// deploy.php
require 'vendor/deployer/recipes/hipchat.php';
hipchat (required): accepts an array with the auth token and room id. Token can be generated on the "Group Admin / API" page on the hipchat website.
auth_token - Hipchat V1 auth token
room_id - Room ID or name
You can provide also other configuration options:
- message - Deploy message, default is Deployment to '{$host}' on {$prod} was successful\n({$releasePath})
- color - Message color, default is green
- notify - Notify, default is 0
- endpoint - API endpoint, change this if you run your own hipchat instance, default is https://api.hipchat.com/v1/rooms/message
// deploy.php
set('hipchat', [
'auth_token' => 'abcdef...',
'room_id' => 'my room',
send message to hipchat
Since you should only notify Hipchat room of a successfull deployment, the deploy:hipchat
task should be executed right at the end.
// deploy.php
after('deploy', 'deploy:hipchat');