diff --git a/CNAME b/CNAME
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e34f5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CNAME
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c0a588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+source 'https://rubygems.org'
+# A simple Ruby Gem to bootstrap dependencies for setting up and
+# maintaining a local Jekyll environment in sync with GitHub Pages
+# https://github.com/github/pages-gem
+gem 'github-pages'
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffa364c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ remote: https://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ RedCloth (4.2.9)
+ activesupport (
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
+ i18n (~> 0.7)
+ minitest (~> 5.1)
+ tzinfo (~> 1.1)
+ addressable (2.4.0)
+ blankslate (
+ classifier-reborn (2.0.4)
+ fast-stemmer (~> 1.0)
+ coffee-script (2.4.1)
+ coffee-script-source
+ execjs
+ coffee-script-source (1.11.1)
+ colorator (0.1)
+ concurrent-ruby (1.0.2)
+ ethon (0.10.1)
+ ffi (>= 1.3.0)
+ execjs (2.7.0)
+ faraday (0.10.0)
+ multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
+ fast-stemmer (1.0.2)
+ ffi (1.9.14)
+ gemoji (2.1.0)
+ github-pages (39)
+ RedCloth (= 4.2.9)
+ github-pages-health-check (~> 0.2)
+ jekyll (= 2.4.0)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.0.1)
+ jekyll-feed (= 0.3.1)
+ jekyll-mentions (= 0.2.1)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.8.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.3.0)
+ jekyll-sitemap (= 0.8.1)
+ jemoji (= 0.5.0)
+ kramdown (= 1.5.0)
+ liquid (= 2.6.2)
+ maruku (= 0.7.0)
+ mercenary (~> 0.3)
+ pygments.rb (= 0.6.3)
+ rdiscount (= 2.1.7)
+ redcarpet (= 3.3.2)
+ terminal-table (~> 1.4)
+ github-pages-health-check (0.3.2)
+ net-dns (~> 0.6)
+ public_suffix (~> 1.4)
+ typhoeus (~> 0.7)
+ html-pipeline (1.9.0)
+ activesupport (>= 2)
+ nokogiri (~> 1.4)
+ i18n (0.7.0)
+ jekyll (2.4.0)
+ classifier-reborn (~> 2.0)
+ colorator (~> 0.1)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-gist (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-paginate (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-watch (~> 1.1)
+ kramdown (~> 1.3)
+ liquid (~> 2.6.1)
+ mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
+ pygments.rb (~> 0.6.0)
+ redcarpet (~> 3.1)
+ safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
+ toml (~> 0.1.0)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (1.0.1)
+ coffee-script (~> 2.2)
+ jekyll-feed (0.3.1)
+ jekyll-gist (1.4.0)
+ octokit (~> 4.2)
+ jekyll-mentions (0.2.1)
+ html-pipeline (~> 1.9.0)
+ jekyll (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (0.8.0)
+ jekyll (>= 2.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (1.3.0)
+ sass (~> 3.2)
+ jekyll-sitemap (0.8.1)
+ jekyll-watch (1.5.0)
+ listen (~> 3.0, < 3.1)
+ jemoji (0.5.0)
+ gemoji (~> 2.0)
+ html-pipeline (~> 1.9)
+ jekyll (>= 2.0)
+ kramdown (1.5.0)
+ liquid (2.6.2)
+ listen (3.0.8)
+ rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
+ rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
+ maruku (0.7.0)
+ mercenary (0.3.6)
+ mini_portile2 (2.1.0)
+ minitest (5.10.1)
+ multipart-post (2.0.0)
+ net-dns (0.8.0)
+ nokogiri (
+ mini_portile2 (~> 2.1.0)
+ octokit (4.6.2)
+ sawyer (~> 0.8.0, >= 0.5.3)
+ parslet (1.5.0)
+ blankslate (~> 2.0)
+ posix-spawn (0.3.12)
+ public_suffix (1.5.3)
+ pygments.rb (0.6.3)
+ posix-spawn (~> 0.3.6)
+ yajl-ruby (~> 1.2.0)
+ rb-fsevent (0.9.8)
+ rb-inotify (0.9.7)
+ ffi (>= 0.5.0)
+ rdiscount (2.1.7)
+ redcarpet (3.3.2)
+ safe_yaml (1.0.4)
+ sass (3.4.22)
+ sawyer (0.8.1)
+ addressable (>= 2.3.5, < 2.6)
+ faraday (~> 0.8, < 1.0)
+ terminal-table (1.7.3)
+ unicode-display_width (~> 1.1.1)
+ thread_safe (0.3.5)
+ toml (0.1.2)
+ parslet (~> 1.5.0)
+ typhoeus (0.8.0)
+ ethon (>= 0.8.0)
+ tzinfo (1.2.2)
+ thread_safe (~> 0.1)
+ unicode-display_width (1.1.1)
+ yajl-ruby (1.2.1)
+ ruby
+ github-pages
+ 1.13.6
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5091120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Otander
+MIT License
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..524f8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# Pixyll
+![Pixyll screenshot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1424573/3847467/134aa236-1e66-11e4-8421-4e8c122118dc.png)
+Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff. It's mobile _first_, fluidly responsive, and delightfully lightweight.
+It's pretty minimal, but leverages large type and drastic contrast to make a statement, on all devices.
+This Jekyll theme was crafted with <3 by [John Otander](http://johnotander.com)
+中文版 .
+## Getting Started
+If you're completely new to Jekyll, I recommend checking out the documentation at or there's a tutorial by [Smashing Magazine](http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/08/01/build-blog-jekyll-github-pages/).
+$ git clone git@github.com:johnotander/pixyll.git
+$ cd pixyll
+$ gem install bundler # If you don't have bundler installed
+$ bundle install
+If you don't want to install anything in your local machine, you can create a free development environment for this Pixyll project in the cloud on [Nitrous.io](https://www.nitrous.io) by clicking the button below.
+In the IDE, start Pixyll via `Run > Start Pixyll` and access your site via `Preview > 3000`.
+#### Verify your Jekyll version
+It's important to also check your version of Jekyll since this project uses Native Sass which
+is [only supported by 2.0+](http://jekyllrb.com/news/2014/05/06/jekyll-turns-2-0-0/).
+### Fork, then clone
+Fork the repo, and then clone it so you've got the code locally.
+### Modify the `_config.yml`
+The `_config.yml` located in the root of the Pixyll directory contains all of the configuration details
+for the Jekyll site. The defaults are:
+# Site settings
+title: Pixyll
+email: your_email@example.com
+author: John Otander
+description: "A simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff."
+baseurl: ""
+url: "http://pixyll.com"
+# Build settings
+markdown: kramdown
+permalink: pretty
+paginate: 3
+### Jekyll Serve
+Then, start the Jekyll Server. I always like to give the `--watch` option so it updates the generated HTML when I make changes.
+$ jekyll serve --watch
+Now you can navigate to `localhost:4000` in your browser to see the site.
+### Using Github Pages
+You can host your Jekyll site for free with Github Pages. [Click here](https://pages.github.com/) for more information.
+#### A configuration tweak if you're using a gh-pages sub-folder
+In addition to your github-username.github.io repo that maps to the root url, you can serve up sites by using a gh-pages branch for other repos so they're available at github-username.github.io/repo-name.
+This will require you to modify the `_config.yml` like so:
+# Site settings
+title: Repo Name
+email: your_email@example.com
+author: John Otander
+description: "Repo description"
+baseurl: "/repo-name"
+url: "http://github-username.github.io"
+# Build settings
+markdown: kramdown
+permalink: pretty
+paginate: 3
+This will ensure that the the correct relative path is constructed for your assets and posts. Also, in order to run the project locally, you will need to specify the blank string for the baseurl: `$ jekyll serve --baseurl ''`.
+##### If you don't want the header to link back to the root url
+You will also need to tweak the header include `/{{ site.baseurl }}`:
+A relevant Jekyll Github Issue:
+### Contact Form
+The contact form uses . It will require you to fill the form out and submit it once, before going live, to confirm your email.
+More setup instructions and advanced options can be found at [http://formspree.io](http://formspree.io/)
+### Disqus
+To configure Disqus, set up a [Disqus site](https://disqus.com/admin/create/) with the same name as your site. Then, in `_config.yml`, edit the `disqus_shortname` value to enable Disqus.
+### Customizing the CSS
+All variables can be found in the `_sass/_variables.scss` file, toggle these as you'd like to change the look and feel of Pixyll.
+### Page Animation
+If you would like to add a [fade-in-down effect](http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/), you can add `animated: true` to your `_config.yml`.
+### AnchorJS
+[AnchorJS](https://github.com/bryanbraun/anchorjs): _A JavaScript utility for adding deep anchor links to existing page content. AnchorJS is lightweight, accessible, and has no dependencies._ You can turn it on by toggling `enable_anchorjs`. Because it offers many ways for customization, tweaks should be done in `_includes/footer.html`. Default settings after turning AnchorJS on are:
+See [documentation](http://bryanbraun.github.io/anchorjs/#basic-usage) for more options.
+### Put in a Pixyll Plug
+If you want to give credit to the Pixyll theme with a link to or my personal website somewhere, that'd be awesome. No worries if you don't.
+### Web analytics and search engines
+You can measure visits to your website either by using [Google Analytics](https://www.google.com/analytics/) tracking embed or the more advanced [Google Tag Manager](https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/) container.
+* For Google Analytics set up the value for `google_analytics`, it should be something like `google_analytics: UA-XXXXXXXX-X`.
+* For Google Tag Manager set up the value for `google_tag_manager`, it should be something like: `google_tag_manager: GTM-XXXXX`.
+* _Do not_ set both of above methods because this will cause conflicts and skew your reporting data.
+* Remember that you need to properly configure the GTM container in its admin panel if you want it to work. More info is available in [GTM's docs](https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/resources/).
+Your website is, by default, set to be allowed for crawling and indexing by search engines. (Unless you made yourself a custom robots.txt file). You can use front matter settings on each page to control how search engines will it. Sometimes you may want to exclude a particular page from indexing or forbid Google to store a copy of your page in its cache. It is up to you. Use the `meta_robots` frontmatter key and assign values based on [this table](https://developers.google.com/webmasters/control-crawl-index/docs/robots_meta_tag?hl=en#valid-indexing--serving-directives). Some examples:
+# exclude page from index
+meta_robots: noindex
+# allow indexing, disallow caching
+meta_robots: noarchive
+# allow indexing, disallow crawling links
+meta_robots: nofollow
+# disallow indexing, follow links
+meta_robots: noindex,follow
+In order to get more information about your website's status in search engines, you can register it in [Google Search Console](https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home) and/or [Bing Webmaster Tools](http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster). Both these tools will ask you to authorize your website with them and there are couple of ways to do that. Pixyll supports verification via meta tags - just fill in values for `google_verification` and/or `bing_verification` in `_config.yml`, the verification strings and meta tags will then be added automatically.
+If search engine optimization is your thing, you can also set up `meta_description` values for each page/post. By default Pixyll uses `summary` to populate the `` tag and falls back to `description` from `_config.yml` if `summary` is not present in page/post's front matter. The `summary` is also used for generating Open Graph tags. Why would you want to use a dedicated variable for meta description? Because character limit to properly display this description in search results (as a snippet) is way smaller than in Open Graph. It is recommended to keep it at 155-160 characters, for more in-depth info read [this article](https://moz.com/blog/i-cant-drive-155-meta-descriptions-in-2015).
+And lastly - if you happen to write in language other than English be sure to change `og_locale` in `_config.yml` to reflect it.
+### Enjoy
+I hope you enjoy using Pixyll. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to let me know by creating an [issue](https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll/issues). I'd love to help.
+## Upgrading Pixyll
+Pixyll is always being improved by its users, so sometimes one may need to upgrade.
+#### Ensure there's an upstream remote
+If `git remote -v` doesn't have an upstream listed, you can do the following to add it:
+git remote add upstream https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll.git
+#### Pull in the latest changes
+git pull upstream master
+There may be merge conflicts, so be sure to fix the files that git lists if they occur. That's it!
+## Thanks to the following
+* [BASSCSS](http://basscss.com)
+* [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com)
+* [Refills](http://refills.bourbon.io/)
+* [Solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized)
+* [Animate.css](http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/)
+## Contributing
+1. Fork it
+2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
+3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
+4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
+5. Create new Pull Request
diff --git a/README.nitrous.md b/README.nitrous.md
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..55fd51e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.nitrous.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Setup
+Welcome to your Pixyll project on Nitrous.
+## Running the Jekyll server:
+In the [Nitrous IDE](https://community.nitrous.io/docs/ide-overview), start Pixyll via "Run > Start Pixyll"
+Now you've got a development server running and can see the output in the Nitrous terminal window. You can open up a new shell or utilize [tmux](https://community.nitrous.io/docs/tmux) to open new shells to run other commands.
+## Preview the app
+In the Nitrous IDE, open the "Preview" menu and click "Port 3000".
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..52fca8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+drafts_dir = '_drafts'
+posts_dir = '_posts'
+# rake post['my new post']
+desc 'create a new post with "rake post[\'post title\']"'
+task :post, :title do |t, args|
+ if args.title
+ title = args.title
+ else
+ puts "Please try again. Remember to include the filename."
+ end
+ mkdir_p "#{posts_dir}"
+ filename = "#{posts_dir}/#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-#{title.downcase.gsub(/[^\w]+/, '-')}.md"
+ puts "Creating new post: #{filename}"
+ File.open(filename, "w") do |f|
+ f << <<-EOS.gsub(/^ /, '')
+ ---
+ layout: post
+ title: #{title}
+ date: #{Time.new.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}
+ categories:
+ ---
+ end
+# Uncomment the line below if you want the post to automatically open in your default text editor
+# system ("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{filename}")
+# usage: rake draft['my new draft']
+desc 'create a new draft post with "rake draft[\'draft title\']"'
+task :draft, :title do |t, args|
+ if args.title
+ title = args.title
+ else
+ puts "Please try again. Remember to include the filename."
+ end
+ mkdir_p "#{drafts_dir}"
+ filename = "#{drafts_dir}/#{title.downcase.gsub(/[^\w]+/, '-')}.md"
+ puts "Creating new draft: #{filename}"
+ File.open(filename, "w") do |f|
+ f << <<-EOS.gsub(/^ /, '')
+ ---
+ layout: post
+ title: #{title}
+ date: #{Time.new.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}
+ categories:
+ ---
+ end
+# Uncomment the line below if you want the draft to automatically open in your default text editor
+# system ("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{filename}")
+desc 'preview the site with drafts'
+task :preview do
+ puts "## Generating site"
+ puts "## Stop with ^C ( +C )"
+ system "jekyll serve --watch --drafts"
+desc 'list tasks'
+task :list do
+ puts "Tasks: #{(Rake::Task.tasks - [Rake::Task[:list]]).join(', ')}"
+ puts "(type rake -T for more detail)\n\n"
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be29a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Site settings
+title: Syllabi 課程大綱
+email: kerim.mail@oxus.net
+author: Kerim Friedman 傅可恩
+description: "P. Kerim Friedman's Courses. 傅可恩老師的教材。"
+baseurl: "/syllabi"
+url: "http://kerim.github.io"
+date_format: "%b %-d, %Y"
+# Google services
+# Use either direct GA implementation or set up GTM account
+# - using both will skew your data (leave blank to not use at all)
+# Bing services
+# Optional features
+animated: false
+show_related_posts: false
+show_post_footers: false
+show_social_icons: false
+ajaxify_contact_form: false
+enable_mathjax: false
+extended_fonts: false
+enable_anchorjs: false
+# Facebook Page integration
+# (for instant articles and other stuff)
+fb_page: false
+# Disqus post comments
+# (leave blank to disable Disqus)
+# Facebook Comments plugin
+# (leave blank to disable Facebook Comments, otherwise set it to true)
+facebook_comments_number: 10
+# Social icons
+# Post sharing icons
+show_sharing_icons: false
+# Change to 'true' to enable individual icons
+share_facebook: false
+share_twitter: false
+share_googleplus: false
+share_linkedin: false
+share_digg: false
+share_tumblr: false
+share_reddit: false
+share_stumbleupon: false
+share_hackernews: false
+ pagination:
+ newer: 'Newer'
+ older: 'Older'
+ share_buttons:
+ text: 'Share this post!'
+ facebook: 'Share on Facebook'
+ twitter: 'Share on Twitter'
+ googleplus: 'Share on Google+'
+ linkedin: 'Share on LinkedIn'
+ digg: 'Share on Digg'
+ tumblr: 'Share on Tumblr'
+ reddit: 'Share on Reddit'
+ stumbleupon: 'Share on StumbleUpon'
+ hackernews: 'Share on Hacker News'
+ post:
+ updated: 'Updated'
+ minute_read: 'minute read'
+ related_posts: 'Related Posts'
+ index:
+ coming_soon: 'Coming soon...'
+ contact:
+ email: 'Email Address'
+ content: 'What would you like to say?'
+ subject: 'New submission!'
+ submit: 'Say Hello'
+ ajax:
+ sending: 'sending..'
+ sent: 'Message sent!'
+ error: 'Error!'
+ thanks: 'Thanks for contacting us. We will reply as soon as possible.'
