: 0,
- r: 50,
- b: 0,
- },
- xaxis: {
- title: selectedParamTarget?.toLabel() || "",
- type:
- selectedParamSpace !== null && isLogScale(selectedParamSpace)
- ? "log"
- : "linear",
- gridwidth: 1,
- automargin: true,
- },
- yaxis: {
- title: "Objective Value",
- type: logYScale ? "log" : "linear",
- gridwidth: 1,
- automargin: true,
- },
- showlegend: false,
- uirevision: "true",
- template: colorTheme,
- }
- if (
- selectedParamSpace === null ||
- selectedParamTarget === null ||
- trials.length === 0
- ) {
- return plotly.react(plotDomId, [], layout)
- }
- const feasibleTrials: Optuna.Trial[] = []
- const infeasibleTrials: Optuna.Trial[] = []
- trials.forEach((t) => {
- if (t.constraints.every((c) => c <= 0)) {
- feasibleTrials.push(t)
- } else {
- infeasibleTrials.push(t)
- }
- })
- const feasibleObjectiveValues: number[] = feasibleTrials.map(
- (t) => objectiveTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
- )
- const infeasibleObjectiveValues: number[] = infeasibleTrials.map(
- (t) => objectiveTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
- )
- const feasibleValues = feasibleTrials.map(
- (t) => selectedParamTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
- )
- const infeasibleValues = infeasibleTrials.map(
- (t) => selectedParamTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
- )
- const trace: plotly.Data[] = [
- {
- type: "scatter",
- x: feasibleValues,
- y: feasibleObjectiveValues,
- mode: "markers",
- name: "Feasible Trial",
- marker: {
- color: feasibleTrials.map((t) => t.number),
- colorscale: "Blues",
- reversescale: true,
- colorbar: {
- title: "Trial",
- },
- line: {
- color: "Grey",
- width: 0.5,
- },
- },
- },
- {
- type: "scatter",
- x: infeasibleValues,
- y: infeasibleObjectiveValues,
- mode: "markers",
- name: "Infeasible Trial",
- marker: {
- color: "#cccccc",
- reversescale: true,
- },
- },
- ]
- if (selectedParamSpace.distribution.type !== "CategoricalDistribution") {
- layout["xaxis"] = {
- title: selectedParamTarget.toLabel(),
- type: isLogScale(selectedParamSpace) ? "log" : "linear",
- gridwidth: 1,
- automargin: true, // Otherwise the label is outside of the plot
- }
- } else {
- const vocabArr = selectedParamSpace.distribution.choices.map(
- (c) => c?.toString() ?? "null"
- )
- const tickvals: number[] = vocabArr.map((v, i) => i)
- layout["xaxis"] = {
- title: selectedParamTarget.toLabel(),
- type: "linear",
- gridwidth: 1,
- tickvals: tickvals,
- ticktext: vocabArr,
- automargin: true, // Otherwise the label is outside of the plot
- }
- }
- return plotly.react(plotDomId, trace, layout)
diff --git a/tslib/react/src/components/PlotEdf.tsx b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotEdf.tsx
index 17a0872e..56dce17e 100644
--- a/tslib/react/src/components/PlotEdf.tsx
+++ b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotEdf.tsx
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export type EdfPlotInfo = {
trials: Optuna.Trial[]
-export const getPlotDomId = (objectiveId: number) => `graph-edf-${objectiveId}`
+const getPlotDomId = (objectiveId: number) => `plot-edf-${objectiveId}`
export const PlotEdf: FC<{
studies: Optuna.Study[]
diff --git a/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSlice.stories.tsx b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSlice.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bad059d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSlice.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import { CssBaseline, ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material"
+import { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"
+import React from "react"
+import { useMockStudy } from "../MockStudies"
+import { lightTheme } from "../styles/lightTheme"
+import { PlotSlice } from "./PlotSlice"
+const meta: Meta = {
+ component: PlotSlice,
+ title: "PlotSlice",
+ tags: ["autodocs"],
+ decorators: [
+ (Story, storyContext) => {
+ const { study } = useMockStudy(storyContext.parameters?.studyId)
+ if (!study) return loading...
