It is often the case in CUDA programming that we wish to launch a kernel but don't know which block size to use. Perhaps the kernel is an essential piece of our algorithm, but its performance is not important enough to warrant a thorough tuning. Perhaps we aren't able to benchmark the kernel because it is a library function whose runtime behavior isn't known at authorship time. Perhaps we're simply in a hurry and have more interesting things to work on.
__global__ void my_kernel();
int main()
// what goes here?
return 0;
Whatever the case, we need to choose some block size because it is necessary to launch the kernel.
We'd like a block size which is both
- guaranteed to fit within the resource constraints of the device and
- does not result in a kernel launch with pathological performance
One way to choose a block size is to use a heuristic which promotes utilization, or "occupancy". A kernel with high potential occupancy can often perform well, and isn't likely to perform pathologically slow. So, without further information beyond a kernel's resource requirements and the GPU of interest, high occupancy is a reasonable goal.
The functions included in this library compute CUDA block sizes which are intended to promote high occupancy for a CUDA kernel.
Here's how to use it for saxpy
#include "cuda_launch_config.hpp"
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/logical.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <cassert>
__global__ void saxpy(float a, float *x, float *y, size_t n)
int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if(i < n)
y[i] = a * x[i] + y[i];
int main()
size_t n = 1 << 20;
thrust::device_vector<float> x(n, 10);
thrust::device_vector<float> y(n, 100);
float a = 10;
// we'd like to launch saxpy, but we're not sure which block size to use
// let's use a heuristic which promotes occupancy.
// first, get the cudaFuncAtttributes object corresponding to saxpy
cudaFuncAttributes attributes;
cudaFuncGetAttributes(&attributes, saxpy);
// next, get the cudaDeviceProp object corresponding to the current device
int device;
cudaDeviceProp properties;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&properties, device);
// we can combine the two to compute a block size
size_t num_threads = block_size_with_maximum_potential_occupancy(attributes, properties);
// compute the number of blocks of size num_threads to launch
size_t num_blocks = n / num_threads;
// check for partial block at the end
if(n % num_threads) ++num_blocks;
saxpy<<<num_blocks,num_threads>>>(a, raw_pointer_cast(, raw_pointer_cast(, n);
// validate the result
assert(thrust::all_of(y.begin(), y.end(), thrust::placeholders::_1 == 200));
return 0;