+ og_locale: 'en_US'
+# Build settings
+markdown: kramdown
+ extensions: ['smart', 'tables', 'with_toc_data']
+permalink: pretty
+paginate: 4
+ compressed: true
+ - jekyll-paginate
+ - jekyll-sitemap
+# https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2938
+exclude: [vendor]
diff --git a/_includes/ajaxify_content_form.html b/_includes/ajaxify_content_form.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1de3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/ajaxify_content_form.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/_includes/cc.markdown b/_includes/cc.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0242297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/cc.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This document is by [Kerim Friedman](http://kerim.oxus.net/) and is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Taiwan License 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享 3.0 台灣](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/tw/).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_includes/footer.html b/_includes/footer.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..911caff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/footer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{% if site.enable_anchorjs %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/_includes/grading-culturaltheory.markdown b/_includes/grading-culturaltheory.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd7384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/grading-culturaltheory.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+## 作業與評分 Grading
+1. 課堂報告(40%):每位學生(含旁聽生)選擇6次課堂報告,報告內容為該周之(部份或全部)授課內容,長度為20分鐘(未定)。報告以書寫講稿為方式,請於上課前自行影印並於上課時發放予每一位同學和老師。
+2. 正式辯論(40%):本課程將舉行兩次正式辯論,一次在期中,第二次在期末。學生將被要求為某一作者的著作與主要概念進行辯護。一半學生是辯士,另一半是裁判,裁判要對辯士提出問題。
+3. 心得報告(20%):每位學生每週需於本課程專屬部落格上公告每篇文章心得。
diff --git a/_includes/grading-english.markdown b/_includes/grading-english.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0871eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/grading-english.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+## Teaching Method
+In addition to developing a broad understanding of the key topics taught in this class, this course also seeks to develop each student's ability to understand and discuss academic texts (including any visual "texts" such as films). This requires that students be able to explain a text's key concepts in both oral and written assignments. Written assignments are to be done individually while oral assignments will be done in small groups. To this end, students will be divided up into groups on the first day of class. (These groups will be adjusted after the add/drop period is over to ensure that they are evenly sized.) Weekly assignments will be divided evenly between groups. While the number of weekly assignments will depend on the size of the class, commonly each group ends up being responsible for approximately two weekly assignments per a semester. For each of these weeks students are expected to write a written report on the assigned text. Also, each group is expected to make a collective oral presentation to the class for the weeks they've been assigned. There will also be midterm and final exams. In smaller classes these exams will be conducted orally, while larger classes necessitate written exams. Class participation is an important part of the class and students will receive a grade for their contribution to classroom discussion. Finally, to facilitate communication there will be an online discussion forum set up for the class. (Posts to that forum will also count towards the participation grade.) Detailed instructions for each kind of assignment are provided in the "assignments" section of the syllabus.
+## Understanding Grades
+### Grading System
+* Participation: 15%
+* Written Reports: 25%
+* Oral Presentations (group score): 20%
+* Midterm Exam: 20%
+* Final Exam: 20%
+### What Grades Mean
+* "E" (Below 50) – You are a ghost. Either I didn't see you all semester, or maybe you have been sent to hell for plagiarism?
+* "D" (50-59) – You are a zombie. I see your body in class, but your brain is somewhere else.
+* "C" (60-69) – Soldier. You do exactly what you are told. No more, no less.
+* "B" (70-79) – Scholar. You are enthusiastic about learning new ideas, but maybe you were daydreaming too much to get an "A"?
+* "A" (80-100) – Hero. You combine the qualities of the soldier and the scholar, not only fulfilling the course requirements but also going beyond them in your pursuit of knowledge.
+## Assignments
+### Written Reports
+* These are to be written individually. Students are encouraged to meet in groups to discuss the reading, but each report should be unique to that student. (If there is any duplicate content between individual reports it will be treated as plagiarism and punished accordingly.)
+* Written reports should be between 900 and 1800 characters of original writing (not including direct quotations and the bibliography).
+* If there are more than one text assigned that week, or if I have explictly divided a single text into smaller parts for each student, then the group should divide the texts up between group members so that each student is only writing about one of the assigned texts.
+* Cite all your sources! The report should follow standard academic practices for in-text citations and the final bibliography. (See the [section on plagiarism](http://kerim.oxus.net/syllabi/about-plagiarism-english/) for more details.)
+* Students must hand-in all the reuqired reports in order to receive a passing grade for the course. (Work that is plagiarised or sub-standard will not count.)
+* All written reports should contain the following sections, in the following order:
+ 1. Context: Discuss the background and context for the text. This will require doing additional research and will be different for each kind of text. For instance, if the article is replying to a previous work by another scholar, then the report should briefly describe that previous work. If the text is describing a culture or society that is not familiar to students in the class, then the report should give a brief introduction to that culture or society. Context may also include information about the author, but only if that is somehow useful to understanding the text. (Points will be taken off if the context discussion is irrelevent to understanding the text.)
+ 2. Key points (with examples): What are the key points made by the author in this text? Some authors make this easy, summarizing their own key findings, while other texts require close reading identify the author's key points. In either case, don't just provide a list of these points, but explain each one briefly and clearly. In doing so, provide examples for each of these points to help illustrate what they mean. (Extra points if students can supplement the examples used in the text with their own examples - either drawn from other readings or from personal experience.)
+ 3. Methodology: How does the author support their argument? What methodology is used (ethography, statistics, archival research, etc.) and how well does this kind of data support the points that the author wishes to make? (If the text is not an academic research paper, you can skip this section.)
+ 4. Commentary: This should be your own personal thoughts about the text. It can take the form of questions, criticism, or a meditation on the importance of this text for your own life. This section must reflect careful, original, thought. (Points will be taken off if you resort to platitudes or clichés to avoid the hard work of saying something original, but there is no "wrong" answer and students are encouraged to say what they really think.)
+### Oral Presentations
+* While the reading analysis is an individual assignment, the presentation is a group assignment.
+* Everyone in the group must participate in the presentation, each one speaking in turn.
+* Students who miss their presentation because they are late or fail to attend class on the day they are supposed to present will not receive any grade for that presentation and will have to complete a makeup assignment in order to receive a passing grade for the course.
+* Students must prepare lecture notes for the presentation. Students must collectively write a presentation lecture that is different from their written report. Nor can students read directly from the assigned text. These presentation notes must be a collective endeavor.
+* You must prepare a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation as well. The PPT should not be the same as your lecture notes, but should serve to help illustrate and highlight the main points in your text.
+* Each group will have 20 min to present. On average, you should spend no longer than 30 seconds on each Power Point slide, so for a 20 min presentation you will want approximately 40 slides. Also, the slides should vary between text based slides and images and/or charts (as necessary). Some effort should be made to make the slides attractive and easy to read from the back of the classroom.
+### Handing in the written reports and oral presentations
+* Written Reports
+ * Written reports are due at the start of class one week prior to the date that text will be discussed in class. (If there is no class that week, then discuss with the TA how to hand in the homework. If the first presentation is due on the second week of class, then it can be handed in one day before the class.) This is so that groups have one week to prepare for their oral presentations after having finished writing their individual reports.
+ * In addition to hading in a paper copy of the report, all students should email a copy of the report to the TA on the same day.
+ * The top of the report should contain the following information: name, student number, email address, date the assignment was due, and the date the assignment as completed (this last item is only required if the completion date is different from due date).
+ * The title of the report should be the name and author of the text being discussed.
+ * When emailing documents please include your name and group number in the filename.
+* Oral Presentations
+ * The PPT file and the written lecture notes should be emailed to the TA the same day as the presentation. (They can be sent after class.)
+ * Both documents should contain the the following information at the top of the first page (or on a cover page): group number, names and student numbers of all students in the group, date the assignment was due, and the title and author of the work being discussed.
+ * When emailing documents please include your name and group number in the filename.
+### Participation
+Actively participating in class discussion is an essential part of your overall score. Don't worry if I disagree with what you say. I prefer students to express strong opinions, even if they are different from my own. If you are shy in front of other students you can participate online instead. There is no distinction made between online and in-class participation.
+### Oral Exams
+* Students should treat oral exams as seriously as they do written ones.
+* Oral exams will include topics discussed in class lectures, not only the assigned readings, and not only what was on the PPT for that lecture, so students should take good notes in class. (If students miss any classes they are still responsible for knowing what was discussed on those days and should ask a classmate to help them take notes.)
+* Students are expected to review all course materials and lecture notes before the exam.
+* During oral exams students are only allowed to bring a single sheet of paper with notes. (I advise students not to write too many notes. Questions have to be answered promtply and having too many notes makes it impossible to find what you are looking for in time to answer the question.)
+* Oral exams are conducted in groups, but each student answers questions on their own and is graded individually. Students who have already answered several questions are asked to let other students have a chance to answer first before answering.
+* Students who are absent from the oral exam, or fail to answer any of the questions, will fail the class.
+### Written Exams
+* If it is an unusually large class it is not possible to conduct oral exams. Instead students will be asked to answer essay-type questions in class. (There will be no written exam if oral exams are given instead.)
+* Students are only allowed to bring a single sheet of paper with notes.
+* Students who are absent from the written exam, or fail to answer any of the questions, will fail the class.
+### Questions
+If in doubt, ask! I have regular office hours, an e-mail list for the class, and students have my private e-mail address. There is no excuse for not knowing what is expected of you.
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+## 教學方法
+This is a seminar style class. Students are all expected to do the weekly readings every week. In addition, there will be in-class presentations on the readings which will be assigned each week. The exact number of presentations required will depend on class enrollment. Because the readings require a knowledge of films as well as texts, there will also be two to three films assigned each week. Students are encouraged to schedule a time to watch these films together, but it is not required and a copy of the films will be left in the office for those students who wish to borrow them for home viewing. Watching these films is not optional as each week's readings are paired to the films assigned for that week and viewing them is necessary in order to follow the discussion. The assignments will be in the form of two "visual essays" with the details of what is required to be handed out during the second week of class. A short visual essay on an individual scene will be presented in class during midterms, and a longer visual essay on a documentary film or director will be presented during the last two weeks of class.
+## 評分標準
+ * Class Participation 15%
+ * Weekly presentations 25%
+ * Midterm visual essay: 30%
+ * Final visual essay: 40%
+### 問題
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+## 教學評量
+- 平時作業:40%
+- 期末專題:40%
+- 課程參與:20%
+## 課堂參與
+Reading for this class has been kept to a minimum so as to give students more time to focus on the hands-on experience of making ethnographic films. However, there is still some required reading, most of which is available in Chinese. All students are expected to do all of the reading and to come to class ready to discuss the reading.
+## 平時作業
+同學們將會完成三份小的指定作業,是有關於影片製作的不同風格。觀察式影片作業要自然記錄人類行為,而沒有留下評論;訪談式影片作業則包含不同狀況下的全部訪談(譬如室內坐下來談,或是到戶外邊走邊談)。也會有反身式影片的作業需要製作一份短的影像論文,這份作業會使用由我提供的拾得錄像(found footage)。到時候會提供同學們這些作業的講義和說明。每一份作業的影片維持在大約五分鐘的長度,成品將會在課堂上與大家分享並討論。
+Students will complete three shorter homework assignments to learn different styles of filmmaking. There will be an "observational" film which records naturally occurring human behavior without commentary. There will be an "interview" assignment which consists entirely of interviews in different settings (such as sitting down indoors, or walking around outdoors). And there will be a "reflexive" assignment which uses "found footage" (supplied by the instructor) to make a short video essay. Students will be provided with handouts and explanations for these assignments over the course of the semester. Each of these pieces will be approximately five minutes long and will be shared and discussed in class.
+## 期末專題
+請對待這份專題如一份研究報告。然而,不像研究報告,你不太可能在學期末時補足進度。為了幫助同學們規劃專題進度,我已經將專題拆成一整學期裡一連串的小作業。這些作業包含撰寫主題敘述、完成原則拍攝(principle shooting)、撰寫拍攝日誌以及謄寫拍攝內容等等。詳細的時程請見課程流程。到時候我會提供同學每一個環節作業的說明與講義,期末專題以不超過十五分鐘為準。
+Treat this project as you would a research paper. Unlike a research paper, however, it is not possible to make up for lost time at the end of the semester. To help students with planning, this project has been broken down into a series of smaller assignments with deadlines throughout the semester. These will include things like writing up a topic statement, completing principle shooting, writing up shooting logs and transcripts, etc. See the course outline for the exact due dates for each of these assignments. Students will be provided with hand outs and explanations for each of these assignments over the course of the semester. The final project should be under fifteen minutes in length.
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+## 教學方法
+除了讓同學對於這門課的主要課題有寬廣的理解外,本課程也希望發展每一位同學理解與討論學術文獻的能力 (包含任何視覺文本,譬如電影)。學生必須有能力在口頭與書寫作業中解釋文本的主要概念。書面作業得是由個人完成,口頭報告則會以小組進行。學生將會在第一堂課時分組。(組別會在加退選結束後調整,以確保人數平均)。每週作業會平均分配給各組,不過每週作業量會視班級大小而定,一般來說每一組一整學期會大約負責兩周。每一週學生必須要針對指定閱讀撰寫書面報告。此外,也期望每一組必須要在他們被指定的周次做口頭報告。這門課還有期中考與期末考,如果班級較小,會以口頭進行,如果班級較大,就得靠手寫考試。課堂參與對這門課而言十分重要,同學會根據他們在課堂討論中的付出,得到一個成績。最後,為了促進溝通,本課程會開立一個線上論壇。(在論壇中貼文也會算做課堂參與)。關於每一項作業的細節,請見課程大綱相對應的部分。
+([Teaching Method, Grading, and Assignments in English](http://kerim.oxus.net/syllabi/english/))
+## 評分標準
+### 分數比例
+* 課堂參與: 15%
+* 撰寫報告: 25%
+* 口頭報告 (小組成績): 20%
+* 期中考: 20%
+* 期末考: 20%
+### 分數意義
+* "E" (0-50) – 你像幽靈一樣,整個學期我沒見過你,或是你可能已經被騙到地獄去了?
+* "D" (50-59) – 你像殭屍,我在課堂上看到你的身體,但你的魂已經飄到不曉得哪裡去了。
+* "C" (60-69) – 士兵。你把每一件你被告知的事都做到了,沒多沒少。
+* "B" (70-79) – 學者。你對於學習新想法很有熱忱,但要達到A好像有些異想天開?
+* "A" (80-100) – 英雄。你結合了士兵與學者的性質,不只達到了課程要求,甚至在追求知識上有超越的表現。
+## 作業
+### 書面報告
+* 書面報告是個人作業,我鼓勵同學在小組中討論指定閱讀,但報告仍然必須由個人獨特地完成。(如果報告之間有任何雷同之處,會被視為抄襲並處分。)
+* 每一份書面報告需是控制在900到1800字間的原創書寫 (不包含直接引用和參考文獻的字數)。
+* 如果該週有超過一篇指定文本,或者如果我已經將單一文本分成好幾部份,那麼小組就要自行拆解並分配文本給組內成員,如此每位同學便只會需要撰寫一篇文本的報告。
+* 記得適當地引用你的資料來源!報告必須遵循標準的學術體例,尤其是關於文內引用和文末參考文獻的部分。(請見[抄襲](http://kerim.oxus.net/syllabi/about-plagiarism/)的部分,有更詳細的說明)。
+* 同學必須繳交所有指定的報告,才能通過這們課程。(不合標準或是抄襲的報告不會被計入)。
+* 所有書面報告必須包含以下部分,並且依照以下順序:
+ 1. 脈絡:討論文本的背景與脈絡。這需要做一些額外的研究,並且每一種文本的狀況都會不太一樣。譬如,如果文章是要回應前幾周另一位學者的大作,那麼報告就必須簡短介紹那一篇被評論的作品。如果文章是描述一個這門課同學不熟悉的文化或社會,那麼報告就要包含對該文化或社會的簡短介紹。脈絡也可以包含作者的資訊,但如果那對理解文章內容無所幫助,倒也不是很必要。(如果脈絡的討論與理解文章內容無關,分數會被拉低)
+ 2. 重點 (搭配例子):在這篇文章中作者的主要重點有哪些?有一些作者的主要發現很明確,摘要他們的重點並不難,但有些作者的文字則需要縝密的辨識,才能找到作者的主要論點。無論是何者,不要只列出重點的清單,要對每一項進行簡單明瞭的解釋。為了做到這件事,你需要提供一些例子,以闡述這些重點的意義。(如果同學可以補充自身的例子,將會得到額外的分數,無論是從其他文本或是個人經驗而來的例子)。
+ 3. 方法論:作者如何支持他們的論點?使用什麼樣的方法論(民族誌、統計學、檔案研究等)以及這些資料有多大程度支撐了他們希望做出的論點?(如果文章不是學術文獻,你可以跳過這一部分)。
+ 4. 評論:你個人對於文本的想法。形式上可以是問題、批評,或是思考這篇文章對你生活的重要性。這個部分必須反映出謹慎而原創的思考。(如果你透過老生常談或是陳腔濫調來避免說出一些有原創性的話,會被扣分,但是沒有錯的答案,同學們被鼓勵說出他們真的在思考的事情。)
+### 口頭報告
+* 讀物分析是個人作業,而口頭報告則是小組作業。
+* 小組中的每一個人都必須參與口頭報告,每人輪流發言。
+* 如果同學因為遲到或是缺課而未能參與口頭報告,他們將不會在那次報告中得到任何分數,並且將會需要完成補救的作業,才能通過這門課。
+* 同學需要為口頭報告準備演講筆記。小組必須集體撰寫一份與書面報告不同的筆記。同學也不能直接讀出指定閱讀的內容。這些演講筆記須是集體努力的成果。
+* 各位也必須準備簡報。簡報檔不一定要與你們的演講筆記相同,但必須要能助於闡明與凸顯出你們文字中的重點。
+* 每一組有20分鐘報告。平均來說,你們不該在一張投影片花超過30秒,因此20分鐘得報告大約會需要40張投影片。此外,投影片必須以文字為基礎,必要時加上圖片或圖表。你們也要下一些功夫讓投影片更吸引人,讓教室最後方的同學也能輕鬆閱讀。
+### 報告繳交
+* 書面報告繳交
+ * 書面報告會在文本對應周次的前一週上課前截止。(如果當周沒課,請與助教討論如何繳交作業。如果第一次的報告是在第二週課堂前截止,那麼可以在前一天繳交。) 如此各組便能夠在寫完個人報告後、口頭報告前有一週的時間準備。
+ * 除了繳交紙本外,所有同學當日也要電郵一份報告給助教。
+ * 報告最上方應該要包含:名字、學號、電郵地址、作業截止日期,以及作業的完成日期。(最後一項僅需在完成日期與截止日期不同時出現)。
+ * 報告的標題要是文本的名字以及作者。
+ * 郵寄檔案時,請在檔名中打上你的名字與組別。
+* 口頭報告繳交
+ * 簡報檔和演講筆記要在報告當日寄給助教(可以報告完寄沒關係)。
+ * 兩份檔案都要在第一頁上方包含:組別、小組成員的名字和學號、作業截止日期、文本的標題與作者。
+ * 郵寄檔案時,請在檔名中打上名字與組別。
+### 課堂參與
+### 口頭考試
+* 同學們必須用對待書面報告的心態,同等地嚴肅對待口頭考試。
+* 口頭考試將包含在講課中討論過的主題,不只是指定閱讀以及課堂簡報,所以各位必須在上課時有好的筆記。(如果同學錯過任何一堂課,仍然有責任要去知道那堂課討論了什麼,應該去詢問其他同學以尋求筆記上的協助)
+* 期待同學能在考試前重新檢視所有課堂中的閱讀材料以及講課筆記。
+* 口頭考試時,只能攜帶一張寫有筆記的紙。(我建議各位不要寫太多筆記。問題必須被即時回答,準備太多筆記會讓你無法一時找到答案。)
+* 口頭考試以小組為單位進行,但每一個同學必須自己回答問題,打的也是個人分數。已經回答數題的同學,將會被要求讓其他同學有機會先回答。
+* 缺席口頭考試,或是未能答出任何一道題目的同學,將會在這門課被當掉。
+### 論文形式的考試
+* 如果是不尋常的大班級,就不太可能進行口頭考試。取而代之,同學必須要進行論文形式的考試。(如果有口頭考試,就沒有書面考試)。
+* 同學只被允許攜帶一張寫有筆記的紙應考。
+* 若在書面考試中缺席,或是未能回答任何一道題目,都會被當掉。
+### 問題
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+When you write a research paper, you have to explain where you got your information. Some of the ideas you use will be your own, but many will have come from information you have read and people you have interviewed about the topic. To explain where the information comes from, you have to give (cite) the source.[^1]
+## Why cite your sources?
