There are three steps for accelerating your application on an Amazon EC2 FPGA instance:
- Build the host application, and the Xilinx FPGA binary
- Create an AFI (Amazon FPGA Image)
- Run the FPGA accelerated application on AWS FPGA F1 instance
A simple "Hello World" Vitis example to get you started.
This example uses the load/compute/store coding style which is generally the most efficient for implementing kernels using HLS. The load and store functions are responsible for moving data in and out of the kernel as efficiently as possible. The core functionality is decomposed across one of more compute functions. Whenever possible, the compute function should pass data through HLS streams and should contain a single set of nested loops.
HLS stream objects are used to pass data between producer and consumer functions. Stream read and write operations have a blocking behavior which allows consumers and producers to synchronize with each other automatically.
The dataflow pragma instructs the compiler to enable task-level pipelining. This is required for to load/compute/store functions to execute in a parallel and pipelined manner.
The kernel operates on vectors of NUM_WORDS integers modeled using the hls::vector data type. This datatype provides intuitive support for parallelism and fits well the vector-add computation. The vector length is set to NUM_WORDS since NUM_WORDS integers amount to a total of 64 bytes, which is the maximum size of a kernel port. It is a good practice to match the compute bandwidth to the I/O bandwidth. Here the kernel loads, computes and stores NUM_WORDS integer values per clock cycle and is implemented as below:
Hello world sources: host.cpp and vadd.cpp.
Create an AWS account [Currently EC2 t2.micro is free tier]
Prepare SSH keys to access the Amazon EC2 instances
(01) Open the EC2 Management Console
(02) In the left pane, selectKey Pairs
from theNetwork & Security
(03) Choose theCreate key pair
(04) Name your key pair and chooseCreate key pair
(05) Generate pem file with RSA type
(06) The downloaded pem file can be reused for each time staring an EC2 instance -
Create S3 credential
(01) Open the EC2 Management Console
(02) Click on yourName
on the right top bar
(03) SelectSecurity credentials
(04) ClickUsers
from theAccess management
(05) ChooseCreate user
(06) Add anusername
(07) SelectAttach policies directly
(08) Search and selectAmazonS3FullAccess
permissions policies
(09) ClickCreate user
(10) Click your createdusername
inUsers info page
(11) ChooseCreate access key
and selectCommand Line Interface (CLI)
, thenConfirm
(12) Click and download csv file -
Test transferring data between EC2 and S3
(01) Open the S3 Management Console
(02) ClickCreate bucket
and nametest-ec2-s3storage
with default settings
(03) Subscribe a FPGA Developer AMI v1.12.2 andContinue to Configuration
(04) ClickContinue to Launch
(05) SelectLaunch through EC2
fromChoose Action
, then clickLaunch
(06) Give aName
(07) Selectt2.micro
from Instance type
(08) SelectKey pair
which was generated before (a pem file)
(09)Create security group
orSelect existing security group
(if created before)
(10) ClickLaunch instance
(11) Open the EC2 Instances
(12) Get running EC2 instance IP fromPublic IPv4
(13) SSH connection to EC2 IP with pem file and usernamecentos
, here is a MobaXterm example(14) Configure EC2 and S3 connection (fill access key in downloaded csv file and your region)
$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIA4***********MHKE AWS Secret Access Key [None]: hnu++***************************fO7tLW7o Default region name [None]: us-east-1 Default output format [None]:
(15) Test transferring data between EC2 and S3
$ echo 'test ec2 to s3c' > test-ec2-s3storage.txt $ aws s3 cp test-ec2-s3storage.txt s3://test-ec2-s3storage/test-ec2-s3storage.txt upload: ./test-ec2-s3storage.txt to s3://test-ec2-s3storage/test-ec2-s3storage.txt
Request access to Amazon EC2 F1 instances
(01) Open the Service quota increase form
(02) Submit a Service limit increase for EC2 Instances
(03) Select the region where you want to access F1 instances: US East (N.Virginia), US West (Oregon) or EU (Ireland)
(04) Select the instance type, eitherf1.2xlarge
(05) Set the new limit value to 1 or more
(06) Fill the rest of the form as appropriate and click Submit -
Reference offical document
Quick Start Guide to Accelerating your C/C++ application on an AWS F1 FPGA Instance with Vitis
(01) Run FPGA Developer AMI v1.12.2 and use a performance recommended z1d.2xlarge
instance type
(02) SSH connection to the running EC2 z1d.2xlarge
instance, your own EC2 IP can be found in EC2 Instances
(03) Clone this github repository and source the script
- AWS Vitis Platform that contains the dynamic hardware that enables Vitis kernels to run on AWS F1 instances
- Valid platforms for shell_v04261818: AWS_PLATFORM_201920_3 (Default) AWS F1 Vitis platform
- Sets up the Xilinx Vitis example submodules
- Installs the required libraries and package dependencies
- Run environment checks to verify supported tool/lib versions
$ git clone $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR
$ source
(04) Software (SW) Emulation
For CPU-based (SW) emulation, both the host code and the FPGA binary code are compiled to run on an x86 processor. SW Emulation enables developers to iterate and refine
the algorithms through fast compilation. The iteration time is similar to software compile and run cycles on a CPU.