+ return (
+ )
+ },
+ ],
+export default meta
+type Story = StoryObj
+export const MockStudyExample1: Story = {
+ parameters: {
+ studyId: 1,
+ },
diff --git a/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSlice.tsx b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSlice.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a70c5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSlice.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+import {
+ FormControl,
+ FormLabel,
+ Grid,
+ MenuItem,
+ Select,
+ SelectChangeEvent,
+ Switch,
+ Typography,
+ useTheme,
+} from "@mui/material"
+import * as Optuna from "@optuna/types"
+import * as plotly from "plotly.js-dist-min"
+import { FC, useEffect, useState } from "react"
+import { useGraphComponentState } from "../hooks/useGraphComponentState"
+import { useMergedUnionSearchSpace } from "../utils/searchSpace"
+import {
+ Target,
+ useFilteredTrials,
+ useObjectiveAndUserAttrTargets,
+ useParamTargets,
+} from "../utils/trialFilter"
+import { GraphContainer } from "./GraphContainer"
+import { plotlyDarkTemplate } from "./PlotlyDarkMode"
+const isLogScale = (s: Optuna.SearchSpaceItem): boolean => {
+ if (s.distribution.type === "CategoricalDistribution") {
+ return false
+ }
+ return s.distribution.log
+const domId = "plot-slice"
+export const PlotSlice: FC<{
+ study: Optuna.Study | null
+}> = ({ study = null }) => {
+ const { graphComponentState, notifyGraphDidRender } = useGraphComponentState()
+ const theme = useTheme()
+ const [objectiveTargets, selectedObjective, setObjectiveTarget] =
+ useObjectiveAndUserAttrTargets(study)
+ const searchSpace = useMergedUnionSearchSpace(study?.union_search_space)
+ const [paramTargets, selectedParamTarget, setParamTarget] =
+ useParamTargets(searchSpace)
+ const [logYScale, setLogYScale] = useState(false)
+ const trials = useFilteredTrials(
+ study,
+ selectedParamTarget !== null
+ ? [selectedObjective, selectedParamTarget]
+ : [selectedObjective],
+ false
+ )
+ // biome-ignore lint/correctness/useExhaustiveDependencies:
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (graphComponentState !== "componentWillMount") {
+ plotSlice(
+ trials,
+ selectedObjective,
+ selectedParamTarget,
+ searchSpace.find((s) => s.name === selectedParamTarget?.key) || null,
+ logYScale,
+ theme.palette.mode
+ )?.then(notifyGraphDidRender)
+ }
+ }, [
+ trials,
+ selectedObjective,
+ searchSpace,
+ selectedParamTarget,
+ logYScale,
+ theme.palette.mode,
+ graphComponentState,
+ ])
+ const handleObjectiveChange = (event: SelectChangeEvent) => {
+ setObjectiveTarget(event.target.value)
+ }
+ const handleSelectedParam = (e: SelectChangeEvent) => {
+ setParamTarget(e.target.value)
+ }
+ const handleLogYScaleChange = () => {
+ setLogYScale(!logYScale)
+ }
+ return (
+ Slice
+ {objectiveTargets.length !== 1 && (
+ Objective:
+ )}
+ {paramTargets.length !== 0 && selectedParamTarget !== null && (
+ Parameter:
+ )}
+ Log y scale:
+ )
+const plotSlice = (
+ trials: Optuna.Trial[],
+ objectiveTarget: Target,
+ selectedParamTarget: Target | null,
+ selectedParamSpace: Optuna.SearchSpaceItem | null,
+ logYScale: boolean,
+ mode: string
+) => {
+ if (document.getElementById(domId) === null) {
+ return
+ }
+ const layout: Partial = {
+ margin: {
+ l: 50,
+ t: 0,
+ r: 50,
+ b: 0,
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ title: selectedParamTarget?.toLabel() || "",
+ type:
+ selectedParamSpace !== null && isLogScale(selectedParamSpace)
+ ? "log"
+ : "linear",
+ gridwidth: 1,
+ automargin: true,
+ },
+ yaxis: {
+ title: "Objective Value",
+ type: logYScale ? "log" : "linear",
+ gridwidth: 1,
+ automargin: true,
+ },
+ showlegend: false,
+ uirevision: "true",
+ template: mode === "dark" ? plotlyDarkTemplate : {},
+ }
+ if (
+ selectedParamSpace === null ||
+ selectedParamTarget === null ||
+ trials.length === 0
+ ) {
+ return plotly.react(domId, [], layout)
+ }
+ const feasibleTrials: Optuna.Trial[] = []
+ const infeasibleTrials: Optuna.Trial[] = []
+ // biome-ignore lint/complexity/noForEach:
+ trials.forEach((t) => {
+ if (t.constraints.every((c) => c <= 0)) {
+ feasibleTrials.push(t)
+ } else {
+ infeasibleTrials.push(t)
+ }
+ })
+ const feasibleObjectiveValues: number[] = feasibleTrials.map(
+ (t) => objectiveTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
+ )
+ const infeasibleObjectiveValues: number[] = infeasibleTrials.map(
+ (t) => objectiveTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
+ )
+ const feasibleValues = feasibleTrials.map(
+ (t) => selectedParamTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