+* To give your writing credibility. You show that you have gathered ideas from worthwhile places.
+* To help the reader. You enable the reader to go and check and read those sources if he/she so wishes.
+* To protect yourself from plagiarism. When you cite all your sources, no one can say that you stole or copied ideas from someone else.
+## What is plagiarism?
+The university defines plagiarism as:
+> "The presentation of the work of another person as one's own or without proper acknowledgment" (Concordia Undergraduate Calendar 2003-2004, page 65)
+While many people might think this means outright cheating by stealing or copying another student's work, it could just as easily refer to copying of anyone else's ideas without saying where they came from. So you are **responsible** to respect this rule by citing all your sources.
+## What counts as "other people's ideas"?
+* All words quoted directly from another source.
+* All ideas paraphrased from a source
+* All ideas borrowed from another source: statistics, graphs, charts.
+* All ideas or materials taken from the Internet
+## What doesn't count?
+* You do not have to cite sources for knowledge that is generally known, like the dates of famous events in history or the names of past Prime ministers. Similarly, phrases like the "Y2K problem" or "the generation gap" indicate concepts generally understood by the public.
+* Also, within your field, there may be terms which are "common knowledge" because they are part of the knowledge shared by people in that field, like the "language experience approach' for educators, or the term "Impressionism" for art enthusiasts.
+* Knowing what to cite /not to cite is also affected by culture. In North America, readers expect to be told where ideas come from. In other cultures there may be more shared and collective understanding of certain ideas or even of memorized texts. For example, a student may have had to memorize a text as part of his learning in a particular subject. If he were to reproduce that text in his own country he may feel he need not give a source, since everyone who studied there (including the professor) would know who wrote it. In North America, however, this is not the case and a North American reader would expect to be told that author's name.
+## Direct quotations:
+When you are using someone else's exact words, you need to place quotations marks (". . .") around the words to show this. You also need to be careful not to rephrase or reorganize these words; otherwise you would be guilty of misrepresenting that author. If you want to leave out part of the author's sentence you can use three ellipsis points (...) to show that words have been omitted. Directly after the quotation, you should indicate where the information comes from, using one of the standard methods (the most used ones are MLA and APA) to document your sources.
+## Paraphrasing
+Many students are unclear about what it means to paraphrase. It is not acceptable to take the original phrasing and just rearrange a few of the original words in order to produce a paraphrase; neither is it acceptable to use the same sentence structure but just rephrase a few key words.
+## Examples:[^2]
+### Original:
+> Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotation in the final research paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes.
+Lester, J. D._Writing Research Papers_. 2nd ed. (1976) 46-47
+### Acceptable paraphrase:
+> In research papers, students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim (Lester, 1976).
+### A plagiarized version:
+> Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the amount of source material copied while taking notes (Lester, 1976)
+When you paraphrase, make sure to understand what the original is saying, then close the book and write the passage in your own words. **Also, note that you need to cite a source for a paraphrase even though you did not quote from the source directly.** In the examples above, the source, Lester, is given after the paraphrase. When youare paraphrasing rather than using exact words, mentioning the page number in the source parentheses is optional, but check with your professor as some may prefer you to include it.
+[^1]: This page is adopted from [Avoiding Plagiarism](https://web.archive.org/web/20111022002834/http://cdev.concordia.ca/CnD/studentlearn/Help/handouts/WritingHO/AvoidingPlagiarism.html) by Student Learning Services, Concordia University. (The original page is no longer available online, so I have copied it here. The link goes to a cached version of the original page at the Internet Archive.) I have slightly altered the text.
+[^2]: These examples of paraphrasing are taken from the handout "Paraphrase - Write it in your own words." [OWL Purdue University Writing Lab](https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/619/1/).
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+[Avoiding Plagiarism - English version](http://kerim.oxus.net/syllabi/about-plagiarism-english/)[^1]
+### 為什麼必須提供引用來源
+- 為了給你的作品可信性。顯示你已經從值得做的地方彙整想法。
+- 提供幫助給希望能去閱讀並檢查那些來源的讀者。
+- 保護你自己免於剽竊,當你引證出你全部的資料來源時,沒有人可以說你偷或者仿製其他人的想法。
+### 剽竊是什麼?
+康科迪亞大學把剽竊定義為:"提出另一個人研究的成果當做自己的,或是沒有適當的承認” (康科迪亞大學生編年目錄2003-2004,第65 頁)
+### 什麼認為是"他人的想法"?
+- 所有詞彙直接引證自另一個來源。
+- 所有想法解譯自一個來源。
+- 所有想法援借自另一個來源,如:統計數字,圖表,圖解。
+- 所有想法或資料引自於網路。
+### 什麼不算是剽竊
+- 你不須引證那些廣為人知的知識,如:著名的歷史事件日期、或過去首相的名字,和像”千禧年的電腦問題”或“代溝”等詞句被大眾理解的概念。
+- 此外,在你的領域中,因同領域的人共用部分的知識,而可能被認為是常識的術語,例如:教育工作者的術語“語言經驗教學法',或對藝術熱衷者的術語 "印象派主義"。
+- 認 知是否需要引證參考資料也受文化影響。在北美洲,讀者期待被告知想法的來源。在其他文化裡,甚至可能分享集體理解的某些想法或者是記住的本文。例如,一個 學生可能必須記住一份本文作為他在一個特殊主旨中的學習的一部分。如果他在他自己的國家重新寫作那份本文,他可能覺得不必提供來源,因為在那學習的每個人(包括教授)都知道是誰寫的。然而,在北美洲讀者期望被告知那位作者的名字
+### 直接的引文:
+當你使用其他人精確的話語時,你需要放置引文記號(". . .")顯示在那些詞彙的週圍。你也需要去注意不要改變措詞或重新組織這些話; 否則,你可能有誤述作者原意的過失。如果你想要略去作者敘述的一部份,你可以使用三個省略號點(...)顯示那些詞彙已被省略,在直接摘引之後,你應該使用一種標準的方法,表明資訊來源,用檔案說明你資料的來源。(最使用的是MLA和APA) (關於更多的具體關於MLA與APA,可參照康科迪亞大學圖書館引證指南)
+### 解譯(解釋意思)
+### 一些例子[^2]
+#### 原稿:
+> 學生經常地在做筆記時過度使用直接的引文,結果使他們在最終的研究論文裡過度摘引,或許你最終的原稿中只有10%應該以直接引證的型式出現。因此,你應該努力限制記筆記時精確抄寫的的抄寫來源資料的總量。 [萊斯特,J. D.《寫研究論文》。 第2版(1976) 46-47。]
+#### 可接受的解譯:
+> 在研究論文中,學生經常過度引證,以至未能把引證的資料保持到理想的水準。這問題通常起源自做筆記期間,它對必要地將紀錄材料逐字減到最小。 (萊斯特,1976)
+#### 一種剽竊版本:
+> 當學生做筆記時,他們經常使用太多的直接的引文,導致在研究論文上佔大多部分。事實上,最後可能只有大約10%應該直接引證的材料,所以做筆記時限制原始資料的總量是重要的(萊斯特,1976)
+你解譯時,確保理解原意是什麼,然後闔上書並且用自己的話書寫。同時,注意到你需要為瞭解譯,引證參考來源,即使你沒有直接引用。在上面的例子裡,來源自萊 斯特的資料,提供在釋義後方。當你是解釋意思而不是使用精確的話時,是否在來源括號中提出的頁數是可選擇的,但和你的教授核定,如同其他你提及的資料。
+### 為麼麼抄襲是錯誤的
+抄襲是一種欺騙的行為,因為學術作業旨在幫助教師評估學生的思維,當你用 他人的作品假冒是自己的,你就損壞了這個任務的終極目標。不論抄襲是有意 還是無意,即使是無意的抄襲也干擾了老師準確評估學生學習成果的能力。如 果學生從事自我剽竊(瞞著老師交出用於其他用途的書面作業),也會干擾老 師。當早期閱讀了抄襲的作業(特別是不知不覺的閱讀),老師無法知道在準 備和編排課程上對學生有多大的幫助。
+抄襲是不誠實的,因為學生提交別人的作品當作是自己的。這如同說謊。因為 適當註明在學術價值的重要性,無知不是一個可被接受的答辯。每個學生都已 被告知抄襲是不可接受的,並已接受正確的引用其來源的訓練。自我剽竊和抄 襲別人一樣是騙人的,由於沒有披露材料的來源,學生刻意給老師他們正在進 行原創作品的假象。
+抄襲是懶惰的,因為他破壞了學術研究的根本目的。有兩種形式的知識:主動 和被動。可以閱讀英文但不能說它只有這個語言的被動知識,發展主動知識需 要強迫自己說這個目標語言。同樣的,用自己的話語撰寫複雜的想法是發展主 動知識基礎必要的。簡單的複製和貼上別人的話只能建立被動知識。通常缺乏 主動知識就導致寫不好論文,抄襲明顯任何人都熟悉的材料。再次,自我剽竊 是一樣糟糕,因為寫作的原始脈絡可能和目前的作業不完全吻合。它不僅是懶 惰的,而且常導致寫不好論文。
+最後,抄襲對他人不公平。對其他做了這個作業的學生不公平。對浪費時間查 明抄襲材料的來源,以證實他們懷疑的老師也是不公平的。對該作品的原創作 者他們的想法沒有被計入也是不公平的。對整個班級也是不公平的,因為它孕 育著不信任的文化,對班級如何被授課產生負面的影響。
+[^1]: Adapted from the [Student Learning Services](https://web.archive.org/web/20111022002834/http://cdev.concordia.ca/CnD/studentlearn/Help/handouts/WritingHO/AvoidingPlagiarism.html), Concordia University.
+[^2]: These examples of paraphrasing are taken from the handout "[Paraphrase - Write it in your own words](https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/619/1/)." 這些解譯的例子取自《解譯--在你自己的話中書寫》OWL Purdue University Writing Lab.
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7892dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2014-06-08-pixyll-has-pagination.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+layout: post
+title: Pixyll has Pagination
+date: 2014-06-08 11:21:29
+summary: This is an empty post to illustrate the pagination component with Pixyll.
+categories: jekyll pixyll
+This is an empty post to illustrate the pagination component with Pixyll.
diff --git a/_posts/2014-06-09-so-what-is-jekyll.md b/_posts/2014-06-09-so-what-is-jekyll.md
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f226353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2014-06-09-so-what-is-jekyll.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+layout: post
+title: So, What is Jekyll?
+date: 2014-06-09 12:32:18
+summary: Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs. Simple, static, and blog-aware.
+categories: jekyll pixyll
+Jekyll is a tool for transforming your plain text into static websites and
+blogs. It is simple, static, and blog-aware. Jekyll uses the
+[Liquid](http://docs.shopify.com/themes/liquid-basics) templating
+language and has builtin [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)
+and [Textile](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_(markup_language)) support.
+It also ties in nicely to [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/).
+Learn more about Jekyll on their [website](http://jekyllrb.com/).
diff --git a/_posts/2014-06-10-see-pixyll-in-action.md b/_posts/2014-06-10-see-pixyll-in-action.md
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+++ b/_posts/2014-06-10-see-pixyll-in-action.md
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+layout: post
+title: Pixyll in Action
+date: 2014-06-10 12:31:19
+summary: See what the different elements looks like. Your markdown has never looked better. I promise.
+categories: jekyll pixyll
+There is a significant amount of subtle, yet precisely calibrated, styling to ensure
+that your content is emphasized while still looking aesthetically pleasing.
+All links are easy to [locate and discern](#), yet don't detract from the [harmony
+of a paragraph](#). The _same_ goes for italics and __bold__ elements. Even the the strikeout
+works if for some reason you need to update your post. For consistency's sake,
+The same goes for insertions, of course.
+### Code, with syntax highlighting
+Here's an example of some ruby code with line anchors.
+{% highlight ruby lineanchors %}
+# The most awesome of classes
+class Awesome < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include EvenMoreAwesome
+ validates_presence_of :something
+ validates :email, email_format: true
+ def initialize(email, name = nil)
+ self.email = email
+ self.name = name
+ self.favorite_number = 12
+ puts 'created awesomeness'
+ end
+ def email_format
+ email =~ /\S+@\S+\.\S+/
+ end
+{% endhighlight %}
+Here's some CSS:
+{% highlight css %}
+.foobar {
+ /* Named colors rule */
+ color: tomato;
+{% endhighlight %}
+Here's some JavaScript:
+{% highlight js %}
+var isPresent = require('is-present')
+module.exports = function doStuff(things) {
+ if (isPresent(things)) {
+ doOtherStuff(things)
+ }
+{% endhighlight %}
+Here's some HTML:
+{% highlight html %}
Hello, world!
+{% endhighlight %}
+# Headings!
+They're responsive, and well-proportioned (in `padding`, `line-height`, `margin`, and `font-size`).
+They also heavily rely on the awesome utility, [BASSCSS](http://www.basscss.com/).
+##### They draw the perfect amount of attention
+This allows your content to have the proper informational and contextual hierarchy. Yay.
+### There are lists, too
+ * Apples
+ * Oranges
+ * Potatoes
+ * Milk
+ 1. Mow the lawn
+ 2. Feed the dog
+ 3. Dance
+### Images look great, too
+### There are also pretty colors
+Also the result of [BASSCSS](http://www.basscss.com/), you can highlight certain components
+of a postwithCSSclasses.
+I don't recommend using blue, though. It looks like a link.
+### Footnotes!
+Markdown footnotes are supported, and they look great! Simply put e.g. `[^1]` where you want the footnote to appear,[^1] and then add
+the reference at the end of your markdown.
+### Stylish blockquotes included
+You can use the markdown quote syntax, `>` for simple quotes.
+> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis porta mauris.
+However, you need to inject html if you'd like a citation footer. I will be working on a way to
+hopefully sidestep this inconvenience.
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
+### There's more being added all the time
+Checkout the [Github repository](https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll) to request,
+or add, features.
+Happy writing.
+[^1]: Important information that may distract from the main text can go in footnotes.
diff --git a/_posts/2014-06-11-welcome-to-pixyll.markdown b/_posts/2014-06-11-welcome-to-pixyll.markdown
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b87ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2014-06-11-welcome-to-pixyll.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+layout: post
+title: Hello, Pixyll
+date: 2014-06-11 15:31:19
+summary: Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff.
+categories: jekyll pixyll
+Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff. It's mobile _first_, fluidly responsive, and delightfully lightweight.
+It's pretty minimal, but leverages large type and drastic contrast to make a statement, on all devices.
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
diff --git a/_site/CNAME b/_site/CNAME
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/_site/Gemfile
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+source 'https://rubygems.org'
+# A simple Ruby Gem to bootstrap dependencies for setting up and
+# maintaining a local Jekyll environment in sync with GitHub Pages
+# https://github.com/github/pages-gem
+gem 'github-pages'
diff --git a/_site/Gemfile.lock b/_site/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/_site/Gemfile.lock
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+ remote: https://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ RedCloth (4.2.9)
+ activesupport (
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
+ i18n (~> 0.7)
+ minitest (~> 5.1)
+ tzinfo (~> 1.1)
+ addressable (2.4.0)
+ blankslate (
+ classifier-reborn (2.0.4)
+ fast-stemmer (~> 1.0)
+ coffee-script (2.4.1)
+ coffee-script-source
+ execjs
+ coffee-script-source (1.11.1)
+ colorator (0.1)
+ concurrent-ruby (1.0.2)
+ ethon (0.10.1)
+ ffi (>= 1.3.0)
+ execjs (2.7.0)
+ faraday (0.10.0)
+ multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
+ fast-stemmer (1.0.2)
+ ffi (1.9.14)
+ gemoji (2.1.0)
+ github-pages (39)
+ RedCloth (= 4.2.9)
+ github-pages-health-check (~> 0.2)
+ jekyll (= 2.4.0)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.0.1)
+ jekyll-feed (= 0.3.1)
+ jekyll-mentions (= 0.2.1)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.8.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.3.0)
+ jekyll-sitemap (= 0.8.1)
+ jemoji (= 0.5.0)
+ kramdown (= 1.5.0)
+ liquid (= 2.6.2)
+ maruku (= 0.7.0)
+ mercenary (~> 0.3)
+ pygments.rb (= 0.6.3)
+ rdiscount (= 2.1.7)
+ redcarpet (= 3.3.2)
+ terminal-table (~> 1.4)
+ github-pages-health-check (0.3.2)
+ net-dns (~> 0.6)
+ public_suffix (~> 1.4)
+ typhoeus (~> 0.7)
+ html-pipeline (1.9.0)
+ activesupport (>= 2)
+ nokogiri (~> 1.4)
+ i18n (0.7.0)
+ jekyll (2.4.0)
+ classifier-reborn (~> 2.0)
+ colorator (~> 0.1)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-gist (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-paginate (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-watch (~> 1.1)
+ kramdown (~> 1.3)
+ liquid (~> 2.6.1)
+ mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
+ pygments.rb (~> 0.6.0)
+ redcarpet (~> 3.1)
+ safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
+ toml (~> 0.1.0)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (1.0.1)
+ coffee-script (~> 2.2)
+ jekyll-feed (0.3.1)
+ jekyll-gist (1.4.0)
+ octokit (~> 4.2)
+ jekyll-mentions (0.2.1)
+ html-pipeline (~> 1.9.0)
+ jekyll (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (0.8.0)
+ jekyll (>= 2.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (1.3.0)
+ sass (~> 3.2)
+ jekyll-sitemap (0.8.1)
+ jekyll-watch (1.5.0)
+ listen (~> 3.0, < 3.1)
+ jemoji (0.5.0)
+ gemoji (~> 2.0)
+ html-pipeline (~> 1.9)
+ jekyll (>= 2.0)
+ kramdown (1.5.0)
+ liquid (2.6.2)
+ listen (3.0.8)
+ rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
+ rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
+ maruku (0.7.0)
+ mercenary (0.3.6)
+ mini_portile2 (2.1.0)
+ minitest (5.10.1)
+ multipart-post (2.0.0)
+ net-dns (0.8.0)
+ nokogiri (
+ mini_portile2 (~> 2.1.0)
+ octokit (4.6.2)
+ sawyer (~> 0.8.0, >= 0.5.3)
+ parslet (1.5.0)
+ blankslate (~> 2.0)
+ posix-spawn (0.3.12)
+ public_suffix (1.5.3)
+ pygments.rb (0.6.3)
+ posix-spawn (~> 0.3.6)
+ yajl-ruby (~> 1.2.0)
+ rb-fsevent (0.9.8)
+ rb-inotify (0.9.7)
+ ffi (>= 0.5.0)
+ rdiscount (2.1.7)
+ redcarpet (3.3.2)
+ safe_yaml (1.0.4)
+ sass (3.4.22)
+ sawyer (0.8.1)
+ addressable (>= 2.3.5, < 2.6)
+ faraday (~> 0.8, < 1.0)
+ terminal-table (1.7.3)
+ unicode-display_width (~> 1.1.1)
+ thread_safe (0.3.5)
+ toml (0.1.2)
+ parslet (~> 1.5.0)
+ typhoeus (0.8.0)
+ ethon (>= 0.8.0)
+ tzinfo (1.2.2)
+ thread_safe (~> 0.1)
+ unicode-display_width (1.1.1)
+ yajl-ruby (1.2.1)
+ ruby
+ github-pages
+ 1.13.6
diff --git a/_site/LICENSE.txt b/_site/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5091120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Otander
+MIT License
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/_site/README.md b/_site/README.md
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..524f8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# Pixyll
+![Pixyll screenshot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1424573/3847467/134aa236-1e66-11e4-8421-4e8c122118dc.png)
+Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff. It's mobile _first_, fluidly responsive, and delightfully lightweight.
