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# app.pyimport pandas as pdimport flaskimport dashfrom dash import Dash, Input, Output, dcc, htmlimport plotly.express as pxdata=pd.read_csv("data.csv")params=list(data.columns)[0:-1]params.sort()external_stylesheets = [ { "href": ( "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?" "family=Lato:wght@400;700&display=swap" ), "rel": "stylesheet", },]app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)server = app.serverapp.title = "Breeders Equation Simulator- Explore Gain Parameters"app.layout = html.Div( children=[ #header element html.Div( children=[ #title html.H1( children="Breeder's Equation Simulator", className="header-title" ), # #logo # html.Img( # src="assets/BIO-Icon-01.jpg", className="center" # ), #description html.P( children=( "Explore how Response to Selection dynamics are affected when you change the values of the variables in the breeders equation (R=iaσ/L)." "Start by picking one variable to explore from the drop down list. You can change its value with the slider bar." " How does R change when you change the value of your variable?" ), className="card-menu", ), html.P( children=( "The breeders equation is R=iaσ/L, where R is Response to Selection, i is selection intensity, a is selection accuracy, σ is genetic variance" ), className="card-menu", ), ], className="header", ), ### menu of elements for user to select html.Div( children=[ #drop down menu for parameters to vary html.Div( children=[ html.Div(children="Parameter", className="menu-title"), dcc.Dropdown( id="paramater-filter", options=[ {"label": param, "value": param} for param in params ], value="GeneticVariance", clearable=False, className="menu-title", ), ] ) , #container for responsive slider element html.Div(id='slider-output-container'), ], className="menu", ), ###charts html.Div( children=[ #chart 1 html.Div( children=dcc.Graph( id="chart-1", config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), className="card", ), #chart 2 html.Div( children=dcc.Graph( id="chart-2", config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), className="card", ), #chart 3 html.Div( children=dcc.Graph( id="chart-3", config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), className="card", ), ], className="wrapper", ), ])#responsive slider [email protected]( Output('slider-output-container', 'children'), Input('paramater-filter', 'value'))def update_slider_output(value): if value == "Length": return html.Div( children=[ html.Div(children="ParamValue", className="menu-title"), dcc.Slider( min=0, max=10, step=1, id="paramater-value", className="menu-title", value=5 ), ], ) else: return html.Div( children=[ html.Div(children="ParamValue", className="menu-title"), dcc.Slider( min=0, max=1, step=0.1, id="paramater-value", className="menu-title", value=0.5 ), ], ) @app.callback( Output('chart-1', 'figure'), Output("chart-2", "figure"), Output("chart-3", "figure"), Input("paramater-value", "value"), Input("paramater-filter", "value"))def update_charts(ParamValue,param): filtered_data = data.query("{0} == @ParamValue".format(param)) u_params=[k for k in params if param not in k] # if param=="GeneticVariance": # filtered_data=filtered_data.groupby["SelectionIntensity", "SelectionAccuracy"] chart_1_figure=px.line(filtered_data, x=u_params[0], y="ResponsetoSelection", color=u_params[1], symbol=u_params[2]) chart_1_figure.update_layout(yaxis_range=[0,1],plot_bgcolor="white", title=('Effect of '+u_params[0]+ ' on Response to Selection while holding '+str(param)+' constant at '+str(ParamValue))) chart_2_figure=px.line(filtered_data, x=u_params[1], y="ResponsetoSelection", color=u_params[2], symbol=u_params[0]) chart_2_figure.update_layout(yaxis_range=[0,1],plot_bgcolor="white", title=('Effect of '+u_params[1]+ ' on Response to Selection while holding '+str(param)+' constant at '+str(ParamValue))) chart_3_figure=px.line(filtered_data, x=u_params[2], y="ResponsetoSelection", color=u_params[1], symbol=u_params[0]) chart_3_figure.update_layout(yaxis_range=[0,1],plot_bgcolor="white", title=('Effect of '+u_params[2]+ ' on Response to Selection while holding '+str(param)+' constant at '+str(ParamValue))) return chart_1_figure, chart_2_figure, chart_3_figureif __name__ == "__main__": app.run_server(debug=True)