The instructions below describe how to run the Vitis SW Emulation flow using the Makefile provided with a simple "hello world" example
$ cd $VITIS_DIR/examples/xilinx/hello_world
$ make clean
$ make run TARGET=sw_emu DEVICE=$AWS_PLATFORM all
(05) Hardware (HW) Emulation The Vitis hardware emulation flow enables the developer to check the correctness of the logic generated for the FPGA binary. This emulation flow invokes the hardware simulator in the Vitis environment to test the functionality of the code that will be executed on the FPGA Custom Logic. The instructions below describe how to run the HW Emulation flow using the Makefile provided with a simple "hello world" example:
$ cd $VITIS_DIR/examples/xilinx/hello_world
$ make clean
$ make run TARGET=hw_emu DEVICE=$AWS_PLATFORM all
(06) Generate Hardware (HW) FPGA Binary The Vitis system build flow enables the developer to build their host application as well as their Xilinx FPGA Binary. The instructions below describe how to build the Xilinx FPGA Binary and host application using the Makefile provided with a simple "hello world" example:
$ cd $VITIS_DIR/examples/xilinx/hello_world
$ make clean
The script is provided to facilitate AFI (Amazon FPGA Image) creation from a xclbin (Xilinx FPGA Binary)
- Takes in your Xilinx FPGA Binary *.xclbin file
- Calls aws ec2 create_fpga_image to generate an AFI under the hood
- Generates a _afi_id.txt which contains the identifiers for your AFI
- Creates an AWS FPGA Binary file with an *.awsxclbin extension that is composed of: Metadata and AGFI-ID
Before running, you need to
- Confirm vadd.xclbin was generated
- Create s3 bucket and folders for writing
- Configure s3 access from ec2
Example on S3 Management Console
(01) AWS configuration
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIA4***********MHKE
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: hnu++***************************fO7tLW7o
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:
(02) Run and generate awsxclbin
$ $VITIS_DIR/tools/ \
> -xclbin=/home/centos/src/project_data/aws-fpga/Vitis/examples/xilinx_2021.2/hello_world/build_dir.hw.xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1_shell-v04261818_201920_3/vadd.xclbin \
> -o=/home/centos/vadd -s3_bucket=f1-s3 -s3_dcp_key=aws_xclbin -s3_logs_key=log
(03) Get AFI ID
The *_afi_id.txt file generated by the AGFI ID is a global ID that is used to refer to an AFI from within an F1 instance.
$ cat 23_11_23-034100_afi_id.txt
"FpgaImageId": "afi-001d35de56eed82fd",
"FpgaImageGlobalId": "agfi-0d56be399f577f45c"
(04) Wait until directory afi-001d35de56eed82fd and its logs are written to s3
(05) Download State file in directory afi-001d35de56eed82fd and check written State is available
"State": {
"Code": "available"
(06) Copy ~/vadd.awsxclbin
and /home/centos/src/project_data/aws-fpga/Vitis/examples/xilinx_2021.2/hello_world/hello_world
to local or s3
(07) Terminate running z1d.2xlarge
instance in EC2 Instances
(08) Run FPGA Developer AMI v1.12.2 and use a f1.2xlarge
instance type
(09) Copy saved vadd.awsxclbin and hello_world to running f1.2xlarge
(10) To setup tools and runtime environment
$ git clone $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR
$ source # Other runtime env settings needed by the host app should be setup after this step
# Wait till the MPD service has initialized. Check systemctl status mpd
(11) Execute your Host Application
$ chmod +x ./hello_world
$ ./hello_world ./vadd.awsxclbin
Found Platform
Platform Name: Xilinx
INFO: Reading ./vadd.awsxclbin
Loading: './vadd.awsxclbin'
Trying to program device[0]: xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1_shell-v04261818_201920_3
Device[0]: program successful!