+It's pretty minimal, but leverages large type and drastic contrast to make a statement, on all devices.
+This Jekyll theme was crafted with <3 by [John Otander](http://johnotander.com)
+中文版 .
+## Getting Started
+If you're completely new to Jekyll, I recommend checking out the documentation at or there's a tutorial by [Smashing Magazine](http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/08/01/build-blog-jekyll-github-pages/).
+$ git clone git@github.com:johnotander/pixyll.git
+$ cd pixyll
+$ gem install bundler # If you don't have bundler installed
+$ bundle install
+If you don't want to install anything in your local machine, you can create a free development environment for this Pixyll project in the cloud on [Nitrous.io](https://www.nitrous.io) by clicking the button below.
+In the IDE, start Pixyll via `Run > Start Pixyll` and access your site via `Preview > 3000`.
+#### Verify your Jekyll version
+It's important to also check your version of Jekyll since this project uses Native Sass which
+is [only supported by 2.0+](http://jekyllrb.com/news/2014/05/06/jekyll-turns-2-0-0/).
+### Fork, then clone
+Fork the repo, and then clone it so you've got the code locally.
+### Modify the `_config.yml`
+The `_config.yml` located in the root of the Pixyll directory contains all of the configuration details
+for the Jekyll site. The defaults are:
+# Site settings
+title: Pixyll
+email: your_email@example.com
+author: John Otander
+description: "A simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff."
+baseurl: ""
+url: "http://pixyll.com"
+# Build settings
+markdown: kramdown
+permalink: pretty
+paginate: 3
+### Jekyll Serve
+Then, start the Jekyll Server. I always like to give the `--watch` option so it updates the generated HTML when I make changes.
+$ jekyll serve --watch
+Now you can navigate to `localhost:4000` in your browser to see the site.
+### Using Github Pages
+You can host your Jekyll site for free with Github Pages. [Click here](https://pages.github.com/) for more information.
+#### A configuration tweak if you're using a gh-pages sub-folder
+In addition to your github-username.github.io repo that maps to the root url, you can serve up sites by using a gh-pages branch for other repos so they're available at github-username.github.io/repo-name.
+This will require you to modify the `_config.yml` like so:
+# Site settings
+title: Repo Name
+email: your_email@example.com
+author: John Otander
+description: "Repo description"
+baseurl: "/repo-name"
+url: "http://github-username.github.io"
+# Build settings
+markdown: kramdown
+permalink: pretty
+paginate: 3
+This will ensure that the the correct relative path is constructed for your assets and posts. Also, in order to run the project locally, you will need to specify the blank string for the baseurl: `$ jekyll serve --baseurl ''`.
+##### If you don't want the header to link back to the root url
+You will also need to tweak the header include `/{{ site.baseurl }}`:
+A relevant Jekyll Github Issue:
+### Contact Form
+The contact form uses . It will require you to fill the form out and submit it once, before going live, to confirm your email.
+More setup instructions and advanced options can be found at [http://formspree.io](http://formspree.io/)
+### Disqus
+To configure Disqus, set up a [Disqus site](https://disqus.com/admin/create/) with the same name as your site. Then, in `_config.yml`, edit the `disqus_shortname` value to enable Disqus.
+### Customizing the CSS
+All variables can be found in the `_sass/_variables.scss` file, toggle these as you'd like to change the look and feel of Pixyll.
+### Page Animation
+If you would like to add a [fade-in-down effect](http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/), you can add `animated: true` to your `_config.yml`.
+### AnchorJS
+[AnchorJS](https://github.com/bryanbraun/anchorjs): _A JavaScript utility for adding deep anchor links to existing page content. AnchorJS is lightweight, accessible, and has no dependencies._ You can turn it on by toggling `enable_anchorjs`. Because it offers many ways for customization, tweaks should be done in `_includes/footer.html`. Default settings after turning AnchorJS on are:
+See [documentation](http://bryanbraun.github.io/anchorjs/#basic-usage) for more options.
+### Put in a Pixyll Plug
+If you want to give credit to the Pixyll theme with a link to or my personal website somewhere, that'd be awesome. No worries if you don't.
+### Web analytics and search engines
+You can measure visits to your website either by using [Google Analytics](https://www.google.com/analytics/) tracking embed or the more advanced [Google Tag Manager](https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/) container.
+* For Google Analytics set up the value for `google_analytics`, it should be something like `google_analytics: UA-XXXXXXXX-X`.
+* For Google Tag Manager set up the value for `google_tag_manager`, it should be something like: `google_tag_manager: GTM-XXXXX`.
+* _Do not_ set both of above methods because this will cause conflicts and skew your reporting data.
+* Remember that you need to properly configure the GTM container in its admin panel if you want it to work. More info is available in [GTM's docs](https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/resources/).
+Your website is, by default, set to be allowed for crawling and indexing by search engines. (Unless you made yourself a custom robots.txt file). You can use front matter settings on each page to control how search engines will it. Sometimes you may want to exclude a particular page from indexing or forbid Google to store a copy of your page in its cache. It is up to you. Use the `meta_robots` frontmatter key and assign values based on [this table](https://developers.google.com/webmasters/control-crawl-index/docs/robots_meta_tag?hl=en#valid-indexing--serving-directives). Some examples:
+# exclude page from index
+meta_robots: noindex
+# allow indexing, disallow caching
+meta_robots: noarchive
+# allow indexing, disallow crawling links
+meta_robots: nofollow
+# disallow indexing, follow links
+meta_robots: noindex,follow
+In order to get more information about your website's status in search engines, you can register it in [Google Search Console](https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home) and/or [Bing Webmaster Tools](http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster). Both these tools will ask you to authorize your website with them and there are couple of ways to do that. Pixyll supports verification via meta tags - just fill in values for `google_verification` and/or `bing_verification` in `_config.yml`, the verification strings and meta tags will then be added automatically.
+If search engine optimization is your thing, you can also set up `meta_description` values for each page/post. By default Pixyll uses `summary` to populate the `` tag and falls back to `description` from `_config.yml` if `summary` is not present in page/post's front matter. The `summary` is also used for generating Open Graph tags. Why would you want to use a dedicated variable for meta description? Because character limit to properly display this description in search results (as a snippet) is way smaller than in Open Graph. It is recommended to keep it at 155-160 characters, for more in-depth info read [this article](https://moz.com/blog/i-cant-drive-155-meta-descriptions-in-2015).
+And lastly - if you happen to write in language other than English be sure to change `og_locale` in `_config.yml` to reflect it.
+### Enjoy
+I hope you enjoy using Pixyll. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to let me know by creating an [issue](https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll/issues). I'd love to help.
+## Upgrading Pixyll
+Pixyll is always being improved by its users, so sometimes one may need to upgrade.
+#### Ensure there's an upstream remote
+If `git remote -v` doesn't have an upstream listed, you can do the following to add it:
+git remote add upstream https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll.git
+#### Pull in the latest changes
+git pull upstream master
+There may be merge conflicts, so be sure to fix the files that git lists if they occur. That's it!
+## Thanks to the following
+* [BASSCSS](http://basscss.com)
+* [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com)
+* [Refills](http://refills.bourbon.io/)
+* [Solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized)
+* [Animate.css](http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/)
+## Contributing
+1. Fork it
+2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
+3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
+4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
+5. Create new Pull Request
diff --git a/_site/README.nitrous.md b/_site/README.nitrous.md
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/README.nitrous.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Setup
+Welcome to your Pixyll project on Nitrous.
+## Running the Jekyll server:
+In the [Nitrous IDE](https://community.nitrous.io/docs/ide-overview), start Pixyll via "Run > Start Pixyll"
+Now you've got a development server running and can see the output in the Nitrous terminal window. You can open up a new shell or utilize [tmux](https://community.nitrous.io/docs/tmux) to open new shells to run other commands.
+## Preview the app
+In the Nitrous IDE, open the "Preview" menu and click "Port 3000".
diff --git a/_site/Rakefile b/_site/Rakefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..52fca8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+drafts_dir = '_drafts'
+posts_dir = '_posts'
+# rake post['my new post']
+desc 'create a new post with "rake post[\'post title\']"'
+task :post, :title do |t, args|
+ if args.title
+ title = args.title
+ else
+ puts "Please try again. Remember to include the filename."
+ end
+ mkdir_p "#{posts_dir}"
+ filename = "#{posts_dir}/#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-#{title.downcase.gsub(/[^\w]+/, '-')}.md"
+ puts "Creating new post: #{filename}"
+ File.open(filename, "w") do |f|
+ f << <<-EOS.gsub(/^ /, '')
+ ---
+ layout: post
+ title: #{title}
+ date: #{Time.new.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}
+ categories:
+ ---
+ end
+# Uncomment the line below if you want the post to automatically open in your default text editor
+# system ("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{filename}")
+# usage: rake draft['my new draft']
+desc 'create a new draft post with "rake draft[\'draft title\']"'
+task :draft, :title do |t, args|
+ if args.title
+ title = args.title
+ else
+ puts "Please try again. Remember to include the filename."
+ end
+ mkdir_p "#{drafts_dir}"
+ filename = "#{drafts_dir}/#{title.downcase.gsub(/[^\w]+/, '-')}.md"
+ puts "Creating new draft: #{filename}"
+ File.open(filename, "w") do |f|
+ f << <<-EOS.gsub(/^ /, '')
+ ---
+ layout: post
+ title: #{title}
+ date: #{Time.new.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}
+ categories:
+ ---
+ end
+# Uncomment the line below if you want the draft to automatically open in your default text editor
+# system ("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{filename}")
+desc 'preview the site with drafts'
+task :preview do
+ puts "## Generating site"
+ puts "## Stop with ^C ( +C )"
+ system "jekyll serve --watch --drafts"
+desc 'list tasks'
+task :list do
+ puts "Tasks: #{(Rake::Task.tasks - [Rake::Task[:list]]).join(', ')}"
+ puts "(type rake -T for more detail)\n\n"
diff --git a/_site/aboriginal-education/index.html b/_site/aboriginal-education/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f7404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/aboriginal-education/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ 原住民教育 Aboriginal Education – Syllabi 課程大綱
This course, “Indigenous Education,” explores the relationships between language, ethnicity, and education. Through the use of classroom ethnographies, this course introduces students to key concepts in the study of indigenous education. These include: social reproduction, resistance and social change, orality and literacy, and issues pertaining to bilingual education.
Indigenous Images has three goals: 1. To train students in the art of critical film analysis. 2. Introduce students to the history and theory of ethnographic film. And, 3. To discuss issues pertaining to media produced by indigenous peoples. Wherever possible this course uses films relating to Taiwanese Aborigines, but we will also watch and discuss a wide range of films from around the world.
Introduce syllabus, topic, & expectations for student work.
Pramaggiore, Maria and Tom Wallis. 2008. Film: A critical introduction. Boston:Pearson. (Pramaggiore & Wallis) - Chapter 4
[Film] Pocahontas/風中奇緣 (81)
Mise en Scene
Pramaggiore & Wallis - Chapter 5
[Film] The Searchers/搜索者 (119)
Indigenous Narrative Film I
Huhndorf, Shari. “Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner: Culture, History, and Politics in Inuit Media.” American Anthropologist 105, no. 4 (2003): 822-26.
[Film] The Fast Runner/冰原快跑人 (172)
Pramaggiore & Wallis - Chapter 7
[Film] The Last Of The Mohicans/大地英豪 (117)
Native Americans in Film
Kilpatrick, Jacquelyn. 2003. “Native Americans.” In The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies Have Portrayed the American Past. Edited by Peter C. Rollins. p. 277-87. New York: Columbia University Press.
Green, Rayna. “The Pocahontas Perplex: Images of American Indian Women in American Culture.” In Native American Voices: A Reader (2nd Edition), edited by Susan Lobo, and Steve Talbot, Prentice Hall, 2000.
[Film] Reel Injun/英雄本色 (51)
Indigenous Narrative Film II
Chang, Anita Wen-shin. “In the Realm of the Indigenous: Local, National, and Global Articulations in Fishing Luck.” Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 17.3 (2009): 643-653.
Huhndorf - “Atanarjuat”
[Film] Fishing Luck/等待飛魚 (96)
Indigenous Narrative Film III
Sterk, Darryl. 2014. “Ironic Indigenous Primitivism: Taiwan’s First ‘native Feature’ in an Era of Ethnic Tourism.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 8, no. 3: 209–25.
[Film] Finding Sayun/不一樣的月光 (100)
Guest Lecture: 蔡政良
From Here to PNG/從新幾內亞到台北 (55)
Documentary Ethics I
Nichols, Bill. 2007. 紀錄片導論. Translated by 陳犀禾, 劉宇清, and 鄭潔. 北京: 中國電影出版社. (Nichols) - Chapter 1
[Film] Nanook of the North/北方的南努克 (79)
Documentary Ethics II
Peterson, Nicolas. 2003. “The Changing Photographic Contract.” In Photography’s Other Histories, edited by Nicholas Thomas, Jo-Anne Driessens, Michael Aird, Christopher Pinney, and Nicolas Peterson, 119–45. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
[Film] Marangmotxingmo Mirang/伊邦小孩的影像信 (35)
[Film] Born into Brothels/小小攝影師 (85)
Tradition and Change
Michaels, Eric. 1994. “For a Cultural Future: Francis Jupurrurla Makes TV at Yuendumu.” In Bad Aboriginal Art: Tradition, Media, and Technological Horizons, 99–126. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
[Film] The Stories of Rainbow/彩虹的故事 (55)
[Film] Amis Hiphop/阿美嘻哈 (55)
Who Owns Native Culture?
Brown, Michael F. 2009. Who Owns Native Culture? Harvard University Press. - Chapter 1
Returning Souls/讓靈魂回家 (85)
Documenatry Film Generes
Nichols - Chapter 6
[Film]Voices of Orchid Island/蘭嶼觀點 (73)
Collaborative Ethnography
Friedman, P Kerim. “Collaboration against Ethnography: Filming an Unwanted ‘cultural Heritage.” Critique of Anthropology 33, no. 4 (2013): 390–411.
When you write a research paper, you have to explain where you got your information. Some of the ideas you use will be your own, but many will have come from information you have read and people you have interviewed about the topic. To explain where the information comes from, you have to give (cite) the source.1
Why cite your sources?
To give your writing credibility. You show that you have gathered ideas from worthwhile places.
To help the reader. You enable the reader to go and check and read those sources if he/she so wishes.
To protect yourself from plagiarism. When you cite all your sources, no one can say that you stole or copied ideas from someone else.
What is plagiarism?
The university defines plagiarism as:
“The presentation of the work of another person as one’s own or without proper acknowledgment” (Concordia Undergraduate Calendar 2003-2004, page 65)
While many people might think this means outright cheating by stealing or copying another student’s work, it could just as easily refer to copying of anyone else’s ideas without saying where they came from. So you are responsible to respect this rule by citing all your sources.
What counts as “other people’s ideas”?
All words quoted directly from another source.
All ideas paraphrased from a source
All ideas borrowed from another source: statistics, graphs, charts.
All ideas or materials taken from the Internet
What doesn’t count?
You do not have to cite sources for knowledge that is generally known, like the dates of famous events in history or the names of past Prime ministers. Similarly, phrases like the “Y2K problem” or “the generation gap” indicate concepts generally understood by the public.
Also, within your field, there may be terms which are “common knowledge” because they are part of the knowledge shared by people in that field, like the “language experience approach’ for educators, or the term “Impressionism” for art enthusiasts.
Knowing what to cite /not to cite is also affected by culture. In North America, readers expect to be told where ideas come from. In other cultures there may be more shared and collective understanding of certain ideas or even of memorized texts. For example, a student may have had to memorize a text as part of his learning in a particular subject. If he were to reproduce that text in his own country he may feel he need not give a source, since everyone who studied there (including the professor) would know who wrote it. In North America, however, this is not the case and a North American reader would expect to be told that author’s name.
Direct quotations:
When you are using someone else’s exact words, you need to place quotations marks (“. . .”) around the words to show this. You also need to be careful not to rephrase or reorganize these words; otherwise you would be guilty of misrepresenting that author. If you want to leave out part of the author’s sentence you can use three ellipsis points (…) to show that words have been omitted. Directly after the quotation, you should indicate where the information comes from, using one of the standard methods (the most used ones are MLA and APA) to document your sources.