+ )
+ const infeasibleValues = infeasibleTrials.map(
+ (t) => selectedParamTarget.getTargetValue(t) as number
+ )
+ const trace: plotly.Data[] = [
+ {
+ type: "scatter",
+ x: feasibleValues,
+ y: feasibleObjectiveValues,
+ mode: "markers",
+ name: "Feasible Trial",
+ marker: {
+ color: feasibleTrials.map((t) => t.number),
+ colorscale: "Blues",
+ reversescale: true,
+ colorbar: {
+ title: "Trial",
+ },
+ line: {
+ color: "Grey",
+ width: 0.5,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ type: "scatter",
+ x: infeasibleValues,
+ y: infeasibleObjectiveValues,
+ mode: "markers",
+ name: "Infeasible Trial",
+ marker: {
+ color: "#cccccc",
+ reversescale: true,
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ if (selectedParamSpace.distribution.type !== "CategoricalDistribution") {
+ layout.xaxis = {
+ title: selectedParamTarget.toLabel(),
+ type: isLogScale(selectedParamSpace) ? "log" : "linear",
+ gridwidth: 1,
+ automargin: true, // Otherwise the label is outside of the plot
+ }
+ } else {
+ const vocabArr = selectedParamSpace.distribution.choices.map(
+ (c) => c?.toString() ?? "null"
+ )
+ const tickvals: number[] = vocabArr.map((_v, i) => i)
+ layout.xaxis = {
+ title: selectedParamTarget.toLabel(),
+ type: "linear",
+ gridwidth: 1,
+ tickvals: tickvals,
+ ticktext: vocabArr,
+ automargin: true, // Otherwise the label is outside of the plot
+ }
+ }
+ return plotly.react(domId, trace, layout)
diff --git a/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSliceDark.stories.tsx b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSliceDark.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9b67eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tslib/react/src/components/PlotSliceDark.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import { CssBaseline, ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material"
+import { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"
+import React from "react"
+import { useMockStudy } from "../MockStudies"
+import { darkTheme } from "../styles/darkTheme"
+import { PlotSlice } from "./PlotSlice"
+const meta: Meta = {
+ component: PlotSlice,
+ title: "PlotSliceDark",
+ tags: ["autodocs"],
+ decorators: [
+ (Story, storyContext) => {
+ const { study } = useMockStudy(storyContext.parameters?.studyId)
+ if (!study) return loading...
+ return (
+ )
+ },
+ ],
+ parameters: {
+ backgrounds: { default: "dark" },
+ },
+export default meta
+type Story = StoryObj
+export const MockStudyExample1: Story = {
+ parameters: {
+ studyId: 1,
+ },
diff --git a/tslib/react/src/index.ts b/tslib/react/src/index.ts
index e1b4243f..71518938 100644
--- a/tslib/react/src/index.ts
+++ b/tslib/react/src/index.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
export { DataGrid } from "./components/DataGrid"
export { plotlyDarkTemplate } from "./components/PlotlyDarkMode"
-export { PlotEdf, getPlotDomId } from "./components/PlotEdf"
+export { PlotEdf } from "./components/PlotEdf"
export type { EdfPlotInfo } from "./components/PlotEdf"
export { PlotHistory } from "./components/PlotHistory"
export { PlotImportance } from "./components/PlotImportance"
export { PlotIntermediateValues } from "./components/PlotIntermediateValues"
+export { PlotSlice } from "./components/PlotSlice"
export { TrialTable } from "./components/TrialTable"
export { GraphContainer } from "./components/GraphContainer"
export { useGraphComponentState } from "./hooks/useGraphComponentState"
diff --git a/tslib/react/test/PlotSlice.test.tsx b/tslib/react/test/PlotSlice.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0a7a41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tslib/react/test/PlotSlice.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import * as Optuna from "@optuna/types"
+import { render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"
+import React from "react"
+import { describe, expect, test } from "vitest"
+import { PlotSlice } from "../src/components/PlotSlice"
+describe("PlotSlice Tests", async () => {
+ const setup = ({
+ study,
+ dataTestId,
+ }: { study: Optuna.Study; dataTestId: string }) => {
+ const Wrapper = ({
+ dataTestId,
+ children,
+ }: {
+ dataTestId: string
+ children: React.ReactNode
+ }) => {children}
+ return render(
+ )
+ }
+ for (const study of window.mockStudies) {
+ test(`PlotSlice (study name: ${study.name})`, () => {
+ setup({ study, dataTestId: `plot-slice-${study.id}` })
+ expect(screen.getByTestId(`plot-slice-${study.id}`)).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ }