All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.6.0 (2019-04-03)
- eslint-plugin: explicit-function-return-type: ensure class arrow methods are validated (#377) (643a223), closes #348
- eslint-plugin: Fix
false positives in explicit-function-return-type and incorrect documentation (#388) (f29d1c9), closes #387 - eslint-plugin: member-naming false flagging constructors (#376) (ad0f2be), closes #359
- eslint-plugin: no-type-alias: fix typeof alias erroring (#380) (cebcfe6)
- parser: Make eslint traverse enum id (#383) (492b737)
- typescript-estree: add ExportDefaultDeclaration to union DeclarationStatement (#378) (bf04398)
- change TypeScript version range to >=3.2.1 <3.5.0 (#399) (a4f95d3)
- eslint-plugin: allow explicit variable type with arrow functions (#260) (bea6b92), closes #149
1.5.0 (2019-03-20)
- eslint-plugin: [interface-name-prefix] correct error message in always mode (#333) (097262f)
- eslint-plugin: fix false positives for adjacent-overload-signatures regarding computed property names (#340) (f6e5118)
- eslint-plugin: fix incorrect rule name (#357) (0a5146b)
- typescript-estree: only call watch callback on new files (#367) (0ef07c4)
1.4.2 (2019-02-25)
- trigger new release (eaaa471)
1.4.1 (2019-02-23)
- eslint-plugin: out-of-bounds access in member-ordering rule (#304) (4526f27)
- eslint-plugin: support BigInt in restrict-plus-operands rule (#309) (#310) (9a88363)
1.4.0 (2019-02-19)
- parser: fix crash when visiting decorators in parameters (#237) (225fc26)
- parser: fix visiting props of TSDeclareFunction (#244) (b40def8)
- ts-estree: make sure that every node can be converted to tsNode (#287) (9f1d314)
- typescript-estree, eslint-plugin: stop adding ParenthesizedExpressions to node maps (#226) (317405a)
- eslint-plugin: add 'no-unnecessary-qualifier' rule (#231) (cc8f906)
- eslint-plugin: add ban-ts-ignore rule (#276) (859ab29)
- eslint-plugin: add prefer-function-type rule (#222) (b95c4cf)
- eslint-plugin: add require-array-sort-compare rule (#261) (2a4aaaa), closes #247
- eslint-plugin: Migrate plugin to ts (#120) (61c60dc)
- eslint-plugin: update types to allow parameter type inferrence (#272) (80bd72c)
- no-empty-interface: add allowSingleExtend option (#215) (bf46f8c)
- ts-estree: fix parsing nested sequence expressions (#286) (ecc9631)
1.3.0 (2019-02-07)
- eslint-plugin: fix false positive from adjacent-overload-signatures (#206) (07e950e)
- ts-estree: align typeArguments and typeParameters across nodes (#223) (3306198)
- ts-estree: convert decorators on var and fn decs (#211) (0a1777f)
- ts-estree: fix issues with typeParams in FunctionExpression (#208) (d4dfa3b)
- change TypeScript version range to >=3.2.1 <3.4.0 (#184) (f513a14)
- eslint-plugin: add new rule no-for-in-array (#155) (84162ba)
- eslint-plugin: add new rule no-require-imports (#199) (683e5bc)
- eslint-plugin: added new rule promise-function-async (#194) (5f3aec9)
- ts-estree: enable errors 1098 and 1099 (#219) (fc50167)
1.2.0 (2019-02-01)
- eslint-plugin: fix no-extraneous-class for class without name (#174) (b1dbb64)
- eslint-plugin: fix wrong URL (#180) (00d020d)
- eslint-plugin: use bracket for infer type in array-type rule (#173) (1f868ce)
- parser: fix regression with no-unused-vars for jsx attributes (#161) (6147de1)
- eslint-plugin: add eslint rule no-useless-constructor (#167) (3fb57a5)
- eslint-plugin: add no-unnecessary-type-assertion rule (#157) (38abc28)
1.1.1 (2019-01-29)
- eslint-plugin: make parser services error clearer (#132) (aa9d1e1)
- parser: add visiting of type parameters in JSXOpeningElement (#150) (5e16003)
- ts-estree: expand optional property to include question token (#138) (9068b62)
1.1.0 (2019-01-23)
- eslint-plugin: don’t mark
declare class
as unused (#110) (5841cd2), closes #106 - eslint-plugin: improve detection of used vars in heritage (#102) (193b434)
- typescript-estree: correct range of parameters with comments (#128) (91eedf2)
- typescript-estree: fix range of assignment in parameter (#115) (4e781f1)
- eslint-plugin: add new rule restrict-plus-operands (#70) (c541ede)
- eslint-plugin: add option to no-object-literal-type-assertion rule (#87) (9f501a1)
1.0.0 (2019-01-20)
- eslint-plugin: fix crash in rule indent for eslint 5.12.1 (#89) (3f51d51)
- eslint-plugin: no-unused-vars: mark declared statements as used (#88) (2df5e0c)
- eslint-plugin: update remaining parser refs (#97) (055c3fc)
- eslint-plugin: remove exported parser (#94) (0ddb93c)
- parser: support ecmaFeatures.jsx flag and tests (#85) (b321736)
0.2.1 (2019-01-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint