- add support for indicator animation (huge thanks to @yakup2525)
- add support for triangle indicator customization (huge thanks to @Alghost)
- fix NaN and infinite value handling in FortuneWheel (huge thanks to @azaderdogan)
- add support for haptic feedback when an item border passes (huge thanks to @YatsenkoDev)
- use the new
- use the new
- add support for getting notified, when an items border passes
- use the new
- use the new
- update all references to
to use the corresponding values fromColorScheme
- update to support Dart 3
- change references from
- change references from
- new parameter
on theFortuneWheel
- this allows for rotating the wheel to adjust for indicator positions
- touch panning is now disabled when a FortuneWidget is animating
- add gesture detection to FortuneItems
- improve wheel performance by reducing the number of calculations and transformations
- bump flutter_hooks dependency to v0.17.0
- fix horizontal wheel alignment for RTL locales
- Breaking Change: FortuneWidgets now accept Stream instead of int to select items
- this change enables the same item to be selected multiple times in a row and also triggering the animation
- fix FortuneBar centering when there are only two items
fix wheel positioning for right-to-left locales
improve documentation for pan physics
provide support for null-safety
improve documentation for pan physics
fix pub.dev scoring by downgrading flutter_hooks dependency...
fix pub.dev scoring by downgrading quiver dependency
docs: add docs for pan behavior
feat: implement drag behavior for FortuneBar
feat: implement drag behavior for FortuneWheel
feat: add styling strategies for individual items
docs: add basic dartdoc and README documentation
feat: add alternative FortuneBar widget
feat: adjust default roll duration to 2 seconds and increase bezier easing
feat: adjust default roll duration to 2 seconds and increase bezier easing feat: make triangle indicator square feat: make wheel theme-aware by adjusting text and wheel colors to theme colors
feat: remove opacity from default circle slice colors fix: fire onAnimationEnd when onAnimationStart is not provided and vice versa
fix bug, which prevented animation end callbacks to be called on web
only animate when the selected value changes
add animation types and start/end callbacks
add option to spin wheel on initialization
add example app
initial draft of the fortune wheel