Many students are unclear about what it means to paraphrase. It is not acceptable to take the original phrasing and just rearrange a few of the original words in order to produce a paraphrase; neither is it acceptable to use the same sentence structure but just rephrase a few key words.
Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotation in the final research paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes.
Lester, J. D.Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976) 46-47
Acceptable paraphrase:
In research papers, students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim (Lester, 1976).
A plagiarized version:
Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the amount of source material copied while taking notes (Lester, 1976)
When you paraphrase, make sure to understand what the original is saying, then close the book and write the passage in your own words. Also, note that you need to cite a source for a paraphrase even though you did not quote from the source directly. In the examples above, the source, Lester, is given after the paraphrase. When youare paraphrasing rather than using exact words, mentioning the page number in the source parentheses is optional, but check with your professor as some may prefer you to include it.
This page is adopted from Avoiding Plagiarism by Student Learning Services, Concordia University. (The original page is no longer available online, so I have copied it here. The link goes to a cached version of the original page at the Internet Archive.) I have slightly altered the text. ↩
These examples of paraphrasing are taken from the handout “Paraphrase - Write it in your own words.” OWL Purdue University Writing Lab. ↩
These examples of paraphrasing are taken from the handout “Paraphrase - Write it in your own words.” 這些解譯的例子取自《解譯–在你自己的話中書寫》OWL Purdue University Writing Lab. ↩
Adivasi Studies explores the history, culture, languages and traditions of India’s indigenous population. Over eight percent of India’s one billion people are Adivasis, but their story has only recently begun to be told. After exploring the early history of Adivasi encounters with the rest of Indian society, the course then looks at how the colonial encounter shaped Adivasi identity, finally turning to recent events, including the Adivasi right movement, and the impact of globalization. Particular attention will be paid to the so-called De-notified and Nomadic Tribes or DNTs, and their struggles.
Bajrange, Dakxin. 《布德漢》 Budhan. In Painted Words: An Anthology of Tribal Literature. Devy G. N., ed. Sonal Baxi, trans. Pp. 260-285. New Delhi: Penguin Books. 2002
Friedman, P. Kerim. “Collaboration against ethnography: Filming an unwanted ‘cultural heritage.’” Critique of Anthropology. Vol. 33 no. 4 390-411. December 2013.
Sen, Amartya. 《好思辯的印度人》 The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity. London: Macmillan, 2006.
Shah, Alpa. In the Shadows of the State: Indigenous Politics, Environmentalism, and Insurgency in Jharkhand, India. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010.
Wood, Michael. 《印度的故事:夢想與創意的古國歷史之旅》 The Story of India. New York: Random House, 2007.
亨利。施瓦茨 and (Henry Schwarz). 2007. 印第安納•瓊斯和罪惡之殿. In 文學批評與文化批判. Trans. 袁英 湖北:中國: 華中師範大學出版社.
傅可恩 and (P. Kerim Friedman). 2007. 多爾鼓(dhol)的故事: 關於印度原住民(adivasis)為自己所做的口述雜誌 (the story of dhol: An “oral magazine” by, about, and for adivasis). In 瞭解當代印度政治. Ed. Jolan Hsieh Cheng-feng Shih. Trans. 林伯寰 台北:台灣: 台灣國際研究學會舉辦的「瞭解當代印度政治」學術研討會.
diff --git a/_site/atom.xml b/_site/atom.xml
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ Syllabi 課程大綱
+ 2016-12-07T19:52:03+08:00
+ http://kerim.github.io
+ Announcing Version 2.0
+ 2015-07-11T00:00:00+08:00
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2015/07/11/announcing-pixyll-version-2
+ <p>In an effort to make Pixyll easier to customize and more aesthetically pleasing, we’ve release version <code>2.0</code>.</p>
+<p>Pixyll now features:</p>
+ <li>Line anchors in code blocks and new syntax highlighting</li>
+ <li>A customizable variables file</li>
+ <li>Modular, and lighter weight CSS</li>
+ <li>No more <code>max-width</code> media queries</li>
+ Hello, Pixyll
+ 2014-06-11T23:31:19+08:00
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/11/welcome-to-pixyll
+ <p>Hello.</p>
+<p>Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff. It’s mobile <em>first</em>, fluidly responsive, and delightfully lightweight.</p>
+<p>It’s pretty minimal, but leverages large type and drastic contrast to make a statement, on all devices.</p>
+ <p>
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
+ </p>
+ <footer><cite title="Antoine de Saint-Exupéry">Antoine de Saint-Exupéry</cite></footer>
+<h2 id="where-is-it">Where is it?</h2>
+<p>Checkout the <a href="https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll">Github repository</a> to download it, request a feature, or report a bug.</p>
+<p>It’s free, and open source (<a href="http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">MIT</a>).</p>
+ Pixyll in Action
+ 2014-06-10T20:31:19+08:00
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/10/see-pixyll-in-action
+ <p>There is a significant amount of subtle, yet precisely calibrated, styling to ensure
+that your content is emphasized while still looking aesthetically pleasing.</p>
+<p>All links are easy to <a href="#">locate and discern</a>, yet don’t detract from the <a href="#">harmony
+of a paragraph</a>. The <em>same</em> goes for italics and <strong>bold</strong> elements. Even the the strikeout
+works if <del>for some reason you need to update your post</del>. For consistency’s sake,
+<ins>The same goes for insertions</ins>, of course.</p>
+<h3 id="code-with-syntax-highlighting">Code, with syntax highlighting</h3>
+<p>Here’s an example of some ruby code with line anchors.</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-ruby" data-lang="ruby"><a name="True-1"></a><span class="c1"># The most awesome of classes</span>
+<a name="True-2"></a><span class="k">class</span> <span class="nc">Awesome</span> <span class="o"><</span> <span class="no">ActiveRecord</span><span class="o">::</span><span class="no">Base</span>
+<a name="True-3"></a> <span class="kp">include</span> <span class="no">EvenMoreAwesome</span>
+<a name="True-4"></a>
+<a name="True-5"></a> <span class="n">validates_presence_of</span> <span class="ss">:something</span>
+<a name="True-6"></a> <span class="n">validates</span> <span class="ss">:email</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="ss">email_format</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="kp">true</span>
+<a name="True-7"></a>
+<a name="True-8"></a> <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">initialize</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">email</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nb">name</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="kp">nil</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<a name="True-9"></a> <span class="nb">self</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">email</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">email</span>
+<a name="True-10"></a> <span class="nb">self</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">name</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nb">name</span>
+<a name="True-11"></a> <span class="nb">self</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">favorite_number</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="mi">12</span>
+<a name="True-12"></a> <span class="nb">puts</span> <span class="s1">'created awesomeness'</span>
+<a name="True-13"></a> <span class="k">end</span>
+<a name="True-14"></a>
+<a name="True-15"></a> <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">email_format</span>
+<a name="True-16"></a> <span class="n">email</span> <span class="o">=~</span> <span class="sr">/\S+@\S+\.\S+/</span>
+<a name="True-17"></a> <span class="k">end</span>
+<a name="True-18"></a><span class="k">end</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>Here’s some CSS:</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-css" data-lang="css"><span class="nc">.foobar</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+ <span class="c">/* Named colors rule */</span>
+ <span class="k">color</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="nb">tomato</span><span class="p">;</span>
+<span class="p">}</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>Here’s some JavaScript:</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-js" data-lang="js"><span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">isPresent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">require</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">'is-present'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="nx">module</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">exports</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="nx">doStuff</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">things</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+ <span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">isPresent</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">things</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+ <span class="nx">doOtherStuff</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">things</span><span class="p">)</span>
+ <span class="p">}</span>
+<span class="p">}</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>Here’s some HTML:</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-html" data-lang="html"><span class="nt"><div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"m0 p0 bg-blue white"</span><span class="nt">></span>
+ <span class="nt"><h3</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"h1"</span><span class="nt">></span>Hello, world!<span class="nt"></h3></span>
+<span class="nt"></div></span></code></pre></div>
+<h1 id="headings">Headings!</h1>
+<p>They’re responsive, and well-proportioned (in <code>padding</code>, <code>line-height</code>, <code>margin</code>, and <code>font-size</code>).
+They also heavily rely on the awesome utility, <a href="http://www.basscss.com/">BASSCSS</a>.</p>
+<h5 id="they-draw-the-perfect-amount-of-attention">They draw the perfect amount of attention</h5>
+<p>This allows your content to have the proper informational and contextual hierarchy. Yay.</p>
+<h3 id="there-are-lists-too">There are lists, too</h3>
+ <li>Apples</li>
+ <li>Oranges</li>
+ <li>Potatoes</li>
+ <li>Milk</li>
+ <li>Mow the lawn</li>
+ <li>Feed the dog</li>
+ <li>Dance</li>
+<h3 id="images-look-great-too">Images look great, too</h3>
+<p><img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1424573/3378137/abac6d7c-fbe6-11e3-8e09-55745b6a8176.png" alt="desk" /></p>
+<p><em><img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1424573/3378137/abac6d7c-fbe6-11e3-8e09-55745b6a8176.png" alt="desk" /></em></p>
+<h3 id="there-are-also-pretty-colors">There are also pretty colors</h3>
+<p>Also the result of <a href="http://www.basscss.com/">BASSCSS</a>, you can <span class="bg-dark-gray white">highlight</span> certain components
+of a <span class="red">post</span> <span class="mid-gray">with</span> <span class="green">CSS</span> <span class="orange">classes</span>.</p>
+<p>I don’t recommend using blue, though. It looks like a <span class="blue">link</span>.</p>
+<h3 id="footnotes">Footnotes!</h3>
+<p>Markdown footnotes are supported, and they look great! Simply put e.g. <code>[^1]</code> where you want the footnote to appear,<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote">1</a></sup> and then add
+the reference at the end of your markdown.</p>
+<h3 id="stylish-blockquotes-included">Stylish blockquotes included</h3>
+<p>You can use the markdown quote syntax, <code>></code> for simple quotes.</p>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis porta mauris.</p>
+<p>However, you need to inject html if you’d like a citation footer. I will be working on a way to
+hopefully sidestep this inconvenience.</p>
+ <p>
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
+ </p>
+ <footer><cite title="Antoine de Saint-Exupéry">Antoine de Saint-Exupéry</cite></footer>
+<h3 id="theres-more-being-added-all-the-time">There’s more being added all the time</h3>
+<p>Checkout the <a href="https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll">Github repository</a> to request,
+or add, features.</p>
+<p>Happy writing.</p>
+<hr />
+<div class="footnotes">
+ <ol>
+ <li id="fn:1">
+ <p>Important information that may distract from the main text can go in footnotes. <a href="#fnref:1" class="reversefootnote">↩</a></p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ So, What is Jekyll?
+ 2014-06-09T20:32:18+08:00
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/09/so-what-is-jekyll
+ <p>Jekyll is a tool for transforming your plain text into static websites and
+blogs. It is simple, static, and blog-aware. Jekyll uses the
+<a href="http://docs.shopify.com/themes/liquid-basics">Liquid</a> templating
+language and has builtin <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown</a>
+and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_(markup_language)">Textile</a> support.</p>
+<p>It also ties in nicely to <a href="https://pages.github.com/">Github Pages</a>.</p>
+<p>Learn more about Jekyll on their <a href="http://jekyllrb.com/">website</a>.</p>
+ Pixyll has Pagination
+ 2014-06-08T19:21:29+08:00
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/08/pixyll-has-pagination
+ <p>This is an empty post to illustrate the pagination component with Pixyll.</p>
diff --git a/_site/contact/index.html b/_site/contact/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ae95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/contact/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ Say Hello – Syllabi 課程大綱
Teaching Method, Grading, and Assignments in English
Teaching Method
In addition to developing a broad understanding of the key topics taught in this class, this course also seeks to develop each student’s ability to understand and discuss academic texts (including any visual “texts” such as films). This requires that students be able to explain a text’s key concepts in both oral and written assignments. Written assignments are to be done individually while oral assignments will be done in small groups. To this end, students will be divided up into groups on the first day of class. (These groups will be adjusted after the add/drop period is over to ensure that they are evenly sized.) Weekly assignments will be divided evenly between groups. While the number of weekly assignments will depend on the size of the class, commonly each group ends up being responsible for approximately two weekly assignments per a semester. For each of these weeks students are expected to write a written report on the assigned text. Also, each group is expected to make a collective oral presentation to the class for the weeks they’ve been assigned. There will also be midterm and final exams. In smaller classes these exams will be conducted orally, while larger classes necessitate written exams. Class participation is an important part of the class and students will receive a grade for their contribution to classroom discussion. Finally, to facilitate communication there will be an online discussion forum set up for the class. (Posts to that forum will also count towards the participation grade.) Detailed instructions for each kind of assignment are provided in the “assignments” section of the syllabus.
Understanding Grades
Grading System
Participation: 15%
Written Reports: 25%
Oral Presentations (group score): 20%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Final Exam: 20%
What Grades Mean
“E” (Below 50) – You are a ghost. Either I didn’t see you all semester, or maybe you have been sent to hell for plagiarism?
“D” (50-59) – You are a zombie. I see your body in class, but your brain is somewhere else.
“C” (60-69) – Soldier. You do exactly what you are told. No more, no less.
“B” (70-79) – Scholar. You are enthusiastic about learning new ideas, but maybe you were daydreaming too much to get an “A”?
“A” (80-100) – Hero. You combine the qualities of the soldier and the scholar, not only fulfilling the course requirements but also going beyond them in your pursuit of knowledge.
Written Reports
These are to be written individually. Students are encouraged to meet in groups to discuss the reading, but each report should be unique to that student. (If there is any duplicate content between individual reports it will be treated as plagiarism and punished accordingly.)
Written reports should be between 900 and 1800 characters of original writing (not including direct quotations and the bibliography).
If there are more than one text assigned that week, or if I have explictly divided a single text into smaller parts for each student, then the group should divide the texts up between group members so that each student is only writing about one of the assigned texts.
Cite all your sources! The report should follow standard academic practices for in-text citations and the final bibliography. (See the section on plagiarism for more details.)
Students must hand-in all the reuqired reports in order to receive a passing grade for the course. (Work that is plagiarised or sub-standard will not count.)
All written reports should contain the following sections, in the following order:
Context: Discuss the background and context for the text. This will require doing additional research and will be different for each kind of text. For instance, if the article is replying to a previous work by another scholar, then the report should briefly describe that previous work. If the text is describing a culture or society that is not familiar to students in the class, then the report should give a brief introduction to that culture or society. Context may also include information about the author, but only if that is somehow useful to understanding the text. (Points will be taken off if the context discussion is irrelevent to understanding the text.)
Key points (with examples): What are the key points made by the author in this text? Some authors make this easy, summarizing their own key findings, while other texts require close reading identify the author’s key points. In either case, don’t just provide a list of these points, but explain each one briefly and clearly. In doing so, provide examples for each of these points to help illustrate what they mean. (Extra points if students can supplement the examples used in the text with their own examples - either drawn from other readings or from personal experience.)
Methodology: How does the author support their argument? What methodology is used (ethography, statistics, archival research, etc.) and how well does this kind of data support the points that the author wishes to make? (If the text is not an academic research paper, you can skip this section.)
Commentary: This should be your own personal thoughts about the text. It can take the form of questions, criticism, or a meditation on the importance of this text for your own life. This section must reflect careful, original, thought. (Points will be taken off if you resort to platitudes or clichés to avoid the hard work of saying something original, but there is no “wrong” answer and students are encouraged to say what they really think.)
Oral Presentations
While the reading analysis is an individual assignment, the presentation is a group assignment.
Everyone in the group must participate in the presentation, each one speaking in turn.
Students who miss their presentation because they are late or fail to attend class on the day they are supposed to present will not receive any grade for that presentation and will have to complete a makeup assignment in order to receive a passing grade for the course.
Students must prepare lecture notes for the presentation. Students must collectively write a presentation lecture that is different from their written report. Nor can students read directly from the assigned text. These presentation notes must be a collective endeavor.
You must prepare a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation as well. The PPT should not be the same as your lecture notes, but should serve to help illustrate and highlight the main points in your text.
Each group will have 20 min to present. On average, you should spend no longer than 30 seconds on each Power Point slide, so for a 20 min presentation you will want approximately 40 slides. Also, the slides should vary between text based slides and images and/or charts (as necessary). Some effort should be made to make the slides attractive and easy to read from the back of the classroom.
Handing in the written reports and oral presentations
Written Reports
Written reports are due at the start of class one week prior to the date that text will be discussed in class. (If there is no class that week, then discuss with the TA how to hand in the homework. If the first presentation is due on the second week of class, then it can be handed in one day before the class.) This is so that groups have one week to prepare for their oral presentations after having finished writing their individual reports.
In addition to hading in a paper copy of the report, all students should email a copy of the report to the TA on the same day.
The top of the report should contain the following information: name, student number, email address, date the assignment was due, and the date the assignment as completed (this last item is only required if the completion date is different from due date).
The title of the report should be the name and author of the text being discussed.
When emailing documents please include your name and group number in the filename.
Oral Presentations
The PPT file and the written lecture notes should be emailed to the TA the same day as the presentation. (They can be sent after class.)
Both documents should contain the the following information at the top of the first page (or on a cover page): group number, names and student numbers of all students in the group, date the assignment was due, and the title and author of the work being discussed.
When emailing documents please include your name and group number in the filename.
Actively participating in class discussion is an essential part of your overall score. Don’t worry if I disagree with what you say. I prefer students to express strong opinions, even if they are different from my own. If you are shy in front of other students you can participate online instead. There is no distinction made between online and in-class participation.
Oral Exams
Students should treat oral exams as seriously as they do written ones.
Oral exams will include topics discussed in class lectures, not only the assigned readings, and not only what was on the PPT for that lecture, so students should take good notes in class. (If students miss any classes they are still responsible for knowing what was discussed on those days and should ask a classmate to help them take notes.)
Students are expected to review all course materials and lecture notes before the exam.
During oral exams students are only allowed to bring a single sheet of paper with notes. (I advise students not to write too many notes. Questions have to be answered promtply and having too many notes makes it impossible to find what you are looking for in time to answer the question.)
Oral exams are conducted in groups, but each student answers questions on their own and is graded individually. Students who have already answered several questions are asked to let other students have a chance to answer first before answering.
Students who are absent from the oral exam, or fail to answer any of the questions, will fail the class.
