diff --git a/data/datadeps_demo/df.graphml b/data/datadeps_demo/df.graphml
index 5cdc0af..4a00968 100644
--- a/data/datadeps_demo/df.graphml
+++ b/data/datadeps_demo/df.graphml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
@@ -96,4 +97,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/sequencer_demo/another_test_graph.graphml b/data/sequencer_demo/another_test_graph.graphml
index ace28b3..da01d58 100644
--- a/data/sequencer_demo/another_test_graph.graphml
+++ b/data/sequencer_demo/another_test_graph.graphml
@@ -1,88 +1,106 @@
- MicroProducer
- ProducerA
- Algorithm
+ MicroProducer
+ ProducerA
+ Algorithm
+ 9.3027e-05
- A
- DataObject
+ A
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
- MicroTransformer
- TransformerB
- Algorithm
+ MicroTransformer
+ TransformerB
+ Algorithm
+ 4.2463e-05
- C
- DataObject
+ C
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
- MicroTransformer
- TransformerD
- Algorithm
+ MicroTransformer
+ TransformerD
+ Algorithm
+ 8.241000000000001e-06
- E
- DataObject
+ E
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
- MicroTransformer
- TransformerF
- Algorithm
+ MicroTransformer
+ TransformerF
+ Algorithm
+ 7.264e-06
- G
- DataObject
+ G
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
- MicroTransformer
- TransformerH
- Algorithm
+ MicroTransformer
+ TransformerH
+ Algorithm
+ 6.705e-06
- I
- DataObject
+ I
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
- MicroTransformer
- TransformerJ
- Algorithm
+ MicroTransformer
+ TransformerJ
+ Algorithm
+ 8.59e-06
- K
- DataObject
+ K
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
- MicroTransformer
- TransformerL
- Algorithm
+ MicroTransformer
+ TransformerL
+ Algorithm
+ 8.94e-06
- M
- DataObject
+ M
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
- MicroTransformer
- TransformerN
- Algorithm
+ MicroTransformer
+ TransformerN
+ Algorithm
+ 8.94e-06
- O
- DataObject
+ O
+ DataObject
+ 8.0
diff --git a/data/sequencer_demo/df_sequencer_demo.graphml b/data/sequencer_demo/df_sequencer_demo.graphml
index f0d499f..b304f1f 100644
--- a/data/sequencer_demo/df_sequencer_demo.graphml
+++ b/data/sequencer_demo/df_sequencer_demo.graphml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/examples/schedule.jl b/examples/schedule.jl
index 792d2f0..4534dde 100644
--- a/examples/schedule.jl
+++ b/examples/schedule.jl
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ function execution(graphs_map)
results = []
for (g_name, g) in graphs
g_map = Dict{Int, Any}()
- for vertex_id in Graphs.vertices(g)
+ data_vertices = MetaGraphs.filter_vertices(g, :type, "DataObject")
+ for vertex_id in data_vertices
future = get_prop(g, vertex_id, :res_data)
g_map[vertex_id] = fetch(future)
@@ -64,10 +65,6 @@ end
function main(graphs_map)
- #
- # OR
- #
- # configure_webdash_multievent()
@time execution(graphs_map)
diff --git a/src/scheduling.jl b/src/scheduling.jl
index d006bdd..7f71027 100644
--- a/src/scheduling.jl
+++ b/src/scheduling.jl
@@ -3,16 +3,22 @@ using Distributed
using MetaGraphs
# Algorithms
-function mock_Gaudi_algorithm(graph_name, graph_id, vertex_id, data...)
- println("Graph: $graph_name, Gaudi algorithm for vertex $vertex_id !")
- sleep(1)
- return vertex_id
+struct MockupAlgorithm
+ name::String
+ runtime::Float64
+ input_length::UInt
+ MockupAlgorithm(graph::MetaDiGraph, vertex_id::Int) = begin
+ runtime = get_prop(graph, vertex_id, :runtime_average_s)
+ name = get_prop(graph, vertex_id, :node_id)
+ inputs = length(inneighbors(graph, vertex_id))
+ new(name, runtime, inputs)
+ end
-function dataobject_algorithm(graph_name, graph_id, vertex_id, data...)
- println("Graph: $graph_name, Dataobject algorithm for vertex $vertex_id !")
- sleep(0.1)
- return vertex_id
+function (alg::MockupAlgorithm)(args...)
+ println("Executing $(alg.name)")
+ return alg.name
function notify_graph_finalization(notifications::RemoteChannel, graph_name::String, graph_id::Int, final_vertices_promises...)
