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fix(ios): reworked initialization of keyboardSize
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first check UserDefaults for saved values
if no saved values, determine default keyboard heights
write default keyboard heights to UserDefaults
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sgschantz committed Dec 7, 2024
1 parent 51d568a commit 026edfe
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Expand Up @@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ private class CustomInputView: UIInputView, UIInputViewAudioFeedback {
let innerView = keymanWeb.view!

// Cannot be met by the in-app keyboard, but helps to 'force' height for the system keyboard.
let portraitHeightConstraint = innerView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: bannerHeight + keymanWeb.constraintTargetHeight(isPortrait: true))
let portraitHeightConstraint = innerView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: bannerHeight + keymanWeb.readKeyboardHeight(isPortrait: true)!)
portraitHeightConstraint.identifier = "Height constraint for portrait mode"
portraitHeightConstraint.priority = .defaultHigh

let landscapeHeightConstraint = innerView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: bannerHeight + keymanWeb.constraintTargetHeight(isPortrait: false))
let landscapeHeightConstraint = innerView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: bannerHeight + keymanWeb.readKeyboardHeight(isPortrait: false)!)
landscapeHeightConstraint.identifier = "Height constraint for landscape mode"
landscapeHeightConstraint.priority = .defaultHigh

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -696,69 +696,93 @@ extension KeymanWebViewController: KeymanWebDelegate {
// MARK: - Manage views
extension KeymanWebViewController {
// MARK: - Sizing
// public var keyboardHeight: CGFloat {
// return keyboardSize.height
// }

@objc func menuKeyHeld(_ keymanWeb: KeymanWebViewController) {

func constraintTargetHeight(isPortrait: Bool) -> CGFloat {
os_log("constraintTargetHeight", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info)
var keyboardHeight = 0.0

let defaultHeight = KeyboardScaleMap.getDeviceDefaultKeyboardScale(forPortrait: isPortrait)?.keyboardHeight ?? 216 // default for ancient devices

if (isPortrait) {
if ( Key.portraitKeyboardHeight) != nil) {
keyboardHeight =
let message = "constraintTargetHeight, from UserDefaults loaded portrait value \(keyboardHeight)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, message)
} else {
let message = "constraintTargetHeight, portraitHeight not found in UserDefaults, using default value \(defaultHeight)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, message)
keyboardHeight = defaultHeight
} else { // landscape
if ( Key.landscapeKeyboardHeight) != nil) {
keyboardHeight =
let message = "constraintTargetHeight, from UserDefaults loaded landscape value \(keyboardHeight)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, message)
} else {
let message = "constraintTargetHeight, landscapeHeight not found in UserDefaults, using default value \(defaultHeight)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, message)
keyboardHeight = defaultHeight
let keyboardHeight = KeyboardScaleMap.getDeviceDefaultKeyboardScale(forPortrait: isPortrait)?.keyboardHeight ?? 216 // default for ancient devices

return keyboardHeight;

// var keyboardWidth: CGFloat {
// return keyboardSize.width
// }

func initKeyboardSize() {
var width: CGFloat
var height: CGFloat
let width: CGFloat
width = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
var height: CGFloat

os_log("initKeyboardSize()", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info)

if Util.isSystemKeyboard {
height = constraintTargetHeight(isPortrait: InputViewController.isPortrait)
let message = "initKeyboardSize(), for system keyboard, height: \(height)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, message)
} else {
height = constraintTargetHeight(isPortrait: UIDevice.current.orientation.isPortrait)
let message = "initKeyboardSize(), for in-app keyboard, height: \(height)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, message)
// get orientation for system or in-app
let portrait = Util.isSystemKeyboard ? InputViewController.isPortrait : UIDevice.current.orientation.isPortrait

// if keyboard height has been saved, then use it
if let savedHeight = self.readKeyboardHeight(isPortrait: portrait) {
height = savedHeight
} else { // find default keyboard height
height = self.constraintTargetHeight(isPortrait: portrait)

* The keyboard height is not yet saved to UserDefaults, so save the default values for this orientation
self.writeKeyboardHeightIfDoesNotExist(isPortrait: portrait, height: height)

* If we have not saved a keyboard height for one orientation yet, then we do not
* expect that the other has been saved yet either. Do so now if necessary.
height = self.constraintTargetHeight(isPortrait: !portrait)
self.writeKeyboardHeightIfDoesNotExist(isPortrait: !portrait, height: height)

* no need to check for Util.isSystemKeyboard because this is shared storage
* the UserDefaults are readable and writeable by both system and in-app

keyboardSize = CGSize(width: width, height: height)
self.keyboardSize = CGSize(width: width, height: height)
os_log("KeymanWebViewController initKeyboardSize %{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .default, NSCoder.string(for:keyboardSize))

* reads and returns keyboard height if it is found in UserDefaults, otherwise returns nil
func readKeyboardHeight(isPortrait: Bool) -> CGFloat? {
var height: CGFloat? = nil

if (isPortrait) {
if ( Key.portraitKeyboardHeight) != nil) {
height =
} else { // landscape
if ( Key.landscapeKeyboardHeight) != nil) {
height =

let message = "readKeyboardHeight, for isPortrait \(isPortrait) value \(String(describing: height))"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, message)

return height;

func writeKeyboardHeightIfDoesNotExist(isPortrait: Bool, height: CGFloat) {
let writeMessage = "writeKeyboardHeight, isPortrait: \(isPortrait) height: \(height)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.ui, type: .info, writeMessage)
if (isPortrait) {
if ( Key.portraitKeyboardHeight) != nil) { = height
} else {
if ( Key.landscapeKeyboardHeight) != nil) { = height

var keyboardSize: CGSize {
get {
if kbSize.equalTo( {
Expand All @@ -784,17 +808,6 @@ extension KeymanWebViewController {

@objc func resizeDelay() {
// + 1000 to work around iOS bug with resizing on landscape orientation. Technically we only
// need this for landscape but it doesn't hurt to do it with both. 1000 is a big number that
// should hopefully work on all devices.
let kbWidth = keyboardWidth
let kbHeight = keyboardHeight
view.frame = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: kbWidth, height: kbHeight + 1000)

// Keyman interaction
func resizeKeyboard() {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -460,9 +460,8 @@ open class SettingsViewController: UITableViewController {
let message = "selected Adjust Keyboard Height, previousPortraitKeyboardHeight: \(previousPortraitKeyboardHeight), previousLandscapeKeyboardHeight: \(previousLandscapeKeyboardHeight)"
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.settings, type: .default, message)

//nc.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
nc.present(vc, animated: true)
setIsDoneButtonEnabled(nc, true)
nc.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
setIsDoneButtonEnabled(nc, true)
} else {
let message = ("No navigation controller for showing keyboard height view")
os_log("%{public}s", log:KeymanEngineLogger.settings, type: .error, message)
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