Written Exams
If it is an unusually large class it is not possible to conduct oral exams. Instead students will be asked to answer essay-type questions in class. (There will be no written exam if oral exams are given instead.)
Students are only allowed to bring a single sheet of paper with notes.
Students who are absent from the written exam, or fail to answer any of the questions, will fail the class.
If in doubt, ask! I have regular office hours, an e-mail list for the class, and students have my private e-mail address. There is no excuse for not knowing what is expected of you.
diff --git a/_site/fb-instant-articles.xml b/_site/fb-instant-articles.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7629447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/fb-instant-articles.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ http://kerim.github.io
+ P. Kerim Friedman's Courses. 傅可恩老師的教材。
+ Announcing Version 2.0
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2015/07/11/announcing-pixyll-version-2/
+ In an effort to make Pixyll easier to customize and more aesthetically pleasing, we’ve release version 2.0.
Pixyll now features:
Line anchors in code blocks and new syntax highlighting
Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff. It’s mobile first, fluidly responsive, and delightfully lightweight.
It’s pretty minimal, but leverages large type and drastic contrast to make a statement, on all devices.
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Where is it?
Checkout the Github repository to download it, request a feature, or report a bug.
+ ]]>
+ /jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/11/welcome-to-pixyll/
+ Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff.
+ Wed, 11 Jun 2014 23:31:19 +0800
+ Kerim Friedman 傅可恩
+ Pixyll in Action
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/10/see-pixyll-in-action/
+ There is a significant amount of subtle, yet precisely calibrated, styling to ensure
+that your content is emphasized while still looking aesthetically pleasing.
All links are easy to locate and discern, yet don’t detract from the harmony
+of a paragraph. The same goes for italics and bold elements. Even the the strikeout
+works if for some reason you need to update your post. For consistency’s sake,
+The same goes for insertions, of course.
Code, with syntax highlighting
Here’s an example of some ruby code with line anchors.
# The most awesome of classes
+puts'created awesomeness'
Here’s some CSS:
+ /* Named colors rule */
+ color:tomato;
They’re responsive, and well-proportioned (in padding, line-height, margin, and font-size).
+They also heavily rely on the awesome utility, BASSCSS.
They draw the perfect amount of attention
This allows your content to have the proper informational and contextual hierarchy. Yay.
There are lists, too
Mow the lawn
Feed the dog
Images look great, too
There are also pretty colors
Also the result of BASSCSS, you can highlight certain components
+of a postwithCSSclasses.
I don’t recommend using blue, though. It looks like a link.
Markdown footnotes are supported, and they look great! Simply put e.g. [^1] where you want the footnote to appear,1 and then add
+the reference at the end of your markdown.
Stylish blockquotes included
You can use the markdown quote syntax, > for simple quotes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis porta mauris.
However, you need to inject html if you’d like a citation footer. I will be working on a way to
+hopefully sidestep this inconvenience.
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Important information that may distract from the main text can go in footnotes. ↩
+ ]]>
+ /jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/10/see-pixyll-in-action/
+ See what the different elements looks like. Your markdown has never looked better. I promise.
+ Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:31:19 +0800
+ Kerim Friedman 傅可恩
+ So, What is Jekyll?
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/09/so-what-is-jekyll/
+ Jekyll is a tool for transforming your plain text into static websites and
+blogs. It is simple, static, and blog-aware. Jekyll uses the
+Liquid templating
+language and has builtin Markdown
+and Textile support.
+ ]]>
+ /jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/09/so-what-is-jekyll/
+ Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs. Simple, static, and blog-aware.
+ Mon, 09 Jun 2014 20:32:18 +0800
+ Kerim Friedman 傅可恩
+ Pixyll has Pagination
+ http://kerim.github.io/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/08/pixyll-has-pagination/
+ This is an empty post to illustrate the pagination component with Pixyll.
+ ]]>
+ /jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/08/pixyll-has-pagination/
+ This is an empty post to illustrate the pagination component with Pixyll.
+ Sun, 08 Jun 2014 19:21:29 +0800
+ Kerim Friedman 傅可恩
diff --git a/_site/feed.xml b/_site/feed.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d3157d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/feed.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ Syllabi 課程大綱
+ P. Kerim Friedman's Courses. 傅可恩老師的教材。
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/
+ Announcing Version 2.0
+ <p>In an effort to make Pixyll easier to customize and more aesthetically pleasing, we’ve release version <code>2.0</code>.</p>
+<p>Pixyll now features:</p>
+ <li>Line anchors in code blocks and new syntax highlighting</li>
+ <li>A customizable variables file</li>
+ <li>Modular, and lighter weight CSS</li>
+ <li>No more <code>max-width</code> media queries</li>
+ Sat, 11 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0800
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2015/07/11/announcing-pixyll-version-2/
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2015/07/11/announcing-pixyll-version-2/
+ Hello, Pixyll
+ <p>Hello.</p>
+<p>Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff. It’s mobile <em>first</em>, fluidly responsive, and delightfully lightweight.</p>
+<p>It’s pretty minimal, but leverages large type and drastic contrast to make a statement, on all devices.</p>
+ <p>
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
+ </p>
+ <footer><cite title="Antoine de Saint-Exupéry">Antoine de Saint-Exupéry</cite></footer>
+<h2 id="where-is-it">Where is it?</h2>
+<p>Checkout the <a href="https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll">Github repository</a> to download it, request a feature, or report a bug.</p>
+<p>It’s free, and open source (<a href="http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">MIT</a>).</p>
+ Wed, 11 Jun 2014 23:31:19 +0800
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/11/welcome-to-pixyll/
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/11/welcome-to-pixyll/
+ Pixyll in Action
+ <p>There is a significant amount of subtle, yet precisely calibrated, styling to ensure
+that your content is emphasized while still looking aesthetically pleasing.</p>
+<p>All links are easy to <a href="#">locate and discern</a>, yet don’t detract from the <a href="#">harmony
+of a paragraph</a>. The <em>same</em> goes for italics and <strong>bold</strong> elements. Even the the strikeout
+works if <del>for some reason you need to update your post</del>. For consistency’s sake,
+<ins>The same goes for insertions</ins>, of course.</p>
+<h3 id="code-with-syntax-highlighting">Code, with syntax highlighting</h3>
+<p>Here’s an example of some ruby code with line anchors.</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-ruby" data-lang="ruby"><a name="True-1"></a><span class="c1"># The most awesome of classes</span>
+<a name="True-2"></a><span class="k">class</span> <span class="nc">Awesome</span> <span class="o"><</span> <span class="no">ActiveRecord</span><span class="o">::</span><span class="no">Base</span>
+<a name="True-3"></a> <span class="kp">include</span> <span class="no">EvenMoreAwesome</span>
+<a name="True-4"></a>
+<a name="True-5"></a> <span class="n">validates_presence_of</span> <span class="ss">:something</span>
+<a name="True-6"></a> <span class="n">validates</span> <span class="ss">:email</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="ss">email_format</span><span class="p">:</span> <span class="kp">true</span>
+<a name="True-7"></a>
+<a name="True-8"></a> <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">initialize</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">email</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="nb">name</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="kp">nil</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<a name="True-9"></a> <span class="nb">self</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">email</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">email</span>
+<a name="True-10"></a> <span class="nb">self</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">name</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nb">name</span>
+<a name="True-11"></a> <span class="nb">self</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">favorite_number</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="mi">12</span>
+<a name="True-12"></a> <span class="nb">puts</span> <span class="s1">'created awesomeness'</span>
+<a name="True-13"></a> <span class="k">end</span>
+<a name="True-14"></a>
+<a name="True-15"></a> <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">email_format</span>
+<a name="True-16"></a> <span class="n">email</span> <span class="o">=~</span> <span class="sr">/\S+@\S+\.\S+/</span>
+<a name="True-17"></a> <span class="k">end</span>
+<a name="True-18"></a><span class="k">end</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>Here’s some CSS:</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-css" data-lang="css"><span class="nc">.foobar</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+ <span class="c">/* Named colors rule */</span>
+ <span class="k">color</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="nb">tomato</span><span class="p">;</span>
+<span class="p">}</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>Here’s some JavaScript:</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-js" data-lang="js"><span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">isPresent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">require</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">'is-present'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="nx">module</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="nx">exports</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="kd">function</span> <span class="nx">doStuff</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">things</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+ <span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">isPresent</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">things</span><span class="p">))</span> <span class="p">{</span>
+ <span class="nx">doOtherStuff</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="nx">things</span><span class="p">)</span>
+ <span class="p">}</span>
+<span class="p">}</span></code></pre></div>
+<p>Here’s some HTML:</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-html" data-lang="html"><span class="nt"><div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"m0 p0 bg-blue white"</span><span class="nt">></span>
+ <span class="nt"><h3</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">"h1"</span><span class="nt">></span>Hello, world!<span class="nt"></h3></span>
+<span class="nt"></div></span></code></pre></div>
+<h1 id="headings">Headings!</h1>
+<p>They’re responsive, and well-proportioned (in <code>padding</code>, <code>line-height</code>, <code>margin</code>, and <code>font-size</code>).
+They also heavily rely on the awesome utility, <a href="http://www.basscss.com/">BASSCSS</a>.</p>
+<h5 id="they-draw-the-perfect-amount-of-attention">They draw the perfect amount of attention</h5>
+<p>This allows your content to have the proper informational and contextual hierarchy. Yay.</p>
+<h3 id="there-are-lists-too">There are lists, too</h3>
+ <li>Apples</li>
+ <li>Oranges</li>
+ <li>Potatoes</li>
+ <li>Milk</li>
+ <li>Mow the lawn</li>
+ <li>Feed the dog</li>
+ <li>Dance</li>
+<h3 id="images-look-great-too">Images look great, too</h3>
+<p><img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1424573/3378137/abac6d7c-fbe6-11e3-8e09-55745b6a8176.png" alt="desk" /></p>
+<p><em><img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1424573/3378137/abac6d7c-fbe6-11e3-8e09-55745b6a8176.png" alt="desk" /></em></p>
+<h3 id="there-are-also-pretty-colors">There are also pretty colors</h3>
+<p>Also the result of <a href="http://www.basscss.com/">BASSCSS</a>, you can <span class="bg-dark-gray white">highlight</span> certain components
+of a <span class="red">post</span> <span class="mid-gray">with</span> <span class="green">CSS</span> <span class="orange">classes</span>.</p>
+<p>I don’t recommend using blue, though. It looks like a <span class="blue">link</span>.</p>
+<h3 id="footnotes">Footnotes!</h3>
+<p>Markdown footnotes are supported, and they look great! Simply put e.g. <code>[^1]</code> where you want the footnote to appear,<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote">1</a></sup> and then add
+the reference at the end of your markdown.</p>
+<h3 id="stylish-blockquotes-included">Stylish blockquotes included</h3>
+<p>You can use the markdown quote syntax, <code>></code> for simple quotes.</p>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis porta mauris.</p>
+<p>However, you need to inject html if you’d like a citation footer. I will be working on a way to
+hopefully sidestep this inconvenience.</p>
+ <p>
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
+ </p>
+ <footer><cite title="Antoine de Saint-Exupéry">Antoine de Saint-Exupéry</cite></footer>
+<h3 id="theres-more-being-added-all-the-time">There’s more being added all the time</h3>
+<p>Checkout the <a href="https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll">Github repository</a> to request,
+or add, features.</p>
+<p>Happy writing.</p>
+<hr />
+<div class="footnotes">
+ <ol>
+ <li id="fn:1">
+ <p>Important information that may distract from the main text can go in footnotes. <a href="#fnref:1" class="reversefootnote">↩</a></p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:31:19 +0800
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/10/see-pixyll-in-action/
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/10/see-pixyll-in-action/
+ So, What is Jekyll?
+ <p>Jekyll is a tool for transforming your plain text into static websites and
+blogs. It is simple, static, and blog-aware. Jekyll uses the
+<a href="http://docs.shopify.com/themes/liquid-basics">Liquid</a> templating
+language and has builtin <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown</a>
+and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_(markup_language)">Textile</a> support.</p>
+<p>It also ties in nicely to <a href="https://pages.github.com/">Github Pages</a>.</p>
+<p>Learn more about Jekyll on their <a href="http://jekyllrb.com/">website</a>.</p>
+ Mon, 09 Jun 2014 20:32:18 +0800
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/09/so-what-is-jekyll/
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/09/so-what-is-jekyll/
+ Pixyll has Pagination
+ <p>This is an empty post to illustrate the pagination component with Pixyll.</p>
+ Sun, 08 Jun 2014 19:21:29 +0800
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/08/pixyll-has-pagination/
+ http://kerim.github.io/syllabi/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/08/pixyll-has-pagination/
diff --git a/_site/files/index.html b/_site/files/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59686c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_site/files/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ Courses – Syllabi 課程大綱
Before you approach me, please prepare a concise statement of your research interests. This statement must have a clear thesis statement, an argument (see my study guides page, and a discussion of your research methodology.
I take advising and sitting on committees seriously. For this reason I cannot accept students who come to me so late that it will be impossible for them to make revisions based on my advice and feedback.
Graduate seminar on the social effects of developments in communications technology, including writing, the printing press, the internet, and mobile communications. (Discontinued.)
Undergraduate course on historical and contemporary inequality, focusing on the colonial encounter as well as issues pertaining to class, race, and gender.
This course draws on economic anthropology, development studies, social history, and gender studies in order to explore three overlapping sets of questions: What is the link between culture and the economy? What was the impact of colonialism upon indigenous peoples? And how has the modern global economic system affected ordinary families around the world? Wherever possible, individual case studies are used in order to bring these issues to life and to promote in-class discussion.
Introduce syllabus, topic, & expectations for student work.
《Empire of Cotton》Ch. 5 “Slavery Takes Command”
《Empire of Cotton》Ch. 7 “Mobilizing Industrial Labor”
《Empire of Cotton》Ch. 10 “Global Reconstruction”
《Empire of Cotton》Ch. 11 “Destructions”
Women and “Globalization”
藍佩嘉 Lan, P C. 《跨國灰姑娘》 Global Cinderellas: Migrant Domestics and Newly Rich Employers in Taiwan. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 2006. (Chapters 2 & 3) 《跨國灰姑娘》
[Film] TBA
哈維 Harvey, David. 《新自由主義簡史》 A Brief History of Neoliberalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
+(Chapter 1)
Economic Morality
格雷伯,《債︰第一個5000年》第二章 《以物易物的經濟學神話》
馬凌諾斯基 Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1920. “Kula; the Circulating Exchange of Valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea.” In Man. Vol. 20:97-105.《庫拉圈》
“The Impact of Money on an African…”
楊美惠 Yang, Mayfair M. 《禮物,關係學,與國家》 Gifts, Favors, and Banquets: The Art of Social Relationships in China. Ithica: Cornell University Press, 1994. (Chapter 3)
Alternatives (吳明季)
Nash, June. “Indigenous Development Alternatives.” Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development (2003): 57-98.
Jekyll is a tool for transforming your plain text into static websites and
+blogs. It is simple, static, and blog-aware. Jekyll uses the
+Liquid templating
+language and has builtin Markdown
+and Textile support.
There is a significant amount of subtle, yet precisely calibrated, styling to ensure
+that your content is emphasized while still looking aesthetically pleasing.
All links are easy to locate and discern, yet don’t detract from the harmony
+of a paragraph. The same goes for italics and bold elements. Even the the strikeout
+works if for some reason you need to update your post. For consistency’s sake,
+The same goes for insertions, of course.
Code, with syntax highlighting
Here’s an example of some ruby code with line anchors.
# The most awesome of classes
+puts'created awesomeness'
Here’s some CSS:
+ /* Named colors rule */
+ color:tomato;
They’re responsive, and well-proportioned (in padding, line-height, margin, and font-size).
+They also heavily rely on the awesome utility, BASSCSS.
They draw the perfect amount of attention
This allows your content to have the proper informational and contextual hierarchy. Yay.
There are lists, too
Mow the lawn
Feed the dog
Images look great, too
There are also pretty colors
Also the result of BASSCSS, you can highlight certain components
+of a postwithCSSclasses.
I don’t recommend using blue, though. It looks like a link.
Markdown footnotes are supported, and they look great! Simply put e.g. [^1] where you want the footnote to appear,1 and then add
+the reference at the end of your markdown.
Stylish blockquotes included
You can use the markdown quote syntax, > for simple quotes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis porta mauris.
However, you need to inject html if you’d like a citation footer. I will be working on a way to
+hopefully sidestep this inconvenience.
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Jekyll that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff. It’s mobile first, fluidly responsive, and delightfully lightweight.
It’s pretty minimal, but leverages large type and drastic contrast to make a statement, on all devices.
+ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Where is it?
Checkout the Github repository to download it, request a feature, or report a bug.
Language and Political Economy explores issues of language ideology, language rights, language and social reproduction, and language policy under the framework of contemporary linguistic anthropology. The course will draw on recent ethnographic work in this field, highlighting links between such case studies and relevant theories of social reproduction and social change.
Language and Society explores the relationships among language, thought, culture, and social structure. Intended to introduce students to the basic concepts and methods used in sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology, the course will look at issues such as language variation, language change, language ideology, language policy, the relationship between language and gender.
課堂大綱 Course Outline (104學年下學期)
Course Overview
Introduction: What is linguistic anthropology?
史迪芬•平克. 2006. 「描繪天堂:生來就會說話的嬰兒」《語言本能》. Ed. 洪蘭 and . 台北: 商周出版.
Ahern, Laura. 2012. “Language, Thought & Culture.” Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology, London: Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Literacy Studies
Ahern: Literacy Practices
Linguistic Facts
Lippi-Green, Rosina. 1997. The linguistic facts of life (chapter 1). In English with An Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States. Routledge.
Code Switching
Chen, Su-Chiao. 1996. Code-Switching as a Verbal Strategy among Chinese in a Campus Setting in Taiwan. World Englishes 15(3): 267-280.
Basso, Keith H. 1970. To give up on words: Silence in western apache culture. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology Vol. 26, No. 3 (Autumn): 213-230.
Midterm Exams
Pygmalion 賣花女
Language and Gender
Ahern: Language and Gender
Basso: Indian Models of “the Whiteman”
Language and Ethnicity
Ahern: Language, Race and Ethnicity
8-Mile 街頭痞子
Bailey, Benjamin. 1997. Communication of respect in interethnic service encounters. Language in Society 26:327-356.
Language Death & Revival
大衛.克里斯托(David Crystal)作; 周蔚譯. Language Death 貓頭鷹出版 城邦文化發行.