@@ -28,7 +34,7 @@ function parse_graphs(graphs_map::Dict, output_graph_path::String, output_graph_
parsed_graph_dot = timestamp_string("$output_graph_path$graph_name") * ".dot"
parsed_graph_image = timestamp_string("$output_graph_image_path$graph_name") * ".png"
G = parse_graphml([graph_path])
open(parsed_graph_dot, "w") do f
MetaGraphs.savedot(f, G)
@@ -38,92 +44,46 @@ function parse_graphs(graphs_map::Dict, output_graph_path::String, output_graph_
return graphs
-# Function to get the map of incoming edges to a vertex (i.e. the sources of the incoming edges)
-function get_ine_map(G)
- incoming_edges_sources_map = Dict{eltype(G), Vector{eltype(G)}}()
- for edge in Graphs.edges(G)
- src_vertex = src(edge)
- dest_vertex = dst(edge)
- if haskey(incoming_edges_sources_map, dest_vertex)
- push!(incoming_edges_sources_map[dest_vertex], src_vertex)
- else
- incoming_edges_sources_map[dest_vertex] = [src_vertex]
- end
- end
- return incoming_edges_sources_map
-# Function to get the map of outgoing edges from a vertex (i.e. the destinations of the outgoing edges)
-function get_oute_map(G)
- outgoing_edges_destinations_map = Dict{eltype(G), Vector{eltype(G)}}()
- for edge in Graphs.edges(G)
- src_vertex = src(edge)
- dest_vertex = dst(edge)
- if haskey(outgoing_edges_destinations_map, src_vertex)
- push!(outgoing_edges_destinations_map[src_vertex], dest_vertex)
- else
- outgoing_edges_destinations_map[src_vertex] = [dest_vertex]
- end
- end
- return outgoing_edges_destinations_map
-function get_vertices_promises(vertices::Vector, G::MetaDiGraph)
- promises = []
- for vertex in vertices
- push!(promises, get_prop(G, vertex, :res_data))
- end
- return promises
+function get_promises(graph::MetaDiGraph, vertices::Vector)
+ return [get_prop(graph, v, :res_data) for v in vertices]
-function get_deps_promises(vertex_id, map, G)
- incoming_data = []
- if haskey(map, vertex_id)
- for src in map[vertex_id]
- push!(incoming_data, get_prop(G, src, :res_data))
- end
- end
- return incoming_data
+function is_terminating_alg(graph::AbstractGraph, vertex_id::Int)
+ successor_dataobjects = outneighbors(graph, vertex_id)
+ is_terminating(vertex) = isempty(outneighbors(graph, vertex))
+ all(is_terminating, successor_dataobjects)
-function schedule_graph(G::MetaDiGraph)
- inc_e_src_map = get_ine_map(G)
- for vertex_id in MetaGraphs.topological_sort(G)
- incoming_data = get_deps_promises(vertex_id, inc_e_src_map, G)
- set_prop!(G, vertex_id, :res_data, Dagger.@spawn AVAILABLE_TRANSFORMS[get_prop(G, vertex_id, :type)](name, graph_id, vertex_id, incoming_data...))
- end
+function schedule_algorithm(graph::MetaDiGraph, vertex_id::Int)
+ incoming_data = get_promises(graph, inneighbors(graph, vertex_id))
+ algorithm = MockupAlgorithm(graph, vertex_id)
+ Dagger.@spawn algorithm(incoming_data...)
-function schedule_graph_with_notify(G::MetaDiGraph, notifications::RemoteChannel, graph_name::String, graph_id::Int)
- final_vertices = []
- inc_e_src_map = get_ine_map(G)
+function schedule_graph(graph::MetaDiGraph)
+ alg_vertices = MetaGraphs.filter_vertices(graph, :type, "Algorithm")
+ sorted_vertices = MetaGraphs.topological_sort(graph)
- for vertex_id in MetaGraphs.topological_sort(G)
- incoming_data = get_deps_promises(vertex_id, inc_e_src_map, G)
- set_prop!(G, vertex_id, :res_data, Dagger.@spawn AVAILABLE_TRANSFORMS[get_prop(G, vertex_id, :type)](graph_name, graph_id, vertex_id, incoming_data...))
- end
+ terminating_results = []
- out_e_src_map = get_oute_map(G)
- for vertex_id in MetaGraphs.vertices(G)
- if !haskey(out_e_src_map, vertex_id)
- out_e_src_map[vertex_id] = []
+ for vertex_id in intersect(sorted_vertices, alg_vertices)
+ res = schedule_algorithm(graph, vertex_id)
+ set_prop!(graph, vertex_id, :res_data, res)
+ for v in outneighbors(graph, vertex_id)
+ set_prop!(graph, v, :res_data, res)
- end
- for vertex_id in keys(out_e_src_map)
- if out_e_src_map[vertex_id] == [] # TODO: a native method to check for emptiness should exist
- push!(final_vertices, vertex_id)
- end
+ is_terminating_alg(graph, vertex_id) && push!(terminating_results, res)
- Dagger.@spawn notify_graph_finalization(notifications, graph_name, graph_id, get_vertices_promises(final_vertices, G)...)
+ return terminating_results
-AVAILABLE_TRANSFORMS = Dict{String, Function}("Algorithm" => mock_Gaudi_algorithm, "DataObject" => dataobject_algorithm)
+function schedule_graph_with_notify(graph::MetaDiGraph,
+ notifications::RemoteChannel,
+ graph_name::String,
+ graph_id::Int)
+ terminating_results = schedule_graph(graph)
+ Dagger.@spawn notify_graph_finalization(notifications, graph_name, graph_id, terminating_results...)