diff --git a/examples/schedule.jl b/examples/schedule.jl
index 488e12b..6fc1f53 100644
--- a/examples/schedule.jl
+++ b/examples/schedule.jl
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ function execution(graphs_map)
     graphs = FrameworkDemo.parse_graphs(graphs_map, OUTPUT_GRAPH_PATH, OUTPUT_GRAPH_IMAGE_PATH)
     notifications = RemoteChannel(()->Channel{Int}(32))
     # notifications = Channel{Int}(32)
+    coefficients = Dagger.@shard FrameworkDemo.calculate_coefficients()
     for (i, (g_name, g)) in enumerate(graphs)
         graphs_dict[i] = g_name
         while !(length(graphs_being_run) < MAX_GRAPHS_RUN)
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ function execution(graphs_map)
             delete!(graphs_tasks, i)
             println("Dispatcher: graph finished - $finished_graph_id: $(graphs_dict[finished_graph_id])")
-        graphs_tasks[i] = FrameworkDemo.schedule_graph_with_notify(g, notifications, g_name, i)
+        graphs_tasks[i] = FrameworkDemo.schedule_graph_with_notify(g, notifications, g_name, i, coefficients)
         push!(graphs_being_run, i)
         println("Dispatcher: scheduled graph $i: $g_name")
diff --git a/src/FrameworkDemo.jl b/src/FrameworkDemo.jl
index ee3e414..e2620e9 100644
--- a/src/FrameworkDemo.jl
+++ b/src/FrameworkDemo.jl
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ include("logging.jl")
 # to be removed 
-end # FrameworkDemo
\ No newline at end of file
+end # FrameworkDemo
diff --git a/src/cpu_crunching.jl b/src/cpu_crunching.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78bf83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu_crunching.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# meant to be consistently inefficient for crunching purposes.
+# just returns the largest prime less than `n_max`
+function find_primes(n_max::Int)
+    primes = [2]
+    for n in 3:n_max
+        isPrime = true
+        for y in 2:n÷2
+            if n % y == 0
+                isPrime = false
+                break
+            end
+        end
+        if isPrime
+            push!(primes, n)
+        end
+    end
+    return primes[end]
+function benchmark_prime(n::Int)
+    t0 = time()
+    find_primes(n)
+    Δt = time() - t0
+    return Δt
+function calculate_coefficients()
+    n_max = [1000,200_000]
+    t_average = benchmark_prime.(n_max)
+    return inv([n_max[i]^j for i in 1:2, j in 1:2]) * t_average
+function crunch_for_seconds(t::Float64, coefficients::Vector{Float64})
+    (b,a) = coefficients
+    n = ceil(Int, (-b + sqrt(abs(b^2 + 4a * t))) / 2a)
+    find_primes(n)
diff --git a/src/scheduling.jl b/src/scheduling.jl
index f9e1285..ad24a41 100644
--- a/src/scheduling.jl
+++ b/src/scheduling.jl
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ end
 alg_default_runtime_s::Float64 = 0
-function (alg::MockupAlgorithm)(args...)
+function (alg::MockupAlgorithm)(args...; coefficients::Vector{Float64})
     println("Executing $(alg.name)")
+    crunch_for_seconds(alg.runtime, coefficients)
     return alg.name
@@ -61,20 +62,20 @@ function is_terminating_alg(graph::AbstractGraph, vertex_id::Int)
     all(is_terminating, successor_dataobjects)
-function schedule_algorithm(graph::MetaDiGraph, vertex_id::Int)
+function schedule_algorithm(graph::MetaDiGraph, vertex_id::Int, coefficients::Dagger.Shard)
     incoming_data = get_promises(graph, inneighbors(graph, vertex_id))
     algorithm = MockupAlgorithm(graph, vertex_id)
-    Dagger.@spawn algorithm(incoming_data...)
+    Dagger.@spawn algorithm(incoming_data...; coefficients)
-function schedule_graph(graph::MetaDiGraph)
+function schedule_graph(graph::MetaDiGraph, coefficients::Dagger.Shard)
     alg_vertices = MetaGraphs.filter_vertices(graph, :type, "Algorithm")
     sorted_vertices = MetaGraphs.topological_sort(graph)
     terminating_results = []
     for vertex_id in intersect(sorted_vertices, alg_vertices)
-        res = schedule_algorithm(graph, vertex_id)
+        res = schedule_algorithm(graph, vertex_id, coefficients)
         set_prop!(graph, vertex_id, :res_data, res)
         for v in outneighbors(graph, vertex_id)
             set_prop!(graph, v, :res_data, res)
@@ -87,10 +88,11 @@ function schedule_graph(graph::MetaDiGraph)
 function schedule_graph_with_notify(graph::MetaDiGraph,
-    notifications::RemoteChannel,
-    graph_name::String,
-    graph_id::Int)
-    terminating_results = schedule_graph(graph)
+        notifications::RemoteChannel,
+        graph_name::String,
+        graph_id::Int,
+        coefficients::Dagger.Shard)
+    terminating_results = schedule_graph(graph, coefficients)
     Dagger.@spawn notify_graph_finalization(notifications, graph_name, graph_id, terminating_results...)
diff --git a/test/scheduling.jl b/test/scheduling.jl
index 63d3c46..ecd65e4 100644
--- a/test/scheduling.jl
+++ b/test/scheduling.jl
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ end
     ilength(x) = sum(_ -> 1, x) # no standard length for MetaGraphs.filter_vertices iterator
     algorithms_count = ilength(MetaGraphs.filter_vertices(graph, :type, "Algorithm"))
     set_indexing_prop!(graph, :node_id)
+    coefficients = Dagger.@shard FrameworkDemo.calculate_coefficients()
     Dagger.enable_logging!(tasknames=true, taskdeps=true)
     _ = Dagger.fetch_logs!() # flush logs
-    tasks = FrameworkDemo.schedule_graph(graph)
+    tasks = FrameworkDemo.schedule_graph(graph, coefficients)
     logs = Dagger.fetch_logs!()