In addition to studying classic historical and anthropological texts on orality, literacy, the printing press, particular attention will be focused on recent studies about how indigenous people are using the internet. We will also focus on the concept of “intellectual property” and how new technologies are challenging indigenous conceptions of ownership. Some questions we will ask in this course are: Does writing a language down change a culture? Is the printing press really responsible for the rise of nationalism? When did the concept of “the author” first emerge? What is the difference between text and images? Can we promote free access to knowledge and protect indigenous rights at the same time?
This course seeks to introduce graduate students to the basic concepts and methods used in linguistic anthropology. The course will explore how everyday speech practices reflect and are reflected in issues of culture and identity with a particular focus on gender and ethnicity. Students will learn the basic tools of discourse analysis and the ethnography of communication, and will be introduced to current issues in the field of linguistic anthropology.
Graduate seminar on the social effects of developments in communications technology, including writing, the printing press, the internet, and mobile communications. (Discontinued.)
Undergraduate course on historical and contemporary inequality, focusing on the colonial encounter as well as issues pertaining to class, race, and gender.
This class seeks, in a single semester, to give Ph.D. students a thorough grounding in the foundations of contemporary cultural theory. Topics include classical political economy (Marx, Weber, Durkheim), Structuralism and Post-Structuralism (Levi-Strauss, Foucault, and Bourdieu), Gender and Sexuality, Theories of Knowledge (including discussions of the ethnographic method), as well as Globalization Theory and Nationalism. The primary goal of this fast-paced course is to lay a groundwork for further study. For this reason, particular attention will be paid to the intellectual context from which each of these works emerged. A secondary goal of the course is to develop critical reading skills. Through close readings of primary texts students will be encouraged to engage in internal critique, evaluating the texts in their own terms. Student evaluation will be based on weekly in-class presentations, an online reading journal (blog), and two formal debates to be held at midterm and finals. Auditors are welcome, but they must participate in all class activities, including presentations, reading journals, and debates.
1995 The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Karen E Fields trans. New York: Simon & Schuster. [Selections: Book I: Chapter 1. Book II: Chapters 6 & 7. Book III: Chapter 3 & Conclusion]
中文:芮傳明 譯 1992 《宗教生活的基本方式》,台北:桂冠。
Suggested Readings (Strongly recommended, but students are not required to discuss these works.)
Thompson, Ken
2002 Emile Durkheim. New York: Routledge.
WEEK 3 - Political Economy II: Weber
Weber, Max
1985 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. London ; Boston: Unwin Paperbacks.
中文:于曉 譯 2005《新教倫理與資本主義精神》,台北:左岸文化。
1947 “The fundamental concepts of sociology.” The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. 87-157. 《科層(官僚)組織理論》(Chapter 1)
中文:顧忠華 譯 2002 《社會學的基本概念》,台北:桂冠。
1958 “Science as a vocation.” Daedalus 87 (1): 111-134. 《學術作為一種志業》
中文:錢永祥 譯 1991 《學術與政治:韋伯選集 I》,台北:桂冠。
Suggested Readings
Poggi, Gianfranco
2005 Weber: A Short Introduction. London: Polity Press
WEEK 4 - Political Economy III: Marx
1977 Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. New York: Vintage Books. (Volume 1) [Selections: Preface 1st edition & Postface 2nd edition, Chapter 1 (Sec. 1,2 & 4), Chapter 4, Chapters 6 & 7, Chapter 10, Chapter 25 Sec. 1-4, Part 8 (Chs. 26-33). Appendix sections: “formal subsumption of labor under capital” and “real subsumption of labor under capital.”]
中文:馬克思 2004 《資本論第一卷》,上海:人民出版社。
Suggested Readings
Mandel, Ernest.
2002 An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory. Chippendale, N.S.W.: Resistance Books.
Harvey, David
2014《A Companion to Marx’s Capital》
WEEK 5 - Functionalism
Malinowski, B.
Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Waveland Pr Inc, 1984.(Introduction, Chs. 2-4, 6, 11-12, 14-17, & 22)
Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan
1969 The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People. Cambridge, UK: Oxford University Press. (Introduction, Chs. 1, 3, & 5)
“The Ethnographer’s Magic.” In The Ethnographer’s Magic and Other Essay’s in the History of Anthropology, edited by George W. Stocking, 12–59. Wisconsin University Press, 1992.
1973 “Structuralism in Social Anthropology.” Structuralism: An Introduction, 37–56.
1969 “Genesis as Myth.” In Genesis as Myth and Other Essays, edited by Edmund Leach, 7–25. London: Cape.
Suggested Readings
Matthews, Peter
2003 A Short History of Structural Linguistics. New York: Cambridge University Press
WEEK 7 - The Culture Concept
Abu-Lugbod, L
2006 “Writing against culture.” Feminist Anthropology: A Reader 8:153.
Asad, T
1986 “The concept of cultural translation in british social anthropology.” Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography 1:141-164.
中文:高丙中 吳曉黎 李霞 等2008《寫文化︰民族志的詩學與政治學》,北京:商務印書館。
Sahlins, M
1999 “Two or three things that I know about culture.” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 5 (3): 399-421.
Gupta, Akhil, and James Ferguson.
1992 “Beyond ‘culture’: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference.” Cultural Anthropology 7, no. 1: 6–23.
Stocking, George W.
1966 “Franz Boas and the Culture Concept in Historical Perspective.” American Anthropologist 68, no. 4: 867–82.
Sapir, E.
1924 “Culture, Genuine and Spurious.” The American Journal of Sociology.
WEEK 8 - Special Event: James Clifford (林徐達)10/21 & 10/28 (6:10-9pm)
Clifford, James
2013 Returns: Becoming Indigenous in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
1986 “Introduction: Partial Truths.” In Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, edited by James Clifford and George Marcus. Berkeley: CA: University of California Press.
2015 An Introduction to Antonio Gramsci: His Life, Thought and Legacy. Bloomsbury Academic.
Crehan, Kate A F.
2002 Gramsci, Culture, and Anthropology. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Suggested Readings
Gramsci, Antonio
1990 “Some aspects of the southern question.” Antonio Gramsci: Selections From Political Writings (1921-1926). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 《 南方問題札記》
WEEK 11 - No Class 全校運動會(停課一天)
WEEK 12 - Interpretive Anthropology 林徐達
2015 《詮釋人類學:民族誌閱讀與書寫的交互評註》台北:桂冠。 (導讀、第一張、第二章、結論)
WEEK 13 - Gender
Mascia-Lee, Frances E., and Nancy Johnson Black.
1999 Gender and Anthropology. Waveland Pr Inc.
Rubin, G
2006 “The traffic in women: Notes on the political economy of sex.”. Feminist Anthropology: A Reader. E. Lewin ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
1989 “Toward a unified theory of class, race, and gender.” American Ethnologist 16 (3): 534-550.
WEEK 14 - Post-Structuralism I: Bourdieu
Bourdieu, Pierre
1977 Outline of a Theory of Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Thompson, John B.
1991 “Introduction” Language and Symbolic Power, John B. Thompson Ed. & Trans.. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Ortner, Sherry B.
1984 “Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties,” in Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory. Kirks, Nicholas, G. Eley, S. B. Ortner eds. Princeton: Princeton University. pp372-411.
WEEK 15 - Post-Structuralism II: Foucault
Foucault, M.
1979 Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage Books. Web.
中文:劉北成譯1992 《規訓與懲罰–監獄的誕生》,台北:桂冠
2012 The History of Sexuality: An Introduction Vintage, .
1991 “Questions of method.” in The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmental Nationality : With Two Lectures by and An Interview with Michel Foucault. G Burchell, C Gordon, and P M Miller eds. 1991. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. pp. 73-86.
Suggested Readings
2007 [1972] “The discourse on language.” Appendix: Archaeology of Knowledge. London ; New York: Routledge. pp 215-37.
中文:許寶強、袁偉選編2001《語言與翻譯的政治》,北京:中央編譯出版社。(英譯版本”The Order of Discourse” in Untying the Text, edited by Robert Young. London: RKP, 1981)
WEEK 16 - Postcolonialism
Williams, Patrick, and Laura Chrisman, eds.
Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader. Columbia University Press, 1994. (Parts 1,2, & 5)
WEEK 17 - Neoliberalism
Ong, Aihwa
2006 Neoliberalism as Exception: Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty. Duke University Press Books.
Ortner, Sherry.
2011 “On Neoliberalism.” Anthropology of This Century. http://aotcpress.com/articles/neoliberalism/.
Harvey, David
2007 “Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 610, no. 1 (March 1): 21–44.
Define and Rule - Race, Gender, and Colonial Knowledge
This is an independent study class for Ph.D. students. The course seeks to introduce students to debates and topics within contemporary foucauldian approaches to colonial studies. It is a truism to state that “knowledge is power” but what does this mean? How has colonial knowledge shaped race, gender, illness, language, sexuality, etc? What are the methodologies used in the study of knowledge/power? What are the criticisms and limitations of such discourse centered approaches?
Dirks, Nicholas B. The Scandal of Empire. Harvard University Press, 2009.
(a) Nandy, Ashis. The Intimate Enemy: Loss and Recovery of Self Under Colonialism. Oxford University Press, 2010. & (b) Césaire, Aimé. Discourse on Colonialism. Monthly Review Press, 2000.
Williams, Patrick, and Laura Chrisman, eds. Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader. Columbia University Press, 1994. [Parts 1 and 2]
Stoler, Ann Laura. Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things. Duke University Press Books, 2012.
Vaughan, Megan. Curing Their Ills: Colonial Power and African Illness. Stanford University Press, 1991.
Mitchell, Timothy. Colonising Egypt. University of California Press, 1991.
Errington, Joseph. Linguistics in a Colonial World: A Story of Language, Meaning, and Power. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Thomas, Nicholas. Colonialism’s Culture. Princeton University Press, 1994.
Mamdani, Mahmood. Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism. Princeton University Press, 1996.
Wolfe, Patrick. Traces of History: Elementary Structures of Race. Verso, 2016.
Teaching Method and Requirements
Course requirements
All students will be required to write several “reading response papers.” The exact number will depend on the size of the class. (There will be a response paper presented every week except the first and last weeks of the semester, or if there is a guest lecturer.) The student who writes the reading response paper for a particular week will be the one who leads the discussion that week. Reading response papers must be submitted to the class at least 7 days before the next class so that everyone has time to read them.
About the required readings
If you do not feel you can meet the expectation of reading all the required books, please do not take this class. This course is a graduate seminar at the Ph.D. level and so class time will be spent discussing books, not summarizing them.
Reading Response Papers (60%)
A reading response paper is a research paper. It is not a paper summarizing the book, but is a critical engagement with the literature in that book. It should (a) contextualize the book to aid understanding by presenting the intellectual motivation for the book, (b) critically engage with the book by providing an internal critique of the book’s argument and methodology, and (c) attempt to apply the book’s argument to case-studies not discussed in the book.
So, for instance, a reading response paper on Imagined Communities would (a) discuss the importance of the book in the development of nationalism studies, (b) ask whether Anderson’s notion of an imagined community adequately explains the phenomenon he discusses in the book, and (c) apply the argument to a discussion of another case-study, like Taiwan. These papers should be between 6 and 9 pages long (not counting the bibliography, and using a standard 12 pt. font, double spaced).
Discussion (40%)
Because this is a seminar, all students will be expected to contribute to the discussion each week. This will be an important part of your grade. If you don’t feel comfortable discussing in class, you can also post your thoughts online.
Indigenous Images has three goals: 1. To train students in the art of critical film analysis. 2. Introduce students to the history and theory of ethnographic film. And, 3. To discuss issues pertaining to media produced by indigenous peoples. Wherever possible this course uses films relating to Taiwanese Aborigines, but we will also watch and discuss a wide range of films from around the world.
Chang, Anita Wen-shin. “In the Realm of the Indigenous: Local, National, and Global Articulations in Fishing Luck.” Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 17.3 (2009): 643-653.
Ginsburg, Faye D., Lila Abu-Lughod and Brian Larkin ed. 2008(2002) 媒體世界:人類學的新領域,楊雅婷等譯。臺北:巨流。
Green, Rayna. “The Pocahontas Perplex: Images of American Indian Women in American Culture.” In Native American Voices: A Reader (2nd Edition), edited by Susan Lobo, and Steve Talbot, Prentice Hall, 2000.
Huhndorf, Shari. “Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner: Culture, History, and Politics in Inuit Media.” American Anthropologist 105, no. 4 (2003): 822-26.
Nichols, Bill. 2001. Introduction to Documentary. Indiana University Press.
Pramaggiore, Maria and Tom Wallis. 2008. Film : A critical introduction . Boston : Pearson.
Kilpatrick, Jacquelyn. 2003. “Native Americans.” In The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies Have Portrayed the American Past. Edited by Peter C. Rollins. p. 277-87. New York : Columbia University Press.
These examples of paraphrasing are taken from the handout “Paraphrase - Write it in your own words.” 這些解譯的例子取自《解譯–在你自己的話中書寫》OWL Purdue University Writing Lab. ↩
This course is teaches students ethnographic research methods using a hands-on approach. In addition to making their own short ethnographic films, the course will address many issues which apply as much to written ethnographies as they do to visual ones, including: research ethics, collaborative research methods, interviewing technique, transcription, and the art of participant observation.
This course seeks to move beyond traditional journalistic approaches commonly used in TV documentaries in order to learn techniques better suited for the complex needs of ethnographic research. In particular, students will learn about “observational,” “participatory,” and “reflexive” styles of filmmaking. By the end of the course students should be able to mix and match these different styles according to their own needs.
Although this course will cover those technical aspects of filmmaking which are absolutely essential for new filmmakers to learn, it is not a technical course. Modern day video technology and editing software has become sophisticated and ubiquitous enough that most students no longer need extensive training to use these tools. The technical aspect of the course will focus instead the principles of video editing as these principles are rarely taught in school and remain useful regardless of the specific tools being used.
Students are encouraged to use their own equipment if they have any. There is also professional grade equipment available in the department’s own media lab should students wish to borrow it. No previous experience in video production is required for this class.
Reading for this class has been kept to a minimum so as to give students more time to focus on the hands-on experience of making ethnographic films. However, there is still some required reading, most of which is available in Chinese. All students are expected to do all of the reading and to come to class ready to discuss the reading.
Students will complete three shorter homework assignments to learn different styles of filmmaking. There will be an “observational” film which records naturally occurring human behavior without commentary. There will be an “interview” assignment which consists entirely of interviews in different settings (such as sitting down indoors, or walking around outdoors). And there will be a “reflexive” assignment which uses “found footage” (supplied by the instructor) to make a short video essay. Students will be provided with handouts and explanations for these assignments over the course of the semester. Each of these pieces will be approximately five minutes long and will be shared and discussed in class.
Treat this project as you would a research paper. Unlike a research paper, however, it is not possible to make up for lost time at the end of the semester. To help students with planning, this project has been broken down into a series of smaller assignments with deadlines throughout the semester. These will include things like writing up a topic statement, completing principle shooting, writing up shooting logs and transcripts, etc. See the course outline for the exact due dates for each of these assignments. Students will be provided with hand outs and explanations for each of these assignments over the course of the semester. The final project should be under fifteen minutes in length.
This course will explore the ethnographic use of film, photography, and new media. It is a required course for those students who wish to take the ethnographic film production course. Topics covered in this course will include: learning how to critically “read” visual media, the history of ethnographic film, indigenous media, image ethics, new media, and relevant social theories.
課堂大綱 Course Outline (104學年上學期)
Course Overview
Introduce syllabus, topic, & expectations for student work.
Chapter 4 - Pramaggiore, Maria and Tom Wallis. 2008. Film: A critical introduction. Boston:Pearson. (Pramaggiore & Wallis)
[Film] When Harry Met Sally/當哈利碰上莎莉 (96)
[Film] Boys Don’t Cry/男孩別哭 (118)
Mise en Scene
Chapter 5 - Pramaggiore & Wallis
[Film] Citizen Kane/大國民 (119)
[Film] Goodfellas/盜亦有道 (145)
Chapter 7 - Pramaggiore & Wallis
[Film] Breathless/斷了氣 (87)
[Film] The Cutting Edge/电影剪接的魔力 (139)
[in class] Battleship Potemkin/波坦金戰艦 (clips)
Indigenous Narrative Film I
Huhndorf, Shari. “Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner: Culture, History, and Politics in Inuit Media.” American Anthropologist 105, no. 4 (2003): 822-26.
[in class] The Fast Runner/冰原快跑人 (172)
Filming “Women” (Guest Lecture 王君琦)
Chapter 3 - 柏格 Berger, J. (2005). 觀看的方式 ways of seeing (吳莉君, Trans.). (初版 ed.). 台北市: 麥田出版 : 家庭傳媒城邦分公司發行.
Chapter 3 - 默茨 Metz, M., 德勒茲, & 吳瓊 (2005). 想像的能指 the imaginary signifier. In 凝視的快感: 電影文本的精神分析 (第1版 ed.). 北京: 中國人民大學出版社出版發行 : 新華經銷.
Mulvey, L. (n.d.). 視覺快感與敘事電影: Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. 電影欣賞. 雙月刊, 42, 21-23.
[Film] Rear Window/後窗 (112)
[Film] Red Road/紅路 (113)
Filming “Natives”
Kilpatrick, Jacquelyn. 2003. “Native Americans.” In The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies Have Portrayed the American Past. Edited by Peter C. Rollins. p. 277-87. New York: Columbia University Press.
Sterk, Darryl. 2014. “Ironic Indigenous Primitivism: Taiwan’s First ‘native Feature’ in an Era of Ethnic Tourism.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 8, no. 3: 209–25.
Chapter 3 - Turner - in 金斯伯, Lughod, L. A., Larkin, B., 國立編譯館, & 楊雅婷 (2008). 媒體世界: 人類學的新領域 media worlds: Anthropology on new terrain (初版 ed.). 臺北市: 巨流, 編譯館.
[Film] Reel Injun/英雄本色 (51)
[Film] Finding Sayon/《不一樣的月光》(93)
[Film] Marangmotxingmo Mirang/伊邦小孩的影像信 (35)
[in class] Video in the Villages Presents Itself/村落影像秀自己 (33)
Filming “Truth”
(selections) Morris, E. (2011). Believing is seeing : Observations on the mysteries of photography. New York: Penguin Press.
(selections) Hammersley, M. & Atkinson, P. (2007). What is ethnography? In Ethnography : Principles in practice. London ; New York: Routledge.
