- Apollo 2.0 Software Architecture
- Apollo 3.0 Software Architecture
- Apollo 3.5 Software Architecture
- Class Architecture Planning
- Control Calibration
Apollo 3.0 Hardware Development Platform provides 2 types of evaluation for our supported hardware devices - Apollo Platform Supported devices and Apollo Hardware Development Platform Supported devices. In order to view each device's support type, please look under the Disclaimer
section in each device's insallation guide. We highly recommend that you read through our Disclaimer to understand each device type, before reading through our Hardware platform installation documents.
- Apollo Sensor Unit
- Camera
- Radar
- Navigation
- Software system and Kernel Installation
- Software system and Kernel Installation
- Perception Apollo 3.0
- Guideline Sensor Installation Apollo 3.0
- Perception Apollo 2.5
- Guideline Sensor Installation Apollo 2.5
- LiDAR Calibration.pdf
- LiDAR - IMU Calibration Guide
- Open Space Planner
- 3d obstacle perception
- QP spline path optimizer
- QP spline st speed optimizer
- Reference line smoother
- Traffic Light