This is a bulk sms messaging application concept built with Nextjs and harperdb as database provider. The application features a contact manager, which gives users ability to manage their contacts and organize them in groups.
- React context API and custom hooks were used for managing state in the application.
- Tailwind css as css frame work, heroicons for icons and headlessui for generic components such as accordion and switch.
- Harper BD for database provider and its API to manage REST APIs requests.
- Social logins
- Abilty to manage contact list
- Cron jobs for scehduling messages
- Possibility of also sending emails
- SMS service provider to be added
- Free credits to new users to test out product's features
After cloning the repo to your local machine, install dependices by running:
npm install
# or
yarn install
Development server can be launched by:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.