[Film] Roshomon/羅生門 (88)
[Film] Thin Blue Line/正義難伸 (103)
Midterm Presentations
Image ethics
Chapter 1 - Nichols, Bill. 2007. 紀錄片導論. Translated by 陳犀禾, 劉宇清, and 鄭潔. 北京: 中國電影出版社. (Nichols)
Ruby, J. (1991). Speaking for, speaking about, speaking with, or speaking alongside - an anthropological and documentary dilemma.
Peterson, Nicolas. 2003. “The Changing Photographic Contract.” In Photography’s Other Histories, edited by Nicholas Thomas, Jo-Anne Driessens, Michael Aird, Christopher Pinney, and Nicolas Peterson, 119–45. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
[Film]”Cannibal Tours/食人之旅 (70)
[Film] Chronique d’un été/夏日編年紀事 (85)
Ethnographic Film
Chapter 1 & 2 - Loizos, P. (1993). Innovation in ethnographic film : From innocence to self-consciousness, 1955-85. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
[Film] Nanook of the North/北方的南努克 (79)
[Film] A Far Country/喀拉哈里家族:遙遠的家園 (90)
[in class] A Joking Relationship/愛,開玩笑 (13)
[in class] The Ax Fight/斧戰 (clips)
Poetic Mode/Expository Mode
Chapter 2 & 6 - Nichols, Bill. 2007. 紀錄片導論. Translated by 陳犀禾, 劉宇清, and 鄭潔. 北京: 中國電影出版社. (Nichols)
Friedman, P Kerim. “Collaboration against Ethnography: Filming an Unwanted ‘cultural Heritage.” Critique of Anthropology 33, no. 4 (2013): 390–411.
Chiu, K. (2007). The vision of Taiwan new documentary. In D. W. Davis (Ed.), Cinema Taiwan: Politics, popularity and state of the arts. Taylor & Francis.
[Film] Please Don’t Beat Me, Sir!/請別打我,長官! (75)
[Film] Voices of Orchid Island/蘭嶼觀點 (73)
[Film] Petit-a-Petit/積少成多 (96)
Reflexive & Performatory Modes
DeBouzek, J. (1989). The ‘ethnographic surrealism’ of Jean Rouch. Visual Anthropology 2: 265-300.
Jørgensen, A. M. (2007). Filmmaking as ethnographic dialogues: Rouch’s family of “scoundrels” in niger. Visual Anthropology, 20(1), 57-73.
Ruby, J. (1980). Exposing yourself: Reflexivity, anthropology and film. Language and Linguistics Compass.
This is a seminar style class. Students are all expected to do the weekly readings every week. In addition, there will be in-class presentations on the readings which will be assigned each week. The exact number of presentations required will depend on class enrollment. Because the readings require a knowledge of films as well as texts, there will also be two to three films assigned each week. Students are encouraged to schedule a time to watch these films together, but it is not required and a copy of the films will be left in the office for those students who wish to borrow them for home viewing. Watching these films is not optional as each week’s readings are paired to the films assigned for that week and viewing them is necessary in order to follow the discussion. The assignments will be in the form of two “visual essays” with the details of what is required to be handed out during the second week of class. A short visual essay on an individual scene will be presented in class during midterms, and a longer visual essay on a documentary film or director will be presented during the last two weeks of class.
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+layout: undergraduate_courses
+title: 原住民教育 Aboriginal Education
+category: undergraduate_courses
+notes: Undergraduate course on issues of class, race, and gender in education, with a specific focus on indigenous education.
+本課程「原住民族教育」 旨在探討語言、族群與教育間的關係。透過運用教室民族誌,本課程介紹學生瞭解原住民族教育的關鍵概念,包括:社會再製、反抗與社會變遷、口語與文字,以及雙語教育的議題。
+This course, “Indigenous Education,” explores the relationships between language, ethnicity, and education. Through the use of classroom ethnographies, this course introduces students to key concepts in the study of indigenous education. These include: social reproduction, resistance and social change, orality and literacy, and issues pertaining to bilingual education.
+* [課程 Syllabus][syllabas]
+* [課堂大綱 Course Outline][outline] [[PDF][pdf]]
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+layout: undergraduate_courses
+title: 原住民影像 Indigenous Images
+category: undergraduate_courses
+notes: Undergraduate course exploring the representation of indigenous peoples in the media.
+warn: "Fall 2015"
+Indigenous Images has three goals: 1. To train students in the art of critical film analysis. 2. Introduce students to the history and theory of ethnographic film. And, 3. To discuss issues pertaining to media produced by indigenous peoples. Wherever possible this course uses films relating to Taiwanese Aborigines, but we will also watch and discuss a wide range of films from around the world.
+原住民影像有三個目標:1.訓練學生的批判影像分析能力 2.介紹學生認識民族誌電影的歷史與理論 3.討論原住民自己創作影像的議題 . 這門課所使用的電影跟台灣原住民相關, 但我們會從寬廣的角度來觀看與討論台灣原住民電影.
+## 課堂大綱 Course Outline (104學年上學期)
+1. **Course Overview**
+ * Introduce syllabus, topic, & expectations for student work.
+2. **Narrative**
+ * Pramaggiore, Maria and Tom Wallis. 2008. *Film: A critical introduction*. Boston:Pearson. (Pramaggiore & Wallis) - Chapter 4
+ * [Film] Pocahontas/風中奇緣 (81)
+3. **Mise en Scene**
+ * Pramaggiore & Wallis - Chapter 5
+ * [Film] The Searchers/搜索者 (119)
+4. **Indigenous Narrative Film I**
+ * Huhndorf, Shari. "Atanarjuat, the Fast Runner: Culture, History, and Politics in Inuit Media." *American Anthropologist* 105, no. 4 (2003): 822-26.
+ * [Film] The Fast Runner/冰原快跑人 (172)
+5. **Editing**
+ * Pramaggiore & Wallis - Chapter 7
+ * [Film] The Last Of The Mohicans/大地英豪 (117)
+6. **Native Americans in Film**
+ * Kilpatrick, Jacquelyn. 2003. "Native Americans." In *The Columbia Companion to American History on Film: How the Movies Have Portrayed the American Past*. Edited by Peter C. Rollins. p. 277-87. New York: Columbia University Press.
+ * Green, Rayna. "The Pocahontas Perplex: Images of American Indian Women in American Culture." In *Native American Voices: A Reader* (2nd Edition), edited by Susan Lobo, and Steve Talbot, Prentice Hall, 2000.
+ * [Film] Reel Injun/英雄本色 (51)
+7. **Indigenous Narrative Film II**
+ * Chang, Anita Wen-shin. "In the Realm of the Indigenous: Local, National, and Global Articulations in Fishing Luck." *Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique* 17.3 (2009): 643-653.
+ * Huhndorf - "Atanarjuat"
+ * [Film] Fishing Luck/等待飛魚 (96)
+8. **期中考試**
+9. **Indigenous Narrative Film III**
+ * Sterk, Darryl. 2014. “Ironic Indigenous Primitivism: Taiwan’s First ‘native Feature’ in an Era of Ethnic Tourism.” *Journal of Chinese Cinemas* 8, no. 3: 209–25.
+ * [Film] Finding Sayun/不一樣的月光 (100)
+10. **Guest Lecture: 蔡政良**
+ * 蔡政良《從都蘭到新幾內亞》
+ * From Here to PNG/從新幾內亞到台北 (55)
+11. **Documentary Ethics I**
+ * Nichols, Bill. 2007. 紀錄片導論. Translated by 陳犀禾, 劉宇清, and 鄭潔. 北京: 中國電影出版社. (Nichols) - Chapter 1
+ * [Film] Nanook of the North/北方的南努克 (79)
+12. **Documentary Ethics II**
+* Peterson, Nicolas. 2003. “The Changing Photographic Contract.” In *Photography’s Other Histories*, edited by Nicholas Thomas, Jo-Anne Driessens, Michael Aird, Christopher Pinney, and Nicolas Peterson, 119–45. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
+ * [Film] Marangmotxingmo Mirang/伊邦小孩的影像信 (35)
+ * [Film] Born into Brothels/小小攝影師 (85)
+13. **Tradition and Change**
+ * Michaels, Eric. 1994. “For a Cultural Future: Francis Jupurrurla Makes TV at Yuendumu.” In *Bad Aboriginal Art: Tradition, Media, and Technological Horizons*, 99–126. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
+ * [Film] The Stories of Rainbow/彩虹的故事 (55)
+ * [Film] Amis Hiphop/阿美嘻哈 (55)
+14. **Who Owns Native Culture?**
+ * Brown, Michael F. 2009. *Who Owns Native Culture?* Harvard University Press. - Chapter 1
+ * Returning Souls/讓靈魂回家 (85)
+15. **Documenatry Film Generes**
+ * Nichols - Chapter 6
+ * [Film]Voices of Orchid Island/蘭嶼觀點 (73)
+16. **Collaborative Ethnography**
+ * Friedman, P Kerim. “Collaboration against Ethnography: Filming an Unwanted ‘cultural Heritage.” *Critique of Anthropology* 33, no. 4 (2013): 390–411.
+ * Please Don't Beat Me, Sir!/請別打我,長官! (75)
+17. **期末考試**
+[課堂大綱XLS檔案](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FB7TCbIHCnW1K0fY6BUYl_37a0LCLejUZd6BUpvSK3o/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true) ([下載PDF版本](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FB7TCbIHCnW1K0fY6BUYl_37a0LCLejUZd6BUpvSK3o/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=pdf))
+## Course Info
+### Time and Location 時間與地點
+* 時間:星期二, 1:10pm-5:00pm
+* 地點:原A206
+### Requirements and Credits
+* 授課時數: 3
+* 開課班級: 學二
+{% include instructor.markdown %}
+### TA 助教
+* 課程助教: 盧姵岑 kc0206260006@gmail.com
+{% include grading.markdown %}
+{% include cc.markdown %}
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+title: Avoiding Plagiarism
+category: syllabi
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+layout: syllabi
+title: 什麼是抄襲?怎麼避免剽竊?
+category: syllabi
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+layout: page
+title: About Pixyll
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+This Jekyll theme was crafted with <3 by [John Otander](http://johnotander.com)
+Checkout the [Github repository](https://github.com/johnotander/pixyll) to download it,
+request a feature, report a bug, or contribute. It's free, and open source
+Thanks to the following:
+* [BASSCSS](http://basscss.com)
+* [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com)
+* [Refills](http://refills.bourbon.io/)
+* [Type Scale](http://type-scale.com/)
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+layout: undergraduate_courses
+title: 印度原住民研究 Adivasi Studies
+category: undergraduate_courses
+notes: Undergraduate course on Indigenous peoples in India, with a focus on Denotified and Nomadic Tribes.
+warn: "Spring 2014"
+Adivasi Studies explores the history, culture, languages and traditions of India’s indigenous population. Over eight percent of India’s one billion people are Adivasis, but their story has only recently begun to be told. After exploring the early history of Adivasi encounters with the rest of Indian society, the course then looks at how the colonial encounter shaped Adivasi identity, finally turning to recent events, including the Adivasi right movement, and the impact of globalization. Particular attention will be paid to the so-called De-notified and Nomadic Tribes or DNTs, and their struggles.
+## 課堂大綱 Course Outline (102學年下學期)
+1. 2月20日 **Course introduction**
+2. 2月27日 **Ramayana vs. Ramanyi**
+ * Gond Ramanyi Handout Film: Sita Sings the Blues
+3. 3月06日 **Buddhism and China**
+ * 印度人文之旅 2 (film and book)
+ * Sen on India and China
+4. 3月13日 **Islam before Colonialism**
+ * 印度人文之旅 5 (film and book)
+5. 3月20日 **Colonialism and After**
+ * 印度人文之旅 6 (film and book)
+6. 3月27日 **Thuggies**
+ * 施瓦茨 《印第安納•瓊斯和罪惡之殿》
+ * Film: The Decievers《騙子們》
+7. 4月03日 **調整上課(放假)**
+8. 4月10日 **"Criminal Tribes"**
+ * Friedman "Collaboration against Ethnography"
+ * Film:《請別打我,長官!》
+ * Supplementary:《布德漢》
+9. 4月17日 **期中考試**
+10. 4月24日 **Adivasi**
+ * 傅可恩《多爾鼓(Dhol)的故事》
+11. 5月01日 **Adivasi**
+ * Shah Prologue + 1 **(Group 1)**
+12. 5月08日 **Film**
+ * Himself He Cooks 關於吃這件事
+ * SAMA 神秘的莎瑪
+13. 5月15日 **Adivasi**
+ * Shah 2 **(Group 2)**
+14. 5月22日 **Adivasi**
+ * Shah 3 **(Group 3)**
+15. 5月29日 **Adivasi**
+ * Shah 4 **(Group 4)**
+16. 6月05日 **Adivasi**
+ * Shah 5 **(Group 5)**
+17. 6月12日 **Adivasi**
+ * Shah 6 + Epilogue **(Group 6)**
+18. 6月19日 **學期考試**
+[課堂大綱XLS檔案](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CsEM2yE5rRws2M0BHbosRUsJQ4flJ0G2EzsRHkHWRLs/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true) ([下載PDF版本](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CsEM2yE5rRws2M0BHbosRUsJQ4flJ0G2EzsRHkHWRLs/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=pdf))
+## Course Info
+### Time and Location 時間與地點
+* 時間:星期四, 2:10pm-5:00pm
+* 地點:原A206
+### Requirements and Credits
+* 授課時數: 3
+* 開課班級: 學二
+{% include instructor.markdown %}
+### TA 助教
+* 課程助教:
+### Readings 閱讀書目
+- "Gond Ramayani." Handout.
+- Bajrange, Dakxin. 《布德漢》 *Budhan*. In Painted Words: An Anthology of Tribal Literature. Devy G. N., ed. Sonal Baxi, trans. Pp. 260-285. New Delhi: Penguin Books. 2002
+- Friedman, P. Kerim. "Collaboration against ethnography: Filming an unwanted ‘cultural heritage.’" *Critique of Anthropology*. Vol. 33 no. 4 390-411. December 2013.
+- Sen, Amartya. 《好思辯的印度人》 *The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity*. London: Macmillan, 2006.
+- Shah, Alpa. *In the Shadows of the State: Indigenous Politics, Environmentalism, and Insurgency in Jharkhand, India*. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010.
+- Wood, Michael. 《印度的故事:夢想與創意的古國歷史之旅》 *The Story of India*. New York: Random House, 2007.
+- 亨利。施瓦茨 and (Henry Schwarz). 2007. 印第安納•瓊斯和罪惡之殿. In 文學批評與文化批判. Trans. 袁英 湖北:中國: 華中師範大學出版社.
+- 傅可恩 and (P. Kerim Friedman). 2007. 多爾鼓(dhol)的故事: 關於印度原住民(adivasis)為自己所做的口述雜誌 (the story of dhol: An "oral magazine" by, about, and for adivasis). In 瞭解當代印度政治. Ed. Jolan Hsieh Cheng-feng Shih. Trans. 林伯寰 台北:台灣: 台灣國際研究學會舉辦的「瞭解當代印度政治」學術研討會.
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+{% include cc.markdown %}
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..96c9681
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+layout: null
+ {{ site.title }}
+ {{ site.time | date_to_xmlschema }}
+ {{ site.url }}
+ {{ site.author.name }}
+ {{ site.author.email }}
+ {% for post in site.posts %}
+ {{ post.title }}
+ {{ post.date | date_to_xmlschema }}
+ {{ site.url }}{{ post.id }}
+ {{ post.content | xml_escape }}
+ {% endfor %}
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+layout: page
+title: Say Hello
+permalink: /contact/
+tags: contact
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+layout: general_info
+title: 研究生 Graduate Students
+category: general_info
+### MA Students
+- **Iwa|陳襯芙**:族語團體學習與文化復振
+- **盧姵岑**:從現代性觀點研究排灣族刺青(手紋與身體)的圖紋再現。
+- **林郁雯**:以發展人類學和教育人類學的理論為基礎,探討一受到新自由主義思維影響的非營利組織,在將乞討者納入一強調自助(Self-help)的職業訓練,和補習式的識字計畫時,與乞討者之間往來的權力流動,並進一步思索乞討工作對乞討者的意涵。
+### Ph.D. Students
+- **張瀠之**:研究興趣在健康論述和醫療行為上區分族群差異的意義。從醫療人類學取徑,觀察台灣原住民族健康現況與分析相關研究論述。
+- **Sifo Lakaw|鍾文觀**:從教育人類學和語言人類學的理論觀點出發,分析台灣原住民族實驗教育的發展以及語言轉移和認同之間的關係及意義。
+- **吳明季**:以民族誌方法,從經濟人類學與後殖民的研究視角切入,探討當代的經濟系統(包含貨幣系統、勞動系統、土地制度變遷、私有制的概念及其衍伸的政治經濟制度、當代資本主義制度……)在最近一百年內進入台灣原住民部落,引發對原住民社會的劇烈影響與矛盾衝突的文化與政治經濟分析,並且探究當代台灣原住民部落在此基礎上,試圖發展部落團結經濟的努力,所面臨各種文化與政治經濟系統的磨合、矛盾衝突與現代化適應的文化與政治經濟分析,並探究解殖民的可能性。
+- **Pisuy Silan**:以自我民族誌(Autoethnography)的方式紀錄並探討原住民部落土地及空間失憶的過程,並釐清國家原住民土地政策與原住民土地使用慣習的衝突。希望釐清在文化、經濟急遽變遷之中,原住民如何進行土地、空間的詮釋,並如何在資本主義、自由經濟以及國家法制種種因素影響之下,創造出因應現代而產生的部落集體土地運用思維及土地權利的在地實踐。
+## Prospective Advisees
+* Before you approach me, please prepare a concise statement of your research interests. This statement must have a clear thesis statement, an argument (see my [study guides page](http://kerim.oxus.net/syllabi/study-guides/), and a discussion of your research methodology.
+* I take advising and sitting on committees seriously. For this reason I cannot accept students who come to me so late that it will be impossible for them to make revisions based on my advice and feedback.
+## Thinking of graduate school?
+* Read this advice for those [considering graduate school](http://crookedtimber.org/2007/09/09/grad-students-prospective-and-otherwise/).
+* [挑選研究所](http://guavanthropology.tw/article/2576)
+## Need a letter of recommendation?
+* Fill out [this form](http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfqcv2wx_144g2d5bv) and send it to me.
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