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語言、科技與社會變遷 Language, Technology and Social Change |
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Graduate seminar on the social effects of developments in communications technology, including writing, the printing press, the internet, and mobile communications. (Discontinued.) |
In addition to studying classic historical and anthropological texts on orality, literacy, the printing press, particular attention will be focused on recent studies about how indigenous people are using the internet. We will also focus on the concept of “intellectual property” and how new technologies are challenging indigenous conceptions of ownership. Some questions we will ask in this course are: Does writing a language down change a culture? Is the printing press really responsible for the rise of nationalism? When did the concept of “the author” first emerge? What is the difference between text and images? Can we promote free access to knowledge and protect indigenous rights at the same time?
除了研討歷史學與人類學在口述資料、文學、印刷資料上的經典文本外,特別會將焦點置於原住民如何使用網路的最近文獻報告。此外也會關注「財產權」的概念,以及新科技如何挑戰原住民的所有權概念。 在此門課程我們將會探問:將語言書寫成文字會改變一個文化嗎?印刷術真的要為民族主義蓬勃興起而負責嗎?「作者」這樣的概念是何時產生的?文本與影像的差異為何?同時我們能否促進保護原住民知識與權利?